Rey Mysterio vs Batista

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Pre-Show Stalwart
After Rey "turned his back" on Batista at Bragging Rights in the fatal four way these two are set to square off at Survivor Series in a match which has officially turned Batista heel for the first time since maybe Evolution.

It's a David/Goliath battle and doesn't look like much on paper as Mysterio can't use his usual offensive due to Batista's size. I expect Batista to go over to strengthen his new heel turn and move on from their onto feuding for the world heavyweight championship. Card filler in my view and an unlikely long term feud but looks good. Thoughts?
I think this might be a short term maybe long term feud probably until atleast the Rumble so that they can build up Batista more as a heel, and I think that at some point the Undertaker will come to the aid of Rey, thus setting up the Batista/Taker title matches in the future.
Yea this does look good for both stars.. but most importantly Batista because his was in die of need of a heel turn..This freshly up his character and i hope this feud last a least until the Rumble
Survivor Series is shaping up nicely, and I think this year's Survivor Series is gonna be the best one since 2007 cause last year's Survivor Series sucked.

I am looking forward to Batista/Mysterio cause its fresh and never been done before, and I understand that people hate Batista by calling him "boretista" or "botchtista" and people also hate Mysterio, but this is going to be a great match even tho the size difference.

I love the 2 Triple Threat Title Matches, cause Cena/HHH/HBK should be classic, especially with HBK in there, and Taker/Show/Jericho should be awesome cause of Jericho/Taker and Show is just "there" lol.

Survivor Series 2009 > Survivor Series 2008
Survivor Series is shaping up nicely, and I think this year's Survivor Series is gonna be the best one since 2007 cause last year's Survivor Series sucked.
Survivor Series 2009 > Survivor Series 2008

Hahaha exactly and it sucks cause i was at Survivor Series last year and it was just not fun. The best part was Edge returning; he got a louder and bigger ovation than when Cena returned that night.

On topic, this match is kind of refreshing to see because usually we don't see a match on ppv that's not for a title but actually has somewhat of a plot and meaning behind it. But on the other hand, I don't like to predict matches before i even see them, but this match doesn't look to be good. Batista is too big compared to Rey Mysterio, so i don't know how Rey will pull off any moves besides kicks. This match seems just like a beat down on Rey for most of the match, and he will probably reverse something and attempt his finisher, but then get destroyed to lose by Batista which is somewhat of a good thing so his heel turn can take a full swing. So the match itself will most likely not be good, but the overall effect will be good in the end i hope.
i have a problem with this feud because batista is way too massive for mysterio, i mean am i suppose ti believe that rey is capable of defeating batista? i know its scripted and "fake" but i cannot suspend disbelief in this situation. The sooner this feud ends the sooner batista will get to face a real threat...probably undertaker since he is the only one there. To me this is just a transitional rivalry for batista.
Although this does sound like a great match for Survivor Series, it seems they still haven't put on any tag team elimination matches, which kind of worries me, cause thats kind of what Survivor Series is about, I really hope they set up one or 2 elimination tag matches soon, hopefully next week!

Also, this Batista heel turn is a great thing, he was good as a face, but he seems like he would be better as a heel and now he has lots more competition, plus the Wwe needs a lot more main event heels! Especially Raw who made the main event for Survivor Series have 3 faces in it!

And I'm taking Vinces word's into play here, he said (as far as I can remember) "This time of the year always turns to Wrestlemania, and what starts here, ends at Wrestlemania lots of times"

So I'm thinking(now I'm probably wrong) that maybe this Batista heel turn is a set up for Cena-Batista 2 at Wrestlemania, it would be big, pretty boring though, and maybe it might be a triple threat with Orton in there also!
What the fuck? Since when was this announced?

If it's true, then that's shit. These two could easily have been made captains for a Survivor Series teams and saved the one-on-one match for a later PPV, but, again, it's all rushed. Big Dave will have to get the win, but Rey will have to look golden in defeat.
i dont know why but i get this feeling that the match isnt ending in a pinfall or submission i see a DQ or a countout or just something to not give either one a definitive win over the other just yet. the E want this fued to last as its fresh and batista is now heel (WOOP!!!) haha and its gunna be a good match, yeah batista is huge compared to rey but rey has pinned bigger men. i mean just read the spoilers for SD he pinned mike fricken knox! i mean wtf haha and we all know he is huge compared to rey....back on point this will be a good match apart from the fact we are all going to get robbed of a definitive victory for either guy but im loving the fued and cant wait to see what the E do with it next lets hope they dont fuck this one up.
i just think they should of waited with the one on one match i feel like they could of waited until mania...have them in elimation match at SS.... have batista someway take out rey until runble...then have both them in chamber matches at NWO then they square off at Mania..that would of been a good way to end the fued.
i agree with you junior apart from one thing
have batista someway take out rey until runble
you would need to have rey take out batista as it would drive him nuts, imagine being a big bad ass mother fucker like batista and getting taken out by the smallest dude in the E haha he would go back into the ring and take rey out and beat him down with a chair or the steps, apart from that they should have held it off thats why i think it wont end in pinfall or submission. mania is the place for this match
i really think so this is going to be one of the downlow feuds like the matt hardy jeff hardy it just going to last for a month.. until they get his heel turn more power. i would love to see rey get help from vickie and chavo but that aint going to happen the way the freakin creative team is handling vickie like a tramp disrespecting eddie like that and chavo as a jobber. this might juss last until the rumble or even longer you might not know:suspic:
IMO this is too soon to have this match already. I'm guessing now that after this match the feud will be over. I wanted it to last a while. For this feud to last a decent amount of time you have to put off them wrestling each other, at least head to head. They should've had a Rey team vs. Batista team instead, and have them do a singles match at the next ppv... I just think it's rushed.
They're really going to have to have this rivalry heat up between now and the PPV, otherwise I think there's going to be a serious lack of people caring. I do think this is a feud with a lot of possibilities, I just don't see that there's time to do much with them as yet. On the other hand, it would work well to have the match between Batista and Mysterio end in some kind of controversy or possibly in a disqualification in order to extend the feud and keep things deteriorating between the two of them.

