Request a sig from The Angelic Diablo


:eek3: Ironically, when I didn't know I had to request a sig, I tried putting the image together myself and I used those 2 exact photos!

That Angle/Rock photo accurately reflects how classic that particular match was. 2 of my favorite wrestlers.

I love it! Thanks a lot.. and not to be picky ( I just thought of this ) but can you put "Epic Submit" in a meme type font in the middle of the pic, slightly lower?

1 last question.. How do I get this pic on my signature? (anyone)
hey theo, can you help my 2 sigs you made for me, the immotal omego one and a thumbtack jack one. it says the bandwidth has been exceeded. what do i do?

I am totally aware that my bandwidth has exceeded,
therefore I will transfer all the sigs I have made for yall into an Imageshack album, and you guys will take a look and see which is yours,
and copy the right codes!

- Thank You!
& I am apologize for the inconvenience :)

Angelic "A.D" Diablo
If you're still making them then I'd be stoked if you could make one for me which features Shawn Michaels, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan (in celebratory poses is possible) with the words 'A Time for Heroes' somewhere on it.

Thanks dude, no worries if you're too busy etc.
If you're still making them then I'd be stoked if you could make one for me which features Shawn Michaels, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan (in celebratory poses is possible) with the words 'A Time for Heroes' somewhere on it.

Thanks dude, no worries if you're too busy etc.

Love Your Work. U make awesome sigs!
Would u be able to make me one highlighting some of the best parts of HBK vs Taker 1 and 2 at Wrestlemania 25 and 26 repectivley. More so highlighting HBK, and if u can throw a sweet chin music in there and possibly some stuff from his entrances thatd be cool. really curious to see wat u can come up with and i will make sure to credit it all to u.
Love Your Work. U make awesome sigs!
Would u be able to make me one highlighting some of the best parts of HBK vs Taker 1 and 2 at Wrestlemania 25 and 26 repectivley. More so highlighting HBK, and if u can throw a sweet chin music in there and possibly some stuff from his entrances thatd be cool. really curious to see wat u can come up with and i will make sure to credit it all to u.

Here you go:

Just want you to know I truly appreciate the time and effort you put into these sigs dude! I have gotten so many compliments from The Outhouse message boards that I post at on the Spidey sig you made, thanks so much dude! I would like to see you flex you sig making muscles on something with my 3 favorite comic characters if you would? No rush, just whenever you get the time dude.

Use these images if you can and I love that breaking out of the sig look you do so well, I think it gives sorta a 3D effect to the sigs. You can do the background with some faded comic images would be super sweet as well, with a red, yellow, blue border and color scheme. Thanks dude!



Spider-Man from this pic:

It's a pretty big image so I didn't want to stretch the page.

Thanks so much dude, you are indeed the awesome!
Just want you to know I truly appreciate the time and effort you put into these sigs dude! I have gotten so many compliments from The Outhouse message boards that I post at on the Spidey sig you made, thanks so much dude! I would like to see you flex you sig making muscles on something with my 3 favorite comic characters if you would? No rush, just whenever you get the time dude.

Use these images if you can and I love that breaking out of the sig look you do so well, I think it gives sorta a 3D effect to the sigs. You can do the background with some faded comic images would be super sweet as well, with a red, yellow, blue border and color scheme. Thanks dude!

It's a pretty big image so I didn't want to stretch the page.

Thanks so much dude, you are indeed the awesome!

This was a very fun sig to make!!
Let's see how good you are.
I want a Shawn Michaels sig that says "The Showstopper" with pics of him in the background, preferably one of them being him giving Sweet Chin Music to someone. And I would like some purple in the background, but that one really isn't as important.
Could i possibly get a new sig since mines being kinda dumb right now? I would like it to be a Sting and Raven one with what ever saying that you think fits. Please and thank you.
Hey... hey... back again. Time to keep the sigs fresh. I'm a bit high on superheroes, especially Batman after reading his novel. So, I want another superhero sig. Make the sig into two, one for Superman and the other for Batman. Put pics of "The Superman Returns" (with the latest actor) and "The Dark Knight" respectively. Put some images of them on the background. On the Superman side, have the words "He stands in the light" <next line> "He teaches compassion" <next line> "He protects the innocent". On the Batman side "He hides in the darkness" <next line> "He teaches fear" <next line> "He punishes the guilty". Then, below, have their respective logos on their respective sides and the text "The Originals". The background should be blue and black for Superman and Batman respectively. Pls and thanks.

Note: If it's too much to cramp into one sig, let me know and I'll give you another simple request. Thanks again.
Hey yall!
I'm starting my new semester in College, So I will be working on sigs a bit slower than usual :(

Sorry :(
Hey... hey... back again. Time to keep the sigs fresh. I'm a bit high on superheroes, especially Batman after reading his novel. So, I want another superhero sig. Make the sig into two, one for Superman and the other for Batman. Put pics of "The Superman Returns" (with the latest actor) and "The Dark Knight" respectively. Put some images of them on the background. On the Superman side, have the words "He stands in the light" <next line> "He teaches compassion" <next line> "He protects the innocent". On the Batman side "He hides in the darkness" <next line> "He teaches fear" <next line> "He punishes the guilty". Then, below, have their respective logos on their respective sides and the text "The Originals". The background should be blue and black for Superman and Batman respectively. Pls and thanks.

Note: If it's too much to cramp into one sig, let me know and I'll give you another simple request. Thanks again.

I have never been more disappointed in a pay per view. At the beginning of the royal rumble the general manager came on and demanded that the Nexus and the Core leave the ring and go back to the dressing rooms except for CM Punk the only legal man in the ring. Yet when there were only 4 men left in the ring he allows The Miz, and illegal man in the ring, to throw out and disqualify John Cena, a legal man in the ring, and says or does nothing. Although I am a Cena fan, if a legal man had disqualified him that would have been fine. But was very disappointed in the ending of the royal rumble and felt I had wasted my money!!

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