Rey Mysterio Heel Turn?


Pre-Show Stalwart
we all know that Triple H & John Cena screwed Rey Mysterio the moment he won the championship against the Miz, and i dont see CM Punk beating John Cena again in a clean match at summerslam so i've been thinking.. . . is Rey Mysterio plotting to screw John Cena out of the championship like how John Cena screwed him? remember , this is only my thoughts on summerslam and like i said before i dont see CM Punk beating John Cena in a clean match. Rumor has it that the WWE is planning on starting a Triple H vs CM Punk fued so somehow they got to find a suitable opponent for John Cena, we already seen Miz v. Cena , Alberto Del Rio has MITB , and theres no other heel on the roster that can hang with john cena 1 on 1 so Rey is the perfect guy. what do you think?
It would never work.

Rey Mysterio is like Sting in the fact that neither guy could ever be heel. They tried to make Rey Mysterio heel in WCW in the early 2000's and it never came close to working and Mysterio fell almost to complete irrelevancy.

Mysterio's character is pretty much that of an underdog super hero, you do not boo the super hero, especially little kids in which WWE's core audience currently is. Besides Rey is 5'7" and weighs less than my girlfriends dog, who could ever buy that type of person as a heel and take him seriously.

Lastly it would be maybe the worst decision in WWE history if they made Mysterio heel. Mysterio is a quintessential baby face and unlike other baby faces in the past like Hogan, Mysterio still has a wide fanbase of almost everyone and appeals to all types of people. Kids can appreciate the underdog quality and hardcore fans can appreciate his skills in the ring, especially considering his size.

There would be no reason to turn Mysterio heel and if it happened, well that would be the end of Mysterio (unless he turned back babyface).
I wouldn't turn him heel, but I have been thinking about this scenario from two weeks ago as well. If this was any other superstar, this would have become a "Rey was robbed" scenario, with a potential heel turn (see Christian).

The best that can be done with Rey right now in the current situation is to use him as a plot point in the Cena/Punk build up. Here's what I'd do with it;

Rey Mysterio starts off Raw with a microphone in hand. It's now his turn to make claim for a championship rematch with Cena, and he wants it tonight. Cena comes out and is just about to agree before Punk comes out.

Punk begins asking Rey why he wants to challenge Cena, when he has nothing but a paper championship. Punk says he's willing to put the real championship on the line against Rey.

No matter what choice Rey makes, he's still a babyface, as it will be until he retires. Not only is he incapable of serving as a heel, but he himself said he hasn't much more then a few years left in wrestling. He will not make his last run as a heel, not even if he could.
I would say that while the situation would have been perfect for any other superstar to go heel, Rey Mysterio is not just any superstar. He is all of 5'6" and 165 pounds and a guy like that can never be a bad guy. You don't really need a reason beyond that not to turn the guy. Even if he did turn heel, I think that the fans would find a reason to cheer for him anyway.

The only way I can see Rey succeeding as a heel is if he is given a racist/ Anti-American type gimmick with him ordering around a bunch of huge guys to do his dirty work. I am not sure if even that would work though.
Rey Mysterio isn't turning heel, as he is a natural babyface. He is loved by the kids. I think him losing the title to Cena feeds more into his underdog mantra than an "I got robbed" scenario. I believe we will see a continuation of Miz/Rey after Summerslam. Both guys are top tier talent on RAW, and surely, we would get some good matches out of them.

Rey can also have a good feud with Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio was number one contender before CM Punk was reinstated. Del Rio could play up the "I got screwed out of my title shot", even though he holds the briefcase. I could see Rey interrupting ADR's spiel about the title being his destiny etc. I think this would be an interesting program.
ive been envisioning a heelish turn for rey for the past two weeks actually. not a total heel mind u but slightly wacked out.

anyway im thinking like the guy above me that rey comes out and demands his rematch for the title. 'since cena got his rematch against the person he didnt even lose it to, i think i deserve one to. so cena come out give me my rematch right now' for effect u can also put in that cena begged for the title rematch that very night when he knew rey was already beat up from the last match.

instead either miz or alberto del rio come out. they start shooting their mouths off from the ramp. they say something about being a faceless champion and something about losing the title the same night he won it. adr can also mention that he doesnt wear a mask anymore because he is the future and rey is the past. rey tells them this isnt the time or the place and they shouldnt interrupt. anyway when they get close to the ring rey springboards off the top rope and starts beating them up. adr with his briefcase, miz with a chair. weapons used to make it look more believable. rey then grabs the mic and screams at them lying down ' U WANT A FACE?' he pulls a mask out of his pocket and holds miz or adrs head up by the hair and has the mask right in front of them and tells them. 'this is my face. get used to it.' then slams their head down onto the mat.

