ROH World Tag Team Champions The American Wolves Invited to WWE Tryout

How do you know they won't? And again, it's not worth the risk.
Because as far as I know WWE has taken measures to prevent that - it would be ridiculous to have a type of sport/entertainment without shots to the head. If I am fighting someone, and since I'm not a pro, my aim will be the head, always. Banning head shots completely would be an error, wrestling would be dull and we would take out "knock outs" out of the book. I don't know about you, but it's very hard for someone to knock me out with a punch in the legs.

Here's what I know: I've watched a lot of wrestling. Like, a whole lot. Davey Richards was so ridiculously boring and kick based that it made me change the channel. if that's what you like then so be it, but he is painfully uninteresting most of the time.
I have watched a lot of wrestling too, and really a whole lot and Davey Richards to me is a great wrestler with an unique style that a lot of different people like. He fits perfectly in the mold of todays wrestling. He's a great worker and that is what wrestling has been evolving, great matches with a lot of cool spots.

He's different, he works a more "real fight" style. I'm pretty sure that in a real fight, kicks would be a must, so would punches, elbows and knees. I do however find it hard to believe that someone would leg drop me. I don't know, I love wrestling as much as you do, but I guess I understand that different guys have different styles. I like Davey's style, I don't like The Rock's style, see tastes...

Name more than one Hulk Hogan (not Hollywood Hogan) botch. I can't think of any.
Well when your moveset is selling, dropping the leg, slamming and clotheslining you'll find it hard to see someone get injured. If your moveset involves any kind of athletic ability you'll find it more likely to get injured or hurt others. As much as an Hulk Hogan character/wrestler wouldn't work nowadays, so wouldn't Davey work in the Golden Era. Wrestling is dangerous and always will be.

Oh yeah Whitmer: another guy with a neck injury from a move done to the head. Much like Austin, Edge, Angle, Benoit etc. Hence why they should be banned.
They know what they signed for, but injuries happen to everyone and everywhere. Mysterio probably doesn't have knees right now. Droz wishes he would have had a neck injury. Can Kevin Nash make sweet love with the state of his quad? Banning head shots, would make body shots more dangerous and, a shot to the lung region can kill a lot more faster than a shot to the head if done wrong right?

Hopefully this thread results in the sort of epic humiliation that leads to The History changing his name again.

I'm actually hoping this thread results in a relevant post coming from you. Oh hey, who am I kidding? Please feel free to share your relevant opinion with us, I know it will be great and it will end the discussion. Can't wait for the "RVD should be champ" reference or the childish wannabe troll reply. Also your name means shit in some countries, so that doesn't leave you with much to talk about either.
He's different, he works a more "real fight" style. I'm pretty sure that in a real fight, kicks would be a must, so would punches, elbows and knees. I do however find it hard to believe that someone would leg drop me. I don't know, I love wrestling as much as you do, but I guess I understand that different guys have different styles. I like Davey's style, I don't like The Rock's style, see tastes...

Professional wrestlers using an "real fight" style are regoddamndiculous. If people want to see real fighting they are going to watch mixed martial arts.

Wrestling needs to stop blurring the line. Sooner rather than later. It needs to focus on compelling stories and characters instead of looking "real". Mma fans aren't suddenly going to start watching professional wrestling because some dude is pretending to be an mma fighter. Likewise, professional wrestling fans aren't going to watch mma because some some dude is pretending to be an mma fighter.

Get back to compelling stories and characters and leave that "stiff" stuff to real fighters.

Unless we're talking about Josh Barnett or Brock Lesnar. Those dudes can do whatever they want.
I don't assume Richards is a dangerous performer because he does a lot of kicks. I assume he's a dangerous performer because of how many times I've heard of him either knocking someone silly or being knocked silly himself.

I only remember hearing a couple instances of this, and the highest profile one (London) wouldn't have happened, except for Davey slipping because of how sweaty London was. There are quite a few indy wrestlers that cause me to legit fear for both their life and their opponent's life when they are in the ring: Davey isn't anywhere close to being one of them.
It should also be noted that London (a guy who's known for taking tons of stupid unnecessary risks) was laying the wrong way to take that stomp off the top rope, & anyone claiming all Davey does is kicks has not watch very many Davey Richards matches. As for Davey being dangerous in the ring, he's a trained paramedic, of all the guys on the indies & in ROH he's probably one of the safest to have in the ring with you.
I'm actually hoping this thread results in a relevant post coming from you. Oh hey, who am I kidding? Please feel free to share your relevant opinion with us, I know it will be great and it will end the discussion. Can't wait for the "RVD should be champ" reference or the childish wannabe troll reply. Also your name means shit in some countries, so that doesn't leave you with much to talk about either.
RVD should be champ.

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