RIP- Nelson Frazier, Jr.


Championship Contender
Nelson Frazier, Jr. RIP.

Will he be missed? Did Viscera/King Mabel/Big Daddy V ever matter? What's the last time he wrestled an interesting match? When much more mainstream giant superstars such as Big Show and Mark Henry haven't wrestled that many classics(How many can you name anyway?) , where does this man stand? Will you ever go back and watch his "classic" match-ups against the likes of Snitsky, Val Venis, etc. on sunday night heat? Or will you just watch his 2006 "feud" with Charlie Haas with that ring announcer on the line?

Either ways, my opinion remains. I've watched his work as Mabel from 1995-1996. Needless to say, he can do a few moves, that's about it. Body Slam, a super slow punch/chop, and the running splash. He looked quite a lot more obese as Mabel and then Viscera. Had it not been for his huge circus-like body, he would not be working for Vince Mcmahon as a pro wrestler. Lets just say he's what got replaced in 2006 by Khali. And believe me, Khali is a far better wrestler(which in itself is a joke) than Mabel/Viscera ever was. Watch Khali's last man standing match with 'Taker.

Viscera largely played the role of a creepy-looking dude before 2000 and then he vanished. When he wrestled for Raw/Heat in 2005-2006, he had an abomination of a move called "Visagra", which is basically him molesting and crushing the opponent with his 500 pound body for almost a minute. How did that abomination of a move be featured on national television? It looks basically like a ginormous pervert is raping a pro-wrestler in the ring because of some wrestling fetish(Is it likely that this perverted manoevour finds its original spring from the twisted head of one Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon?). In 2007 , he was repackaged and returned as Big Daddy V in ECW. That was most certainly his most memorable and watchable run. Oddity, Largely Unusuable. But RIP nonetheless.
He was able to pull off a surprisingly sound spinning heel kick for a man of his size and stature. I once had a nightmare of him as trash bag bodysuit Viscera chasing me as I happened to be a giant doughnut. I shared this with him several years ago and we had a chuckle. A tremendous fellow in more than just the literal sense.
Nelson Frazier, Jr. RIP.

Will he be missed? Did Viscera/King Mabel/Big Daddy V ever matter? What's the last time he wrestled an interesting match? When much more mainstream giant superstars such as Big Show and Mark Henry haven't wrestled that many classics(How many can you name anyway?) , where does this man stand? Will you ever go back and watch his "classic" match-ups against the likes of Snitsky, Val Venis, etc. on sunday night heat? Or will you just watch his 2006 "feud" with Charlie Haas with that ring announcer on the line?

Either ways, my opinion remains. I've watched his work as Mabel from 1995-1996. Needless to say, he can do a few moves, that's about it. Body Slam, a super slow punch/chop, and the running splash. He looked quite a lot more obese as Mabel and then Viscera. Had it not been for his huge circus-like body, he would not be working for Vince Mcmahon as a pro wrestler. Lets just say he's what got replaced in 2006 by Khali. And believe me, Khali is a far better wrestler(which in itself is a joke) than Mabel/Viscera ever was. Watch Khali's last man standing match with 'Taker.

Viscera largely played the role of a creepy-looking dude before 2000 and then he vanished. When he wrestled for Raw/Heat in 2005-2006, he had an abomination of a move called "Visagra", which is basically him molesting and crushing the opponent with his 500 pound body for almost a minute. How did that abomination of a move be featured on national television? It looks basically like a ginormous pervert is raping a pro-wrestler in the ring because of some wrestling fetish(Is it likely that this perverted manoevour finds its original spring from the twisted head of one Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon?). In 2007 , he was repackaged and returned as Big Daddy V in ECW. That was most certainly his most memorable and watchable run. Oddity, Largely Unusuable. But RIP nonetheless.

That's real cool man...disrespect the guy when he's dead...I'm sure your a big cm punk fan.

The guy had a long career with WWE and faced some of the greats.

What have you done with your life by the way? Still living in mommy and daddy's basement huh?

The guy lasted generations in WWE so he must have been doing something right.
Fuck you man.

Who do you think you are? Have some respect. The man has JUST died.

