Rey leaving WWE?


Dark Match Jobber
Rey Mysterio's contract will be expiring around the time he is ready to return, which will be in the spring. You should expect Kurt Angle to go on a recruiting mission in hopes of Rey coming to TNA.

i hope this dosnt happen but there is a possibility of it because what does he have left to do in wwe besides IC/Us champ:shit: :shit:
Rey would fit well anywhere he goes. He'd be great for the X-Division. He's already very respected in Mexico and Japan. He's one of WWE's biggest draws so Raw seems appropriate. He's established his name pretty well on SD already. And he's spent some time in ECW in the past.

Though I doubt he'd leave WWE, he'd be well off anywhere he goes
I'd love to see Rey finish his career in TNA or Japan where he can actually get back into wrestling his true style. I'm happy he was pushed in the WWE and got a title run, because he deserves it. However, watching one of his watered-down encounters of today versus a match like he had with Eddie Guererro at Halloween Havoc back in 1997 is indicative of the shackles placed upon him. Either that or have him and the other juniors on Smackdown and ECW reinvigorate the cruiserweight division. I'd love to watch him in matches against London, Kendrick, Guido, Mamaluke, and especially Super Crazy. All they'd have to do is hire four or five more wrestlers to round out the division and it could be a full-blown rennaissance.
Why do all of you think that he was held in shackles in the WWE? Did none of you notice that Halloween Havoc in 1997, was in 1997? It's 2006 now. He might have been told to tone it down a little so he doesn't get hurt, but it's most likely because he had gotten much older and his knees are shit now.
Man, I'm tired of this "because their contracts are ending soon means they will go to TNA". This isn't 1998 either. There's no real competition to battle for that king slot of the night.
I hope Rey doesnt leave WWE, but like everyone else said: he is cool anywhere he goes nowadays which is really good for anyone
reyturnheelornot? said:
i hope this dosnt happen but there is a possibility of it because what does he have left to do in wwe besides IC/Us champ:shit: :shit:

Plenty. The whole there's nothing left for someone to do" thing is pretty meaningless for the most part cause regardless of how many accomplishments someone has, there is always something else that can be done where feuds are concerned. Plenty of main eventers have feuded with midcarders and ultimately ended up having great careers, so nothing indicates that Rey couldn't do the same.

Basically any one of us could have made a thread here about how Rey could go to TNA cause his contract is almost up but the fact that Meltzer is the one that commented makes people get worked up. (not necessarily any of you.) If it happens it happens simply because when athletes are "free agents" they can do what they please.
I don't think Rey will be leaving WWE anytime soon, I supecting that he will go to RAW as soon as he's medicly cleared, though I wouldn't mind seeing him face off against the likes of Styles, Daniels, and Senshi but like I said he'll probably go to Raw, hopefully there he will be able to feud with Supercrazy
Honestly I was ok with Rey when he was in a Tag Team and when he was Cruiser Weight but holding the world Title and looking weak to guys like the Great Kahli and Mark Henry ? makes me glad that Booker is holding the title now.. I know it would have been implausable for him to beat them but they could have used some great big misses by these big guys and have him capitolize on them ala 123 Kid when he beat Razor, it would have made him look less weak, granted he had some great matches with Angle and JBL but they didn't make him look like a weak champion, and for using the whole Eddie Story Line I thought that was too soon they should have let it pass on and not dwell on it, Eddie did a lot of great things in wrestling including winning the Championship as well as Entertaining Millions around the world he did what he did and someone higher up decided he worked hard enough and said you are done Eddie. he is still one of the best wrestlers out there and would have loved to see him vs Bret as well.
I dont think Rey is going to leave at anytime soon, his surgery is putting him out until at least May of '07. He probably will renew his contract and do something exctiting when he gets back.
I dont think that Rey will leave the WWE and go to the TNA for the simple fact that if he does people will want to see the old Rey and do all of those crazy moves like he used to do when he was in WCW. But the fact is like someone already said is that he is older now and most likely doesnt want to do those moves as much anymore. I mean why does he want to possibly seriously injure himself and not be able to wrestle anymore when he can just take it a little bit easier and stretch out his career longer. I think that he will stay in the WWE and come back on Raw and win the IC title.
id much rather see rey on raw if he comes back then one day just welcome him back to smackdown. going to tna would be a huge mistake. if i ran tnas talent, i wouldnt hire too many wwe guys. maybe about 5 or 6. not so many because sooner or later, the fans will end up seeing it as "wwe" and it will make them mad. because it will just end up being wwe all over again. i know tna does their wrestling different but you know what? some people believe in out with the old and in with the new. and those writers are going to get so heavily involved at surrounding the ppv cards around the wwe guys and the present tna guys arent going to emerge into anything. because if tna wants better ratings than wwe, they would use the wwe guys.
I_Heart_Princess_P said:
TNA already has an overload of talent for a one hour a week show. I say Rey either goes to Raw or ECW. Rey's just stale in Smackdown IMO.

