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Rock gets MAJOR heat; not just the speech..


The Next One
Source PWTorch

A number of people in WWE weren't pleased with how Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson came off this past Saturday night. He did not leave a positive impression on a number of wrestlers at the Hall of Fame banquet.

A number of sources report that Johnson did not hang out with old friends before and after his speech at the Hall of Fame induction ceremony. He showed up for the speech, delivered one that offended many in WWE and was believed to be too long, and then left.

Some of his former colleagues are saying that Johnson came across as "aloof" and "totally Hollywood," as if he were "above WWE now," not to mention everyone in WWE as well. One of those people include one-time friend Steve Austin, who was openly displeased and taken aback by Johnson's demeanor.

Here is one wrestler's comments regarding Johnson's Hall of Fame speech: "This wasn't a roast. This was supposed to be a tribute to his dad and grandfather. Instead, he did an hour plus of comedy, running way long, then did a short tribute to his dad and grandfather, then left. It was rude of him."

WWE had plans to control the length of the Hall of Fame speeches, but the induction ceremony ran way over the planned length in large part due to Johnson's drawn out speech. Flair's Hall of Fame speech ran long as well, but everyone was forgiving of that considering that it was his night.

After the event, pretty much everyone backstage shared in their resentment and disappointment on Johnson's conduct at the Hall of Fame. The belief backstage was that Johnson had no reason to treat old friends like discards from a past life.

Johnson's speech went on first because he had to catch a plane immediately to Las Vegas, where they are filming his latest movie, Space Mountain. After he left, two individuals took shots at him during their Hall of Fame speeches. When praising John Cena, Ric Flair made a point to say that Cena, "Will never leave our business for Hollywood." Triple H mentioned, "Rock fans," and then said, "Oops, am I supposed to say Dwayne fans now?"

Suprising to me..well no, Why? Well Vince begged for his return and he did what was asked. Everyone wanted the rock to come back. Cena asked rudely why he doesnt "show the eyebrow" and got it lol. Its not like these inductions had meaning. Yeah it was to pay tribute but both Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia didnt make huge contributions. So that prolly explains the small speeches.

Im sure steve austin or flair or cena would have done the same if they were in hollywood. Course im not calling the Rock the greatest actor but it's descent.
the problem is the rock has been shunning the business for awhile noe he has no need to be apart of the wwe, and in regards to anyone in this business he probably gained the most out of it, it doesnt matter who you are or what you do you will never be bigger then the business and the rock proves that, he will never be the greatest actor around but he will need this business again someday and maybe it wont be so forgiving
Wrestlers need to stop making it all about them, it was for use the fans who have not seen The Rock in character for a long time, I thought it was fun and great to see, the crowd sitting up top and in the back seems to enjoy it a lot and I know I did

sounds like a lot of jealousy if you ask me, he was just trying to be entertaining and he was

as for going Hollywood, well I am sure the last thing Rock was thinking was "let me use the WWE to become a movie star"

as for the Rock "will need the WWE again" yeah maybe but you honestly think the WWE would turn The Rock away if he was to finally come back??? NEVER! They would bring him back and make him great Heel with a Hollywood attitude
Secondly, Rock isnt physically ready for wrestling..lets remember that back in 04, he has muscles that looked like a pillar..i mean he looks awesome right now. Lean and still in great shape, but for wrestling? If he did a rock bottom or lifting a guy over his shoulders, i think it'll hurt lol

And I doubt he will return even if hollywood rejects him completely. Lets remember that this is a tough business. Sure its fake, but you gotta travel tons. People get injured in this business. It might have been a "great ride" (quote the briscos) for some but ended in misfortune for others...
... but he will need this business again someday and maybe it wont be so forgiving

I wouldn't go that far... Unless he suddenly develops a nasty crack addiction and a gambling problem, I'm sure the Rock will always have enough money to get by VERY comfortably.

As far as his conduct is concerned, what did they expect? The WWE has pleaded with him many times over the last couple of years to make appearances and he always told them "no". So, the last resort was to induct his father and grandfather into the HOF so that he would feel "obligated" to show up. Of course he's going to go into business for himself.

And lets be honest - if he's really serious about one day becoming an A-list George Clooney/Matt Damon calibur actor, he's better off distancing himself from pro wrestling. For every Ric Flair tribute show, there are at least 10 Katie Vicks and a Shockmaster to make it the laughing stock of the entertainment industry again.

