Ron Simmons AKA Farooq AKA Liar


Getting Noticed By Management
So I just read this :

On black wrestlers being given the opportunity to be world champion in WWE:

All the years I've worked with WWE, that opportunity is there for any man or woman for that matter. If you're willing to work and put in the dedication that it requires you will get that shot. That I have no problem with. I've worked with Vince (McMahon) for quite a while. I know him, I know all of his family members. So, that's not true. If opportunity presents itself and if there's someone they consider to be worthy black or white they will get the opportunity to put that belt on and I'm certain that it won't be long before that happens because you look up there you have quite a few black young men up there now that given a couple of more years under their belt will probably be wearing that belt really soon. So, no I have no problem with that. I think that's going to happen real soon.

So your saying that VKM, who is not racist and has never had an African America champion (again the rock is Samoan). But in Ron's words "IF you're willing to work" So you saying every African American is UNWILLING to work for it?

I guess someone is bidding for that legends contact upgrade to WWE house. Oh well Ron I once disliked you and then you cam around, back to the bullshit gutter for you.

You ( Ron Simmons) but in the work, Godfather aka Kama, Papa Shango,.....D-Lo Brown, Plenty have put in the work. So don't sell me that bull crap.
So you think Godfather and D Lo Brown should have been champion? What about The Red Rooster? He put in plenty of work too. I've never seen any evidence of Vince being racist. I guess you're in a better position to judge Vince McMahon rather than someone that's worked with him for many years. As for the Rock, he's half black and half Samoan. But let's just ignore that because only recognizing his Samoan heritage is better for your bullshit argument. By the way, Booker T was world champion.
So are you only counting the WWE title? Booker T had a world title reign in WWE but it was the world heavyweight title. Same problem with Bobby Lashley except ecw title. Sadly I can't think of very many other african american superstars who won world titles :S
The Rock is actually half black/half Samoan. So he's 100% a person of color and is non white. So a non white has held the WWE title.
Mark Henry had a good run as champion. I LOVED the Hall of Pain, and if it wasn't for injuries, it would have lasted longer. I think you're looking into this more than it really is. If Vince sees that you can draw $$$, you will be champion.
Mark Henry was World Heavyweight Champion and had TWO clean victories over Randy Orton. Booker T was World Heavyweight Champion for almost 6 months and had wins over Rey Mysterio, Batista, and Bobby Lashley (who at the time was Vince's chosen megastar of the future). As others have said, The Rock is half black and half Samoan, not a drop of white blood in him, and has had TEN World Championship reigns. You have no argument.
The Rock is actually half black/half Samoan. So he's 100% a person of color and is non white. So a non white has held the WWE title.

The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson is half-Samoan (on his mother's side, whose father was Chief Peter Maivia) and half-African American (being that his father was Rocky Johnson, one of the first black men to make an impact in professional wrestling).

I read about it in a chapter of the Rock's book, where he describes his heritage and is very proud of both his nationalities.

So, a half-African-American, and fully colored man has held the top prize six times.
So I just read this :

On black wrestlers being given the opportunity to be world champion in WWE:

All the years I've worked with WWE, that opportunity is there for any man or woman for that matter. If you're willing to work and put in the dedication that it requires you will get that shot. That I have no problem with. I've worked with Vince (McMahon) for quite a while. I know him, I know all of his family members. So, that's not true. If opportunity presents itself and if there's someone they consider to be worthy black or white they will get the opportunity to put that belt on and I'm certain that it won't be long before that happens because you look up there you have quite a few black young men up there now that given a couple of more years under their belt will probably be wearing that belt really soon. So, no I have no problem with that. I think that's going to happen real soon.

So your saying that VKM, who is not racist and has never had an African America champion (again the rock is Samoan). But in Ron's words "IF you're willing to work" So you saying every African American is UNWILLING to work for it?

I guess someone is bidding for that legends contact upgrade to WWE house. Oh well Ron I once disliked you and then you cam around, back to the bullshit gutter for you.

