Roman Reigns allready fading out????

Is it just me or is Roman Reigns allready beginning to fade out?

I mean... at first everyone was super excited to see him. Almost all fans saw him as the Batista or even Rock (because of their familiy ties) of the future. But right now i have the feeling that he is becoming stale. Same freakin Shield attire... same moves... same storyline... He is the big ppwerfull face who comes in and kicks everyones butt. Ok.. we got it! To me its becoming boring. His biggest problem is his lack of Charisma. Without Charisma you cant become a BIG name in this buisness.

In my eyes Ambrose and Rollins both have alot more potential. Specially Dean Ambrose has the potential to be a HUGE STAR.

Reigns has the most potential of the three in my book, but WWE will ruin him by making him the same superhero babyface we've seen a hundred times before. Dean Ambrose, I see having a good midcard career, but he doesn't have top star quality to me. His promos are alright but his voice annoys the hell out of me, and his in-ring skills are mediocre. Seth Rollins is the best in-ring worker of the three, but doesn't have the charisma to be a top star either.
I'm not a fan of reigns at all. He is boring and incredibly cheesy. Same three moves every match, in the same order. This is ok of they aren't cheesy and generic, but they are.

I'm willing to give him time, but right now he should not be a main event star

Welcome to the WWE where everyone is cheesy and generic and if you aren't you will be by the time Creative gets done with you.
He's not fading. He's super over. They're just stalling with him and HHH so people will resubscribe to the network for Night of Champions. And week after week of fighting Kane and his completely pointless feud with Orton is killing his momentum. He'll get it back once they're done with this nonsense.
I think he is, or at least will be. I like Reigns, but I don't think WWE has booked him very effectively. As his fans say, give him time and he will improve his moveset, etc. But I dunno, he doesn't seem to have a lot of range and Im not referring to his moveset. His promos are all alike. He's been booked as too strong to where I know Orton will only have a chance if he cheats. If Reigns wins, it cements Orton as weak. If Reigns loses, it won't be a fair match. I'm just not interested in any feud Reigns will have if his enemy isn't presented as his equal.

But that's just how I feel.
The reason why he's fading is because he's being pushed to the moon without the necessary charisma to accompany that push, and his moves to get the crowd hyped up have been over saturated and already done too many times (they should be saved for big matches/PPV matches).

The way to fix this is to let him be in some feuds with mid level talent to let people know who he is as a PERSONALITY. After he beats Orton, put him in a feud with someone like a Rusev or Miz and just give him time to sharpen his promo/character skills. He has the look, presence and big moves to be a big star, but he's just missing those charisma/promo skills that make you anticipate him getting the mic. He's not cutting promos that in ten years we'll look back and still laugh or get hyped at. His character is just that of an 80's action movie hero. Which is fine in 1980 when you have a one hour weekly show and 4 PPV's a year but it can get old quick in 2014 when you have 7 hours of television and Reigns is featured prominently in 5 of those 7 hours (RAW and SD) and on every PPV (and has been so since the Shield debut in the fall of 2012). He doesn't necessarily need to be repackaged, but he definitely needs to put more of his real personality into his on screen character and amplify it.

As far as his moveset, same thing I said about. If you're doing those moves once a month then they will be effective and hype the crowd up. But if you're doing those moves in an opening segment and match later on in the night 2x a week, and then once a month for 2 years plus (before even really going on a Singles run), then the moves will lose the ability to hype people up. He needs a television moveset, and then break out the big moves (Superman Punch, Spear, the Dropkick he does on the outside of the ring) at PPV's to close matches.

I think a neat thing they could do to boost his character is to let him get the IC Title and then go on a streak until Wrestlemania, cutting promos, fleshing out his character and making people care about the IC Title at the same time, and then end WM as World Heavyweight and IC Champion. This would be an even excellent idea if the US Title and IC Title are merged like the dirt sheets claim they are getting ready to do.
It would be unfortunate if he did fade somewhat. Right now he is white hot, but as usual Creative (and I use that term loosely), doesn't seem to have any idea what to do with him. This seemingly never-ending feud with Orton and Kane is draining me personally. Sick and tired of seeing the same matches over and over again, week in and week out.

If he is going to win the title at Mania next year, as everyone says is going to happen, then they'd better start soon, and start getting him ready with something other than what he's got going. Not everyone can be good on the mic, Lesnar is living proof of that. For most of the time he was with the Shield, it was Rollins or Ambrose who did the mic work, he did very little. I would assume that as he gets used to it, he will come along. I hope so.

As for his in ring work. He is very fast for a big guy, but yes he is limited. Is that the WWE's fault I have no idea. Watched videos of him in NXT and he had a completely different move set. Maybe it's time to let him showcase what he can do.