I personally found the portion of the Rock's speech that made it onto USA very entertaining, but I did feel that he took some unnecessary digs (especially against Cena. I mean, come on; he didn't WRITE The Marine!)

I'm just going to hold onto my memories of The Rock in the late 90's. I'll always remember him that way. Let's face it; Dwayne Johnson really isn't The Rock anymore.
I didn't like the way Rock came off on the show. Like someone said already, it wasn't his night. Rock was one of the greatest of all time as far as entertainment goes, but his time is over. He's a movie star now, not a wrestler. The problem is, if he ever said the word, Vince would welcome him back with open arms. No wonder he could say whatever he wants, no way he can burn his bridges.
Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia didn't make any huge contributions? Ahem...o.k. I guess Rocky and Atlas being the first black tag team champions meant nothing. Oh, and I suppose Peter never left a huge legacy for the Samoan wrestling community. Right... that sounds like something to me.
*sigh* when I read this report I could only do nothing but reaffirm to myself that Dwayne really could care less about the wrestling industry at this point. What pisses me off the most is that Vince would take him back in a second reguardless of how he acts. Seriously If I was anyone in that locker room, say HHH, I would never want Dwayne to come back, even for a HOF ceromony. It's supposed to be a realitivly serious affair for guys and women being inducted. However sadly for Dwayne's dad and grand dad, they're induction looked like a joke... Ugh Dwayne just pisses me off, no anyone would piss me off if they take something like a HOF ceremony, go in and act like your above even the guys your inducting... It's just pathetic I think...
Sigh, I knew this would happen...ok I didn't really see anything wrong with the Rock's speech/ portion at all..it was entertaining...and I think that's why WWE wanted him back in the first place...to give the people a bit of the Rock once more...if Rock had just come up there and inducted his dad/ grand father...everyone would still COMPLAIN that he didn't even acknowledge his past in the business...so what do they really want?

It was known that he was already on a tight schedule..so he simply came to do what he had to( imagine if he didn't induct his family). IT just proves that Dwayne Johnson is no longer the Rock, he's an actor now trying to make it in the film industry. I don't feel that any of his comments were harmful(not to me anyway) those were the type of jabs he normally gave to Y2J, Mick Foley etc. when he WAS apart of WWE, I don't think the targeted individuals would take those jokes personally but then again...I don't know...whatever.

This article could simply be the product of hearsay, or jealousy(could be true though)...I won't let it or the current behaviour of Dwayne Johnson influence how I feel and respect the Rock as a character in the late 90's.
or it could just be die hard Cena fans that want people to believe that Cena is better so bad and is upset that The Rock took a little friendly jab at Cena

Rock history in the WWE is set in stone, it may have been a short run but it was hands down one of the greatest runs ever, during his ERA NO ONE was better NO ONE was more complete, even the new guy today NONE of them, not Cena, not Orton, not Batista NONE of them come close to The Rock, MVP is probably the only guys I see right now that can have the type of impact that the Rock had because he is complete, in the ring and with a mic in his hand, Cena is awesome on the mic but average in the ring, Orton is outstanding in the ring but average on the mic and Batista is actually average in the ring and on the mic but just has the "look"

clearly some of the people that are trying to run with this story are just hardcore Cena fans, at least when Rock got booed and "you suck" chants he did not stand in the ring looking like he was about to start crying LOL, nothing against Cena I actually like him unlike most but he will never be as good as The Rock was SORRY

as for HHH I don't think he ever liked the Rock because he knew The Rock was always a bigger star, I respect HHH was a performer but I am just being honest I don't think he ever liked The Rock, not sure if Rock care about him much either
The reason that The Rock is taking heat for his humorous speech has only to do with the jealousy of certain superstars. Triple H and Ric Flair made digs at Dwayne Johnson while they were speaking, and really, who else would it be? It seems to me that the backstage controversies and politics in the WWE always seem to revolve around the same group of people: Triple H, HBK, Flair, Batista, Steve Austin, and a few others that are no longer associated with the company.

Flair is perhaps the greatest pro wrestler of all time, but he was also a demanding and controlling prick who held down countless - repeat - countless other wrestlers while he was booking himself to be a 16-time World Champion. He cheated the IRS and needed to stay an active wrestler until he was 60 just to keep a steady paycheck. To him, The Rock is a unappreciative punk who left the industry for greener pastures when he was 30-years-old.

