Report: Hints Of POSSIBLE Future Programs


Since the aftermath of HBK costing Bryan the WWE Championship at Hell in a Cell, Bryan slapping him in the Yes Lock the next night on Raw, Bryan delivering the running knee to Michaels last week at the Championship Ascension ceremony and his confrontation with CM Punk this past Monday, there's been tons of speculation as to whether or not he'll come out of retirement.

According to, WWE does indeed want HBK to come out of retirement to work a match at WrestleMania XXX. However, according to the report, the ball is in HBK's court and it's entirely up to him if he wants to do it. If he does, it'll be for that one match and the report says that WWE wants the match to be between Shawn Michaels and Daniel Bryan.

The report goes onto say that the confrontation between HBK & Punk this past Monday was done as a means of keeping the whole thing with Punk & Triple H going. HBK was a sort of surrogate/substitute standing in for Triple H as WWE wants to save the confrontation between Punk & Trips for a later time.

As for HBK vs. Bryan, personally, I'm all for it. It's a program that basically writes itself with the whole teacher vs. student element. If Michaels still has the goods, then he & Bryan could deliver a show stealing match, if he agrees to do it.

As for the situation of Punk & Triple H, the most obvious conclusion to be drawn is the report is hinting at a possible match between them at WrestleMania XXX. As with HBK & Bryan, Punk & Trips is something that's at least seemed to be looming on the horizon, at least for the past several weeks. A lot could change, of course, but the notion of "saving" a confrontation between them suggests that WWE has something significant in mind for them.

The report finally states that there's no talk of HBK vs. Punk or HBK & Trips vs. Punk & Bryan in a tag match. With nothing in the works for HBK vs. Punk, it would explain the general lack of intensity between Punk & Michaels in the ring this past Monday.
I can see HBK being a Special Ref in the HHH vs CM Punk match at Wrestlemania. Especially, since HBK said he was "pained when Superkicking Punk at the Slammy RAW event".
Save Daniel Bryan for Winning the Main Event at Wrestlemania vs Orton and Cena in a triple threat match.
I don't like the idea of HBK coming out of retirement for one more match. You don't mess with a storybook ending (ask Ric Flair after Wrestlemania 24, or if you want to look at real sports, Michael Jordan coming out of retirement to play for the Washington Wizards), because it doesn't end well 99.9% of the time. Shawn had an extraordinary match with The Undertaker in the main event of Wrestlemania 26. I'm not saying Shawn and DB aren't capable of having a great match together, because there's a chance they'll tear the house down.

But Wrestlemania 26 was the perfect send-off, and if Shawn comes out of retirement, he's taking an unnecessary risk of devaluing a great match and moment (the big post match send-off from the crowd). Also, this isn't 2002, when Shawn came back for the first time. We're talking about 2014 now. Shawn is inching closer to 50, and when you consider physical limitations from aging, father time is undefeated.

But if Triple H decides to wrestle at Mania XXX, I could see Shawn filling the role of a ringside supporter. It'll be a similar scenario for Triple H VS Brock Lesnar II at this year's Wrestlemania, but Shawn will be the little sneak, who helps his best buddy cheat. After all, since Hell In A Cell, it's clear Shawn will do anything to protect Triple H.

I'm all for Triple H VS CM Punk II. The story writes itself, because you have the corporate sellout going up against the ultimate rebel. Triple H's corporate turn should give Punk more than enough ammunition during the promo duels, and Punk could remind everyone of Triple H's past as the guy, who always spit in the face of authority, but he sold out to become another corporate phony.

As far as Bryan goes, who knows, maybe he'll win the Rumble? As of right now, it's unclear if WWE's going to pull the trigger on Cena having his one on one rematch at the Rumble, and if Bryan wins the Rumble, WWE could do a triple threat between all three men at Wrestlemania, giving Cena a chance to use his automatic rematch.
My biggest concern with Bryan being involved with HBK at Mania is that it means he's not in the title picture. So who is? Cena and Orton? Especially with Punk involved with HHH.

I don't necessarily have an issue with HBK wrestling, because, let's face it... Retirement matches have never actually been retirement matches. That dates back to the "good ol' days".

HBK/Bryan would be an interesting match, and would probably consist of excellent in-ring work. And like Jack-Hammer mentioned, the story basically writes itself. But still, I find myself a bit stale on the idea until we find out what the WWEWHC picture is. If it's Cena/Orton that's no good.
I say HBK takes on Punk. They seemed to have chemistry on the mic and would put on a great match.

