Released Wrestlers; Who was the biggest Mistake WWE let go?

i think TRINITY..JAZZ..GAIL KIM...were all big mistakes...they could of made a really awesome womens division..especially after TRISH and LITA left...i mean imagine...JAZZ, GAIL KIM, AND MELINA...VS. VICTORIA, MICKIE JAMES, AND TRINITY..THAT WOULD BE GREAT!
Oh so many.

Sean O'Haire - Very talented guy. Never given a time to shine in WWE. They push the hell out of Lashley when he has little mic skills, but give Sean no time to develop his.

Matt Morgan - The best big man to come through WWE this millenium. Oh, and he was legitly big. No steroids. They had him destroy the Big Show on a few separate occasions, then they go and release him. What?! And he was adequate on the mic. All he needed was a good gimmick and he could've been the big man they so desperately want Khali and Snitsky to be.

Tony Mamaluke - They brought him back and put him to absolutely no use in the new ECW. Instead of releasing him, they should've put him on Smackdown where he could add some different styles to the Cruiserweight division. He was one of the best cruiserweights I've seen. Need proof? Look up the match between him, Shark Boy, AJ Styles, Low Ki, and a couple of others from like 2001.

Billy Kidman - He was done with the cruiserweight scene. But he would've been great in the US or Intercontinental division.

Kid Kash - I shouldn't have to explain this. But he would've been great in ECW instead of tagging in a lame gimmick with Jamie Noble (who is criminally underused).

Flash Funk - I only say this because he could've been a great jobber to the stars. He could've been to Smackdown what Val Venis is to Raw.

Vito - "Hey, this guy is really over with the fans, we've got him on a winning streak and he'll do whatever we tell him to. We better fire him quick." They should've kept him, left him in a dress, but make him "snap" and become a crazed, ass-kicking machine.

K-Kwik/Ron "The Truth" Killings - I am so hoping that they realize what they let go and sign him back now that he's walked out of TNA. One of the best all around wrestlers working today (he can do high flying, he's a mat technicians, he can go hardcore, and he can do power). Plus, you've got an almost instant feud with the golden boy, John Cena, since WWE likes to bring real life beefs into the show.

Joey Mercury - Drug problems withstanding, he was the talent behind MNM. Sure, Nitro has gotten better since going solo, but Mercury held the team together.

Orlando Jordan - Could've been a great worker in the future. Would've been a good fit for a tag team with Elijah Burke.
I don't think they should have released any of the ECW orgianals, just s silly move.

Also the release Vito when he was ment to be going to ECW to help set up the Tag Division? How does that make sense?
In my opinion I think they made a mistake releasing Sean O`haire. Yes I said it Sean O`haire. He was a amazing talent did you seen some of his matches in Wcw. Yeah I know his mic skill wasn't the best but he could have fit in the new ECW

Couldn't agree more. He actually showed a lot of mic potential with the black and white taped promos he had airing every week before his return. Then when he returned they stuck him with Piper (as his mouthpeice) and it was all downhill from there.
On I side note I hear he gets OWNED in every MMA fight he's had.

Raven was a mistake too but he may have left on his own. He was always way over even when they tried to bury him...hard. They started changing his appearance by the week until he was almost unrecognizable. Apparently he was a person that would speak up to Vince in the meetings which is something we all know doesn't fly.
Jazz--is a great female wrestler but i always found her boring so i dont care too much

Gail Kim--should still be around, but shouldnt be the top of the womens division

Rodney Mack--dont know y, always like him for some reason

Vito--had decent momentum going

Dudleys--best tag team in the business in the last 10 years aside from the Hardy, but most people think they will be back.

Muhammed Hassan--he actually quit to persue acting(has yet to land a gig), so it wasnt really something WWE did, but id like to see him come back.

Matt Morgan-- decent new big man is needed with the departure of Big Show

Christian Cage--Also quit, so its not there fault, many also think he will be back.

Shelly Martinez--best manager WWE had at the time, sure as hell helped get Thorn over.

Scotty Too Hotty--Smackdowns version of Val Venis, got good pop everytime he came out, despite not having done anything in years, and he was a solid worker.

Rosey--mostly the timing as they had just brought back Jamal and reforming 3MW would have been good for the tag division.

If i had to pick the worst id probably say Scotty Too Hotty or the Dudleys since Christian quit
Frankie Kazarian they had a good thing with him but allowed pettiness to get in the way. Test another missed opportunity but then again they always seem to drop the ball with him, Shelly Martinez they should make Butthead apologize to her and rehire her so what if she doesn't have the Playboy look she has her own look which to me makes her stand out plus she was one of the few divas who can actually wrestle. And finally AJ Styles and Abyss AJ could have been a good IC, US, or cruiser weight champion could have even been WWE or worlds heavy weight champion and Abyss would been perfect in the monster heel role oh well WWEs loss=TNAs gain.:dark2:

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