You ( Ron Simmons) but in the work, Godfather aka Kama, Papa Shango,.....D-Lo Brown, Plenty have put in the work. So don't sell me that bull crap.

rock = half black/half samoan = samoan

obama = half white/half black = black

wtf?? one of the endless double standards minorities get to flex. anyway d-lo, godfather, etc didnt deserve the whc. period. but yeah, we are supposed to take your word that vince is a racist vs someone who worked for him for years and was, you know, actually in the business. minorities always crying about something not being fair lol....
I disagree with the argument, but do believe there is a point to be made that WWE does love to book minorities as racial stereotypes. I actually don't believe Vince discriminates consciously against wrestlers due to their race, but the one-dimensional gimmicks they get saddled with (Cryme Tyme, Kofi, Shango/Godfather) don't get fans interested enough to build to any real push.

If you look at some of the more successful non-white champions (Eddie, Rey, Booker), they had characters and profile pre-WWE. I think it is just lazy, perhaps somewhat ignorant booking on creative that uses race as a crutch.

The big counter-examples I can think of are the Rock, Lashley and Shelton Benjamin. Ironically the latter two lacked any semblance of personality and couldn't do anything with an uninhibited character.
SO letter to the OP,by your logic i guess Red Rooster,Doink The Clown,Gilberg should have been champions because they all worked hard?? I guess your discounting the fact that The Rock is half black,but we will throw that little fact out the window! I guess you also forget that Booker T is a former champion and well as Mark Henry! I guess they dont count either
but the one-dimensional gimmicks they get saddled with (Cryme Tyme, Kofi, Shango/Godfather) don't get fans interested enough to build to any real push.

Crime Tyme came up with their own gimmick. I believe it was JTG's idea and Shad didn't want to do it at first. It might have been the other way around but I'm pretty sure it was JTG's idea. There was an interview a few years back where one of them talks about it.

Godfather's gimmick took a bland as hell wrestler in Kama and actually got people interested in him. Yeah it wasn't going to get him to the main event but he was already 37 by that point. Kind of late to start a main event push. Not impossible but with a good main event scene and some young guys coming up he would have had to battle to get to the top. At least he got a run with the Intercontinental title.

On topic

I'd take Ron Simmons word over some dude on the internet.
I'm not going to list all the people that have already been listed but people have shown that Vince will make champions out of minorities.

The whole Rock doesn't count because he's only half black and talks more about his Samoan heritage is bullshit.

Also I may have missed it earlier in the thread but Ahmed Johnson was poised to be a top guy but he got hurt.
Ron Simmons sounds like a true Uncle Tom in the article. I want to know who these African-American wrestlers are he deems poised to be a big deal in 2-3 years?

Sorry y'all but your argument to throw The Rock into this argument is laughable. I am African-American but my great great grandfather was white, does that make me half black and white? Lol

I don't even consider Obama black but bi-racial...well because he is.

As far as I'm concerned Booker T was the last legitimate champion as Mark Henry's run as champion comes off more as a "token for your appreciation". Booker T as a WCW champion, let me clarify that was a star. As he was made a joke when he first came to WWE.

What sickens me is all black wrestlers seem to get paired for unknown reasons...hell tonight on Raw we saw Big E come to Kofi's defense and apparently are "buddies". Let's not forget Woods/Truth.

As far as I am concerned - Henry and Booker T are the only African-American wrestlers to hold the belt. The second tier belt at that.

It seems WWE only wants to pair up black wrestlers. Then I read on the forums where people in the IWC want a new version of NOD and for what? Out of the original NOD who truly became a star? Mark Henry 12-13 years later?
This may come across as racist/elitist/ignorant but i'll say it anyway. Why is it always unsophisticated people that play the race card, or the gender card, or any other card. While sophisticated people act proud of who they are and just get on with it.

Ron Simmons sounds like a true Uncle Tom in the article. I want to know who these African-American wrestlers are he deems poised to be a big deal in 2-3 years?

He's probably hoping Big E Langston has a bright future ahead of him, he had success in NXT (which is also evidence that WWE/ Vince is not racist as they wouldnt make someone the star of NXT if they didn't see the potential for them to be a star on the main roster

Sorry y'all but your argument to throw The Rock into this argument is laughable. I am African-American but my great great grandfather was white, does that make me half black and white? Lol
Not exactly, it still makes you part white just not half. The same as why rock is actually black as his father WAS BLACK, the fact that you think this is laughable is what is truly laughable

As far as I'm concerned Booker T was the last legitimate champion as Mark Henry's run as champion comes off more as a "token for your appreciation". Booker T as a WCW champion, let me clarify that was a star. As he was made a joke when he first came to WWE.

