Roman Reigns jumping ship to Evolution

It's been reported that Batista is leaving the company after Payback. If that is indeed the case how would you feel about Roman Reigns turning on the Shield and joining Evolution at the pay-per-view. Evolution was originally about the past, present and future of the business, so having Reigns join up with them now as the "future" would make a lot of sense. I think it would be pretty cool swerve and would be an interesting way to progress the story.

When Bryan is back we could see Triple H, Orton and Reigns feuding with Bryan, Ambrose and Rollins, especially if Triple H strips Bryan of the World Title an awards it to himself. At Battleground, a version of the War Games match with the New Evolution against the babyface crew of Bryan/Ambrose/Rollins could be a huge draw. Then at SummerSlam we could get Bryan vs. Triple H one-on-one for the belt, and maybe a triple threat match with Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose if we see some dissent between the Ambrose/Rollins team coming out of Battleground. Bryan would reclaim the Title, and then Triple H would eventually name the returning Brock Lesnar the #1 Contender, setting up a match at Survivor Series most likely. Lesnar takes the belt off Bryan, and Bryan chases the belt until WrestleMania 31. We would also get Triple H vs. Roman Reigns down the road, probably at WrestleMania 31 as well, when Reigns turns against Evolution and finally breaks out on his own.

So what do you think about the prospect of Roman Reigns jumping ship to Evolution at Payback? Do you think this angle has potential? If you were in charge and this idea was pitched to you, would you pull the trigger?
These two stables have literally been beating the shit out of each other for the better part of the last couple of months. It would make absolutely ZERO sense for Reigns to suddenly turn on his fellow Shield members to join Evolution.
Reigns is really popular and if you put him with HHH & Orton and make them funny, snarky badasses they'll get cheered. It'd be fun for awhile, then it would just be three fat roosters strutting around owning the place. They'd be booked super strong and within weeks everyone would cry that they were just another HHH ego trip. I think booking Evolution with Reigns would be "Kings of the World crush everyone else" and defeat the purposes that Evolution could serve in '14 as a heel faction that can legitimize & mythologize others.

Before the face Shield run, Ambrose at times caused the Shield DQ losses due to risky cheating & other Pillman-esque antics. Reigns would even tell him to knock it off & just fight. Roman has said in the ring that when he leaves the Shield, he's going solo as a WHC contender. Ambrose is your likely defector. I think HHH & Ambrose on the mic together could echo some of the HHH/HBK DX magic. With Orton, they'll even have a high cheek boned monotone bodyguard like Chyna.
These two stables have literally been beating the shit out of each other for the better part of the last couple of months. It would make absolutely ZERO sense for Reigns to suddenly turn on his fellow Shield members to join Evolution.

It's wrestling, people turn from hero to villain on a dime all the time. People betray their tag-team partners, people join the NWO, people align with guys they hated just moments before. Swerves like that are part of the fun of wrestling.

Triple H is the COO of the company, maybe he offered Reigns some kind of opportunity in exchange for joining him. Done.
I dont get all the love for Reigns really. I find him the most boring out of the 3 members and his move set is the most limited. Everyone makes so much of Cena and the 4 moves of doom, how many moves does RR have? Spear, apron drop kick, superman punch...
I dont get all the love for Reigns really. I find him the most boring out of the 3 members and his move set is the most limited. Everyone makes so much of Cena and the 4 moves of doom, how many moves does RR have? Spear, apron drop kick, superman punch...

But they are moments that you can easily interact with/ mark out for I've even seen someone do the Reigns "OOOOOOOOOHHHH" when he climaxes" thats how popular the man is
Long term it'd be the best option. The best thing for The Rock was when he turned heel soon after he'd turned face. I think the same would apply to Reigns.

I don't see the rush with Reigns, have him join Evolution and the eventual match between he and Triple H would be killer. WWE could alos get several months worth of feuds of out Batista & Orton as well.
Yes! This is something I have been wondering about for a while, and I think it would be a really good idea if Big Dave is taking some time off from WWE after the Payback PPV.