I always liked Big Vis.. SO DAMN agile for a man his size. If you knew anything about anything, you can clearly see that he was one the best big men ever. Sure he never held a World title or had a memorable match. But he left an impression where it mattered.

So just keep your disrespectful opinions to yourself yea, you complete moron.
The OP asks will he be missed?
Frazier had family and friends who will miss him. He passed away at a very young age so I imagine he has youngish children who will miss their dad.

What a disrespectful opening post, one of the worst I've ever read.

As for his career as an athlete. He was good at what he was, a huge monster who was great mid card act. As someone else pointed out he was agile for man of his size. I enjoyed his Viscera character the most when he was in the ministry, he played that character very well.

Terrible thread man..yeah he was not a main eventer but was definatly an attraction durning the 90's and I enjoyed watching him big vis in ministry was a great character and a freaky one too..RIP Nelson..
Take this thread down so disrespectful
In all seriousness and ignoring the original troll post...Vis was a King Of The Ring winner and at a time Vince had big plans for him.

He came off to me as a guy who was open to do anything and would make the most of his opportunitys.

One match I remember was from 1999 right before summer slam where he faced off with Mark Henry in a body slam challenge.

My prayers are with his family and hope they shared many great memorys with him.
Will he be missed? Did he ever matter? What the fuck do you think, asshat? Jesus Christ, I can see what you're trying to do. The OP begging the "very important" questions. Well ya know, OP, truth be told, I think he will be missed, probably by his family to be fair. Did he matter? Probably did at some point.

See, asshole response to an asshole's question. You don't need to make a thread about whether someone innocent has died and whether he'll be missed. Of course he'll be missed by all his friends, family, peers and guys that looked up to him. Did he ever matter? Yes, of course. From just a wrestling perceptive, yes. King of the Ring back in the 1990's actually meant something, and he provided us with years of great entertainment as Mabel, Big Daddy V, and probably Viscera at his most popular. RIP Nelson Frazier, Jr. What a terrible loss.

Close the thread ********. Jesus Christ.
This is a good post for a discussion and an argument against the flow... But the timing you picked isn't right. One shouldn't talk about a good person's shortcomings/negatives immediately after his death, even if it is true.
Will I miss him? No. Have I missed him? No. Will anyone miss him? No. Has anyone missed him? Don't think so. But its sad to see another big fat wrestler die of a heart attack... Having a build like that might help in making the wrestling gimmick believable, but maybe its time they see that they are putting their own life in jeopardy.
This is completely disgraceful and I am disgusted that some people feel the need to say that they will not miss a man who just died. Whether you liked him or not, the man spent the majority of his life trying his best to entertain wrestling fans all around the world. Show some respect, RIP Nelson Frazier Jr, thanks for the good times.
There are some dicks on these forums, there really are...

To be fair though, even I was somewhat disparaging to Mabel yesterday in my Wrestlemania 11 rebooking in that I said in my world he'd be nowhere near the King of The Ring win he got... but I also pointed one thing out that is absolutely true and actually perhaps the thing he will never be "credited for" but had the most impact to WWE to the point they OWE him one.

In 95 they did their push with him and put him against Undertaker, as we all know something went wrong during the match and he legit crushed Taker's orbital bone, forcing the "Phantom" mask but more importantly they actually looked at what they were doing with Taker as a result... just putting him in with "Monster of the Month" and decided to made a shift.

From that point Taker's career was changed radically, they started to use him with the "better workers" instead of the monsters... and Mark Callaway's true talent emerged, that he was basically a VERY quick learner from Bret, Shawn, Foley etc.

Prior to the Mabel incident, the character was in big danger of becoming parody and certainly there was no notion of a "streak", that Taker would have lost. But the Taker that they built after the Mabel match didn't become parody, because he had improved as a worker to what he became and thus we have a likely continuation of the most important streak of wins in WWE history this year as well. Likewise, Mabel's push going down like a fart in a sauna led them to start to look at other guys like Austin, Brian Pillman and Vader in short it was pretty much the end of the rot in WWE. On balance he did a lot for them by not being what they hoped for.

Mabel was let go for a bit but, once they realised he'd done them a favor then he was back with a new character in Viscera and kept on coming back for years.

