Rey Mysterio leaving?

Lil Wes

All Eyez On Me

Dave Meltzer is reporting that Rey Mysterio was not at the WWE's TV tapings this week. According to Meltzer, the word going around backstage is that he gave notice and is leaving the company. However, this story has not been confirmed yet and therefore it remains only a rumor. Mysterio is currently still on the lineups for this weekend's house shows.

Probably bullshit, but I'll post it anyway.

If this is true, this would be a huge blow to WWE and SD! Rey has been on a role since owning everyone in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out and the Jericho feud is the best thing going in the company right now. So from a wrestling point, this sucks because he's on fire atm. From a drawing point, this sucks even worse. Rey’s stuff sells like hotcakes and the kiddies and Mexican demographic love him, plus Jeff Hardy is probably bailing as well here in a few months and Rey was suppose to pick up some of the slack. They better hope they can get Morrison and Punk over soon, and Taker back healthy. Because if true, SD! Is fucked on the face side.
Can't certain reporters get the idea around their head that if Rey is not needed for a taping and to play up the shame that he would feel for having his mask taken from him, that having a week off would not be a terrible thing. Having Jericho pretty much dominate a promo about getting Mysterio's masks could make the story line a huge one. It makes no logical sense to have signed a contract and then renege on it only a few months later.
It sounds like complete bullcrap to me, Rey-Rey as you said is one of the hottest things going right now and IMO is in for a future world title run. There is no signs of him not liking the company since he debuted back in 2001(i think) So this is really complete bull
If rey leaves then wwe has gotta step up. They gotta get guys like morrison and shelton benjamin back up to the top, btw shelton benjamin is a great wrestler they fuck him up badly and shud give him more time to show his stuff but rey has been a great asset for vince, all the guy did was wrestler and attract all kinds of fans and sold tons of stuff plus he had some talent not great on the mic but solid wrestler with a great underdog gimmick I rly enjoyed rey but what happens happens look at umaga and kennedy vince cnt keep everyone happy he still has randy orton
The one part of Meltzer's report that sticks out to me is "word going around backstage is that he gave notice..."

I can't imagine a guy like Meltzer making that stuff up and I can't imagine guys floating around rumors like that... especially with everything that has gone on in recent weeks.

Considering Kennedy, Umaga and Vicki have either been given pink slips or resigned, you would think the boys in the back would show soladarity and provide a legit reason for why Rey wasn't at the tapings.

It's also strange that following his fantastic match with Jericho at E.R. and the storyline the pair are currently working on... he would want to be at the tv tapings to further the feud. I don't read spoilers, so I have no idea what happened and I'd prefer if no one posts it.

Either way, big loss for the WWE if true. Personally, I could care less - never been a fan.
I think this is not true and everything Dave Meltzer says needs to be taken with a grain of salt as it may not be true. I think this is just a case of the WWE not flying him out to the show because he isn't going to be used. If Rey Mysterio wasn't going to be used he probably wasn't flown out so that no money would be wasted in flying him out the show. Why waste money if someone isn't going to be used on the show in any way especially when the WWE is trying to save money?

Also last time I heard once his contract expires the WWE can add more time because of the long time he was out when he got injured. So I really don't think he handed in his notice and this is just a case of the WWE saving costs by not flying out talent that isn't going to be used on the shows.

I could always be wrong but let's just wait and see until something happens/develops.
This story is beginning to make its rounds around the other forums, as well. I can see it being true, and I am not going to dismiss the validity of it, like some other posters in the thread. I am going to take a "let's just wait and see" approach. With all these other guys leaving, and Vince on the warpath behind the scenes, I wouldn't be surprised.

If it is true, it is going to hurt McMahon's Merchandising Dollars, which will put a smile on my face, at least.
i have a feeling that this is complete bullshit, as said before rey is looking realy good right now, his match with Jericho at extreme rules was just amazing, + as jr said rey mysterio was realy happy to be back on smackdown, unless something crazy happnd mysterio is here to stay
Everything is starting to make sense now. There have been rumors that Batista's "injury" was just a cover for a suspension, and now Rey is taking time off for a knee injury..what a coincidence...