It's obvious that Reigns is the "chosen one" in The Shield, and he has the size/look that WWE drool over, but he's still green with alot less experience than Rollins and Ambrose (both of whom I expect to have good WWE careers also). Reigns is only going to improve being associated with A+ talent like Triple H and Randy Orton and will learn from 2 of the best in the business, which is going to benefit him hugely. Plus, being a part of Evolution and being referred to as "The Future" by Trips and Randy will help to establish him as a main event level talent in the eyes of the fans. This would undoubtably lead to an eventual feud with a fellow Evolution member over the title, with Reigns turning face and becoming the Champion, as happened with Batista.

My only worry is what will become of The Shield, if Reigns jumps sides at or after Payback, as I don't see them all going their seperate ways just set. The Shield won't be able to go on as a duo so would have to bring someone up from NXT or elsewhere to be the 3rd man in the team...who would that be?
I don't see it, Reigns is the most over of all the Shield and having him turn on The Shield being the Shields top babyface makes no sense, on the other hand I could see this turning into a 5 on 1, or having Ambrose abandon Reigns after Rollins gets eliminated setting up for the split which then causes Triple H to cut a promo the next night saying he destroyed the Shield with Reigns coming out and saying you make have broken the Shield but you didn't break me a Superman punch to the COO and this sets up the next 2 PPVs.
I would like to see The Shield win at Payback and then HHH (if you can't beat them, buy one of them) make an offer to all three members that Evolution has one spot and it goes to the first guy that takes it. They could stretch out animosity and discontent in The Shield for weeks. Really keep the audience tuned in waiting for one Shield guy to make a move. In the end no one even has to make the leap, the point is just to keep people interested and give Evolution some mojo back and playing up HHH as being cerebral and corrupt.
I can see Roman joining evolution! Evolution is about past,present,future.. The Past now being Triple H,present would be Orton,and the future,would be indeed Roman.. We all expect the Shield to disband at some point,this would be indeed the perfect time for it to happen..

Its perfect timing isn't it? A no-holds barred match this type of match almost has traitor written all over it.. Roman said Believe in Him some two weeks ago.. There were rumors flying around that Sheamus could join Evolution,but Roman would be a better fit.. Cant picture Sheamus wearing a suit and tie and shit!

SO the question begs,if Roman jumps ship and joins evolution who would take Romans spot? Or would the Shield just disband?
Incredible how after someone posts a topic such as this (good topic by the way) lots of other people had the same idea as well before them
These two stables have literally been beating the shit out of each other for the better part of the last couple of months. It would make absolutely ZERO sense for Reigns to suddenly turn on his fellow Shield members to join Evolution.

I was thinking the same thing. I think it would make total sense while still being a really good swerve.

I just wanted to say I loved reading the above posts back to back. However out of the 2 I would agree with the first one. While it would be a good swerve, I just think from the character Reigns, as well as all of The Shield, has been portraying, it would make no sense for that character at this time to turn on The Shield.
I dont get all the love for Reigns really. I find him the most boring out of the 3 members and his move set is the most limited. Everyone makes so much of Cena and the 4 moves of doom, how many moves does RR have? Spear, apron drop kick, superman punch...

I'm tired of this argument about why you hate on Cena for 4 moves of Doom but not [insert face here]. It is not that he has only 4 moves, most big time faces do, from Hogan to Austin to Rock, even 'Taker before he was a WrestleMania spectacle (although less than the others). The problem isn't the 4 moves of doom... Its the fact that its the same 4 moves of doom for almost 10 years. Same 4 moves, same match ending. After 10 years you would think someone would think "hey maybe after Cena should blocks me I don't get back up and take a VERY weak swing at him like I'm dying" Thats the issue. Austin was on top for what, 3 years? 97ish through 2000 when he got injured, then he was back mostly as a heel after that? Rock was on top roughly 2000-2002. The only one different would be Hogan, but there wasn't weekly Raw and Smackdowns to watch him do his thing 104 times per year either. I'm not saying I hate him either, but I do think he needs to... Evolve a little. (wouldn't THAT be a shocker).

