Rise and Fall of WCW

Super Crazy

I just started watching the Rise and Fall of WCW and I must say, it's great to learn all the history involved with where we are today. Having only become a fan in the attitude era I consider myself a rookie/novice of the product still to date. Learning all this stuff and watching this DVD is really helping me gain some knowledge/insight into some of the older days.
Oh it's definitely a smear piece. Humorous how they place all of the blame for WCW's downfall on Vince Russo, Kevin Nash, and Jeff Jarrett among others. Three people who just so happen to be in TNA. What a coincidence.
I didn't see Regal. And I also didn't find it to be a complete smear piece. Obviously they took their shots at Jarrett, Nash, and Russo.. But nothing that wasn't true. Russo has proven time and again that he's garbage without VKM. As a kid I was a big fan of Nash, but that doesn't mean he's a good booker. I like Jarrett to this day, but again.. doesn't make him a good booker. And the crap he was doing in WCW, was just that. I could only take so many cheap guitars explode with baby powder over guys' heads.

Of course I did find it hard to believe when Vince said "he didn't get an ego boost out of taking out WCW." Please, even I felt a boost in my pride watching this DVD, being I was always hardcore WWF. But I find it ironic that there is a DVD on this, when the WWF is clearly headed in that direction. I hope they learn something from it. Even JR and Dusty and some of the guys at the end tell you that wrestling hasn't been the same without WCW and competition. Of course we have TNA, but it's gonna be a while before they get to WCW status, if they ever do. I don't think Vince would let it get so bad, but I also think he's jaded because he doesn't have much to compare the ratings too, like before.

I thought it was interesting when they were talking about the celebrities that wrestled like Arquette, Jay Leno, Karl Malone, etc. Because with this guest hosting of RAW that's going on, the WWE might be headed in that direction. The day Seth Rogen comes in and wins the WWE title is the day I'm turning Vince off.

In it's prime, WCW was awesome, and even I'll admit that. In the early 90s they had some great wrestling matches. I actually want to go back and watch some of the matches with Steamboat/Flair and Steamboat/Rude amongst others. Even when the nWo and Goldberg first came out, that was solid booking. They just obviously didn't know when to quit.

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