Hey... hey... back again. Time to keep the sigs fresh. I'm a bit high on superheroes, especially Batman after reading his novel. So, I want another superhero sig. Make the sig into two, one for Superman and the other for Batman. Put pics of "The Superman Returns" (with the latest actor) and "The Dark Knight" respectively. Put some images of them on the background. On the Superman side, have the words "He stands in the light" <next line> "He teaches compassion" <next line> "He protects the innocent". On the Batman side "He hides in the darkness" <next line> "He teaches fear" <next line> "He punishes the guilty". Then, below, have their respective logos on their respective sides and the text "The Originals". The background should be blue and black for Superman and Batman respectively. Pls and thanks.
Note: If it's too much to cramp into one sig, let me know and I'll give you another simple request. Thanks again.