Ric Flair DVD_FTW


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  • Seen one Flair Match Seen them All, WOOOOOOO

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Especially when your getting your ass handed to you by.... THE THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER.

*My E-fed gimmick is the thunder from down under btw*
I also have the thunder from down under. Its a sex manuever. I taught it to your mom. Maybe she can teach you sometime??
No, I thought we were being jestful.

EDIT: I just saw the DanIlikeMen gag. Been done, now who has shame.
Yeah I am just playing around dude. No worries.

I think I was the one to call you that in the first place. Tee Hee.

Heading to bed for a few hours. Peace out.
Hmmm, easy choice, Batman Begins and Gotham Knight on Blu-Ray, or a shitty over rated wrestler that if you've seen one match you've seen them all...gonna go out on the limb and skip this crapfest.
DVD was totally sold out at my local wal mart. proving once and for all that Ric Flair IS a huge draw.

FACE bitches

PWNT. :flair:

I wouldn't know about it being sold out. I got there at midnight on Tuesday morning and snatched my copy out of the cardboard box before it was even put on the shelf. :headbanger:
Yeah it was pretty terrible, the first one wasn't so bad, the second set was just bad.
I'm not a Hogan fan at all. But I could think up at least 10 matches I think are good that could go on set. If Hogan/Rock in on there because of the reaction it got (I've opted to ignore how huge it was), then where was Goldberg/Hogan?
They wasted that match on the craptacular Monday Night Wars DVD, WWE has a problem of putting the same match on different DVD's

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