Daniel Bryan's Push: A Middle Finger To CM Punk?


PWInsider.com put out a report earlier today in which its "sources" are insinuating that the "Yes Movement" and the "Occupy Raw" segment from this past Monday are examples of WWE metaphorically flipping CM Punk the bird. The report alleges that some of the language that was used during the segment from Stephanie McMahon had an underlying message of "this could have been you but now it won't be." She said something along the lines of "how dare you insult my family" at one point, so I suppose some could construe that as a comment towards CM Punk. Then again, there's no shortage of conspiracy theories about.

The report further mentions that even before CM Punk walked out roughly half an hour before the post Royal Rumble Raw, there was talk of doing Bryan vs. Triple H. However, allegedly, most people felt that Bryan wouldn't be the one to wind up in the match. There were reports coming out stating that Bryan vs. Sheamus was the original idea for him, after all. However, the report states that things have changed over the course of the past several weeks. While the report doesn't come straight out and say so, it strongly hints that CM Punk won't be coming back to WWE. The last I heard, allegedly, Vince himself was said to be personally handling talks with Punk so IF certain elements of what's happening with Bryan's push are also meant to be jabs at Punk and if Vince was talking with Punk, then there's a good chance that the talks have fallen through and that Punk is done with WWE.
I highly doubt this is the case. If anything, the way they've been handling the storyline is a middle finger to Daniel Bryan! CM Punk's ridiculously idiotic push was the result of WWE Creative giving in to the "majority" of us internet fanboys. They tried so hard to propel him to the heights that many around here claimed he was capable of achieving. They gave him the title for well over a year, they let him cleanly beat Cena, they let him beat a respected legend at Wrestlemania (Y2J), they let him bury an upcoming talent (Ryback), they put his likeness on their annual video game cover, they let him face and beat The Rock, they let him face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, and they let him beat Brock Lesnar. They gave this guy the world and honestly in my opinion, he was never worth it. After all of that unnecessary pushing, he didn't become the next big thing. They should have mainly kept him in the midcard and let him only briefly run with the main title. CM Punk was the next Jericho but instead they gave into "us" and tried to make him the next mega superstar.

After that failure, they've been hesitant to make the same stupid mistake again with Daniel Bryan. That's why they aren't just handing him the world the way they did with CM Punk. Last time they listened to us "all-knowing" fans, they got a guy who wasn't worth the level of hype he got online. Lo and behold, after all was said and done, HE felt either burned out or cheated! So no I don't view the way they're handling (finally) giving Bryan all these perks as a slap to the face of Punk. I view the length of Bryan's run and lack of a good title reign, as hesitance from the company due to Punk's failure.
I never understand reports like these. If the WWE is dumb enough to make booking decisions that alter the most important pay per view of the year in order to spite wrestlers that are no longer with the company, then it's shocking to me that the WWE was ever able to become such a success.

Seems like a bunch of over read in to BS that someone made up and attached "sources" to in order to gain some semblance of credibility.
I also read reports that Vince has given up on bringing back CM Punk for Mania, but might try to get him for after Mania if it is possible. I don't think Vince is willing to just let Punk go without trying to get him to change his stance.

As for it being a middle finger to Punk....I don't know. It might have been, but,tbh, I think Chicago was the only time they have really bothered to refer to CM Punk at all, and they handled it well.

I think ignoring Punk and the chants has been the best way to go in the current situation and shows that whilst the WWE is trying to get him back behind the scenes, they are just as well, preparing to go on without him and any reference to him also.
I doubt there's anything in the idea that that segment was aimed towards CM Punk, personally. I mean it's a possibility, but if that was the case it was such a thickly veiled attack that we'd never know about it. It seemed pretty obvious to me that they were mocking the failed attempts to 'hijack' the show a week prior though; that was evident as soon as Triple H used the word 'hijack' within the segment. Triple H seems to be throwing us - the internet - more and more of that sort of thing every week, and I find it amusing. I personally loved that he actually came on television and vowed to 'bury' Daniel Bryan on Friday night. If it wasn't already, his character is becoming more and more of a parody of what the internet has been saying about him for years.
PWInsider is the least trusted wrestling source.

