New WWE Dream Matches!

That N Word

Actively evolving
There has been so many dream matches over the years that are now legendary. Matches like Rock vs Cena (happened twice) ,Sting vs The Undertaker (most likely will happen),HBK vs The Rock,Rock vs Brock II,Cena vs Taker (streak match),Punk vs Austin,Rock vs Orton, Triple H vs Undertaker vs HBK, Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle,etc.

I am here to discuss with you guy's some new WWE dream matches with the next generation.
I would pit legends vs. current superstars.

Roman Reigns vs John Cena
Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker
Dean Ambrose vs Terry Funk
Seth Rollins vs Jeff Hardy
Daniel Bryan vs Kurt Angle
Dean Ambrose vs CM Punk
Cesaro vs Kurt Angle
Cesaro vs Brock Lesnar
Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton
Roman Reigns vs The Rock
Roman Reigns vs Stone Cold
Daniel Bryan vs Chris Jericho
Bray Wyatt vs Sting
Roman Reigns vs Goldberg
Dean Ambrose vs Stone Cold
The Uso's vs The Hardy Boyz
Seth Rollins vs Christian
Dean Ambrose vs Edge
The Wyatts /w/ Bray vs The Brothers of Destruction /w/ Bearer
Bray Wyatt vs Jake Roberts

New stars vs each other

Ambrose vs Reigns vs Rollins
Reigns vs Wyatt
Ambrose vs Wyatt
Cesaro vs Rollins
Bryan vs Cesaro
The Wyatt Family vs The Accension
Ambrose vs Rollins
Bryan vs Reigns
Ambrose vs Bryan


Now the object of the game in this is to name as many NEW dream matches you can in both category's.
Off the top of my head, one match that that could definitely gain my interest would be seeing Brock Lesnar or possibly The Rock go up against Daniel Bryan.

I've always enjoyed David vs. Goliath feuds, everyone loves a good underdog story, and Bryan excels at playing the guy who goes up against wrestlers that LOOK like they're out of his league for one reason or another. With Big Show & Mark Henry, it was all about two super heavyweight powerhouses against a "normal" guy they genuinely outweigh by 180-190 pounds. With Triple H & Randy Orton, 2 of the top 4 or 5 biggest stars to debut in WWE in the past 20 years & have 25 World Championships between them.

With Brock Lesnar, you have an ideal sort of David vs. Goliath scenario from a physical standpoint. Lesnar is a genuine badass powerhouse, an athletic beast who may have POSSIBLY generated more buzz in such a relatively short pro wrestling career than anyone else. Lesnar's first run in WWE lasted a little less than 2 years, but he destroyed everyone put in front of him in those 2 years whether it be The Rock, The Big Show, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, The Hardy Boys, Rob Van Dam, Edge, Hulk Hogan, Chris Benoit and The Undertaker and became WWE Champion 3 times. Speaking of Taker, let's face it, Lesnar genuinely ended an era and truly, 100% cemented his spot in wrestling history when he cleanly beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX, conquering the streak. Lesnar's a "beast" while Bryan is a "man" and yes, I know there's the whole "it's not believable" aspect because of their differences in physical size. It's kind of an oxymoron when you think about it: applying believability and legitimacy to a sport that's scripted. Just to put to bed the perceived reality of a "little guy" not being able to beat a "big guy" in a fight, I give you Gerard Gordeau vs. Teila Tuli in the very 1st fight at the very 1st UFC event.

Uh huh, that's a big ol' 6'2" 400 pound ex sumo wrestler who lost to that pasty, skinny, 6'5" 190 pound white boy.

As for The Rock, he's arguably the biggest overall star in wrestling history when you consider the level of fame he has and a successful transition from pro wrestler to Hollywood heavyweight. The Rock's loaded with dynamic charisma and personality, quick with one liners and catchphrases, he's got the looks, the physique and everything in between. He's the larger than life sort of guy while Daniel Bryan would be the underdog because he's someone that's genuinely more down to earth, someone that doesn't try to be larger than life, yet can still connect with fans on a major level because of that down to earth aspect.

