Roman Reigns allready fading out????


Dark Match Winner
Is it just me or is Roman Reigns allready beginning to fade out?

I mean... at first everyone was super excited to see him. Almost all fans saw him as the Batista or even Rock (because of their familiy ties) of the future. But right now i have the feeling that he is becoming stale. Same freakin Shield attire... same moves... same storyline... He is the big ppwerfull face who comes in and kicks everyones butt. Ok.. we got it! To me its becoming boring. His biggest problem is his lack of Charisma. Without Charisma you cant become a BIG name in this buisness.

In my eyes Ambrose and Rollins both have alot more potential. Specially Dean Ambrose has the potential to be a HUGE STAR.
I'd say give it more time, he's hardly had the chance to prove himself yet. Sure he's a little wooden on the mic but he'll get there. He's decent in the ring and every move he does gets a reaction and next to John Cena, he gets the loudest crowd reaction on the entire roster.
I can certainly see where you are coming from. I think that's why as well you see him a bit less than you did he not on smack down every week which is good. I think there playing it smart less is more with reigns. I believe he doesn't need to really talk much amyway
Reigns was always the least talented member of The Shield. He is much better than the typical larger wrestlers, as he can work a good match and has improved on the mic a lot from his initial promos with The Shield. That being said.... Dean and Seth are way above him when it comes to quality in the ring or in promos. Their feud is showcasing everything they bring to the table. Roman has an impressive look and a cool finisher, but does not have much else going for him without his former Shield allies. Perhaps others are beginning to notice that as well now, hence this topic. I'm no less and no more impressed with Reigns than I was before The Shield split. I'm a fan.... I just happen to like Seth and Dean both a lot more. Reigns will probably still make it to the World Heavyweight Championship first unless Seth cashes in soon and all three are going to be huge stars anyway, but yes Seth and Ambrose have much more potential than Roman Reigns does.
I wouldnt go as far as saying Roman is fading,but clearly he is the most popular among Ambrose and Rollins.. Roman has a great look,can move very well for someone his size and has a unique set-up finisher and a great finisher..

He has improved a lot mic wise,but like DD said,he is still the weakest member of the 3. Seth and Dean can run circles around Roman in-ring wise and mic wise.. They show they are clearly more comfortable in both areas.. Roman is destined to be the future WWE WHC and probably will take on Rollins at HIAC for his MITB briefcase.. I am with DD i happen to like Dean and Seth a little more
The issue seems to have arisen from him taking some beatings at the hands of Orton lately. At one point he was unstoppable, but he is showing some vulnerability now. He was never the best talker, and we should not pretend that every wrestler needs to cut 10 minute promos or do 10 non-basic moves to get over. His character was that of an asskicker, but now that the asskicking has come down a bit, many are finding faults with him like "limited charisma", "limited moves" etc. I don't feel the criticism is justified.

I don't think he's fading out; I think they're just taking things a bit easy with him now. I saw many users here fearing that if Reigns goes around spearing everyone in his way, he will reach a dead end at one point like Goldberg or Ryback, and it will be difficult to climb back from there because everything will seem like a downgrade compared to his earlier push. Maybe WWE writers thought about that too, and decided to push him as a human rather than a machine. Slow and steady is the way to go.
He's doing fine for the most part. It's just feuding with Orton/Kane on the side(both been on a decline lately) is a noticeable step down from feuding with Evolution and competing for the WWEWHC. Right now he reminds me of Batista when he first broke off from Evolution, awesome look and does big moves that the crowd can pop for, but not exactly lighting it up on the mic. Which is fine since not every champ was amazing on the mic, he's just not going to be the Cena replacement that WWE seems to be hoping he'll be, not without drastic improvement at least. But it is his first single run and he is getting better, not nearly as good as his former shield partners but we all gotta start somewhere.
I don't see that at all. He's over with the fans, has a good look, has shown to be quite solid inside the ring, has a couple of high impact signature/finishing moves that people are into and he's coming along pretty well.

However, I'm of the same opinion as DD & Pedigree in that Reigns is the overall weakest Shield member. I've suspected this was the case long before they broke up and when they finally did break up, it was confirmed, at least in my eyes. As has been mentioned, either Ambrose or Rollins can work circles around him inside the ring or on the microphone and, personally, I just like Rollins & Ambrose more than Reigns.

As for what Reigns' future ultimately is, it's much too soon to tell, in my opinion. He's not as advanced as Ambrose or Rollins, which isn't surprising to me at all. Rollins has been wrestling since 2003 and Ambrose since June of 2004, whereas Reigns' first match ever came about in September 2010. He hasn't been out there on the indie circuit like Ambrose & Rollins have, he doesn't have the level of experience and the only way to rectify that is with time. I'm not trying to run Reigns down, I like the guy and he's definitely come a long way over the course of the past few years. In my eyes, however, he still has work to do and it's gonna take time in order to see whether or not he's realizing his potential or has already realized it and developed as far as he's going to. Right now, I don't see Reigns taking John Cena's spot. It MIGHT be what some WWE officials would like to see happen or have planned and, again, it's gonna take more time to show whether or not Reigns has the goods to be the next Cena.
I could understand folks being upset with him being the weakest member if he had been wrestling as long as Dean and Seth have, but he hasn't. (Dean came into the business in 2004, Seth in 2003) He was involved in football for many years and only started in developmental with WWE in 2010. The Shield was formed in Nov/Dec of 2012. So it's been LESS than 5 years he's even been in the business. Give him time to improve. When he's been wrestling 10 years, if he's still the weakest link, I'll be the first one to write him off.
Dean Ambrose is the star of The Shield. WWE knew it then (hence the US title) and fans still know it, but WWE either doesn't know it or doesn't want to acknowledge it anymore. Reigns looks like a film star and has a few cool moves, but that's about it. Ambrose has a far greater upside and from what I can tell, is the most over of the two.
I think feuding with Randy Orton currently isn't bringing out the best in him.