this was my take

there was soemthing else i thought of in which rey goes on a wwe doesnt appreciate mexican wrestlers. and that they released guys like psicosis, super crazy, juventud and chavo, he got screwed out of the title the same night he won it and that eddies legacy no longer lives in the wwe (just look at vickie) and that he plans on changing that. u could have a ziggler face turn with vickie screwing him over making rey the US champ as well. and vickie starts managing rey. a bit of irony with rey disrespecting the US title while holding it the same time. reys mask sales would decline and replaced by sin cara masks which people would wear more often.

a mysterio heel turn wouldnt work though despite what i wrote above. the first one i wrote probably makes more sense than the second one though
I would love to see Ray turn heel, even though the majority of his fans are kids, and young adults having him lose the title 2 times the same nights he won the title come on really (Kane last years MITB) and Cena (on Raw) REALLY.. He needs to have a fire lit and be angry not a total heel turn but enough to where hes snapped like R-Truth ... Time to wake up team
Mysterio could NEVER turn heel?

I'm pretty sure if Rey Rey kayfabe smacked a kid in the face or went around and took away everyone's Mysterio masks, he would be well on his way to being hated by children everywhere. At the same time, it would make no sense for WWE to do this, since Rey is a heavy merchandise player.

Could Rey go heel? ABSOLUTELY. Will he go heel? No.
people thought jeff hardy couldn't pull off being a heel and he did so (fair enough he was high as a kite at the time). mabye rey could be a tweener? he could come out and say that cena only won the title because rey had already gone through two matches that night. he could say that cena isn't half the wrestler rey is. cena could agree and offer him a title match. then punk could come out and say that NEITHER of them are half the wrestler he is. that could open up a three way fued for them. we know that cena and punk work well together, and we know rey and punk can work together. could be the makings of an entertaining fued.
It'd make little sense for Rey to go heel. That's not to say that Rey couldn't go heel, but he'd have an uphill battle going for him.

Mysterio has built up the image of the ultimate underdog, the biggest little man in WWE history and all this and that. Rey can never be a badass because he's 5'6" and 170 lbs. He could be something along the lines of a resourceful heel, of course a huge portion of the IWC would hate the guy because those fans have major hard ons for badass heels even if it makes no sense whatsoever for a wrestler to be a badass heel.

Mysterio is a money maker for the WWE. Everything they make for Mysterio from masks to t-shirts sell quite well. He's over with the fans, he's as over now as he's ever been. Simply put, there's nothing wrong with Mysterio so why bother trying to fix or tinker with something that's doing it's job perfectly?
I can't see the point of turning Rey heel. He makes a lot of money for the company and the kids love him. But that doesn't mean he couldn't play a heel. Anyone can play a heel, it doesn't mean everyone can play a heel well but everyone can play a heel. It's easy to get someone to hate you, all you have to do is say bad things about the place they live, use dirty moves in the ring, attack a face etc. Rey could play a heel by (like someone else said) taking of kids mask and throwing them on the floor. Or he could go to touch heads with the kid and then stop and push them and there's many more ways that Rey personally could play a heel and then he could use old fashioned heel actions as well.
I'm pretty sure if Rey Rey kayfabe smacked a kid in the face or went around and took away everyone's Mysterio masks, he would be well on his way to being hated by children everywhere.

Surely you can see how one could explain how it's borderline impossible to turn him heel using this exact scenario, right? You're suggesting that assaulting a child and stealing from people, 2 things I'm sure are illegal in most states, to get over as a heel. If it would take something that extreme to turn him, it's probably not the best idea. Though it would be interesting. That's for sure.

Everyone is saying that a heel turn wouldn't work because of the crowd support and whatnot. While true, I think there's more to it than that. For one, his move set is still going to get face pops from the crowd so that will set him back. If he were to change his move set, then what exactly can he do to be believable in the ring? He has to fly around and use his speed to his advantage or else, as history shows, he's going to get crushed.

Also, I don't think he's a good enough talker. Could you imagine Rey trying to bash the crowd or try to sound like a tough guy with his 5'5 frame and his high voice? It would be laughable.