Nelson Frazier Jr. wasn't the best worker, but he was one of the better monsters out there, his character, particularly "Big Daddy V" and the stuff with Lillian was actually pretty good. He had a look and while Men On a Mission was ridiculous, his heel persona was menacing enough that he warranted A position, just not what they tried to push for him.

The guy will be missed, it's another gone too young and it's also a BIG warning to WWE on guys like Show, Khali, Kane and even Taker... big guys are likely to die younger no matter how much you take care of them... We might start seeing some of them retiring sooner rather than later. RIP V...
What can be said, is he lasted in the WWE longer then most for over a decade. He must of done something right, and he was love but everyone. No one as said anything bad about him, other then I think Kevin Nash in a shoot, but even Kevin Nash liked him in the end. Also that spinning kick he did was always, awesome, I don't know how he even moved so while being that big.
I liked him, I thought that he had potential when he was Big Daddy V despite the awful name. I'd have love to have seen him get a mid-card title run under that character.

Just looked up how old he was, thought we was older that 43. RIP Big Vis
I always liked Mabel/Viscera/Big Daddy V..As others have said, he was deceptively agile for his size and he also was great at playing whatever character Vince gave him whether it was a face Mabel in Men On A Mission with Mo and their manager Oscar to Big Daddy V..To the assholes in this thread who disrespected him, may Nelson Frazier hit you with the Rolling Heel Kick..I'd like anyone to name another wrestler besides Nelson Frazier who actually could use a Rolling Heel Kick as a finisher and make it look as devastating as he did..

Big Daddy V vs Hama in All Japan Pro Wrestling fast forward to 8:00 to see him hit the Rolling Heel Kick

The Top 15 Moves Of Big Daddy V-#7 is the Rolling Heel Kick if you have any respect or integrity I sincerely hope you ban the original poster from this site for life. No way do you let someone get away with talking like this. The man just past away.

Granted Viscera wasn't some top star ever in his career, but the man could move for his size. His gimmicks were weird and creepy, but the man worked with what he had and before his Big Daddy V gimmick, it was funny to see him dry hump his opponent sometimes. I was a teenager when he did that, but it was funny because the victim was too small to get out from under him.

My Godfather works as a sound and stage hand for the WWE, and he called last night and shared a story about Nelson. The guy couldn't be more nice outside of the ring. The man wouldn't hold back and would offer any kind of advice to any young superstar in the back. A good man with a big heart.
Nelson Frazier Jr. wasn't the best worker, but he was one of the better monsters out there, his character, particularly "Big Daddy V" and the stuff with Lillian was actually pretty good. He had a look and while Men On a Mission was ridiculous, his heel persona was menacing enough that he warranted A position, just not what they tried to push for him.

I was thinking about this when I saw Frazier had passed. Thinking about it, it was corny "thinking about it now." But I went back and watched some old matches. They were actually pretty over as a tag team. They got a good reaction during their intro and during the matches.

Plus they got a nice organically made heel run when they attacked the Smoking Gunns, leading to King Mabel, etc. afterwards.

It was a ridiculous gimmick. But at the time, M.O.M. were pretty popular.

I'm assuming his heart attack was due from his excessive weight. I know I read many times he was trying to lose it, but I guess all the stress he put on his heart caught up with him. That's scary considering he was only 43.

I'm glad I got to see his debut, heel turn, and all of his career while he was still alive as it happened.
I always thought Viscera/Mabel etc. was a decent wrestler, never a main-event guy or someone that would put on a match of the night performance, but he was agile for his size and gave his all when he was in the ring.
That's real cool man...disrespect the guy when he's dead...I'm sure your a big cm punk fan.

The guy had a long career with WWE and faced some of the greats.

What have you done with your life by the way? Still living in mommy and daddy's basement huh?

The guy lasted generations in WWE so he must have been doing something right.

Can your thought process enable you to think beyond "mommy and daddy" ? I guess not. That proves the mommy-daddy basement invalidity coming from you. I won't go on to disparage your inept attempt.