Bryan needs to go with HHH, that whole authority storyline needs more resolution than HBK kicking him does. Main event of WMXXX, with the title on the line that HHH holds after growing tired of Orton, screwing him and realising that only he is good enough to be Undisputed champion. Bryan then gets resolution, a huge push as the face of the company and a nice 6 month title reign.
Well my question would be if they go HBK vs DB and HHH vs Punk at WM who goes for the title? No matter if its Cena or Orton holding the title at that point i cant see the loser of the match at the rumble somehow either getting in the rumble later and winning or worming their way into the match so who would be going for the title at WM?
as much as a possible HBK vs. Bryan match would sell, i just dont want it. dont get me wrong, HBK and Bryan would steal the show, but my problem is 1) who's facing Orton and 2) would that opponent be Cena and 3) if number 2 happens, then the Title picture and the idea of unifying the titles would mean that the number 1 problem that i had with the unification is coming true. i just dont want to see Cena vs. Orton at WM. they both are big stars, let them have one on one matches with other guys and let Bryan or Punk (i would go Bryan) chase after the WWE world heavyweight title and let him get his moment. as for HBK, i would have him at the special guest ref where he and HHH feud with Punk and make Punk have to overcome a bad ref and a boss/wrestler. Punk can sell a match with HHH great by himself and adding HBK as the ref would make that sell even better, but if Bryan does take on HBK, hopefully, the rumble winner would be a young star ready to step up and not Cena or Sheamus.
I'd be cool with Bryan Vs. Michaels, if it leads to a Cena Vs. Undertaker main event. Orton Vs. Lesnar and Punk Vs. Triple H can round out the card.
I can see this happening. In fact, it would be a guaranteed show stealer. Shawn Michaels looks in a good shape and it wouldn't take much for him to dust off any ring rust he might have. The story is already in place and if Michaels wants it, it'll happen. The only gripe I have against this is it would keep Bryan out of the title picture of Mania. Beating Michaels at Mania would be a huge moment for Bryan nevertheless.

The only reason Michaels may turn it down is the fact that he got one of the best send offs. I still have it fresh on my memory (the match was great and the emotions after the match were greater). It would just mean that in pro wrestling, there is nothing like permanent retirement. If you can go inside the ring, there's always that 'one more match.'
There's nothing sacred about "retirement" in this business; ask Terry Funk. I doubt Taker cares. Daniel Bryan vs. HBK is a dream match. Hope they make it happen, it would certainly elevate Wrestlemania.
This match would heighten DB's drawing ability to the max. That's a dream match for most wrestling fans between DB and HBK. If DB wins (which he should, wouldn't make sense for HBK to win) he becomes automatically one of the greats over night, and every fan would respect him even more than they already do....Beating HBK actually if you think about it, is a lot more special then winning a damn prop.....
Saw this posted on bleacher report & really had to re-post here. I've already done the same on the main page where the news item is. Posters username is included, as a thanks for saving me the effort of typing what was on my mind anyway.

JC 'Truth Serum' Brioso posted about 2 hours ago

Let's remember that WWE is stupid...

Look I would love to see Bryan vs HBK just as much as the next guy but honestly, for what????

- HBK should honor his retirement, if he takes it seriously, he would say NO WAY to that match, Bryan belongs in the main event and I belong retired.
- HBK Would obviously lose the match taking away 50% of the draw for the match.
- HBK Would probably show he has lost a step.
- This would totally take the hottest superstar in wrestling away from the spot that he deserves: The main event of WM30 for the title.

Sorry but HHH, or someone in creative needs to stand up and tell Vince enough is enough.

Honestly did he even watch the main event of Wm the past two years??? Those matches fell so short of expectations that it's embarrassing.... Both matches completely deflated the crowd.

You want the crowd to be in it??? Then you have Daniel Bryan not have to steal the show, but actually BE the show at the main event.

In the event that HBK does come out of retirement... The logical match up??? HBK vs The Rock = Dream match, money, unpredictable, and does not main event to take away the spot from the active roster.

Pretty much this.
The Main Event scheduled should include Daniel Bryan and most probably the Face of the company,John Cena. Now the Authority deems Randy Orton as face of the I think that a Triple threat is most probably on the card.

However, the best match at Wrestlemania for the past couple of years has been the Streak match and I expect it to continue as long as the Undertaker is fit enough to put a good match.
IF HBK can still go and keep up w/DB, that would be the only scenario that I would want to see him work again. If DB isn't gonna compete for the title then what better match could he have? If all the foreshadowing is leading in proper then WM30 could look something like this...

Taker vs. Cena
DB vs. HBK
Punk vs. HHH
Orton vs. Rumble winner (Lesnar, Sheamus, Ziggler???)
Cody vs. Goldust
The Shield vs. The Wyatts
Big E vs. Henry
Tag team turmoil???
Bring back MITB now that there's only one title...

