Rey Mysterio's Contract Expiring, Not Planning on Resigning

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
So the front page has a report up about Rey Mysterio and his contact expiring soon. Here it is:

WrestleZone has exclusively learned that WWE is under the impression that when Rey Mysterio's contract expires with the company in a little less than a year, the popular luchador will not be renewing.

"Rey feels his time in WWE is up," a key WWE insider told us this evening,"his performance in the Elimination Chamber is a perfect example of Rey being used in the right fashion by WWE management. He really worked hard to get Edge over the right way, even though it's obvious there are no big plans for Rey at Wrestlemania."

WrestleZone was also told about a creative meeting in which a suggestion was made that since Alberto Del Rio is the #1 contender to the World's Heavyweight Championship, consideration should be given to Rey Mysterio winning the title, and making the championship match at Wrestlemania a match between two Mexican nationals.

"The thought was to appeal to the large Latino community in Atlanta," we were told, "and to attempt to promote the match the same way UFC promoted Cain Velasquez's fight against Brock Lesnar."

WrestleZone was told the pitch was never even made to WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, because both Raw lead writer Brian Gewirtz and Smackdown lead writer Michael Hayes have been told Mysterio "will most likely not be re-signing after his current deal is up."

We have been told WWE would like to do some sort of merchandise agreement with Mysterio, but the negotiations haven't gotten to that stage yet.

Personally I'm not too bothered by this. While I think Rey is one of the most consistent performers on the roster and is popular with the audience, particularly children, I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing for Rey. He's accomplished all he can in WWE having won the world title twice amongst various other achievements. If he can still make money from a merchandise deal with the company then I think Rey should consider retiring. He'd have a steady income and he'd be able to heal from the various nagging injuries he's had the last year or so.

That's just my thoughts, what about yours?
I agree, I think his time in the WWE is coming to an end, he cannot perform at the level he was at a few years ago, due to age and all the injuries beginning to catch up with him.

If he can still earn from a merchandice deal and could still wrestle occasionally in Mexico- where he would be treated like a God, then I do not think this is a bad thing for Rey at all. He has done it all in WWE, there is nothing left for him to achieve and WWE are obviously planning on Alberto Del Rio being the long term Hispanic superstar in the company. They are probably expecting Rey to leave soon.

I would give the man a handshake and wish him all the best, and thank him for everything he has done for the WWE, but I do not think he would be a huge loss from the roster. There is enough new talent coming through to take his spot.
I'm not bothered with this either. Rey has had a good career in which I daresay that he has overachieved. Regardless I do not think that he should have any regrets. He will be remembered as the greatest cruiserweight to ever set foot in the ring. While that might not be true when you are only looking from an in ring perspective, it is certainly correct from an achievements' perspective. However age and niggling knee injuries are catching up with him and it's certainly a wise decision to retire when you are performing well rather than when people start asking you regularly as to when you are going to retire.

What his retirement does mean is that two vacancies on the roster have been created. One, the need for a new Hipsanic superstar has already been filled by Alberto Del Rio but the second one is the need for a new underdog. This could be good news for all the cruiserweights out there.
but the second one is the need for a new underdog. This could be good news for all the cruiserweights out there.

Agreed. Perhaps this will open the door for Evan Bourne when he returns, or for one of the next generation of up-and-coming high-flyers when they make it to the main roster, or for one of the smaller current WWE stars like Tyson Kidd who really isnt doing anything of note since breaking up with DH Smith. The "underdog" is always an important role in a wrestling company and while Rey has undoubtably played the role better than anyone, there are a few options open to WWE for when the great little man decides to call it a day and ride off into the sunset.
Rey Mysterio has basically all that he can for the WWE. If it's his time there's no denying he has achieved so much in the WWE. Heck I would even claim that Mysterio was the greatest success story from the old WCW roster during the nWo era.

Yes this includes Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, The Big Show, and Booker T.

Mysterio started in the WWE 2002 and for 8 years has won numerous titles, won the rumble, main event WM, feuded with the likes of Undertaker, and is one of the top merchandise draws and even carried Smackdown by drawing the hispanic demographic. Plus he was more of a consistent performer in the WWE as Jericho and Booker would take leave the WWE for a while and we know what happened to Benoit and Guerrero.