As far as I am concerned - Henry and Booker T are the only African-American wrestlers to hold the belt. The second tier belt at that.

To say that Henry's reign was only a token of appreciation is incredibly disrespectful, Henry's 'Hall of Pain' gimmick was over with the fans, he was built up to be an unstoppable force and that is why he got over.
I think what your trying to get across is every African American man that has reach the mountain top in the WWE it has been for only the 2nd best title in the company. Yes there is a reason why no other Black male has got that title we don't know why and it does seem very racial on why it hasn't happened yet. Yes the Rock is the only champion...but over the years the likes of Gold Standard who got the rub from Kurt Angle or hell Kofi Kingston should atleast hand chances at the title. You can blame creative for it also...but then you have to take a look at the WWE Demographic and African Americans if you haven't noticed arn't high on that list... It's a Shame too WWE could draw so much in black culture drawing in new fan's but VKM won't pull that trigger...maybe Trips will after spying on TNA and the indies a lil bit more.

Also You can open the same Discussion on Asian Americans and why they have even got a US title.
What about the Hispanics, Asians, and all other races that are not Caucasian? I don't see them throwing a fit. Pretty sure if you walked up to the Rock and said he didn't count as being important in an African American to hold the title, he slap you 6 ways sideways. He's pretty proud of his heritage.
These threads are ridiculous.

First offm it's time to accept the friggin' fact that The Rock being half Samoan doesn't somehow negate the fact that he's also African American. It'd really, really, really help if the OP actually did one iota of research, even the most basic research, because then he/she would've come to realize that the odds of most people being 100% "pure" when it comes to racial ethnicity is astronomical. People of different skin types, cranial & features and bone structure have been breeding for tens of thousands of years. For instance, why do you think there are so many differences in skin tone among so many African Americans, or even native Africans for that matter, who haven't had children with someone that's Caucasian? If you were to have a comprehensive DNA test done, there's an almost certainty that you'd discover that, even if you're Caucasian, you're not 100% Caucasian.

As far as Ron Simmons' statement goes, how exactly can you claim he's lying? Do you have any degree of evidence whatsoever to back it up or, as so many others have done when it comes to the subject of race in WWE, simply making accusations based on the generalities of there being a handful of World Champions in WWE history who're of color? If Vince McMahon was genuinely racist, why have Jimmy & Jey Uso been WWE Tag Team Champions for the past 4 months? Why would he have helped make The Rock the biggest crossover star in pro wrestling history? Why would he have even given him the opportunity? Why is he currently giving Roman Reigns such a strong push?

Just because someone happens to be of a different skin color and a racial minority doesn't somehow entitle them to be elevated to a main event level position. Why do guys like Godfather and D'Lo Brown "deserve" to have been champion? Just because they're black? Does that somehow mean that they somehow worked harder, put in more time and effort than everyone else? You've got to be careful about using the word "deserve" because it gets tossed around so much that it's all but lost meaning these days. You know why Godfather & D'Lo were never main eventers? Maybe because they weren't remotely talented enough? Maybe they didn't bring enough to the table? Maybe they weren't able to draw lots of money? It almost sounds like the OP is saying that affirmative action should be adopted by WWE in determining who represents the company as their top champion. It's a bullshit argument with any number of logic holes big enough to drive a tank through.

I will say, however, that WWE does sometimes use various stereotypes for gimmicks or characters. Sometimes, it's subtle and sometimes it isn't. For instance, take a look at Sheamus: he's a big ol' Irish guy with red hair, extremely white skin, who enjoys having a pint and loves to fight. If you tossed in being a drunken wife beater, then he'd be the 100% perfect Irish stereotype. Yoshi Tatsu was portrayed as the Japanese guy who can't speak English all that well or understand various American customs. These are only a couple and I believe that using such stereotypes is extremely outdated, unnecessary and a perfect example of lazy booking, but it doesn't automatically mean that they're meant as an ethnic or racial slur.
He's probably hoping Big E Langston has a bright future ahead of him, he had success in NXT (which is also evidence that WWE/ Vince is not racist as they wouldnt make someone the star of NXT if they didn't see the potential for them to be a star on the main roster

I have never called Vince racist, because I frankly don't know his personal stances. But to say he isn't racist because he gave an African-American a chance in NXT means nothing.