The same goes for Triple H. How many title matches at Wrestlemania does he need to appear in? Think about it. The last time he wasn't wrestling for a World Championship at Mania was X-Seven (exception: Mania 23, and only because he was hurt). He's bigger than the title, yet constantly around it. His last two title reigns were both cheap and only padded his reigns to 11. He's also forced the likes of Booker T, Kurt Angle, and Christian to leave the company with his controlling ways. To him, The Rock is a guy who didn't pay his dues, a ridiculous thought considering Triple H himself has tried and already failed to find a niche in Hollywood (see: Blade Trinity).

What Flair and Triple H choose not to see is that Dwayne Johnson was the ultimate company guy for eight years, and never held back another wrestler for fear that he would lose his spot as a main eventer. Johnson always treated his time in the WWE for what is was - a full time job - and never once refused to lay down and take a pin. If Vince asked him to put over Hurricane Helms, he did it. If Vince asked him to put over Chris Jericho? He did it. Al Snow? He did it. Mick Foley? He did it.

Flair would never put over Foley. He's said so himself. Triple H has beaten Jericho clean on PPV at least five times, and that's not counting any elimination chambers. The Rock gave both of those guys their first - and second - World Title reigns. Against Flair and Triple H, I don't think they have a win between them.

Pro wrestling isn't real, and the problem that guys like Flair and Triple H have is that they treat it like it is real. Instead of spreading the wealth amongst other, hardworking individuals who have gotten over with the live crowd, they hold people back, save for their own buddies (I'm looking at you, Batista). The Rock always treated the industry for what it really is, a business, and did whatever his bosses told him to do.

I for one, have no problem with his speech at the Hall of Fame. It was funny and it played to the crowd perfectly. 10,000 people didn't show up to the Hall of Fame to see The Rock get teary eyed and sentimental. The fans wanted that from Ric Flair, and thats what they got. From The Rock, the fans wanted the very promo he delivered. And in the end, this business is supposed to be about the fans, not backstage politics.
seriously guys, are you telling me that the Rock's speech wasn't a work? Do you really think Santino would walk into the "it doesn't matter what your name is" joke willy-nilly?

Personally I liked The Rock's speech as did the crowd. It personified the man, with his wit and interaction with the audience. His speeches on his dad and grandad although short, were poignant and did their job. Would you have had it any other way? If Dwayne Johnson turned up, without any of the smack talk and charisma we remember, there would probably be 10x many complaints from the IWC. Jeez, they can't ever get it right can they?!
I think you guys are putting too much stock in this report. No one said anything about the Rock's speech being disrepectful until PWTorch said it was and now there are numerous posts about it. This is completely stupid.

For one look at the quote, notice it doesn't say what superstar found it disrepectful. Maybe thats because this is bogus. It only says Austin was taken back by it, which could mean anything. The Rock was asked back by WWE and this is exactly what they expected. If they wanted a serious induction anyone could have done it so they wouldn't have gone out of their way to get Rock. The only reason Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia were inducted is so Rock could do an entertaining appearance like this one.
Yea, Slim is dead on. Firstly, none of us were there, so its fucking dumb to judge what happened without seeing it. And for reals, act as if they really inducted those two guys for ANY purpose but to get exactly what the rock gave them. getting that was what it was ALL about. I am fairly sure this report is fucking bogus.
This is the WWE wanting their favorite cake, then getting it, then deciding they didn't like it.

They've been after him for years just to do SOMETHING with them. They induct his pop and grandfather, then get him back to do a speech.. what does he do? He comes back and gives the fans and the company what they fucking wanted - The Rock. He gets in a couple funny, harmless digs and even gets to put Santino over a little. I don't know what else went down, because I know they edited out a lot.. but they asked for The Rock, they got The Rock and now they're complaining and whining?

The fans wouldn't have accepted Dwayne coming out there all humbled and toned down like he is in regular interviews. They wanted The Rock, they got it and it was pretty entertaining.

The reason most of those are bitter would likely be due to either jealousy and envy (Triple H, Flair, maybe Austin) or due to politics and trying to gain points with the office (ie. win points with Triple H).

The man, by going into Hollywood, enabled WWE to open up their own film division and could very well be helping wrestling's image out a lot more.

