Romney At It Again

Also, terrible political system. Romney's a complete cunt and he's still going to get 48+ percent of the votes.

Oh, trust me, I hate it. We dun goofed with this one.

It's somewhat comforting to know the Empire is probably in its dying days, though.
Republicans have never met a war they didn't want to fight.

Vs the USSR.

That wasn't a war or a fight. It was a pissing contest interspersed with showing off their muscles while refilling their bladders.

By which I mean neither country had the balls/stupidity to actually engage in open war. They just fought endless proxy wars and built excessive numbers of nuclear warheads.
Oh I think they wanted to.

No, they either had too much sense or not enough testicular fortitude. Which is why the Cold Car consisted of 300 or so proxy wars, with neither side actually fighting the other directly but each building up excessive numbers of WMDs.
No, they either had too much sense or not enough testicular fortitude. Which is why the Cold Car consisted of 300 or so proxy wars, with neither side actually fighting the other directly but each building up excessive numbers of WMDs.

I'm aware of how the Cold War worked, but I find it hard to believe that the war hawks of the GOP weren't drooling over the idea of blowing Moscow into the ground. They never did it thank goodness, but I'd almost bet that a lot of them that wanted to very much.
Ah, I'm sure there were those sorts of "special" Republican. Probably the ones who thought that a missile powered by an engine that releases a cloud of radiation as exhaust was a great thing to research when they have warheads capable of wiping a city of the map.

Something I do find slightly amusing is that a lot of the more stupid areas that the US military poured money into researching were actually the result of physicists pretty much trolling the government. They figured out that bullshitting about potential uses of whatever they were interested in to kill people was a great way to get given lots of money to do pure physics research.
So we have an update to this story.

If what I'm hearing (I'm watching a news show at the moment) is correct, Romney made his criticisms of Obama BEFORE the men were killed. Then after the full story was unveiled, he said it AGAIN.

So to recap: Romney criticized Obama for his statement about freedom of speech, then people were killed, then Romney STILL criticized Obama when he knew the scope of things.

Sweet goodness how is the race this close?
25% of Americans think 9/11 was an inside job. 6% think the lunar landing was a hoax. There are some fucking stupid people in your country KB.
25% of Americans think 9/11 was an inside job. 6% think the lunar landing was a hoax. There are some fucking stupid people in your country KB.

Indeed there are. The lunar landing one is a personal favorite of mine. In 50 years, NO ONE has talked about a coverup? There wasn't some janitor that would ahve cashed in on some book deal or big time interview and put his kids through college with it?
So we have an update to this story.

If what I'm hearing (I'm watching a news show at the moment) is correct, Romney made his criticisms of Obama BEFORE the men were killed. Then after the full story was unveiled, he said it AGAIN.

So to recap: Romney criticized Obama for his statement about freedom of speech, then people were killed, then Romney STILL criticized Obama when he knew the scope of things.

Sweet goodness how is the race this close?

Are you watching Rachel Maddow?
Indeed there are. The lunar landing one is a personal favorite of mine. In 50 years, NO ONE has talked about a coverup? There wasn't some janitor that would ahve cashed in on some book deal or big time interview and put his kids through college with it?

The lunar landing one just gets insane when you get down to it. Essentially everyone was in on it. Including the Russians... which defies the point of faking the lunar landing and the space race in general.
The lunar landing one just gets insane when you get down to it. Essentially everyone was in on it. Including the Russians... which defies the point of faking the lunar landing and the space race in general.

Yeah it's nuts. My science teacher back in middle school met Buzz Aldrin and apparently Aldrin wants to punch anybody he meets who thinks it was a hoax.
There's actually a reflector on the moon. You can tell it's there by shooting lasers at it. There is physical evidence that man was on the moon.
Yeah it's nuts. My science teacher back in middle school met Buzz Aldrin and apparently Aldrin wants to punch anybody he meets who thinks it was a hoax.

It's not just that he wants to - he literally did.

As NDT said, where do you think they were going atop all that rocket fuel?
I can't blame Aldrin for it. He was a part of perhaps the most amazing thing in the history of the human race and people say it didn't happen. I'd be mad.
I think it's close but it's not neck and neck. Romney still has a chance of a hail mary.

You're wrong, and the reason why veteran politician Mitt Romney is going out and attacking Obama over this even though he knew it would probably backfire (and it has, even members of his own party are attacking him over it) is because he's done the math and knows that I'm right as well.

There are multiple swing states that Romney literally has to win in order to stand a chance of getting elected. Ohio in particular is a must win for Romney, even Republican strategists have been conceding publicly that they can't win without it. Obama is 10 points ahead of Romney in Ohio, the lead has only been widening as time passes and for the first time since campaigning began the Democrats find themselves with more money to spend than the Republicans.

Romney needs to carry almost every swing state to be in the running, and he's behind in the majority of them. It would take an almost unprecedented national shift against Obama to make this election close, and short of some unpredictable disaster that isn't going to happen. Anyone telling you this election is still close is trying to sell you media coverage. It isn't.
I can't blame Aldrin for it. He was a part of perhaps the most amazing thing in the history of the human race and people say it didn't happen. I'd be mad.

Buzz Aldrin can do whatever the fuck he wants. He was on the goddamned moon. As far as I'm concerned, that gives you a free pass to beat up stupid people.
You're wrong, and the reason why veteran politician Mitt Romney is going out and attacking Obama over this even though he knew it would probably backfire (and it has, even members of his own party are attacking him over it) is because he's done the math and knows that I'm right as well.

There are multiple swing states that Romney literally has to win in order to stand a chance of getting elected. Ohio in particular is a must win for Romney, even Republican strategists have been conceding publicly that they can't win without it. Obama is 10 points ahead of Romney in Ohio, the lead has only been widening as time passes and for the first time since campaigning began the Democrats find themselves with more money to spend than the Republicans.

Romney needs to carry almost every swing state to be in the running, and he's behind in the majority of them. It would take an almost unprecedented national shift against Obama to make this election close, and short of some unpredictable disaster that isn't going to happen. Anyone telling you this election is still close is trying to sell you media coverage. It isn't.

Where did you hear ten points? The most recent polls I've seen show him up 5 there which is within the margin of error.

At the end of the day, yeah it looks like he's a heavy favorite but there's is always a chance, especially with the voter suppression that's going on.
At the end of the day, yeah it looks like he's a heavy favorite but there's is always a chance, especially with the voter suppression that's going on.

Have to love Republicans. I think if they had it their way, the Constitution would be revised to one and a half Amendments.

1. Thou shalt posses firearms.

1a. Freedom of speech exists as long as all negative comments are confined to Democrats.

All that other stuff? Republicans aren't too fond of those things.
Apparently 37% of registered Ohio Republicans believe Obama was born outside of the United States. That's why Romney is close. A good portion of people are fucking ******ed.

This doesn't surprise me. Politically, today, nothing is off limits. You can falsely bash a President prior to a tragedy in 2012. They don't want facts, they want to be afraid of the black man. That's the truth.
Apparently 37% of registered Ohio Republicans believe Obama was born outside of the United States. That's why Romney is close. A good portion of people are fucking ******ed.

This doesn't surprise me. Politically, today, nothing is off limits. You can falsely bash a President prior to a tragedy in 2012. They don't want facts, they want to be afraid of the black man. That's the truth.

It still stuns me that people stubbornly cling to the idea that Obama is not an American.

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