With his looks and ability he can go all the way. Rollins and Ambrose are right up there as well, and I think the WWE will push them at some point in time. Rollins is definitely the best in the ring, but Ambrose is my favourite and the most interesting of the lot. He has so many facets to him, he'll be around for years. Reigns might be the next Cena, but Ambrose will be the next Stone Cold.
In the past couple of weeks he has done a couple new moves, and I hope that is a pattern until NoC where he will most probably face HHH.

Last week vs Kane, he did a DDT and this week he did a Vertical Suplex on it isn't like he only knows 3/4 moves, but rather he is being limited by the powers in terms of moveset, which is only hurting him.

Even on the mic, I feel the scripted nature of his promos don't help him too much. Maybe giving him a bit of freedom might bring out some personality that he obviously has even whilst portraying an ass-kicking bad-ass.

As for "fading", the reception for him tonight was superb, and the crowd was right behind him the entire time,tbh.
I see people projecting their dislike for WWE's corporate product onto Reigns. He's over, the crowd's feeling it, but insiders seem to need to find problems with him. I don't think his moveset is really that limited. I dislike it when WWE shoves something down our throats, but I can see this for what it is: nitpicking.
I think his match with Orton at Summerslam is the litmus paper test for him as a singles competitor. I'm a huge fan of Reigns, but I totally understand he needs much more work. I'm always going to be concerned about the too much too soon thing, but if WWE want him as the guy, they need to take the training wheels off him sooner rather than later. If all we see at Summerslam in his match with Orton is Samoan Drops, apron dropkicks, superman punches and spears, then I'm a little concerned. Not saying I'm giving up on him, not even close. But there's no better time to truly prove yourself as a main event player than by working a crisp match with Randy Orton.

I want a 50/50 match, I don't want a match where Reigns gets his ass kicked for 15 mins then turns into superman and does a "never give up" John Cena comeback. He'll still get a pop, but what happens IN the match I feel is just as important as the outcome, which of course will be Reigns going over. I want to see the filler moves, I want to see body slams, throw in some arm bars. Just the little things that help keep a match ticking over, especially a 15-20 minutes PPV match.

But to the actual topic, no, he's far from fading. I think the pops are actually increasing each week. Admittedly, his promo last night was pretty bad, yet he still got mad pops for it. I'm seeing the improvement in him week on week. Again admittedly, last night was more of a plateau than anything, but I think the confidence is growing. But I also think the WWE need to take the training wheels off and let "their guy" show his full arsenal.
People who think he's already fading might have been expecting him to rage directly to the world championship, running over everyone and being cast as indestructible. My feeling is that might have been fine for a "Ryback" type of persona; one who was running roughshod over everyone, only to be taken back several pegs when reaching main event level (and look at where Ryback is today).

I like the way Reigns is being handled: he's not invulnerable to pain, not adverse to taking a backward step when seeing the odds stacked against him....and not being cast as a Superman. To me, this is the way to build a long-lasting run at the top.

One of the factors in John Cena's long standing at the summit of WWE (the "hatred" of him notwithstanding) is that he's cast as a human being with flaws and failures like the rest of us. If he were an indestructible monster, the company would have had to have him toppled long ago.

Take Roman's match against Kane. It wouldn't have worked if Reigns destroyed the monster with no trouble, would it? If he completely ran over Kane, it might have appeared good for Roman in the short run, but WWE would be demolishing characters and storylines to do it, thereby taking us out of our comfort & belief zone. Similarly, if Kane did to Reigns what he normally does to opponents.....Reigns rise would be finished.

Better to handle it as they did; Roman wins cleanly (so cleanly, that Kane turns in his mask), yet both men went through hell to get to Reigns' ultimate victory. This was exactly the right path to follow. Reigns' is even more heroic for having achieved victory through extreme effort than he would be in a squash.

Roman Reigns is still on the far, this is an example of Creative doing things the way they should be done. If he eventually reaches the top, it will be that much more satisfying to the fans when he gets there.
Roman was super over last night in his match on RAW.

I like him, and it looks like he's improving both in the ring and in connecting with the crowd. His outside the ring kick to the head move is pretty cool. And his lock and load for the superman punch is a good taunt as well.

His post-match promo was a little awkward, as he was a little less intense and showed a little more of a casual persona. He will find what works for him. I still maintain he needs a catch phrase, but something organically will catch on. Right now he has "believe that", which is fine... but look at the signs in the crowd, it's all "Roman Empire" and "When it Reigns it Pours"... some type of play on his name like that will start to catch on and really help him get more over.

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