Bryan would've got pushed regardless if punk was there or not.

Punk would've probably got the Hunter match but Bryan in the WWE title match was going to happen no matter what.
It's possible, but not probable. If Vince McMahon is really as desperate as sources say to get CM Punk back, he wouldn't allow something like this, subtle or not. It was too veiled for people to understand anyway, so what would be the point? It serves no purpose where CM Punk is concerned.

I do think that CM Punk will be pissed though. I mean, he was unhappy with his match with Triple H, and if you're unhappy with a WrestleMania main event bout with Triple H, you need to reevaluate things. If the reports were true that Daniel Bryan was going to face Sheamus, then Punk has done Bryan a huge favour, and perhaps WWE a huge favour. If anything, WWE will have taken advantage of a lost prospect and turned it into a positive, which I'm sure WWE creative will be patting themselves on the back for. WWE doesn't want to be burning bridges with CM Punk considering his popularity and a potential future return.

I'm certain WWE's only mention of CM Punk, subtle or not, has been in Chicago. Other than that, I think they've left it. The push would have come anyway, in my opinion, so for Daniel Bryan, he's been super lucky with unfortunate circumstances.
Does it really matter if it was? Bryan is now in a position where he can make history and create a "Wrestlemania moment" that can be replayed time after time. As far as Punk goes, i love watching the guy, he's money for me and if someone like Bret Hart can say he and Bryan are doing things never done before then thats good enough for me. WWE television is poorer for the lack of Punk and better for having Bryan in the spotlight.
If the reports were true that Daniel Bryan was going to face Sheamus, then Punk has done Bryan a huge favour

Those reports were BS plain and simple.

Anyone who thinks Bryan was going to face Sheamus is delusional.

Anyone who thinks punk did a favour for Bryan is more delusional.
I highly doubt this is the case. If anything, the way they've been handling the storyline is a middle finger to Daniel Bryan! CM Punk's ridiculously idiotic push was the result of WWE Creative giving in to the "majority" of us internet fanboys. They tried so hard to propel him to the heights that many around here claimed he was capable of achieving. They gave him the title for well over a year, they let him cleanly beat Cena, they let him beat a respected legend at Wrestlemania (Y2J), they let him bury an upcoming talent (Ryback), they put his likeness on their annual video game cover, they let him face and beat The Rock, they let him face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, and they let him beat Brock Lesnar. They gave this guy the world and honestly in my opinion, he was never worth it. After all of that unnecessary pushing, he didn't become the next big thing. They should have mainly kept him in the midcard and let him only briefly run with the main title. CM Punk was the next Jericho but instead they gave into "us" and tried to make him the next mega superstar.

After that failure, they've been hesitant to make the same stupid mistake again with Daniel Bryan. That's why they aren't just handing him the world the way they did with CM Punk. Last time they listened to us "all-knowing" fans, they got a guy who wasn't worth the level of hype he got online. Lo and behold, after all was said and done, HE felt either burned out or cheated! So no I don't view the way they're handling (finally) giving Bryan all these perks as a slap to the face of Punk. I view the length of Bryan's run and lack of a good title reign, as hesitance from the company due to Punk's failure.

Wait what? A post full of bs.
Punk never beat Cena clean. At MitB, Cena was distracted (he had to break the STF to punch Johnny).
Jericho jobbed to everyone since his return.
Ryback is a nobody, and they wanted Punk vs Rock, not Ryback vs the Rock.
He faced Taker because there was no other credible star to face him at that time.
He lost to Lesnar.

Punk was never THE GUY, and never pushed as one. The spotlight was still on Cena, the main events, the focal point, everything. And come WM season, they gave the title to the Rock. So no, Punk was the only guy that could carry the title and actually have an interesting story behind it, besides Cena.