To stay on topic, I like Reigns. He's got a great look (I'm a massive DB mark but Reigns looks awesome), and a lot of charisma, so naturally people feed off of him and the energy he puts out, just like The Rock. He hasn't got to do a lot of singles matches or talking on his own though, so I really think him switching to another stable would hinder his progress... When he is done with The Shield he needs to be able to prove he can go on his own for a bit. As do all of them.
I don't see it, Reigns is the most over of all the Shield and having him turn on The Shield being the Shields top babyface makes no sense, on the other hand I could see this turning into a 5 on 1, or having Ambrose abandon Reigns after Rollins gets eliminated setting up for the split which then causes Triple H to cut a promo the next night saying he destroyed the Shield with Reigns coming out and saying you make have broken the Shield but you didn't break me a Superman punch to the COO and this sets up the next 2 PPVs.

This would make sense and would be the angle you go with if you follow conventional wrestling logic. The problem is that nowadays the fans are finicky and annoying. It's pretty much impossible to book a traditional strong babyface. As soon as Rollins and Ambrose turn heel on Reigns, the fans will start to cheer them and boo Reigns. Because remember, anyone who has size and "the look" and is pushed as a face is automatically being "shoved down the throats of the fans". It may seem counter-intuitive, but the best way to keep Reigns over as a face is for him to be a heel. The same logic was applied to Cesaro.
If Reigns joined Evolution, what would be the difference? Evolution in entirety was more about HHH than anything. How would Reigns get any sort of push? The thing about a stable is that you take a lesser known guy and put him in the spotlight. Reigns is already in the spotlight so putting him in Evolution at this point sounds like the demented brainchild of Vince Russo and M Night Shyamalan. Doing this would just be incredibly short sighted. Evolution was put back together for 1 reason. They were to pass the torch to The Shield as the most dominant stable in WWE history. It's going to work and Evolution is going to split very soon in my opinion and go back to The Authority.
If Reigns joined Evolution, what would be the difference? Evolution in entirety was more about HHH than anything. How would Reigns get any sort of push? The thing about a stable is that you take a lesser known guy and put him in the spotlight. Reigns is already in the spotlight so putting him in Evolution at this point sounds like the demented brainchild of Vince Russo and M Night Shyamalan. Doing this would just be incredibly short sighted. Evolution was put back together for 1 reason. They were to pass the torch to The Shield as the most dominant stable in WWE history. It's going to work and Evolution is going to split very soon in my opinion and go back to The Authority.

Exactly this. Seriously, it's not going to happen. If they want to give Reigns more singles experience before putting him in the main event, they can do so while he's part of the Shield (on the UK tour he's worked some house shows with Orton). No need for him to join Evolution.

More generally, beyond Reigns, the Shield itself is one of the best things WWE has going for it right now: the stable is very over with the fans, and those 3 guys together consistently put on MOTN. Splitting them up just seems like total craziness when the concept still has plenty of life in it.
As much as the fan in me hates thinking about a Shield split the realist in me knows this is the crazy world of professional wrestling and all great factions must come to an end. The more over a team or stable becomes it is a damn near given that when they split the showdown against one another is going to be a massive draw. When you look at how massively over the three are as individuals it is a guarantee that will blow the roof off any arena when they become foes.

Since the rumors of a split began the majority of fans have just assumed Ambrose would be the first to defect. It is an easy assumption to make as his character comes off as a bit of a twisted sleaze ball. With that I just can’t see a solid link between Ambrose aligning himself with Triple H. I guess some sort of finical agreement could be made between the two but I can’t see anything long term. In the case of Rollins he comes off as a better-rounded super star that could evolve his character but his physical stature puts him that class of “B+ Players” that Triple H typically frowns upon. The most logical of the three has to be Roman Reigns. He has to look and skill set that screams of the typical E super star. The pure shock of Reigns being the one to turn would be a massive shakeup that the product desperately needs. Some people have expressed concern of a turn not being realistic due to fact of how over he is but I would argue that is what makes it all the more worthwhile. In today’s world of pro wrestling there is a very fine line between good and evil. Many of the heels move tons of merchandise and garner media attention.