I think Bryan vs. Lesnar is a match that we could still see at some point down the road, though I'd say The Rock probably won't happen for one reason or another.
This is a great topic, usually when I think of dream matches, I will usually bring up the ones that people have mentioned over the years like Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle or Austin vs Hogan. Today though one that comes to mind that could be possible is Angle vs Bryan. For those fans who enjoy technical wrestling and the art form of telling a story in the ring, this has the potential to be a 5 star classic. Only time will tell, I truly hope Angle does return to the WWE and we get that match at a Wrestlemania.
Hmmmm...some of my guys that i will pick arn't leagends but they are my personal fav

Bray Wyatt vs Raven
Bray Wyatt vs Undertanker
Bray Wyatt vs (Old) Goldust
D.Bryan Vs Kurt Angle
D.Bryan vs Ricky Steamboat
D.Bryan vs Ken Shamrock
D.Bryan vs Chris Benoit(yes i know)
D.Bryan vs Bert Hart
Jack Swagger vs Kurt Angle
Tyson Kid vs Billy Kidman
Tyson Kid vs Bret Hart
ADR vs Eddie(Low rider vs Lambo)
Luke and Eric vs the APA
Jericho vs Steamboat
Zack Ryder vs Jericho(tV Title vs Internet championship)
Adam Rose vs The Godfather!!!!
Rusev vs Angle

I think that's it for all my dream matches
sting vs bray would be incredible, STING IS HERE... After or before sting and taker have there showdown Sting said in an interview that he was very impressed with Bryan and Bray if he had a few matches it would be so Iconic.

Its showtime...
I would love to see Kurt Angle return and compete against Cesaro, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan.
A feud between The Beast Incarnate, Brock Lesnar, vs. The King of Swing, Cesaro, would be pretty cool.
I want to see undertaker vs bray wyatt. For some reason i feel like they have to have an actual match against each other at mania. I hope taker has 2 matches left in him and has one with sting then bray Wyatt. The only other match i feel is likely and that would get my interest is cm punk vs Kurt angle just fpr pure ring action idc who's the heel or face as either could pull it off
ive pondered this myself with some of them being solely on gimmick alone and some of them based on size or some other similair attribute some of my picks are with the people in thier prime and im trying to stay away from ones that others have mentioned
andre vs big show
3 man demolition vs shield
kurt angle vs swagger
mr perfect vs dolph ziggler
warrior vs ryback
macho man vs cm punk
apa vs legion of doom
heres a kicker..... aj lee vs fabulous moolah*/alundra blaze (*both longest riegning female title holders)
rick rude vs val venus
rockers vs hardys
thats just a few off the top of my head gotta think more about this
Great thread!
Angle V Swagger (I've liked the idea of this match for years)
Angle V Jericho V Benoit (obviously not possible but I loved their matches in the 2000's and would be great to see them battle it out for the WWE title.
Hardyz V Uso's (Could be very entertaining)
Angle V Bryan (Speaks for itself)
Triple H V Bobby Roode (I see alot of similar traits which could make for a great feud)
Edge & Lita V CM Punk & AJ (something a bit different)
Lesnar V Cesaro

I can't think of anything else of the top of my head
I don't get all the hype about Angle vs Swagger.... That would possibly be THE MOST BORING MATCH IN WWE HISTORY. Angle is fantastic don't get me wrong, I have always liked him, but Swagger has nothing to offer this match, None. Enough ranting though onto my fantasy match ups.

The Undertaker vs. Sting (in their Primes, 5 or 10 years ago)

APA vs. Beer Money (Sells itself)

CM Punk vs AJ Sytles

James Storm vs. Stone Cold

Just to name a few
I'd cream my pants over Seth Rollins vs Jeff Hardy.
Reigns vs Rocky is on the cards, apparently.
Kevin Steen (is that official?) vs Sami Zayn again
Randy Orton VS The Rock
CM Punk VS Stonecold
John Cena VS Hulk Hogan (Won't ever happen sadly, 0 chance)
Daniel Bryan VS Kurt Angle
Bray Wyatt VS The Undertaker
Brock Lesnar VS Cesaro
The APA vs Rowan\Harper

Rey Mysterio vs Sami Zayn

Randy Orton vs Corey Graves

AJ Styles vs Seth Rollins

Edge vs Adam Cole

That gets the juices flowing.
Dean Ambrose vs. Cesaro in a 30 minute I Quit or Last Man Standing match for the World Title on PPV is something I need to see.
If Brian Pillman were alive I would have to say that a feud with Ambrose would be pretty fucking sweet. Now if they teamed up afterward? Fucking awesome.

Speaking of the dead:

Benoit vs Cesaro

Owen vs Daniel Bryan

Team Heenan vs Team Heyman, simply for the lulz and fantastic promo work.
Dean Ambrose vs. Cactus Jack

Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Savage

Adrian Neville vs. John Morrison

The Ascension vs. The Acolytes

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