So yeah, there's several reasons to keep him face and really zero logical reasons to turn him heel.
A Rey heel change would be shocking, intriguing, and epic. Those are descriptions that make for excellent television. However, I doubt we'll see that. Vince has become a type of promoter similar to the type of superstar Bret Hart was; that's being too attached to character. Meaning, Vince has become too affraid to pull the trigger on character changes. Not turning Cena heel I can understand from a business stand point, but come on, look at Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger, for example.

They're both well known as heels; isn't it about time to switch them to faces, allowing them to gain recognition, and utimately become true stars of the future (especially Ziggler). Back in the day, it was nothing for a performer to be heel, turn face, and then become a heel again. After becoming heel the second time, that performer was much more effective because they had stirred the audience's emotions: the audience didn't trust the superstar, then they trusted him, only for him to turn on them making complete idiots out of the audience. Prowrestling is like a weird fettish, like dominatrix.

Strangly, we fans love to be insulted, betrayed, and made fools of by the performers. That's because after we've suspended reality we can easily get on with our lives. But Vince has seemed to have forgotten that. It's sort of like Toby Mcguirer saying, "No, I can't take the role as a villian because I might hurt the feelings of all of my Spiderman fans."
It's hard to imagine Rey as a hell. I can see him act cowardly and cheat. He could be a sneaky little bastard. But that only gets a heel that far. A guy that size cheating to steal a match? That's what Eddie would do; I'm not hating on Rey for that...
Could you picture him bully someone? Cut a promo that makes the crowd hate him? It's just not in the cards for this guy.

Also Rey wasn't robbed of the WWE title. The whole tournament just was so half-hearted, it never felt "real." They crowned a paper champion. And the title simply had to go back to Cena to further the storyline between him and Punk. So Rey got another WWE title win on his resume. Whether it was for an hour or not, let him be happy with that.
There are no other heels on the roster after Miz and Del Rio? I think Ziggler and McIntyre would disagree with that. CM Punk may be in an antihero face push but that doesn't mean Rey has to turn heel to make up for a lost top heel spot. Del Rio is the better option for that, then you have both Ziggler as well as McIntyre who can be upper card heels and even The Miz who can all be used before Rey would need to turn. Besides, it would ruin his career because as a heel he would get squashed immediately whereas in the face role he can remain over forever as the ultimate underdog.
There are many reasons why Rey Mysterio shouldn't turn heel. Well, I've got three, to be exact.

First, there's the big one: money. Mysterio is what, the number 2 draw in terms of merchandise? I had the opportunity to go to a house show once, full of kids in Rey Mysterio masks. I watch Raw and SmackDown every week, and what do I see? Zack Ryder signs. Oh yeah, and every child wearing Rey Mysterio masks. He makes far too much money for WWE to simply throw it away.

Secondly, Mysterio just isn't a natural heel. He the Ultimate Underdog. Everything he does screams "face". Sure he could be a heel. It's not impossible. He could turn on the fans, blame them for something, attack faces, use underhanded tactics, etc. But should he? No. Because he's perfect as a face. In a wrestling world where faces are often accused of being stale and in need of a heel turn after a few years, I've never seen this levelled as a complaint against Mysterio.

Finally, he's going to retire soon. His knees are fucked, basically. Would you want to see the Ultimate Underdog leave, or a heel Mysterio go? I'd rather see him go in the role he's more comfortable in, the role everyone loves him in. That's the role of a babyface.
I don't want Mysterio to turn heel... but he might enjoy the role as an antihero along with Punk.

Let Mysterio face John Cena for a while in a face v. face rivalry...

Let Punk mouth off for a while against the Miz in a heel v. heel rivalry...

(And WWE is going to have to put Sin Cara and Mysterio on the same card eventually.... unless there;s something I don't know)
Rey should never be heel. Just no way, uh-uh, not gonna happen. Remember when JR went semi-heel when he had dr death tagging along with him? Yeah exactly. Didn't seem right. And I just can't see how his moveset would even make sense... it doesn't really even make much sense now for a superhero comeback special babyface... theres just no way it would work.

And whoever said about Sting being a heel was right on the money too... its like if they tried to turn Undertaker now, or HBK... people just don't want to boo those guys. They've been around too long for people not want to cheer them, regardless of what role they play. Also same with Flair.
Mysterio's strengths all play to being a face and all his weaknesses would make him a bad heel.