Your post was so bad, I suggest you re-read what you said and find your mistakes.
Bryan was being pushed long before the "Occupy RAW" thing was ever even thought up. This thread has "You've gotta be kidding me" written all over it.
Were these the same sources who were almost 100% certain that CM Punk would show up in Chicago for RAW? I have a better shot winning the lottery than believing that tripe.
I don't think the Yes Movement or Occupy Raw has anything to do with CM Punk, but rather the fans that wanted to hijack raw. They keep using the words hijack during the segments. The Yes Movement is something Daniel Bryan created on twitter and other social media that WWE has adopted into the story and merchandise.

Besides, didn't Punk leave because he was a martyr for Daniel :rolleyes:

Were these the same sources who were almost 100% certain that CM Punk would show up in Chicago for RAW? I have a better shot winning the lottery than believing that tripe.

I loved all the dirt sheets reports that night, as well as the Kayfabe News article that mocked it. If you read them carefully they all said there was a source that was 100% about Punk returning, but then immediately said they weren't 100% and to take it with a grain of salt.
No absolutely not. First off, Daniel Bryan was getting his push before Cm Punk left for one. I will admit that HHH's entire speech that night was directed to Cm Punk as far as being not good enough and blaming everyone else. But Bryan would have made it whether Cm Punk were there or not.

And besides, even if it was whose fault is that? WWE gave Cm Punk everything. They had Jeff Hardy push him when Hardy was arguably the most over guy in the company. They gave him an Edge feud, Undertaker feud, Randy Orton feud, then they give him wins over John Cena. Then they had Jericho come in and put him over and had Paul Heyman come in a put him over even more. To top it all off they give him a 400+ day title reign in this day and age, a match with Rock, a match with Lesnar, and a match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He's also held pretty much every title you could possibly hold in WWE. Yet Cm Punk was only a moderate draw.

Sure he sold more shirts than Cena for one month 3 years ago but that was only because Punk's shirt was new. Once Cena got new merch he was back on top. Punk may have drawn more than guys like Ziggler but it's not like he pulled in Austin money. He didn't save WWE from anything because the ratings havent really changed since his famous shoot. He didn't bring a huge audience to WWE. Whereas guys like Rock and Austin pulled in casuals who werent even wrestling fans, Punk only attracted avid wrestling fans who watched the indies. And of course those numbers are so small they barely even showed up on WWE's radar. If he truly were such a massive draw WWE would have given him a WM main event and not the depush he got in 2013. cm Punk is extremely ungrateful. WWE did everything in their power to make him the new guy and he just didn't ascend to that height. WWE has every right to give him the bird but they aren't doing it by pushing Daniel Bryan. They did it by giving Punk what he deserved which was a depush.
No absolutely not. First off, Daniel Bryan was getting his push before Cm Punk left for one. I will admit that HHH's entire speech that night was directed to Cm Punk as far as being not good enough and blaming everyone else. But Bryan would have made it whether Cm Punk were there or not.

And besides, even if it was whose fault is that? WWE gave Cm Punk everything. They had Jeff Hardy push him when Hardy was arguably the most over guy in the company. They gave him an Edge feud, Undertaker feud, Randy Orton feud, then they give him wins over John Cena. Then they had Jericho come in and put him over and had Paul Heyman come in a put him over even more. To top it all off they give him a 400+ day title reign in this day and age, a match with Rock, a match with Lesnar, and a match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He's also held pretty much every title you could possibly hold in WWE. Yet Cm Punk was only a moderate draw.

Sure he sold more shirts than Cena for one month 3 years ago but that was only because Punk's shirt was new. Once Cena got new merch he was back on top. Punk may have drawn more than guys like Ziggler but it's not like he pulled in Austin money. He didn't save WWE from anything because the ratings havent really changed since his famous shoot. He didn't bring a huge audience to WWE. Whereas guys like Rock and Austin pulled in casuals who werent even wrestling fans, Punk only attracted avid wrestling fans who watched the indies. And of course those numbers are so small they barely even showed up on WWE's radar. If he truly were such a massive draw WWE would have given him a WM main event and not the depush he got in 2013. cm Punk is extremely ungrateful. WWE did everything in their power to make him the new guy and he just didn't ascend to that height. WWE has every right to give him the bird but they aren't doing it by pushing Daniel Bryan. They did it by giving Punk what he deserved which was a depush.

