Report: Sting Injured At Night Of Champions


According to a report via Dave Meltzer, Sting was injured during his match with Seth Rollins last night. We all saw that Sting was definitely the worse for wear after taking the powerbomb to the turnbuckles late in the match and, according to Meltzer, that's when the injury took place. Allegedly, Sting ducking a clothesline and falling to the mat and having the doctor come in was legit and wasn't planned to be part of the match.

The report states that the injury is to his neck and appears to be a significant one and Meltzer stated that "It was serious and to his neck" and that it may very well be career threatening.

If true, which I think it probably is if last night was any indication, it's definitely shitty. Neck injuries are bad enough, but Sting's 56 years old and this may be the last hurrah for his legendary career. I was under the impression that it had more to do with how he landed against the turnbuckles, that the injury may have been done to his upper Thoracic vertebrae, around the area between his shoulder blades. Also, tons of respect to him for finishing the match.
I remember years ago when the NBA used to host the Legends Game as part of All-Star weekend. It was cool to watch 40- and 50-something's taking it to the hole to prove they still had it. Then, around the second quarter, the old-timers were being carted off the court one by one by one by one by.. get the picture. They put Sting in the ring with WWE's number-one guy. A guy who is in his prime, mind you. Mitsuhara Misawa wasn't a young man when he got suplexed to death in the ring. One of the Moondogs was either close to or actually 60 years old when he had aheart attack and died in the ring. That's the risk you take wrestling at an advanced age, I guess
Yeah, certainly looked legit when it was happening. At a minimum it looks like whiplash was in play from the way he hit. Certainly give him credit for finishing the match.
That match was much stiffer and faster paced than I expected, especially compared to Sting's match with HHH at WrestleMania, which had enough run-in shenanigans that both of them were able to powder for most of the match. It sounded like having Rollins work back-to-back would be an excellent justification for a slower paced match, but Sting really worked and took some pretty hard spots.

They ended the match pretty quick after Sting's stumble, and it would have been such an unusual spot without a payoff that it's hard to think this isn't legit. Tough break, but great match.
The reality is that necks can go at any time - but WWE doesn't seem to be learning from recent history... Misawa, El Hijo, even Tyson Kidd were accidental - but they should be informing what they allow in the ring. Just cos Sting is STING doesn't mean he should be taking those kind of bumps, with Owen's apron bomb or moves on the announce table it's been a matter of time till something went seriously wrong. WWE has had 2 strikes themselves in recent times now... the 3rd will probably be someone important dies on TV/PPV live so they can't do anything about it.

I'm all for hard hitting action and it's hard to blame Seth for this, even though people will - whoever okayed the spots are the ones to blame, and Sting should fucking know better at his age that there is putting someone over and risking your career for them. Seth could do the move 100% safely and perfect and it STILL go south cos of the table, Owens could be safe with a pop-up powerbomb and it go wrong cos bodies and apron's are not meant to mix that way... WWE want the "spectacular" bumps - but don't want to give the proper healing time or allow the guys to use the roids they once did, think it was all about physique? Wrong, they were healing injuries far faster than they would have and more muscle to protect on moves like that... guys with Bryan's physique? Guaranteed to have neck problems... Sting lost his muscle long ago, so he's no better off...

I got the feeling that the original plan WAS for Sheamus to successfully cash in on Sting, but the injury changed it and we got the odd finish/Kane return.
TBH I thought the table spot was the cause of the injury, I could've sworn I seen his head went straight into one of those monitors and the match seemed to have slowed down quite a bit after that. OK the way Sting's neck moved after the powerbomb made me wince too but I still thought the monitor was the culprit. In any case props to Sting for finishing the match and for making it work as well as it did under such conditions.
You could see his ribs bruising up prior to the powerbomb, I think he took a hell of a beating and did well, the legit injury actually added drama to the match.
The Camera avoided Sting and had no close-ups, leads me to believe it was serious.

I know when they did the Spanish Announce spot, they didnt properly move the monitors out of the way, and it looked like Steve's head smacked one going down, and when he was out, Rollins went into taunt mode to buy him time. The callouts were very loud after that spot, which tells me Sting was having trouble hearing or focusing after said spot.