Orton on his own isn't a heel that fans really hate. He's not really someone you just can't wait to see get their ass kicked. Triple H on the other hand, is. Hopefully after SummerSlam, Reigns moves on to feud with Triple H, who as a heel will get the best out of Reigns as a face. It takes a great heel to make a great face.

Even when Bryan was feuding with The Authority, it was never Orton who people wanted to see him beat. It was always Hunter. Orton is really just a stepping stone to Triple H in The Authority.

Also, it seems to be fans are just waiting to cling on to something when it comes to Reigns. Either a catchphrase or a certain pose or taunt. Right now he yells out "ooooo" before a spear or superman punch and fans get really into it. But give him a few unique identifiers, either in a catchphrase or a pose/taunt that you can put on a t-shirt, that fans can imitate and get behind, and he'll get really over.
I've seen nothing that should make anyone think that he is "fading". The crowd reaction he gets has been consistent.

I think there are people looking for holes to punch in this push for Reigns. Even though Rollins has the briefcase, and Ambrose is in a feud WITH Rollins, there is a segment of the fanbase that thinks they should be more of a focal point than Reigns.

Once the Shield broke up, I knew this would happen. I knew that a vocal minority would slowly but surely turn on Reigns and resent the fact that the "big" guy, with no Indy chops, is getting the biggest push of the three.
Is it just me or is Roman Reigns allready beginning to fade out?

I mean... at first everyone was super excited to see him. Almost all fans saw him as the Batista or even Rock (because of their familiy ties) of the future. But right now i have the feeling that he is becoming stale. Same freakin Shield attire... same moves... same storyline... He is the big ppwerfull face who comes in and kicks everyones butt. Ok.. we got it! To me its becoming boring. His biggest problem is his lack of Charisma. Without Charisma you cant become a BIG name in this buisness.

In my eyes Ambrose and Rollins both have alot more potential. Specially Dean Ambrose has the potential to be a HUGE STAR.

If you are giving him this little time to impress you as a singles competitor without him even having ONE title match yet, then you are really jumping the gun or you just want to hate him just because.

Same freakin Shield attire? That's a problem? If anything it's an improvement. I would have hated so much if he just became another bland cookie-cutter wrestler with trunks. The SWAT gear SUITS him and he added some nice trim to it.

Same moves? Uh, yeah, I guess so, he's still doing his Signature and Finisher moves LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. You want him to abandon his Signature and Finisher moves the second he goes solo? That would be crazy.

One thing I will admit, I'd like to see MORE powerful moves from him, maybe a running powerslam or some sort of torture rack back breaker. Something to show of his power. But his moveset is still good. One of the best things is it can be done on pretty much any opponent, which is a huge plus for allowing him to work with many different wrestlers.

Same storyline? Yes, he is still working through his feud with Orton and the Authority. Um, yeah, I'm glad his IS still in the same storyline because there hasn't been much time for them to even tell the full story yet. You would be complaining more if he WAS is a new storyline because it would be way too quick to change right now. What do you want? Him in feud with Great Khali over who has better long black hair?

Problem with his charisma? Well, I guess that one is objective. He has room to improve there but he has an intimidating presence and that is part of his charisma. The crowd cheers him loudly when he enters which is a pretty good sign that those who pay to see him still enjoy seeing him.

I think Rollins and Ambrose are doing very good also but I definitely don't think Reigns is starting to fade already. It's way too early to tell.
If you are giving him this little time to impress you as a singles competitor without him even having ONE title match yet, then you are really jumping the gun or you just want to hate him just because.

I hate to nit-pick because I completely agree with you but technically Roman Reigns has had two matches for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, at Money in the Bank and Payback. Granted those have not been one on one matches if that was what you meant.
I'm not a fan of reigns at all. He is boring and incredibly cheesy. Same three moves every match, in the same order. This is ok of they aren't cheesy and generic, but they are.

I'm willing to give him time, but right now he should not be a main event star
I first saw Reigns in a match when he was in the Florida Development FCW before it became the new NXT... I thought imediatly "WOW this guy has it all! Looks great and can wrestle! He did some impressive moves for his size. I later heard they where going to repackage him as some kind of wall street guy and i was like "hell no... please dont!". Soon after that he debuted on RAW with the Shield and i was happy to see him there with Rollins and Ambrose (the 2 guys who everyone knew WWE is willing to push).