Frankly, this is almost a combination of the Eddie/Mysterio and Kane/Mysterio feuds. Here you have someone who has been Mysterio's friend and backup on many occasions but who is also huge, brutal, and at times sadistic. Batista is believable at becoming obsessed with the destruction of his former friend (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see him tagging with Kane in the future on a team against Mysterio and a partner) but I digress. Back to the match in future.

I don't see Mysterio winning this match unless it's by DQ and even then Batista would be seen as the more dominant superstar, although the Undertaker coming to Mysterio's aid would be a nice touch. I could see him taking Mysterio under his leathery wing and teaching him a bit about the fine art of brutality. If this does extend to Wrestlemania, then I'm all for the build and back and forth. I'd like to see Mysterio win ultimately, but for the sake of believability, it would have to be a gimmick match of some kind. Mysterio may not have been all that believable taking down Kane in a traditional match, but in a no holds barred match with the help of a chair...well that's different. My suggestion would be a steel cage match. Both of these wrestlers have a lot of experience in cages and there is the equalizing factor there. Batista may be stronger and more brutal, but Mysterio is faster, could climb better (or at least is believable in being so) and could escape with greater ease.
I'm not sure if this is speculation or if this match has been announced, but as far as I know, this is just speculation.

If this match DOES happen, expect it to be one of those deals where Mysterio comes out to the ring, and then Batista's music hits, but nobody comes out. Rey looks confused, and then Batista comes out of the crowd and starts ruthlessly beating on Rey until he's disqualified. I think this feud is too good to end here at Survivor Series. Rey is hot right now, and Batista will always get a crowd response, so don't be surprised to see this feud last a good long time.
Batista works so much better as a heel. It's about damn time they did this with his character. He'd become so damn boring the past couple years.

As for ReyRey, Batista should really just squash him and move on.
Im hoping Batista goes on to feud with the Undertaker...It would be interesting to see a heel Batista hold the belt.

Who knows maybe him and Chris Jericho can have arguments about who the face of Smackdown is.

Not sure whats gonna happen to Mysterio tho but the feud needs to be short.
I LOVE Batista's heel turn. "I"m tired of my friends stabbing me in the back. I'm gonna rip your head off." The delivery was money. Best work I've seen from Batista, period.
I wouldn't want a long feud here so I'll be happy if Batista destroys Rey at SS then moves on to Taker, etc.
I hope Batista wins this match to further cement his heel turn. Batista just looks like he's made to destroy people, that's why he was sick in Evolution. Despite all the talk about him sucking both in his wrestling ability and his promo work, Batista is one of my favorites currently mostly because he's Filipino, and all Filipinos support Filipinos.

I expect this feud to go on to the Rumble. Batista wins at SS, Rey wins at TLC, Batista wins at RR and with that momentum he fights for the WHC against whoever is gonna be champion come WrestleMania. I think Batista should get his title match at WM, he's been long overdue since WM23.
My problem is not with Rey being physically challenged compared to Batista, my problem is the blah storyline. Not too long ago Eddie turned on Rey and we heard the same old thing from Rey. "Why Eddie Why"? .. Is that the only way to turn people heel anymore? Have them turn on a friend. I mean jesus back when Michaels did it to Jannetty it wasn't as often used as it is today. The fued has no appeal to me. Batista turning heel on the other hand, does. I just wish they'd have gone a different direction with it. Rey is really going to have to carry this match because Batista just doesn't have that IT factor.
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Rey is really going to have to carry this match because Batista just doesn't have that IT factor.

What? IT factor as in what?

Anyways I think this match has the potential to be a great match, but I have feeling the Rey coming back on him in the middle of the match is going to occur, and that will look unrealistic cuz batista is big compared to Rey.
Batista and Rey should be capitans. This match is happening way too soon. Although I did enjoy the in-ring segment on the last Smackdown between Rey and Batista, I don't this match is going to be anything special. Either Rey is going to get a few suprise shots in every now and then, or Batista is going to beat the crap out of him for 10 minutes. Either way, I don't feel too excited about this match.
Most likely Batista will win in a clean 15-20 minute bout. WWE will book batista to win simply because they wantto keep the steam rollin on his fresh heel turn.
actually what seems to be happening is that Matt Hardy since he was beaten up by Batista last friday on smackdown, is going to go against Batista tomorrow on smackdown. There may be Batista/Escobar VS Hardy/Mysterio match in the making for survivor series possibly the formation of a team vs team match for smackdown.
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