Roman Reigns worries me


We shy worth hair
His lack of longevity in matches especially. Look at Smackdown where Rollins and Ambrose both wrestled long matches while Reigns had a very short match. Same thing has happened before when considering his matches with Bray Wyatt and HHH and again last night with Batista. His last long match i can think of is with CM Punk which was just ok.

I'm basically worried WWE is hiding his weaknesses really well in Ambrose and Rollins. I like the guy but I think I'd like a hell of a lot more if he doesn't turn out to suck in the ring.
As a singles guy I wouldn't expect him to have too many long matches yet with how his character is being presented. He's being shown as this dominant, next big thing like guy so him winning in short matches with relative ease is definitely the right idea.

At this point I don't see any reason Reigns won't be at least passable in the ring when he's in a big, singles spot as he has a lot going for him. If he is weak by himself in the ring then just keep him in the Shield and hide his weaknesses until he improves and considering how much he has improved since his debut I see no reason he won't improve more.

As long as he doesn't do something stupid he's got a big future ahead of him and if anything holds him back it won't be his in ring work.
The thing I love most about Reigns is his pure intensity, and that is a major selling point to the fans.

Reigns isn't the guy to have long, drawn out wars yet. He's a guy that's perfect in the badass motherfucker role at the moment.
Yeah I wouldn't be worried too much about it either until his character develops into someone who takes on much more challenging singles matches. He's booked as the powerhouse of the group. You don't see Rusev having Iron Man matches, do you?
I think a lot of it is down to the fact that he's kind of the guy with the real sizle to him, any good producer would delay when he enters the match until tension is high to get the most pop. He gets in, throws down and gets the job done. That's his role, and he's not the first to do it that way.

That said, his singles matches are still something to pay close attention to and see how he'll really adjust when he doesn't have that natural match build.

EDIT: Screw you guys and your spam zone, I worked for that post count +1.
The kiddie gloves he gets treated with are what his fans should be worried about.

He'll do fine, though.
The biggest problem that I too have with The Shield's matches is that if a match is (say) 20 minutes long, then for the first 15-16 minutes, only Ambrose and Rollins will tag in to action, and Reigns appears only for the final few minutes to deliver his signature moves and go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!"
The biggest problem that I too have with The Shield's matches is that if a match is (say) 20 minutes long, then for the first 15-16 minutes, only Ambrose and Rollins will tag in to action, and Reigns appears only for the final few minutes to deliver his signature moves and go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!"

Signature moves? In professional wrestling? The hell you say!

I bet you think Cena only does the 5 moves of doom as well. :rolleyes:
Signature moves? In professional wrestling? The hell you say!

I bet you think Cena only does the 5 moves of doom as well. :rolleyes:

Little Jimmy, the point was that he appears inside the ring only for the final 5 minutes. Since we seem to be playing the betting game, I bet you do relaxing favors to your dad at night.
I dont see the WWE putting on that many Ironman matches lately, so I think he can do just fine lasting 20-30mins without help from his team. Plus if getting winded is a problem, they will have him in the performance center working on cardio\stamina.
Calm down. The guy is former football player and a samoan, he's in perfect shape so he's perfectly capable of having a long match. Rollins and Ambrose will MOST likely still have better matches though.
I like his look, his crowd connection.

I do not like how he has a very basic move set, the spear is his only move but he has not technical moves, all his moves are impact, kicks, punches, the spear even, when he is in a main event on his own, does he have the skills to do a 30 minute match and not just look like he is only a striker
30 minute matches as a main event rule don't really do it for me and indeed can make things a bit predictable. Some guys are just powerful guns and would be better off with a balls-to-the-wall 15/20 minutes. Think Hagler/Hearns, that type of pure exhilaration. Anyway, I'm worried for Reigns. He's handsome, talented, over, seems like an ok dude, got a good gimmick and excellent genetics for his chosen profession. Sorry, did I say worried? I meant PSYCHED.
Good. Reigns should be more like a Goldberg than a Daniel Bryan. Arrive, fuck shit up, leave.
Good. Reigns should be more like a Goldberg than a Daniel Bryan. Arrive, fuck shit up, leave.

This. I enjoy wrestling as much as the next guy, but unless a match is the Royal Rumble or WarGames, there is rarely a reason to go past fifteen minutes.
I'm not hating on the guy, but he's definitely green. I'm willing to bet my house that once his singles push begins the IWC is gonna turn on him fairly quickly. I like having variety on the roster but I think a lot of people are gonna get tired of his Goldberg-esque moveset if he doesn't improve fast enough for the really impatient fans.
Reigns will be hated by fans before long. He doesn't look like an indy bum and he has muscles. Unfortunate, but likely true.

He's alright for that now because he's in the Shield who have this aura of coolness. But how long after he leaves will they be giving him the Sheamus treatment and chanting 'you can't wrestle'?

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