If they aren't gonna have Rock or Austin wrestling why not HBK to add to the historic event.
I'd love LOVE to see HBK v D-Bry at WM, but i'm still doubtful HBK will come out of retirement since he's previously criticised Flair for not respecting the retirement match he gave him, and doesn't want to do the same to the Undertaker.
I am 100% for Shawn Michaels vs. Daniel Bryan, but only if HBK stops being his current chicken-shit pseudo-heel and really starts to lay his character on thick. What he's doing currently isn't entertaining. I realize they're just paving the way for a potential feud, but if I die of boredom on the way there, they're not really accomplishing anything.

I like Bryan-HBK a lot more than I like Punk-HBK. I think Punk is going to have much better promos with Shawn, but when it comes to match time, Bryan will have the better in-ring performance. Not that CM Punk isn't great. Bryan is just a little bit better. He's more fluid, he's less contrived a lot of time (as in, his moveset doesn't feel so fixed). Plus, there's history there, and I think Shawn will be a lot more motivated to go out there and put over HIS guy. I think he'd do a great job with Punk too, but he trained Daniel Bryan. It's different. In a way, it's like, if you had to pick between your son, and your son's really cool friend with a PS4, you'd probably still pick your own kid.

I want it to happen, because right now I'm still trying to see a big marquee match for Mania, and I'm not finding it. Randy Orton and John Cena have feuded with everyone on the roster, so unless we get Undertaker-Cena which is incredibly unlikely, I won't be buying the event to see THEM. Again, I think the card will be sold by part-timers, and whoever Bryan/Punk are in the ring with. So please, bring on this match.
so bummed out..Reigns might end up winning the Rumble now :( such a stupid idea...too soon, the guy doesn't even have a solo gimmick yet. Also, I guess DB won't ever win the title after all :( But I guess a program with HBK is a good consolation prize for his loyal fans, right? *rolls eyes*
Hi everyone...

Long time lurker, first time poster. I legit registered the account to chime in on this debate.

I have a very strong feeling that Bryan/HBK and Punk/HHH are two programs they really want to run with for Mania. Mania XXX is going to be as big as they can make it, and I think the whole "Old school vs. New school" is a big way of how they will try to sell it...kind of like a passing the torch thing.

Personally, I think Cena gets his last crack at Orton at Rumble (for now) and that program wraps. I am starting to get the feeling that this years Mania is going to be centered around Cena vs. Taker, HHH vs. Punk and HBK vs. Bryan. I mean realistically, this is an amazing set of three matches, each of which could steal the show.

This leaves Orton and more importantly the Championship in the wind, which is why I think we'll see something shocking like Lesnar entering and winning the rumble to go for "his" title, or what could be even more shocking a HUGE moment for a guy like Reigns.

All this to say that if WWE has their way, I think we are destined for those 3 main events. What do you guys think?
I don't like the idea of HBK coming out of retirement for one more match. You don't mess with a storybook ending (ask Ric Flair after Wrestlemania 24, or if you want to look at real sports, Michael Jordan coming out of retirement to play for the Washington Wizards), because it doesn't end well 99.9% of the time. Shawn had an extraordinary match with The Undertaker in the main event of Wrestlemania 26. I'm not saying Shawn and DB aren't capable of having a great match together, because there's a chance they'll tear the house down.

But Wrestlemania 26 was the perfect send-off, and if Shawn comes out of retirement, he's taking an unnecessary risk of devaluing a great match and moment (the big post match send-off from the crowd). Also, this isn't 2002, when Shawn came back for the first time. We're talking about 2014 now. Shawn is inching closer to 50, and when you consider physical limitations from aging, father time is undefeated.

But if Triple H decides to wrestle at Mania XXX, I could see Shawn filling the role of a ringside supporter. It'll be a similar scenario for Triple H VS Brock Lesnar II at this year's Wrestlemania, but Shawn will be the little sneak, who helps his best buddy cheat. After all, since Hell In A Cell, it's clear Shawn will do anything to protect Triple H.

I'm all for Triple H VS CM Punk II. The story writes itself, because you have the corporate sellout going up against the ultimate rebel. Triple H's corporate turn should give Punk more than enough ammunition during the promo duels, and Punk could remind everyone of Triple H's past as the guy, who always spit in the face of authority, but he sold out to become another corporate phony.

As far as Bryan goes, who knows, maybe he'll win the Rumble? As of right now, it's unclear if WWE's going to pull the trigger on Cena having his one on one rematch at the Rumble, and if Bryan wins the Rumble, WWE could do a triple threat between all three men at Wrestlemania, giving Cena a chance to use his automatic rematch.

I remember reading that when Ric Flair did some matches for TNA, that Shawn Michaels especially was disappointed with Flair, as he believed that Flair retired "for good" and shouldn't wrestle in any capacity again.