Thank you.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

The notion of "Bryan got pushed because punk left" is absolutely ridiculous.
I highly doubt this is the case. If anything, CM Punk's ridiculously idiotic push was the result of WWE Creative giving in to the "majority" of us internet fanboys. They tried so hard to propel him to the heights that many around here claimed he was capable of achieving. They gave him the title for well over a year, they let him cleanly beat Cena, they let him face and beat The Rock, they let him face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, and they let him beat Brock Lesnar. They gave this guy the world and honestly in my opinion, he was never worth it. After all of that unnecessary pushing, he didn't become the next big thing.

Punk didnt beat cena clean and he never beat lesnar looks like someone knows what there talking about. Bryan should be pushed he's far more entertaining than batista and orton
Your post was so bad, I suggest you re-read what you said and find your mistakes.

I don't need to "re-read what I said". You need to readjust your perspective. You have so many excuses why CM Punk never amounted to the next big thing, that you're the perfect example of a delusional fanboy.

Punk was never THE GUY, and never pushed as one. The spotlight was still on Cena, the main events, the focal point, everything.
Of course he was never "the guy". Cena was already established and was already being pushed to headline Wrestlemania before "the pipebomb" speech ever took place. The entire purpose of Punk being given all of the opportunities that he was given, was to groom him for the possibility of becoming the next big thing. The spotlight was shared between he and Cena. You over-exaggerate by making it seem as if Punk wasn't getting as much (possibly more) screen-time as Cena. And yes CM Punk did win cleanly against Cena. It's clean as long as the opponent doesn't resort to cheating to gain the victory AND the booking chooses to ignore the manner in which the victory was gained. This is usually done to "protect" both men from being perceived as unequal. (Pro Wrestling Logic 101)

Ryback is a nobody...

Ryback wasn't a nobody by October 2012. He was booked with an undefeated streak and (on his own) won over the majority of the live crowds by being one of the most anticipated attractions of the weekly shows. People looked forward to seeing him take on 2 jobbers at a time, throw them around like rag dolls and eventually he was so over that he was able to orchestrate the better part of the audience into chanting his catchphrase every match (DESPITE people poking fun with the Goldberg chants). He was booked (very believably) as a brute and was placed in a Hell in a Cell title match with CM Punk. By that time, Punk had already held the title for a little more or less than a year. Punk was a heel that was unable to get a consistent negative response form the crowd and Ryback was a babyface who gained the crowd's attention and positive response. After that loss, Ryback lost his whole appeal and push. He was effectively buried by CM Punk's booking. So you can brush it off with "Ryback is a nobody" but you just show how hopelessly blinded and biased you are.

...they wanted Punk vs Rock, not Ryback vs the Rock.

Really?? They wanted Punk vs The Rock?! Wow I never would have known that!! It's not like a bazillion people had already whined about that possibly happening MONTHS before it actually did!! All you just did was state the obvious and reinforced what I said about the company giving CM Punk an opportunity. He had the title for over 400 days! If he was going to lose to anybody, who better than the most iconic, most successful, most ripped, looking main eventer? Punk's fanboys were going to be butthurt regardless who would have ended the reign so the fact that you're bothered by it makes it almost useless to argue. Let me guess...Ziggler, Sandow, or Big Show should have taken it. If anything, losing to The Rock was for the sole purpose of validating the WWE title. Punk's idiotically long reign was the first thing to help bring validation back to it from the likes of guys like ADR and The Miz (no offense to any fans of those guys). Since Punk's held the title, ONLY established main eventers have held it. But it was a wasted move imo because he could have validated the title by having it in even half the time that he did.

Jericho jobbed to everyone since his return.

Was he or was he not given the opportunity to face Jericho? The answer is: CM Punk was given the opportunity to face Jericho. It doesn't matter if Y2J won or lost a lot. What matters is that he DID get the opportunity to face him. On top of which, many didn't know that Y2J was going to come back (after all of those cryptic teasers) just to lose at WM. Yet another gift given to Punk.

He faced Taker because there was no other credible star to face him at that time.