As a fan, I'm glad he actually achieved success outside of the ring. He deserves it. He's done so much for the WWE that for them to have heat with him over coming, doing his thing and leaving due to his schedule is just petty and asinine. I would bet he'd be a bit more willing to pop up every now and then or do a program if the product wasn't as intelligence insulting as it tends to be at times. I think the main guy, aside from wanting to legitimize himself, working against a potential return of Rock to do a program is Triple H. The last time Rock came back and helped out the company, the guys he put over or gave a rub to got buried or fed to Trips.

The funny thing is that if Rock were to announce he wanted to come back for a program or two, everyone would be doling out the cock-suckings to get a chance to work with Rock.
nawww, its kuzz after the rock left the buisness he just plain out went soft, got rich went soft, started acting real girly in all his movies, and just punked out big time, ha, like trips, ooops cant call him the rock, for realz whats wit that embrace what made you, sure there was dark parts i bet, trips was on roids, so was vince, they all were, so rock probably doesnt wana have ties wit tha company for that reason
So some people were pissed at The Rock for being a bit aloof. Yet the only reason they inducted his father and grandfather is to get him on TV, and use him in advertising. It appears as though WWE got what they wanted. If The Rock doesn't keep in touch with these people then are they really friends anymore? More like acquaintances to me. If you had all of your acquaintances in a room, would you get to speak to them all? I don't think so.
If the Rock didn't show any of his catchphrases or joke around that much, might not have been a problem with wrestlers but many fans would have complained that he wouldn't even acknowledge him being the Rock and that he was there just to induct his family and not interact with his WWE fans, something he hasn't done for a long, long time.
Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia didn't make any huge contributions? Ahem...o.k. I guess Rocky and Atlas being the first black tag team champions meant nothing.

It didn't mean anything. At all. Because they weren't the first black tag team champions in wrestling history; the first WWE black champions, yes. But not he first in history. Both were mediocre talents who were stuck together because they had nothing else for them. They held the titles for 6 monthes, did absolutely nothing with them whatsoever, then disappeared into obscurity.

So yeah, Rocky & Atlas being the "first" black tag champs meant all of nothing. Because they weren't the first.

Oh, and I suppose Peter never left a huge legacy for the Samoan wrestling community. Right... that sounds like something to me.

Peter Maiva may of had a "huge" legacy, but what did he accomplish in wrestling? Nothing. At all. No one would remember this guy at all if wasn't for the Rock being his grandson. I bet you don't remember Baron Scicluna? Why not, he left such a huge legacy for Russian wrestlers. Oh yeah, because his grandson isn't famous.

Rocky Johnson & Peter Maiva being inducted into the Hall of Fame is a sham, and the ONLY reason they are being inducted is because of the Rock being in their family. That is literally the ONLY reason they are being inducted; so the Rock could make another WWE appearance.

They didn't contribute jack-shit to wrestling. Hall of Famers? ROFL

As for the Rock's speech, I only caught about 5 minutes of it, but it wasn't too bad from what I saw (which wasn't alot). I enjoyed seeing the eyebrow raised and the "Smell What the Rock is Cooking" catchphrase for the good old nostalgia of it. But I didn't catch the entire speech.

And obviously the Rock feels like he is above wrestling; he never wanted to be a wrestler in the first place.
C'mon now, when did everyone get so sensitive in the wrestling world? Correct me if I'm wrong but that sure looked like "The Rock" last night and not Dwayne Johnson. He was in character, he did it purely for the fans. He wasn't doing anything The Rock wouldn't do. I can see how him showing up and then leaving immediately could rub people the wrong way but what else can he do? I'm sure if he didn't have a movie, he would have stayed and chatted with friends.

Seriously, did people all of a sudden forget what made The Rock so great? His skills on the mic are amazing. The fans loved it and looking at some of the wrestler's faces, they loved it too. Everyone was having a good time. It was classic Rock, something we haven't seen in so long. Just listening to him, you can tell he really enjoyed being The Rock again. Honestly, it sounded like he never even left the biz. The wrestlers should know that us fans are important too and Rock was just doing his bit to please us.