Well TNA now has a 2 hr show, but that doesnt change the fact that he should still stay in the WWE. All he needs is just to switch shows and get some fresh storylines thats all. Once he rehabs his knee and is back people will see that he should still be in the WWE, he has changes his style so that he can have a longer career.
giantz4eva said:
Why do all of you think that he was held in shackles in the WWE? Did none of you notice that Halloween Havoc in 1997, was in 1997? It's 2006 now. He might have been told to tone it down a little so he doesn't get hurt, but it's most likely because he had gotten much older and his knees are shit now.
It's not that I don't think the man has lost his talent, but the WWE style isn't as creative because he's saddled with other guys who can't lace his boots in a consistent match-to-match, move-to-move basis. He's also relegated to canned matches that the final spots could be called out extremely easy on because the audiences of WWE typically don't have large enough attention spans these days. I can't stand him always doing the 619 for the gravy victory when the move looks absolutely phony on a larger opponent. Hell, he was thrown the wolves at the first ECW: One Night Stand event because those fans thought the same damn things I do. They didn't want to see the predictable junior who relied on a couple of gimmie finishers to do his work. We wanted to see the Rey who came up in AAA, ECW, and WCW. The one who could win a match out of nowhere and had nearly unlimited creativity with his offense. The one who was so unpredictable, he scared the hell out of you because you had no idea what he was going to do, or how he was going to do it.
I think that Rey has done it all in WWE I mean there is no chance of another title reign, so why not go to TNA
I hope Rey isn't released, as he has been loyal and worked hard for the WWE and it's fans. He's due back mid-way next year, and should resign his contract, before making a return on ECW, which should still be going. Rey has been one of the few little (and when I say little, I mean tiny) men who have stood up and been able to gain a reputation to catapult them to main-event status.
I just cant see him going to T.N.A. I think by the time comes round that he's actually offered a new contract he will sign. Also will T.N.A. offer him the money he's getting in WWE? They can offer everybody Angle style contracts. Also I think compared to the rest of the X-Division athletes Rey is'nt that special anymore. Maybe when he was younger but cruiserweight wrestling has evolved and Rey just is'nt unique.
wordisborn21 said:
Well TNA now has a 2 hr show, but that doesnt change the fact that he should still stay in the WWE.
tna is still only one hour. the two hour thing was only for their debut in primetime.
rey wouldnt go to tna it isnt his place and i doubt they would offer him the same amount of cash that wwe is givin him cuz the company that OWNS tna unlike WWE that owns WWE they wouldnt pay him the same amount...cuz they believe themselves to b still in the developmental stage
Rey will stay put.. He does not want to spend time after surgery with ring rust getting used to a 6 sided ring... Whatever he used to do...forget it... the guy is used to the WWE style and to an extent it is enough to keep him for the rest of his career... He'll never be World Champ again, but like Jericho...once was enough...

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