Not exactly, it still makes you part white just not half. The same as why rock is actually black as his father WAS BLACK, the fact that you think this is laughable is what is truly laughable

The Rock is bi-racial, Rocky Johnson is African-American. There's a significant difference. Rock's Samoan heritage is mentioned on WWE program more than African-American side. WWE has found a great deal of success with Samoan wrestlers(Roman Reigns is the latest).

This may come across as racist/elitist/ignorant but i'll say it anyway. Why is it always unsophisticated people that play the race card, or the gender card, or any other card. While sophisticated people act proud of who they are and just get on with it.

I'm wrong for my opinion? In a topic about heavily discussed by non-black people I actually give an opinion from a black fan perspective.

To say that Henry's reign was only a token of appreciation is incredibly disrespectful,

Totally disrespectful to who? I acknowledged his reign and even acknowledged him and Booker T. But in my eyes it was a token. Not that I was ever a big fan of Henry. He became champion and roughly a year or two before that was teaming up with Hornswaggle and MVP. So.I view it as a token reign - years of service. Just like when Tommy Dreamer got to hold the ECW title.

but then you have to take a look at the WWE Demographic and African Americans if you haven't noticed arn't high on that

I wonder why lol. That goes for other minority demographics as well so it isn't just African-Americans. Hard to market them when they're hardly given the opportunity to carry the ball.

What about the Hispanics, Asians, and all other races that are not Caucasian? I don't see them throwing a fit.

Nowhere is a fit being thrown. But I will cite Alberto Del Rio's success.
There's a fundamental difference between industry wide systemic racism complete with preservation of privilege and the assumption that racism can only mean that Vince intentionally prevents black wrestlers from getting their deserved titles.
So I just read this :

On black wrestlers being given the opportunity to be world champion in WWE:

All the years I've worked with WWE, that opportunity is there for any man or woman for that matter. If you're willing to work and put in the dedication that it requires you will get that shot.

Re-read what he said. He isn't saying that he is the only black wrestler to have "put in the work" and he also isn't saying that other African-American's AREN'T willing to put in the work. What he IS saying is that he believes Vince McMahon has no prejudice against anyone, black or white and that if ANYBODY puts the work in and gets over with the fans then they would be considered for a title shot, colour doesn't come into it.

You ( Ron Simmons) but in the work, Godfather aka Kama, Papa Shango,.....D-Lo Brown, Plenty have put in the work. So don't sell me that bull crap.

Come on now, were D'Lo Brown or The Godfather ever REALLY going to be WWE Champion? In an era of talents like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Undertaker, Mankind, Kane, Triple H etc the 2 you mentioned were never going to become Champion, they just weren't good enough.

And while technically they weren't WWE Champion (they held either the World Heavyweight belt or the ECW title) guys like Booker T, Mark Henry and Lashley all were technically World Champions in WWE. I believe that Lashley would have been WWE Champion too if his mic skills were better, and if Shelton Benjamin could talk, he would probably be pushed to the top too. I think you are talking garbage to be honest.
Jesus titty fucking Christ again!!!!!!!

I said it before I'll say it again. The ratio of black wrestlers to white wrestlers is very large. For every black wrestler there's about ten white wrestlers. And for every ten black wrestlers, maybe one is worth putting in the main event scene.

Look at the current WWE roster and who is black. Not many. And how many of the black wrestlers are worth pushing to main event status maybe one (Big E) the rest are midcarders at best.

Yes WWE may have messed up with black talent in the past (MVP, Lashley) but they also messed up with white talent as well funnily enough.

