Request a sig from BC

A free week? I wish I had that kind of time.
You want more requests? How about this.
With the sig that you made me with Hayabusa in the middle, can you make other sigs with alternating figures in the middle "leading" the troupe (one with Great Muta in the middle, one with Jushin Liger etc etc).
And how about alternating different colors for each sig? For the background and such? Like the prominent color for the Hayabusa sig was red, how about green for Misawa and another color for Jushin?
I don't know. If you don't want to do it its fine. I'm just trying to accommodate your requests and alleviate your boredom :D

Actually no, I don't have a free week; I never have a free week. I exaggerated a little.

I'll get to your request tomorrow. But, I have to make a different sig, all over again as I didn't save it in the right file:lmao:. But, if you put it in good use, I don't mind doing it.
Yeah man a free week is hard to come by.
Don't even worry about the request dude.
I just thought I'd give you something to do :p
Hahaha sorry about that.
No worries man. Have a great week and thanks again for the sig.

I'll bump this thread with a graphic. Any requests?
BC my boy I wish I could rep you because the new shit is just awesome. Love the AJ and Cena ones that you just put up. People need to request from you, as you are as legit as any sigmaker on this forum and it is awesome that your work just keeps getting better. Nothing but praise for you man.
Fantabulous is how it is. You're just getting better and better! Keep it up!!

I wish you got more requests.
Hey, would it be possible for you to create an HBK sig for me? I'm thinking one that has a photo of him both from his 90s run and his 2000s run, with a Christian cross incorporated somehow, connecting them in a sense. Or maybe even with 90s DX-era HBK doing a crotch chop, and 2000s HBK doing his kneeling prayer entrance? Don't know if that makes sense but from the other sigs I've seen here you seem like a very good graphic artist, so just a request if you have time. Thanks.
B.C. can you make a sig kind of like my current one so i can switch the out but if you can could you have all of the wearing black except piper (i know how hard it is to find one of him in black) with title belts and a white bacground but id still like to have blue and green letters in a different font credit will be given please and thanks
Hey B.C, I've seen your sigs and I love your style so I think its time I ask you for a request. Seeing as Christian is now on Smackdown I was wondering if you could make me a sig that has a smackdown theme and says something like Captain Charisma is back on Friday Nights!, the rest is up to you. If you could do this, I would give you rep and credit and love you for eternity.

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