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Pre-Show Stalwart
Whats everyones opinion of Robert Roode? is TNA doing everything they should with him? I always thought he was the future ot TNA second to Joe. To me he is like a Million Dollar man/ Mr Perfect combo. That one I could see WWE stealing away and pushing well if he ever could go there. Thoughts?
Whats everyones opinion of Robert Roode? is TNA doing everything they should with him? I always thought he was the future ot TNA second to Joe. To me he is like a Million Dollar man/ Mr Perfect combo. That one I could see WWE stealing away and pushing well if he ever could go there. Thoughts?

He is a great talent. But to be honest I can't see WWE pushing a TNA star over their current talent. He would more than likely end up buried by HHH or Cena as WWE has no clue how to really push a talent anymore. They had a great chance with the Miz and look what happened...
I think sooner or later WWE will swearve and put over an ex TNA guy and credit it to their creative, and to make it look like TNA let someone get past them. Kinda like the whole WCW Steve Austin thing. Never to that caliber but nonetheless
He is a great talent. But to be honest I can't see WWE pushing a TNA star over their current talent. He would more than likely end up buried by HHH or Cena as WWE has no clue how to really push a talent anymore. They had a great chance with the Miz and look what happened...

The difference is, Miz isn't capable of being a main event talent, but Robert Roode could be. I could see Vince pushing Roode, but he would have to spend a couple years in the midcard before they gave him a serious push. Even if he was TNA's champ and Vince brought him in, Vince would still punish him for time in TNA like he is doing with Christian and Gail Kim. Robert Roode probably would be able to avoid the Braden Walker treatment though
i can see roode being a fast new comer in the wwe. tna isnt relly giving him the main event boost he deserves
Bobby Roode has a cool history. He was brought up and trained in the Arn Anderson mold as an enforcer from Canada only he was much more athletic. He evolved into a guy who mixes the aggression of an enforcer, and the skill of a young Curt Hennig.

I believe that Robert Roode will travel the road of Edge however. I believe that he will stay in the Tag Team ranks for a while longer as he and James Storm have already proven themselves to be the best Tag Team in the business just as many believed of Edge and Christian a while back before going back to the singles ranks.

I don't believe Roode is in the league of Kurt Angle yet but when the guys like Sting, Steiner, and Foley, hang them up I am very excited about feuds with Roode and guys like AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Jeff Jarrett, and Samoa Joe.

As far as the WWE goes they wouldn't push Roode. They didn't create him they won't push him. Roode along with AJ Styles is the future of TNA and they would be fools to let him go anyway. I don't think Jeff Jarrett or Dixie Carter are fools.
I think Roode is def. main event material. But Vince will take him to get crushed just to prove to TNA that they are not competition and their stars dont mean anything. I would like to see him in Smackdown!
If I'm not mistaken, WWE have already expressed interest in Roode when his last contract was expiring and he elected to resign with TNA. I like him, he is definitely a future star right now, but I don't have a problem with the way they are handling him at the moment. I will say they need to speed up his progression though.
I'm glad someone started a thread about Robert Roode because I have been wanting to talk about him for a while. In my opinion, he is THE MAN that WWE should try to steal from TNA. Not AJ, not Joe, but Robert Roode. He has that "look" and it's a look of superstar potential and confidence. He's terrific on the mic and even better in the ring. TNA had better have some long term plans for him or he'll jump ship to WWE and he'll succeed. In a few years, his talent may be too big for TNA to handle, anyway, but they can at least try to have something in place for him in the future which definitely needs to include a World title run. I do like him alot with James Storm as a tag-team wrestler but he's also very good in single. Reminds me a lot of Edge except his moves are a bit more polished. I think if he does move to WWE, he will not be buried. He seems to me to be the kind of guy who is pretty savvy and will not be bullied into being a mid-card jobber. He should climb up the ranks pretty quickly. In the meantime, he can continue his tag-team success with James Storm who together make as good a team as there is in the business today. Then we will see where his potential will take him but I think the sky's the limit.
I think Roode is awesome, he's great in the ring and pretty good on the mic I like his rich dude gimmick it reminds me of Ted Dibiase Sr. as well and I think his finisher the payoff which is basically Curt Hennigs Perfect Plex is awesome too and it also reminds me of Mr. Perfect. But I don't think WWE will steal him? What will it really accomplish? WWE can't scout talent for shit! Why do you think Batista and Cena are constantly in the main event? (No offense to Batista and Cena fans.)
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