As a guy with black heritage I don't care about whether a wrestler is black or not I care about if someone entertains me and quite frankly only two black wrestlers on the roster entertain me in Big E and Kofi. Kofi's been a midcarder for six years and shows no room for improving (don't bother bringing up the Orton feud because if he was as good as people say he would broken through regardless) and Big E hasn't been around that long so we don't know.
Vince LOVES his stereotypical gimmicks, but that's about as far as his racism goes.

I wouldn't even call it racism. I'd call it ignorance. He's an older guy from a different generation, and grew up when ethnic stereotypes were acceptable... and it's something he just never really grew out of as he got older. He probably realizes that it's wrong (or at least gets told this by his people). But he also lives in a different world than the rest of us, and if it entertains him, then he's going to do it.

But racist because he hasn't had enough black champions?

Forget that the Rock is half-African American (that seems to be a sore subject here for some odd reason). Forget Booker T and Mark Henry because even though Vince actually made both of these African American men World Champions, it's excused away to suit an agenda. Let's even forget all the ethnic WWE Champions like Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio and Batista who really should also fall under this umbrella of racism. Forget all the people of all ethnicities that he's employed over the years. Some for very long periods of time. Some he's taken care of very well when he never needed to.

Let's look at what African American wrestlers SHOULD have been WWE champion and weren't?

I've seen people say Shelton Benjamin and Kofi Kingston. Both great wrestlers, but neither is a guy that you make the #1 guy. Both are guys that are mid card singles or top end tag team guys. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever, but that is where there ceiling is.

Bobby Lashley? If he'd stuck around, this conversation probably isn't happening. Vince seemed ready to give Lashley a serious main event push, even going so far as to include him in the McMahon/Trump hair match (ie he gave the guy a high profile Wrestlemania match). If Bobby Lashley didn't become WWE champion, it's because that wasn't important to Bobby Lashley. It was going to happen sooner than later if he stayed with the company.

Who else? JTG? Shad? The Godfather? R-Truth?

Sorry, but I just don't see any other African American wrestlers that the WWE's had in the past couple of decades that made sense as champion... other than Booker T (they did drop the ball when he didn't go over on Triple H at Wrestlemania).

The last one besides Booker that I could see actually is Ron Simmons, and if it wasn't for the ascension of the Rock, he might have had a short term run (once the Rock became the breakaway star out of the NOD, it made more sense to go with him, but Simmons as would have made a great bridge champion between two faces back then). Prior to Simmons? You have guys like JYD, Ernie Ladd, Bobo Brazil... but those are guys from different times, and the reasons they never got runs with the belt are the same as everyone not named Hogan or Sammartino didn't get runs.

But I am curious for the people who feel that there haven't been African American champions because of Vince's racism. Who are all the guys who should have been WWE champion and weren't? And why should they have been WWE champion? Why would it have made more sense to go with these guys over the ones they actually did go with?
In a topic about heavily discussed by non-black people I actually give an opinion from a black fan perspective.

I have never seen this topic heavily discussed by non-black people. In fact i've never seen it even considered. For someone to even think for one second, that the egotistical moneymaker that is Vincent Kennedy McMahon would risk a penny over holding back a star if he thought there was a penny to be made, just because the wrestler would be black? or of any minority? that is laughable. He isn't a racist, i'm sure if he was it would have come out by now considering he's been at the forefront of the industry for over a quarter of a century.
The last one besides Booker that I could see actually is Ron Simmons, and if it wasn't for the ascension of the Rock, he might have had a short term run (once the Rock became the breakaway star out of the NOD, it made more sense to go with him, but Simmons as would have made a great bridge champion between two faces back then).

There's some irony, huh? It might have been another black man who stood in the way of Simmons winning a world title, rather than Vince McMahon.

As it is, I would think Ron Simmons is being sincere in what he said; he's not running for anything and certainly doesn't owe WWE anything after they future endeavored him.

I think of Superstar Billy Graham, revealing sordid details of how badly WWE treated him.....but only after they stopped paying him a "consulting fee" all those years. For sure, that was sour grapes, but Simmons can be said to be in the same situation (as far as being employed and paid by the company), yet he's in a perfect position to let us know whether racism has been responsible for holding back the black people in WWE.....and he says it hasn't. I see no reason for him to lie.

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