I can't believe people are actually hating on The Rock for choosing Hollywood over Wrestling. He made the better business decision for him financially. People keep saying he shunned Wrestling once he left but that is wrong. In interviews, he always gave props to wrestling saying thats what made him. The Rock is easily the most successful Wrestler turned Actor. Wrestling fans should be embracing the fact that one of their own showed the whole world that these wrestlers are more capable than just dropping elbows.
I wouldn't go that far... Unless he suddenly develops a nasty crack addiction and a gambling problem, I'm sure the Rock will always have enough money to get by VERY comfortably.

As far as his conduct is concerned, what did they expect? The WWE has pleaded with him many times over the last couple of years to make appearances and he always told them "no". So, the last resort was to induct his father and grandfather into the HOF so that he would feel "obligated" to show up. Of course he's going to go into business for himself.

And lets be honest - if he's really serious about one day becoming an A-list George Clooney/Matt Damon calibur actor, he's better off distancing himself from pro wrestling. For every Ric Flair tribute show, there are at least 10 Katie Vicks and a Shockmaster to make it the laughing stock of the entertainment industry again.

I personally found the portion of the Rock's speech that made it onto USA very entertaining, but I did feel that he took some unnecessary digs (especially against Cena. I mean, come on; he didn't WRITE The Marine!)

I'm just going to hold onto my memories of The Rock in the late 90's. I'll always remember him that way. Let's face it; Dwayne Johnson really isn't The Rock anymore.

lol...he did that cuz Cena took some shots at him in an interview with this British magazine or something...

It's stupid as hell. People be mad jealous if this is true. If The Rock doesn't show up, they gon be like "he is shunning the business." Yet, when he did, people say he acts as if "he is above the business", what the hell? It's like a buncha feminine b!tches crying simply cuz the dude supposedly walked away and with one word got the loudest pop in what...the past 4-5 years?

He had to leave cuz he was gonna catch a flight to Vegas to shoot his movie. And at those that hate on Rock for "selling out"...c'mon. You KNOW if HHH or Cena got a legit Hollywood deal it is very unlikely they would turn it down. I would wanna make more money without the risk of getting injured as well, stop hating on Rock for wanting a better life for himself, seriously.

Oh btw...I don't recall him shunning wrestling, ever. He's always been giving props to wrestling when the interviewers bring it up...he wants to be known by HIS name, not the name he was known for being a wrestler, whats so wrong with that? SMH @ people who say "oooh he wants to be known as Dwayne cuz he thinks Rock isn't good enough" ....fucc outta here.
You know one of the reasons they may be upset is that they figured the Rock would get there, hear the people chanting his name and shit, and he'd catch the wrestling bug again and want to come back and that didn't happen, he came out did the job he was asked to do and then left when his job was done, the Rock is one of the few wrestlers who's manged to make a huge name for himself in wrestling and then turn that into a successful acting career outside of wrestling, you could argue that not even Hogan was able to do that

I think everyone just needs to take a step book and remember that from the time he made his speech at the HOF till the time that report first came out they were all happy and entertained with the Rocks promo, but now that some jackass releases some stupid bullshit report everyone goes and jumps all over the Rock and says he turned his back on the business, tell you the truth right now it looks more like the business is turning their backs on the Rock, cause I can't really see the guy ever coming back to do something for the company if this is the thanks he's gonna get
there is one thing that wrestling fans forget about, yeah we are all passionate about this buisness in different ways, and even though VINCE is the godfather of wrestling, there is one thing that drives any buisness man and that is MONEY, that is why VINCE would gladly welcome ROCK back in a second, if the ROCK came back and took CENA on for the championship EVERYONE would buy the PPV, and just imagine the heat those 2 would get from the crowd during their entrance, and how much money would they make?? "MILLIONS AND MILLIONS" of dollars!!!
Unless anyone forgot, the last time the rock was on raw they turned him into a heel against Goldberg an Austin, the wwe creative team ruined all respect fans had for him, I don't blame him for leaving and I don't blame him for not sticking around. Who knows, maybe he had to go somewhere important, film the rest of another film, you know?
I thought the Rock was funny as hell and did a great job. Sure his dad and grandfather were basically nobodies in our eyes, but were not from there generation. Rock did what the rock does best "entertain". Rock could have said screw it ill act like a prick so they stop asking me to come back. As far as i'm concerned Ric Flair and Rock were ratings success.If you ever watched the emmys or oscars its not serious all the time they joke,cry,cheer,boo. Hof was a success.

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