Reigns & Ambrose's Ally Discussion


Championship Contender
Jimmy Uso. I have just finished watching CSR where they discussed the possibility of giving Reigns and Ambrose a partner in their feud with the Wyatt Family and the names discussed included Kane and Apollo Crews but in a story based around family why not bring in Reigns' actual cousin. Reigns is related to Jimmy Uso and as various documentaries and interviews have suggested they were very close growing up and good friends backstage so why not have Jimmy join the feud to give him something better to do than commentary while Jey is out injured. He is the most logical option due his relationship with Reigns plus his talent level and previous history with the Wyatt's would make him the perfect fit IF WWE wanted to add a partner for Reigns and Ambrose to even up the numbers.
I can see that logically. But doing so might destroy the USO's.
These guys are good, but I dont see them single career good YET!

What about Crowe from nXt, his gimmick kinda matches up the the SHield.
The thing is Ambrose and Reigns aren't really family, just good friends. Same with the Wyatt's. They're not a family in the literal sense of the word, so it really doesn't matter who get paired up with them.

Jimmy Uso is better known as a tag team wrestler. And he's been out of the ring for the last 5 months, waiting on his brother to get healthy. Plus what do you do with Jey Uso when he comes back.

They can't reform the Shield unless Rollins is the third person, and he's not available. So like I said, considering it's just a partnership to get past the Wyatt's they need someone, and someone big. The newest Wyatt guy is huge, and Jimmy Uso isn't near up to that guy's size.
I have a hunch we will see a pissed off Rowan join Reigns and Ambrose... He returns and is pissed about being replaced... Just a hunch...

I remember talk of Mason Ryan joining the Shield before his release... Why not bring him back as the new powerhouse of the shield to combat the the new face of destruction Stroman
I made a post about this earlier and i think it is a great idea. Jimmy Uso hasn't been doing anything since Jey Uso was taken out of action. I think this will be a great way to have him come back in the ring and do something different other than being on commentary. It will also help elevate the status of the Usos being in storyline alongside some big names. Jey and Rowan should be coming back soon from injury maybe they can set a match up at by Survivor Series. That would be awesome.
I don't know how no one else has brought this up, but if he isn't busy, why not The Rock? He wouldn't show up at Night of Champions, since it isn't in the big four, but Survivor Series. Sting, Lesnar or Taker probably won't be around, so they need a huge attraction for the event. The chance to use Rock as a way for Reigns to turn heel, could be an interesting angle.
I can see it being either Big Show or Samoa Joe. Big Show looks like hes heading for a face turn; Samoa Joe is a good option as well since he is roughly the same size as the new Wyatt member. Also if they wanna get Reigns over with the smarks it could be a good option to pair him with both Joe and Ambrose, two IWC favorites.
I think Cena will be the third man if a six man tag match if it does end up happening. They are likely going to want Cena on the card at Night of Champions and he's not challenging for the World Title. He has history with the Wyatt family so it makes sense for him to align Reigns and Ambrose. Cena is also good at working with the super heavyweights as we've seen him work well with Khali, Umaga, Mark Henry and Big Show. He could really help make Braun Strauman look good and give him some credibility.
I think Cena will be the third man if a six man tag match if it does end up happening. They are likely going to want Cena on the card at Night of Champions and he's not challenging for the World Title. He has history with the Wyatt family so it makes sense for him to align Reigns and Ambrose. Cena is also good at working with the super heavyweights as we've seen him work well with Khali, Umaga, Mark Henry and Big Show. He could really help make Braun Strauman look good and give him some credibility.

Cena will be getting a rematch to win back his US Title.
It will be the newest addition to the company.. the 2015 tough enough winner,Josh!!!

okay all joking aside, I could see Jimmy Uso helping out and possibly also Jey, when the time comes to return from injury. but i honestly think it will just stay Ambrose and reigns trying to take out the wyatt family, leading to the feud between reigns and ambrose.
I don't see it with Jimmy Uso at all. While he's known as a tag team wrestler, I just don't think that he'll make anything remotely resembling a splash. He just doesn't have the star power and I'm of the opinion that a new Shield member should be someone that fans not only already know, but are already highly invested in.