This is a good post for a discussion and an argument against the flow... But the timing you picked isn't right. One shouldn't talk about a good person's shortcomings/negatives immediately after his death, even if it is true.
Will I miss him? No. Have I missed him? No. Will anyone miss him? No. Has anyone missed him? Don't think so. But its sad to see another big fat wrestler die of a heart attack... Having a build like that might help in making the wrestling gimmick believable, but maybe its time they see that they are putting their own life in jeopardy.

With all the sympathies aside, if the world knows obesity is bad, chronic smoking is bad, and not trying to do something about it is bad, and if a wrestler is obese, and he lived and he ate, and now he's dead, does it matter? Why should I feel sympathy for a wrestler who was never good to begin with? I'm not disparaging his death or the fact that he died. I just changed the train of thought of people which seemed to be filled with sympathy and try to objectively judge if the person's career as a pro wrestler ever mattered. And thankfully, you seem to be the first one who understood it and gave a logical reply. I'm really thankful.
He was grossly overweight, so his death is hardly a surprise.

I was a fan. I understood his limitations but he was physically imposing and I thought King Mable was a great monster heel. It's just a shame Kevin Nash too exception to him in that SummerSlam main event and then he squished Undertaker's face. Otherwise I think he would've recieved a longer push in the mid-90's. Big Daddy V matches were always fascinating, mostly because of the jiggling.

Big Daddy V matches were always fascinating, mostly because of the jiggling.
It is really kind of low to start a thread about the guy's death and then segue into criticism's of his career.

But it's also dishonest, and revisionist-history, to act like he was anything more than a giant who turned heads, and who nobody gave a shit about.
It's tragic and all that someone died, but come on people. No one ever talked about after he left, nor did anyone talk about him before he died. Now all of a sudden everyone was his biggest fan. Everyone cares now? Because he's dead, right? That's how the world works. No one cares about someone until they die, then they become an attention ****e, wanting likes by posting "R.I.P." stating that they were the greatest person ever. You're the ones who make me sick.
It's tragic and all that someone died, but come on people. No one ever talked about after he left, nor did anyone talk about him before he died. Now all of a sudden everyone was his biggest fan. Everyone cares now? Because he's dead, right? That's how the world works. No one cares about someone until they die, then they become an attention ****e, wanting likes by posting "R.I.P." stating that they were the greatest person ever. You're the ones who make me sick.

I get it man. I started a thread not to act like Viscera/Mabel was the greatest thing in wrestling and lament his death. Nor did I disrespect or overlook his death which is proved by my beginning it with "RIP". Why is half of wrestlezone disrespecting me for trying to seek objective answers to objective questions about Viscera-the wrestler? And YES I'm aware that he only lately passed away which is indicated in the first line of this thread.
It is really kind of low to start a thread about the guy's death and then segue into criticism's of his career.

But it's also dishonest, and revisionist-history, to act like he was anything more than a giant who turned heads, and who nobody gave a shit about.

Exactly. I've never seen any of these bums mention Viscera or Big Daddy V and now suddenly they're all mourning the death of their beloved superstar, and that's fine with me. But what about objectively estimating or considering someone's career as a pro-wrestler? I agree with your objective description, though.
Respect is due for this man. Nelson Frazier Jr. was a superstar in wrestling before using the word superstar was cool. He had an epic career from back in the 1990's when he was feuding with the likes of the Undertaker and Diesel. He won the King of the Ring in 95. Even after he was released from the WWE he always found his way back home to the company various times. As Mabel, Viscera, or Big Daddy V. Frazier has always shined as a true superstar in his time in the WWE.

This is a great lost not only for wrestling but for all the world. We've lost a big man with a big heart. Rest in Peace Nelson Frazier Jr. One luv!
Respect is due for this man. Nelson Frazier Jr. was a superstar in wrestling before using the word superstar was cool. He had an epic career from back in the 1990's when he was feuding with the likes of the Undertaker and Diesel. He won the King of the Ring in 95.

He had an "epic career"?:banghead:

Thanks for reinforcing what I said a few posts prior to yours. Revisionist-history.

Unless "epic career" is just a phrase to be thrown around loosely now.

I'm not going to trash the guy, but let's try to reign it in a bit w/ this over-stating of his contributions to the business.

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