If HBK came out of retirement, and the above story is true, then Shawn would be a hypocrite. Sure, he has come out of retirement before, but there was no stipulation the first time he retired (at WM14), so Shawn would have to go back on his word if he did even one more match.

However, Shawn has double-spoken before. Remember Austin v Rock at WM15? It was originally planned to be Austin v Rock v Mankind in a Triple-Threat Match (which would have been good, especially considering we got Austin-Rock one-on-one two more times anyway). However, it was HBK who told Vince that having three men in the match would not make the match as "special", so Vince changed his mind, and made it one-on-one.

However, six years later, not only was there a Triple-Threat Match main event at WM, but Shawn was in it himself. So the man who said that "Triple-Threat main events didn't work at WM didn't have a problem in doing it himself". I wonder how Mick Foley feels, being denied a WM main event because HBK made a statement he would later go against himself. I guess he defends it by saying that, because of the actions of one of the participants, that match never happened in WWE canon.
so bummed out..Reigns might end up winning the Rumble now :( such a stupid idea...too soon, the guy doesn't even have a solo gimmick yet. Also, I guess DB won't ever win the title after all :( But I guess a program with HBK is a good consolation prize for his loyal fans, right? *rolls eyes*

This is precisely my issue with it, it keeps him away from the main event of WrestleManiaXXX for the title.

But if it turns out that the reports on Vince McMahon's alleged 'swing & miss' comments actually had a grain of truth to them, then it probably means DB won't be going anywhere near the title anytime soon, and I honestly think that is a damn shame.
The philosopher in me almost had a stroke reading "Hints of Possible".

Daniel Bryan would most benefit from a match with HBK. Getting a clean win over someone like HBK would be better than just abruptly having Daniel Bryan go over Orton or Cena. If Daniel Bryan gets a clean win over HBK, that'll mean that he has the rest of 2014 to ride that momentum until an equally brilliant plot line works itself out leading up to a world title win that's more appropriate for sports entertainment. If Daniel Bryan is competing in a world title match at Wrestlemania 30 only because the fans are incessantly cheering for him, it won't necessarily hurt his role in the hearts of the fans but it won't make the most out of their faith in him as an over-achieving under-dog.
HBK coming out of retirement for any reason reminds me uncomfortably of discussions involving Sting coming to WWE to face Undertaker.

One the one hand: what an attraction it would be to see 'Taker fight Sting! HBK vs Daniel would be less of an event, but similar in one important way: Who in the world is going to win?

As much as many folks would love to see Sting in WWE, why would he want to come here, wrestle one match......and lose it? In a few years, he'd have a boatload of money and membership in the WWE Hall of Fame, but he'd be remembered as a man who went 0-1 in WWE? Money is important, but is it enough to make him do that?

Same principle with HBK-Daniel. As someone said earlier in this topic, Shawn Michaels career had a storybook ending in WWE; one befitting his status and long service. Would he want to tarnish all that by coming back for one match years later?

Plus, would he be doing this deed just to lose? I can't see a legend like him being amenable to that..... but what's the sense of having HBK come in and defeating one of the hottest stars in pro wrestling? HBK fans would love it, but it sure wouldn't do Daniel Bryan any good.

Of course, didn't they do this very thing when John Cena came in as the #1 man in WWE......and lose to a retired legend (The Rock)? Isn't that the same thing as Bryan losing to HBK?

Then again, Cena is Cena; his rep and status wasn't affected one bit by losing. But could the same be said of Daniel Bryan?

In the end, this scenario does make for some compelling theater. In HBK vs Bryan (just as with Sting vs. 'Taker) you've got a must-see match because you can't see either guy losing......yet, someone has to.
I just don't see how this will help the WWE long term with HBK coming out of retirement. It's not like HBK is going to help with the buyrate. Even when he was active recently, it wasn't until The Rock came back buyrates got better
Anything else for DB would be a disappointment. I know people want to see him win the title in the main event but to me at this point, while it would be nice, it's like skipping through the last few chapters in order to read the end of an exciting, compelling novel.

In other words, there can be so much more to DB than a WM title win and reign. Anything after he holds the title won't mean much. At this point him beating his teacher and him beating the boss are far more compelling stories that can help build him to a more compelling character. So when he does win the title and get a proper reign it will mean so much more than, "hey people like his chant so we should give them what they think they want".

I like the idea of DB spending his time between the Rumble and EC egging HBK to come out of retirement and fight him. I really like the idea of HBK showing up at the EC to screw DB from a big win and tell DB he has his match request at WM. It will only make sense after that to put DB up against HHH. Maybe to take things further have Lesnar align with HHH and give DB another hill to climb. Then when he's beaten all those guys give him the cleam win and title reign. Maybe everything I'm suggesting can get pushed all the way to WM 31 where he can then win the title in front of all the obnoxious smarks.

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