Fact or Fiction: Bill Watts Made Sure Ron Simmons Wouldn't Succeed as WCW Champion.

100 percent fact. It's well known that Bill Watts was as 'old school' as they came. And was borderline racist. Hell, he was VERY racist. Just ask Paul Heyman. But the fact is that if Ron Simmons doesn't succeed, then yea, he's seen as a genius and was being right about Simmons not being well known enough to draw money. Watts didn't want Simmons to be a success for numerous reasons besides racism. He was big on having someone with personality and a big name being champion. Luger and Harley Race as manager fit that bill perfectly.

Ron Simmons was a champion to satisfy a minority of fans and many knew he wasn't going to be anything huge. But Bill Watts did make sure that any chance of that taking place was squashed. Because Watts ran a tight ship, and that ship didn't involve having a black man as World Champion.
business first politics second id say. If i had potential or drawing power i dont think watts would hold me down. I have met many racist white people willing to help me and do whats good for business. Stop bringing up Watts attitude problem every time something goes bad. When he headed his OWN company Blacks were higher up then Simmons usually was. He is like lestor Maddox in the sense that he may be prejudiced but he goes out of his way to be closer to Blacks in some type of media capacity..
business first politics second id say. If i had potential or drawing power i dont think watts would hold me down. I have met many racist white people willing to help me and do whats good for business. Stop bringing up Watts attitude problem every time something goes bad. When he headed his OWN company Blacks were higher up then Simmons usually was. He is like lestor Maddox in the sense that he may be prejudiced but he goes out of his way to be closer to Blacks in some type of media capacity..

Has a black person I'm gonna call bs on this statement. I've never known a racist to go out of his way to help me,and living in rural Georgia,I know quite a few of them. If anything,they do all they can to stay away from you. So I don't know where you get this whole they do what's good for business crap from. If a person is racist and they don't want you to frequent their establishment,they're not gonna come out and say they don't want you there,but they're gonna treat you in a way that tells you that they don't want you in there. I know that much from experience.

Anyway,back to the topic. Do I think Watts was a racist,probably. And I say that because of the way he's quick to point out how he made Simmons the World Champion. That's like somebody saying I'm not a racist because I had two blacks and a mexican over at my house last week.

The more I think about it,the more I agree with Tenta.
Has a black person I'm gonna call bs on this statement. I've never known a racist to go out of his way to help me,and living in rural Georgia,I know quite a few of them. If anything,they do all they can to stay away from you.don't want you in there. I know that much from experience.

Anyway,back to the topic. Do I think Watts was a racist,probably. And I say that because of the way he's quick to point out how he made Simmons the World Champion. That's like somebody saying I'm not a racist because I had two blacks and a mexican over at my house last week.

As a Black person I am gonna call bs on this statement. I've had my carb built for next to nothing by someone prejudiced, my tranny put in by someone racist, fed good by racist, invited to the homes of racist, lent money by racist. Maybe I was the good ****** i don't know. I am in Tennessee home of the Klan. Everyone thinks im just a cool guy who does nothing, im trusted.

DO I THINK Watts is a racist? I think he is rough around the edges and raised in the '40s, '50s, and '60s. I suspect he might be but I know just from studying him that hes a complete block head who talks from his neck. You ask him any question you'll here something block headish.
I think maybe the racist is someone who accepted his answer of "I had a Black made champ, i helped them people make history.." as all that they needed to hear?

Now we both know that this Black champ business needed to be resolved. We both know it would help WCW. We both know it was great press, and we both know an interim champ was needed. I only know him really as Farooq so whoever is saying he choose a lame Black wrestler vs a good Black wrestler who assure the tenure was ONLY interim cant comment on that. Why not Junk Yard Dog or Iceman Parsons I wonder.

I cant make threads so my question is why is BoBo Brazille not recognized if Roger's gron injury was storyline? Or was it? And if it was why is the storyline Doc's conclsion that he wasn't hurt not used to recognize him? that to me makes no sense and no one has EVERRRRR clarified that.

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