Request for the WZ Forum Elders


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
After reading the thread entitled "Top 3 Title Changes", it really made me think that a history lesson needs to be taught on the WZ Forums.

While I think I know a shit ton about wrestling, having watched and comprehended what was going on for the past 25 years, there are a lot of people on here who I would consider more knowledgeable than myself.

So I have a request for one or several of the elders, and I use the term elder with all due respect.

I can't believe how many of the responses included RVD beating Cena in the Hammerstein Ballroom or Goldberg beating Hogan on Nitro or HBK beating Bret Hart in the 'Mania Iron Man match.

Yet, there are only a few responses that include Hogan beating The Iron Sheik in MSG back in 1984.

Am I really that old or are most of the posters on here really that young and misinformed ??? Do they not realize what Hogan truly did for this industry ??? DO THEY HONESTLY FUCKING THINK RVD BEATING CENA IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HOGAN BEATING SHEIK ???

Let me state for the record, I wasn't really a Hogan fan and never was, but sweet tap dancing Christ, he made wrestling, regardless of if you like / liked him or not !!!

Someone needs to simply post a thread about the most important historical moment in WWF history when it comes to title changes and I think every new member should be required to read it, and if they don't mark the "I agree" box, then they shouldn't be allowed to join or post... ever !!!
I'm under the impression that the thread's original intent was to rank your person top 3 title changes, as in, which 3 you thought were most entertaining or generally great. Not, necessarily, historically significant. There's no problem with going that road but, the way I see it, there's no problem in simply ranking 3 cool title changes, a category into which RVD over Cena easily falls into.
exactly that was the was cool interesting changes NOT historically significant and until a few hours ago it was in the wwe section and was meant to be about recent times, I moved it to old school as it was morphing that way, so quit your whining.
Yeah seriously everyone needs to turn their fucking smark meter off for a minute. The thread doesn't ask you the most IMPORTANT 3 title changes, it asks your for your personal favorite.

Some of the shit I'm seeing in there makes me laugh. People on this forum try WAY to hard to appear knowledgeable about wrestling, people listing matches from fucking 1908 that they've never seen and that no recordings exist of. Stop trying to fucking show off.

Way too many fucking elitists on here, I tell you one thing I'd much rather be one of those "stupid" posters who stills gets super excited over every PPV than some of the smarks I see on here now, shitting on everything the WWE does.
Way too many fucking elitists on here, I tell you one thing I'd much rather be one of those "stupid" posters who stills gets super excited over every PPV than some of the smarks I see on here now, shitting on everything the WWE does.

Some of the shit I'm seeing in there makes me laugh. People on this forum try WAY to hard to appear knowledgeable about wrestling, people listing matches from fucking 1908 that they've never seen and that no recordings exist of.
I need to go find this thread..
It's in the "Top 3 Title Changes" thread, I won't name names about who posted that, but he's a pretty well known poster here with an affinity for Randy Savage.
Way too many fucking elitists on here, I tell you one thing I'd much rather be one of those "stupid" posters who stills gets super excited over every PPV than some of the smarks I see on here now, shitting on everything the WWE does.

I'm one of those stupid posters!! It's fun.
So half the mods are saying stuff like:

I'm under the impression that the thread's original intent was to rank your person top 3 title changes, as in, which 3 you thought were most entertaining or generally great. Not, necessarily, historically significant. There's no problem with going that road but, the way I see it, there's no problem in simply ranking 3 cool title changes, a category into which RVD over Cena easily falls into.

While the others are saying:

I think I may be the only one who knows that there was wrestling before 1997. Buncha f-ing kids.

Mod war.
Abraham Washington's 2010 Royal Rumble win, and then his Elimination Chamber victory at No Way Out, followed by his Money In The Bank match at Wrestlemania are only topped by Abraham Washington's ECW/World Title/WWE Championship victories on that hor Phoenix evening.
Abraham Washington's 2010 Royal Rumble win, and then his Elimination Chamber victory at No Way Out, followed by his Money In The Bank match at Wrestlemania are only topped by Abraham Washington's ECW/World Title/WWE Championship victories on that hor Phoenix evening.

ah ha! but if he won the elimination chamber.......... why is he in mitb? ;)
then i suppose since hes so good, hes gonna cash mitb on himself (coz hes never gonna lose the title) and win.

cue chuck (abraham washington) norris jokes

I don't see how any can compare to the drama or the moment of the older ones. There's almost never a good buildup for a story anymore.
ah ha! but if he won the elimination chamber.......... why is he in mitb? ;)

Because the Royal Rumble win would give him the ECW Title Shot, the Elimination Chamber win would give him the World Title Shot, and the Money In The Bank would give him the WWE Title Shot. Duh!! It’s logical in an illogical sport. That’s why I love it!! Now let’s see, if this were to really happen, could Edge pull it off??
Abraham Washington's 2010 Royal Rumble win, and then his Elimination Chamber victory at No Way Out, followed by his Money In The Bank match at Wrestlemania are only topped by Abraham Washington's ECW/World Title/WWE Championship victories on that hor Phoenix evening.

He then gets an arranged marriage into the McMahon Family with HHH's daughter, thus solidfying himself a spot into the WWE HoF, recently renamed 'The Abraham Washington Corridor of I'm Just Playin'
For the record there is absolutely nothing wrong with gobbing off about matches from 1908 that you've never seen.
You don't have to have watched Gotch's feud against Hackenschmidt to find it a fascinating topic of discussion, nor to recognise the stature and importance of the matches.

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