Whether people here like him or not (I know a lot of people don't). Once he leaves Mysterio is going to leave a legacy in how a WCW guy under 6 ft tall and less than 200 pounds, made it to the top of the WWE.
Like him or not, the man can put on a show. He has done for many years, and even in the chamber he put on a helluva show.

If he is still able to make cash off merch then i think he should definitely call it quits. I would say alot of his niggling injuries are/will starting to get the better of him.

I just hope, that he puts Cody Rhodes over at Mania, this will be an amazing boost for Rhodes if picks up a win over Rey at Mania.
Rey Mysterio is going to leave? Big whoopty doo. He is so overrated, it's not even funny. His gimmick got stale 4 years ago. I'm sure he'll go to TNA and they'll give him the belt there. In looking at the current roster, there are so many others that I think deserve a push other than Rey. His time has come and gone.
Well this good and bad news. Rey really impressed me at the Chamber match and his feud building up with Cody Rhodes is only going to get Cody all the right attention he needs to evolve.
I too am not bothered by this in the least Rey needs to hang up his boots before he leaves the ring in a wheel chair. With all the injuries he's had plus he's getting up there in age it's about time he passes the torch. I'd perfer he passed it to Evan bourne or another high flyer mayber J.Gabriel.

If Rey can hold WHC why can't Evan or Gabriel they both would fill that underdog role perfectly. Well it's been nice Rey you had a great run i was never a fan myself but he derseves a nod for being a main stay in WWE.
I mean, what can I say?? I'm really not too disturbed by this either way. He does a good job of getting people over. However, I'm always concerned by the image WWE does with enhancing the notion that 'the little guy that can beat the BIGGEST man.' I mean, if they are wanting to go away from the imaginary themes, then that is not the best way. I know he's a role model to kids, but letting a tiny man like that take down a man like Big Show or Kane, could project the idea that any kid could go up to a person 3-4 times their size in real life only because their hero, Rey Mysterio does and wins. Believe me, its not that easy, its all scripted. Call me cynical, I liked watching him live, because I got to see his opponents more often than naught. I got to see DelRio when I saw the latest Smackdown in October live. DelRio is surely one of the top draws like it or not, as my predictions to come. I really do think he's past his prime, I agree he's a great fan favorite, but then again, I'm not 10 years old.

I did like his WCW days, but he's really seemed to let his injuries catch up with him, and, I don't know. I'm seemingly becoming more of a cynic these days, but if you've had as many injuries as he's had, and bear in mind, he's only like 2-3 years older than me, but his body is probably physically feeling like that of someone in their 60's or so, why deprive your kids of the time with their dad?? I mean, I think that his time was probably more heated and body speaking to him back in 2008 or 2009, and there was a house show I was at, he was scheduled to be there, and I guess he didn't make it, and I guess my friend who was security said that Rey's wife supposedly went into labor. (That was a rumor around the time of that tour before WM 25) and they made the announcement just before the show started that Rey was not going to be there and people could leave and get refunds. I would think you'd want to owe it to your family and spend time with them. But then again, what do I know since I'm not a wrestler? I get that he's beloved, and is a huge draw, but with the excessive injuries, and despite the adoration from fans, family should still always be first. At least that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
He's gonna leave soon, no doubt. His moves were barely getting sold in the EC match, I lost count of how many '619's he did..
I can see him in TNA, then maybe a short comeback to WWE before a HOF induction..
Rey has accomplished ALOT in the WWE. Tag Team Champ, IC Champ, WHC, RR Winner, main eventing WM. I think his time is over, but in a good way. I think with a merchandise deal, Rey should not renew his contract. He still has injuries to heal, and plus ALOT of people buy, and will continue buying, Rey Mysterio masks, matching pants, T Shirts, etc. This hasn't affecting me alot, so lets just say Thank You Rey and wish him the best of luck in his future.
Rey finally got tired of being on the B-team.Can't blame him I hope he does get a merch deal and a chance to heal up and compete in Mexico.

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