He faced the Undertaker because there was no one else credible enough to face him. Okay what's your point here? Was he or was he not given the opportunity to face The Undertaker? The answer is: CM Punk was given the opportunity to face The Undertaker. It doesn't matter why he got the opportunity to do it. What matters is that he DID get the opportunity to do it. Yet another gift given to him.

He lost to Lesnar.

The only thing you got right here. My mistake. He LOST to Brock Lesnar. I apparently forgot because they booked it as a loss due to interference by Paul Heyman (to protect both men from a legit loss - again Pro Wrestling Logic 101). Still, he was given the opportunity to face yet another respected veteran/legend. Which was the point I was making anyway.

If you look at ALL of these opportunities and gifts, you can choose whether or not they were doing Punk an over-the-top favor. You seem to have a conspiracy theory regarding everything Punk was handed. Instead of seeing them as scenarios in which Punk could have gotten over, you almost act as if they're negative manipulations to Punk's push. That's why I see you as a delusional fanboy.
Wow...a report so bad, so unbelievably stupid, that not one single person even in the IWC actually buys it. I think that's a first.

Again, I just want to reiterate something.

Batista won the Royal Rumble at 10:40.

At 10:45, Daniel Bryan tweeted this: Sorry guys, the machine wanted me nowhere near the Royal Rumble match. But I thank everyone for their support. YOU are the #YESMovement

At 10:52, Daniel Bryan tweeted this: They try to keep US down and away from the top spots, but they can’t ignore the reactions forever. Keep voicing your opinions. #YESMovement

This all followed an interview with Strait Times three days before the show where he said, among other things, "COO Triple H doesn't want me anywhere in the Royal Rumble match."

So we can see, quite clearly, that they had a plan for the YES Movement long before the Royal Rumble ended, long before CM Punk walked out. They had a plan revolving around Daniel Bryan behind held back by Triple H and The Machine, a plan revolving around him rallying his fans behind the YES Movement to get them to the top spot. Not just him, but them, his fans and the YES Movement, all of them to the top spot.

(And, no, he wasn't breaking kayfabe. Both tweets and that part of the interview were all distinctly in character and part of the storyline. Why do you think he went out of his way to call Triple H the COO? Triple H is only the on screen COO.)

If the plan wasn't for him to end up in the title match at WrestleMania, what was the plan??? A match with Sheamus? Are we really supposed to believe that Daniel Bryan was going to use the YES Movement to get him in a match with Sheamus at WrestleMania? How is that a top spot? How would his supporters be expected to be satisfied with that?

This is ridiculous. Clearly, the plan all along was for him to get a spot in the title match, using his fans to force his way in because Triple H and The Machine wouldn't let him get there any other way. The plan was put in motion long before the Royal Rumble and long before CM Punk walked out, so the idea that either the crowd reaction at Royal Rumble or CM Punk's departure had anything to do with any of it is ludicrous. The only thing that changed after Punk's walk out was the addition of the Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan match. If Punk had stayed, he'd be fighting Triple H at WrestleMania and Daniel Bryan would've either been put directly into the title match during Occupy Raw or forced them to give him another way to earn his way in.

Again, it's amazing to me that the dirt sheets have finally come out with a report so asinine that even the most blindly loyal IWC sheep can't defend it. That's fantastic.
I doubt it.

I have my doubts, because WWE is still tip-toeing around the truth behind the Punk situation. The Punk material on the Chicago Raw was too tongue and cheek most of the time (WWE had to fight back with a smart strategy), and WWE is still quiet about what's really going on with Punk.

IF this whole walk out thing is 100% legit, without Punk asking for time off to heal physical and emotional wounds, Bryan deserves his spot, and WWE is moving on. He's the most over face on the roster, who continues to deliver high quality matches. That's a simple enough reason for his strong push going into Wrestlemania. I highly doubt WWE officials devised a plan to flip a proverbial middle finger to CM Punk with Daniel Bryan. WWE is using Bryan as a tool on the biggest show of the year to spite someone, who's not on the roster anymore? That doesn't make any sense.
Those reports were BS plain and simple.