Both guys have Wellness Policy violations, so it's pretty obvious that Vince choose to cover everything up instead giving both a 2nd strike. This just proves that the testing policy is complete bullshit...HHH/Cena never get caught, but other guys either get fired or take time off for "injuries"

Maybe the Umaga situation was related to this..Maybe he failed a test and they either wanted him to take time off or used him as a fallguy. It looks like his situation wasn't related to this but maybe it was
but ofcourse if this is true, this will be a HUGE blow for wwe, leaving smackdown screwed imo

hmm ZAPX4V1 thats actully a realy good point, tho i dont think batista took roids, it cud make sense think about his return when he helped trips after a injury he came back even bigger then before???? now thats a bit weird, and for rey mysterio i would not be amazed if he took roids again
Rey Mysterio, who lost the Intercontinental Title at WWE Extreme Rules last Sunday, is taking some time off due to a lingering knee injury according to Mike Johnson of PWInsider.

The injury is not new and his absence at Tuesday's Smackdown tapings were planned.

Rey MysterioHe and Jericho are expected to continue working their program going forward.
Everything is starting to make sense now. There have been rumors that Batista's "injury" was just a cover for a suspension, and now Rey is taking time off for a knee injury..what a coincidence...

I would like to know your sources as to where you got this story of Rey Mysterio having an injured knee. No where have I heard or read that so it's very doubtful if no one else has read it either. Plus, if Mysterio got injured he would have to stay longer since the WWE is allowed to add the time that he is gone to his contract.

Both guys have Wellness Policy violations, so it's pretty obvious that Vince choose to cover everything up instead giving both a 2nd strike. This just proves that the testing policy is complete bullshit...HHH/Cena never get caught, but other guys either get fired or take time off for "injuries"

Neither one of them has a strike. When Rey Mysterio was believed to have broken the Wellness policy it was revealed that he had a prescription since he was healing from injuries. Therefore since he had a prescription it is not a strike against him. It has also never been documented that Batista ever failed a drug test therefore he too doesn't have any strikes against him as far as we know.

Maybe the Umaga situation was related to this..Maybe he failed a test and they either wanted him to take time off or used him as a fallguy. It looks like his situation wasn't related to this but maybe it was

Maybe it was maybe it wasn't. Maybe we'll find out why he was released maybe we won't.

Rey Mysterio, who lost the Intercontinental Title at WWE Extreme Rules last Sunday, is taking some time off due to a lingering knee injury according to Mike Johnson of PWInsider.

You can never believe what those people report. Everything they report has to be taken with a grain of salt because there is a 50/50 chance that it's not true. Unless I hear it come out of Rey Mysterio's own mouth or it being reported on the WWE Website that he is injured then I have no reason to believe it.
I would like to know your sources as to where you got this story of Rey Mysterio having an injured knee. No where have I heard or read that so it's very doubtful if no one has read it either. Plus, if Mysterio got injured he would have to stay longer since the WWE is allowed to add the time that he is gone to his contract.

I'm guessing here, PWInsider released this one a little bit ago, I got it from another forum..

A key piece of evidence in support of rumors that a top World Wrestling Entertainment Superstar quit has been removed from the picture.

Earlier Wednesday, a report in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter said that a topic of discussion backstage at RAW this week was the rumor that Rey Mysterio had given his notice to quit WWE. The rumor, though never reported as anything but such, relied on the fact that Mysterio did not work this week's television as evidence of its possible validity., however, reports that Mysterio had already planned to miss this week's tapings to rest his knee (prior to this Sunday's pay-per-view), which suffers from a nagging injury. As of press time, WWE had no intention of abandoning his program with Chris Jericho, with sources believing that Mysterio is indeed staying with the company.

While the Mysterio rumor was a big part of lockerroom discussion Monday, it appears his fans can breathe easily for the time being.

Just looks like more Meltzer bullshit now, but who knows. It really wouldn't surprise me either way. Lots of crazy shit happening lately.
Meh. I was sure it was bullshit. Meltzer seems to be reaching for anything he could get his hands on anymore. what a prick, getting TNA all excited like that. Lol. Seriously, wouldn't that have been a major grab for TNA? I don't think Rey is going anywhere. He is in the best program he has been in for a while, gettin some well deserved recognition. No way he throws that away unless he wanted to keep being fed to Kane.

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