But now after all that time gone... my biggest problems arent even his moves... its more that he is plain and simple BORING! At least in my eyes.... I really hope he improves fast. If he does not i cant see him having the carreer WWE might wish he has!

Rollins would be a super Face imo. And Ambrose has the biggest potential... he allready shows signs that he could be someting like a "new Stonecold".
IMO Ambrose gets cheered more than Reigns by the fans. And Reigns is supposed to be a Main Eventer or at least around there... So there is a problem... Ambrose (and Rollins too= are both overshadowing Reigns and i am sure this is not what WWE had in their minds.
Reigns and Ambrose both suck. Rollins has some potential to at least be relevant as a midcarder. Ambrose won't have a job in a year or two. His look is terrible, he's not anything special in the ring, and he sounds like he always has a cold. Reigns will probably be like Sheamus...someone that is ok but is put in main event matches way too often, has no character at all, and will always be in that weird category of guys that are too good for the us/ic belt but not good enough for the WWE title.

Reigns can't talk and has no character so of course he is becoming boring. There only so many times that a guy can pound the mat and roar before it just looks silly. Reigns has nothing going for him except his look...thats all. Green as hell, no mic skills, no character but the IWC will probably force the WWE to give him the belt just like they did DB. I love DB but until he actually has a character, or is a great talker he needs to stay far away from that belt. Being good in the ring is great but if you can't carry a feud than you can't be champ...its that simple.
Same moves? Uh, yeah, I guess so, he's still doing his Signature and Finisher moves LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. You want him to abandon his Signature and Finisher moves the second he goes solo? That would be crazy!

He only does his signature and finisher moves. He gets beat up the majority of a match, then does signatures. People hate Cena for only having five moves, but he at least has a mat game to help carry a match. That's Reigns biggest problem. Sure, it might not be his fault(creative), but he just relies on those moves. He needs to showcase his true ability that he showed in FCW.
Roman Reigns has had two matches for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, at Money in the Bank and Payback.

I meant Battleground here, whoops...

I'm not a fan of reigns at all. He is boring and incredibly cheesy. Same three moves every match, in the same order. This is ok of they aren't cheesy and generic, but they are.

I'm willing to give him time, but right now he should not be a main event star

You mean like almost every face coming up towards the end of their match hitting their signature(s) before their finisher? Scratch that, almost every wrestler.

Ambrose won't have a job in a year or two.

Green as hell, no mic skills, no character but the IWC will probably force the WWE to give him the belt just like they did DB.

Two of the most ridiculous comments I've seen. I'm looking forward to seeing Ambrose out of a job in a year or two now, I really am.

And yeah, all those members of the IWC at those live events chanting Daniel Byran's name, and booing Batista for not being DB at the Rumble. Must've been a lot of laptops in the arena...
As others said, Reings is not "fading out," because he still receives consistent and strong reactions from live crowds.

However, it wouldn't surprise me if wrestling fans, who frequent the internet (especially wrestling fans, who frequent the internet) and the live crowds turn on Reigns for being overrated and over hyped, or they'll just sour on him. People will attack his "predictable" or "stale" move set with the Spear, the Superman Punch, and the running dropkick on the ring apron, they'll shit on Reigns' Three Moves Of Doom, and they'll label him another generic and intense big man.

I'm a fan of Reigns, but he needs a significant win, and he needs one soon. Seth Rollins won MITB and he's Triple H's hand picked guy, and Dean Ambrose is in a feud with the MITB winner. Reigns really needs to pick up the win over Orton at Summerslam, because you're taking a big chance of killing his momentum with a loss.
I really and truly hope the audience don't turn on Reigns for at least 3 years. The only reason I get irritated with Cena is the fact he's been doing the same thing for 8 years now :p if the fans turn on Reigns they'll never have another face again. Reigns deserves at least 3-4 good years on top fighting with Dean/Seth/Cesaro/Cena/Orton etc
I hate to nit-pick because I completely agree with you but technically Roman Reigns has had two matches for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, at Money in the Bank and Payback. Granted those have not been one on one matches if that was what you meant.

Yes, I meant to say he hasn't had a one on one singles match for the title yet. Once he has that, I feel it would be then fair to judge if he 'has what it takes' to be a main eventer.

JoeMallard said:
He only does his signature and finisher moves. He gets beat up the majority of a match, then does signatures. People hate Cena for only having five moves, but he at least has a mat game to help carry a match. That's Reigns biggest problem. Sure, it might not be his fault(creative), but he just relies on those moves. He needs to showcase his true ability that he showed in FCW.

Yes, exactly. He does HAVE a wider variety of moves, it just looks like WWE Creative are limiting him. Maybe it's a bit of both sides being careful and hopefully they do know he needs to show a bit more variety or else fans will lose interest quickly.

Personally, I think since he is in a big PPV he NEEDS to show us AT LEAST one, cool, new move. Ideally, he shows two or three new moves that we haven't seen before that he will start using more often.

I'll agree, if after his SS match, it turns out all he really did was get beat on by Orton for most of the match and then just hit some clotheslines, that dropkick to the apron, Superman punch and a Spear, I will be dissapointed.

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