Anyone who thinks Bryan was going to face Sheamus is delusional.

Anyone who thinks punk did a favour for Bryan is more delusional.

Dude, I'm begging you, stop telling me I'm wrong. I'm not sure what your obsession is, but it's a bad one. And no, that was not a loose Guns n' Roses reference. I'm not "delusional" or whatever else you've ever said to me.

I stand by my point, Punk unintentionally did Daniel Bryan a favour. I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to, and he probably wanted the treatment Bryan has been getting, but that's hard luck. As for Daniel Bryan versus Sheamus, people were pretty certain it wasn't going to happen just like Bray Wyatt versus John Cena was never going to happen. Oh, would you look at that, Bray Wyatt is facing John Cena at WrestleMania XXX. Woah.
To borrow a phrase, if you can "suspend your disbelief" while reading some of the articles it actually makes the show more entertaining. If you watch with the mindset of "what if...?" it's kinda amusing. See if the show syncs up with the latest "breaking news". Sometimes, though, the more details you hear about a particular subject the less it all comes together. Not saying the "CM Punk situation" is one of those times but I'm not saying it isn't.

Though there's some that disagree with me, I feel like Bryan is popular with a large enough audience to warrant his current position.

Okay though... keep an open mind for this one: if bad blood between WWE and Punk is a good 'nuff reason to write an interesting angle then let the bullets fly.

Stephanie McMahon is the one who's inducting Ultimate Warrior, didn't I read that? I think it'd be more fun if CM Punk did.
Money talks.

Vince hired Eric Bischoff, a guy who repeatedly called Vince an idiot for the creative direction of the Attitude Era. A guy who went way the Hell beyond what one may interpret as CM Punk insulting the McMahon family. In Vince's own words, it was "damn personal" that Eric was running a show opposite Vince's. I realize that Eric's role was that of a clown, either way Vince was paying him money to be on WWE programming.

If a name is buzz worthy and will sell tickets, Vince is open to negotiation. Sure, they have Daniel Bryan, a man who they can easily put in Punk's intended spot. Heads will cool off eventually and it will make sense to put Punk back on tv. He's still a highly notable presence in the pro-wrestling world and I'm sure that, given enough time, a deal to bring him back will be mutually beneficial.
Maybe this is a massive swerve-Punk walking out, WWE suppousedly taking a swipe at him.

Maybe just maybe they have been able to stop something leaking out, and at WMXXX, Bryan is about to win the belt, when Triple H runs down to cost him.

Suddenly, the arena explodes as C.M. Punk runs down the aisle and faces up to Triple H, he goes to hit Tripper, but hits Daniel Bryan instead.

Punk looks upset that he struck his friend, but then a smile crosses his face. Punk gives Bryan a GTS and leaves him for either Randy Orton or Batista to pin.

Wrestlemania ends with the Authority-Triple H, Batista, Randy Orton, and their trump card- C.M. Punk standing over Bryan.

Then post-Wrestlemania, Bryan and Punk feud leading up to Summerslam.
If Punk could get that push, why The Authority screwed Bryan over and over again?

Nah, that push is wearing Bryan's name since Summerslam. Possibly the WWE didn't planned a title shot for Bryan at WM in the first place and then rushed things, but Punk never had business in Bryan's push.

Batista is hogging Punk's spot, not Bryan.
I never understand reports like these. If the WWE is dumb enough to make booking decisions that alter the most important pay per view of the year in order to spite wrestlers that are no longer with the company, then it's shocking to me that the WWE was ever able to become such a success.

I see your level-headed booking policy and raise you the WCW Invasion angle. Vince McMahon wouldn't be the big dog he is if he didn't compulsively feel the need to rub everybody else's noses in it.

Having said that, no, it's not anything to do with Punk. Facing Trips at WM XXX is an opportunity that Bryan grabbed with both hands, while Punk shat on it. How is that WWE spiting anybody? When Punk left, Bryan was already becoming more popular than him.

It's only natural that if a favourite wrestler leaves and he is on the journalist's mind, he will connect dots that don't exist.

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