I would add a twist to the already mentioned hypothetical turn possibilities. I would not have Reigns join Evolution. I would actually have Triple H kick both Orton and Batista to the curb in favor of a new movement built around the company’s new Samoan Superman. Move forward with Triple H vs. Reigns at Summer Slam, it will be a major marquee match. Then at some point in the fall have Triple H come forward publicly acknowledging what he has in Reigns. Reigns drinks to cool aid and becomes the new future. Hell for the sake of a major match at WM31 set up a returning Rock trying to intervene and teach Reigns of the errors he made selling out the McMahon family.
Something like this would be great but I don't see it happening. Would have fit 15 years ago for sure but today it's too risky.
I posted a similar idea a few days back in the page about the match. I do think it's less likely now that it's an elimination/no holds barred match. Unless Roman is accidentally pinned early because you can't have him DQed and him standing alone vs Evolution doesn't lend itself to the turn
I would like to see The Shield win at Payback and then HHH (if you can't beat them, buy one of them) make an offer to all three members that Evolution has one spot and it goes to the first guy that takes it. They could stretch out animosity and discontent in The Shield for weeks. Really keep the audience tuned in waiting for one Shield guy to make a move. In the end no one even has to make the leap, the point is just to keep people interested and give Evolution some mojo back and playing up HHH as being cerebral and corrupt.

^^ That could work...but not so simply,tbh.

Maybe, with Batista leaving, and that spot opening up...maybe HHH puts in that the new member would get a shot at the WWE WHC if he joins.
Such a scenario would be a cause for dissension and I'd say it would be between Reigns and Ambrose for who goes across, or as GSB said, they could just tease it in order to stretch out the storyline. Could be a great way to build towards the rumoured Roman Reigns vs Triple H match in any case.

Just giving a spot, wouldn't entice the Shield at this point,tbh. Especially if they beat Evolution for a second time to confirm their dominance.
I don't think Reigns is the guy you'd do that with, to be honest.

I see why you brought that point up, OP, and your idea makes sense. But despite that, Reigns isn't the guy who needs the rub. Ambrose is.

Why do I say that? Well, first let's look at gimmick. Ambrose is kind of the "snake" of the Shield. He's strange, out there and different. His gimmick itself would fit with him wearing a suit, being the cocky heel, and he'd fit right along side Evolution.

Reigns and Rollins would look awkward in that role. And furthermore, I think you'd find that most fans, especially the more casual, are more inclined to cheer for Rollins and Reigns than they are Ambrose.

To further explain my thoughts, I think turning Reigns would actually kill his momentum. And I think Rollins benefits from the face heat Reigns gets. ESPECIALLY if Bryan, upon his return, joins in with Reigns/Rollins.

Now, aside from that, in an ideal world where we can get whatever we want to happen:

I LOVE the idea of a War Games match.

Evolution: Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista and Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins and a mystery partner.

Advertise the match a pay-per-view in advance. Get Bryan back on TV before he's really ready to return. Hype the piss out of them trying to find a fourth partner. Have them search high and low. Have them find a guy (like the Miz or Ziggler) and have it not work out for some reason. That gives Miz or Zig a heel rub against the biggest faces the company currently offers and puts them in a place where they can get a midcard title for awhile to rebuild their brand.

Have Evolution mock them. Strut their stuff. Saying no one wants to face us inside of a War Games cage. It's going to be four on three and the good guys are in trouble.

Have the groups interact with one another, but not always in the ring and it doesn't need to be physical. Give a bunch of midcarders rubs by working with some of the members of either team.