A babyface should be able to sell like crazy and have an exciting moveset for his comebacks. This "set" fits the stature. For guys like Cena, Hogan, Rock, it's 3 shoulder tackles, punches, clotheslines and then some sort of slam, for Mysterio it's various headscissors and ranas.

A heel needs to be able to cut a promo and either be a believable bully or chickenshit. Mysterio is so small that if he cheats it's kinda like "well no shit, he's a foot shorter and 100 pounds lighter" so it doesn't work as well.

Plus Mysterio is so established that at this point, the colorful, high flying, babyface luchadore is what he is and likely what he'll be accepted as. Nothing wrong with it so why change?
I have a hard time seeing Rey as a heel. I think people are very behind him just with his story all around. I mean look at him, there's no way he should be doing the things he can in the ring, let alone contending for the title. He's definitely an underdog and people love the underdog.
Really I cant see him turning heel hes one of the top faces in the wwe and all the kids love him for him, I dont think him turning heel would be a smart move for the wwe especially him feuding with john cena, I mean all of the teens/ adults would probably love it but the wwe trys to focus mainly on their kid viewers
Mysterio got somewhat buried by Alberto Del Rio on RAW. I really don't see him as a heel it wouldn't look believable unless he gets himself a bodyguard or something if Rey runs his mouth he can get squashed by any babyface on the roster. He doesn't have the good mic skills or the physique or strength to pull off some heel tactics.

Plus I don't think the WWE would pull the trigger on a Mysterio heel turn considering he's probably about a year from retirement. Plus you never know really Rey's time can come very soon just look at Edge. And considering the WWE wants to gain more younger audiences I really don't think they would turn every little kid's hero into a heel.
Mysterio got somewhat buried by Alberto Del Rio on RAW. I really don't see him as a heel it wouldn't look believable unless he gets himself a bodyguard or something if Rey runs his mouth he can get squashed by any babyface on the roster. He doesn't have the good mic skills or the physique or strength to pull off some heel tactics.

Plus I don't think the WWE would pull the trigger on a Mysterio heel turn considering he's probably about a year from retirement. Plus you never know really Rey's time can come very soon just look at Edge. And considering the WWE wants to gain more younger audiences I really don't think they would turn every little kid's hero into a heel.
Explain how he got buried? He lost a hardfought match when ADR countered his finish.

you guys overreact and throw the words "BOTCH" and "bury" out waaaay too much. Anytime you're in the main event, and it's competitive, it's not a bury. Anytime you lose to a top guy, or a champion in a competitive match, it's not a bury. Seriously explain that.

Rey won't be a heel because his skillset (not MOVEset) is the exact opposite of a heel. Plus he's a legend and is selling too many masks.
Explain how he got buried? He lost a hardfought match when ADR countered his finish.

you guys overreact and throw the words "BOTCH" and "bury" out waaaay too much. Anytime you're in the main event, and it's competitive, it's not a bury. Anytime you lose to a top guy, or a champion in a competitive match, it's not a bury. Seriously explain that.

Rey won't be a heel because his skillset (not MOVEset) is the exact opposite of a heel. Plus he's a legend and is selling too many masks.

I didn't say anything about the match it was a good back and forth competitive match. I guess I shouldn't have used the term "buried" but the post match beatdown Del Rio gave him in his HOME TOWN was just uncalled for to be honest. Del Rio was gonna "break Rey's arm" in front of his friends and family if Cena didn't make the save. And the fact that they showed Rey's greatest moments and it was in his home town just wasn't right to let it all go down like that in my opinion.. Even if he needs time off they shouldn't have made him get beaten up after a loss.
Mysterio? Heel? What's he gonna do? Grab Cena, beat the crap out of him and yell "you were supposed to be mah friend" for ending his run in about half an hour? Yeah. Actually, no. That's as stupid as when The Hurricane was a heel in 2001. Yeah, after looking back, he was in the Alliance and he was wrestling babyfaces. He was indeed a heel.

This idea is just balls of stupid. And it's not because of the merch sales or because Rey's too nice. It's because if we can't even buy him as a credible wrestler to guys like John Cena and Alberto Del Rio as a face, how would being a heel help him? He's gonna start doing roll-ups and grabbing tights? I'd rather see him wail super heavyweights in the knee and somehow cripple them. Crappy idea no matter how you look at it, and if WWE were to indeed try it someday, I'll bitchslap a puppy.

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