In this day and age though, I don't think a super serious injury would have lead to that roll-up finish Rollins picked up, they would have given Rollins the win by Doctor saying he couldn't continue and let Seth eat that up. Take it with a grain of salt, no doubt Sting's hurt, but let's not assume it's going to be the end of him until we get some first hand confirmation.
In this day and age though, I don't think a super serious injury would have lead to that roll-up finish Rollins picked up....

That sounds right, yet Sting looked so awkward going into the roll-up that I wondered if he were hurt for real. Now reading that the problem might be his neck, it surely makes sense that the move caused him pain.

Kudos to Seth Rollins, though. Even as a young performer, he knows how to work a match, doing most of the work and taking most of the punishment to take it easy on Sting's AARP body..........and when it came to making his own offense look good, Seth accomplished it with a minimum of stress to Sting.

Given the age of the senior participant, it was a hell of a match......and hopefully we'll see Sting in action again.
Damn this sucks. You never want to see somebody get hurt, especially somebody as old as Sting because who knows how serious it could get in the future. If Sting seriously injured his neck, I would completely feel for him. A guy who's had basically a 25 year injury free career gets seriously hurt at 56 in one of his last matches... yeah that sucks.

Hopefully he shows up tonight and says that it's not as bad as it looked.
Can we stop that god damned buckle bomb, please?

Like, there's very little wiggle room for someone to not get their back killed by that move. I suppose it can be really safe, but why are we having the fifty six year old guy taking that bump?

Can someone tell me if Cena took that bump, at any point in the night. Because I'm sorry, but it's not a good idea to take that bump.
So, this is now the 2nd superstar in 5-6 weeks Rollins has seriously injured... Cena's broken nose, now Sting...

maybe he's not as great and skilled as we're being led to believe?
What a shame for Sting. Truth be told, I am totally stunned that they did that move twice in the same match. As has been pointed out already, there is very little room for a safe landing when performing that move. So it really hurts me that Sting's WWE career might be over with that being his last match. Don't get me wrong, until the final minutes of the match, Sting was holding his own and looking like a seasoned veteran in the ring. In fact, he and Rollins were having a really decent match, too.

I know that his career had to end at some point. But an injury and a roll up isn't the way that Sting should have seen his career end. I really hope that this injury isn't as bad as first thought and that he is able to return to the ring for just one more match, possibly against The Undertaker.
Sting should be working smarter, not harder at his age. The HHH match was tonnes of fun, exciting... and there was minimal risk. Sting took some hard bumps in this match, I hope he didn't push it too far to the extent they wont let him wrestle again. I love seeing Sting wrestle, big time.
Can someone tell me if Cena took that bump, at any point in the night. Because I'm sorry, but it's not a good idea to take that bump.

Cena took it twice in their match, Sting also took it twice.

I remember thinking how stupid it was for WWE to dare take away the Curb Stomp because it "looked too dangerous" while allowing the buckle bomb when that actually IS dangerous. That just boggles my mind. The whole point of professional wrestling is for it to look dangerous while actually being perfectly safe.

Anyway, I thought Sting gave a hell of a performance last night for a guy his age. He showed up in great shape, and gave it all he had. He took spots no 55+ year old has any business taking, and he finished the match despite obviously being in severe pain. A match he was scheduled to lose, I might add. That man is all heart, grace, and toughness. My favorite wrestler of all time.
It looked like whiplash but this is the world of pro wrestling so if they're good you wouldn't know a swerve. That power bomb into the corner leaves a guy too unprotected, not knowing exactly where he will hit. That's a young mans game not for someone 56.
While this is sad. It is wrestling. People get hurt. Lets not blame anyone.
Sting is too old to work the kind of match he did. He was doing a near prim WCW Sting stuff. He was moving and doing very well. Looking very young. But these powerbombs shook him up! The table stop looked like it took all air out of him.

Bottom line is, its like letting Undertaker work with Brock Lesnar. Its not going to end well.
I don't see what is so dangerous about this move

My take...

Unlike a regular power bomb which looks like it has more impact there is less ability for the victim to absorb the shock of the collision and the neck (and to some extent the spine) takes on a ton of force. It is also a rare move that may make it harder for a guy to get down.

It is amazing and sad at how much the head saves the neck from more serious injury in other moves. I'm not saying it should be banned but it certainly should be practiced a ton since it is far from a regular back bump.

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