This is where the ideal part comes in and probably what sinks my idea (hahaha):

At the PPV, they still haven't found a fourth.

The cage comes down, Evolution comes out... Ambrose pleads with his former friends and stablemates to just give it up. He dislikes everything they stand for, but they had a bond and he doesn't want to be the one to destroy their careers. Cue Bryan. Cue Reigns/Rollins. The music stops. Lights come back on. There is an interesting anticipation in the air...

"Cult of Personality" hits. CM Punk is back. Boom. War Games.

But seeing how Punk isn't coming back, that likely wouldn't work. :)
^^ That could work...but not so simply,tbh.

Maybe, with Batista leaving, and that spot opening up...maybe HHH puts in that the new member would get a shot at the WWE WHC if he joins.
Such a scenario would be a cause for dissension and I'd say it would be between Reigns and Ambrose for who goes across, or as GSB said, they could just tease it in order to stretch out the storyline. Could be a great way to build towards the rumoured Roman Reigns vs Triple H match in any case.

Just giving a spot, wouldn't entice the Shield at this point,tbh. Especially if they beat Evolution for a second time to confirm their dominance.

I don't think a title shot is the way to go. A title shot is a one time thing. Lots of guys have received title shots and were never heard from again. I didn't elaborate in my original post but I think HHH can sell a spot in Evolution as basically a guarantee that you get Randy Orton's or Batista's career at a minimum. You get limos and buses instead of rental cars. You get first class instead of coach. You get steak dinner on the boss' dime instead of the pre-show buffet. Women will want to know you instead of you having to approach them. You can have a solid spot on the card every week or fight eleven on three handicap matches.
You get to hang with celebs and have a good chance of becoming one. It's not too far of a stretch for guts who were hired mercenaries less than six months ago to possibly want a nicer lifestyle.

And yes, title opportunities will come easier and more often.
I personally do not think he should jump ship for a number of reasons

  • Summerslam match with Triple H/Wrestlemania Plans
With plans of him being the next face of wwe and facing Triple H at Summerslam (which is 3 months away) why the hell would he join his rival.The rivalry is mainly between HHH/Reigns and Rollins/Batista.So I think personally he should stay face and split from Rollins and Ambrose but not not that way as a babyface.[/B]

  • Getting progressed as a single star
-He is the 2nd most popular star behind Bryan and before Wyatt on the roster.Now like i've been saying it is time for him to be a singles star.I am his biggest fan but he needs improvement.I'm not talking about his moveset,i'm talking cardio.Also maybe he do need at least 6 or 7 more moves.I see he got his comeback together though that is a plus.The first time he did his comeback against Wyatt it was sloppy now he makes it work.Also a plus is he is getting better and better on the mic.Behind Cena,HHH,Rollins,Wyatt,Ambrose,Ziggler,Sandow,Punk he is the best SUPERSTAR on the mic.But he still does have little tweaks in his mic skills though

  • Rollins/Amborse should be the one making the switch
If they want fans to feel sorry for Reigns and get him even more over.Also if they want a 'excuse' to split the Shield.And if they want Evolution to "evolve." Why not kill 3 birds with one stone by having Rollins/Ambrose turn on Reigns.I say Triple H come out on Raw and tells Ambrose/Rollins "they have a choice team with Reigns and get destroyed or come with us and be a star." Initially we see Ambrose and Rollins backstage talking and they tell Trips "no." I would have Evolution beat the two so bad they couldn't move.When Reigns get there Ambrose yells at him "Where the hell was you" when Reigns go to explain Rollins and Ambrose walks away.Later in that night I would have a 6-man tag where Ambrose walks away for Roman and Rollins.Then Rollins walks away.They explain the next week he wasn't there for them.But they are back on the same page.At Payback I would have the two walk out on him again screaming "we want to be stars." It only makes sense because they wouldn't be paying for Reigns first spear to HHH,they would be getting pushed as well.Also it makes the build to HHH/Reigns even better.

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