For instance, as I said in a similar thread, one potential idea is Daniel Bryan, if WWE ever gets around to clearing him. Bryan's popularity hasn't decreased, he has a good history with The Wyatt Family himself, putting him on the team would be sort of a way to simultaneously give him some protection while testing the waters to see if he stays healthy. If/when Bryan returns to action, there'll immediately be movements me fans to put him right back in a title picture, but it'd be unwise considering the uncertainty of his health. If Bryan gets hurt again, then it's time to hang up the boots I think. However, if he's able to go, this injects a level of star power to the feud that it currently doesn't have and introduces the element of someone who can be a brawler and a technician, increases fan interest and delivers a big surprise moment.

Bryan's just an example, I'm not sure how he'd work out as the more laid back sort of guy he's been. I think if they inject a good amount of intensity to his character, don't try to turn him heel but give him a bit of a chip on his shoulder due to the doubts many have surrounding him, dial it back on the nice guy every man and add a vicious streak to him.

Bringing in some big guy to match Braun Stroman would result in a pretty lackluster addition in my opinion because Reigns is supposed to be the muscle of the outfit; four of the five guys currently involved in this feud are above the 250 pound mark and another big, lumbering powerhouse to match Stowman not only seems redundant, but what the hell is Reigns supposed to bring to the table then if you take him out of the role of team powerhouse?
Honestly, I'd rather not see a 6-Man Tag Match at all. Instead of doing that, they could, you know, try something different and maybe create a story that the audience actually cares about. Because right now, this feud seems to be treading water. It was lukewarm filler at SummerSlam, and even with the addition of Bronn Stowman to the Wyatt Family, the feud doesn't really interest me. We've seen Wyatt Family 6-Man Tags a million times before, try something different.

Maybe Bray Wyatt challenges Reigns and Ambrose to a triple threat match. Or a triple threat match between them is booked, with the winner getting an IC Title shot. At first it seems crazy, the deck is stacked against Wyatt and it looks like he's going to be in a 2-on-1 situation. But Bray doesn't seem to care. The Bray Wyatt character is about more than winning and losing, and his real endgame is to drive a wedge between Reigns and Ambrose. The triple threat is the key to doing that. Wyatt can say that at the end of the day, there can be only one winner, and that the so-called "brothers" Reigns and Ambrose will have to fight eah other. He can try to get into Reigns' ear by saying that the fans will never truly accept him and that they will always prefer Ambrose. Basically Wyatt is playing the role of the devil, attempting to plant seeds of dissent between Reigns and Ambrose, and essentially lure Reigns to the dark side. On the final Raw before Night of Champions, it's Reigns and Ambrse vs. Harper and Stowman in a Tag-Team Match, with Bray at ringside. There's some sort of mis-communication between Regins and Amrbose, maybe Ambrose inadvertently hits Reigns and Reigns retaliates with a spear. This ends up costing them the match and the Wyatt Family gets the win. More importantly though, it looks like Bray's evil plan is working heading into the PPV...

In the triple threat at Night of Champions, Reigns and Ambrose start out on the same page but over the course of the match they implode and turn on each other just like Bray planned. Ultimately, Bray capitalizes and wins the match. Bray can then move on to challenge for the IC Title, while a feud between Ambrose and Reigns has just been kicked off...

But no, that would be too interesting.
I'm against WWE using Ambrose to get the BOOs away from Reigns. It's hurting both of them. Reigns needs to stand up on his own feet and Ambrose needs a good push.
But if Vince is hell bent on doing this dumbass stuff then I'd say Cena. They should keep the feud 2 on 3 till night of champions. The following night super cena joins the team and after dealing with Wyatt they fight in a triple threat TLC match coz otherwise this whole angle would have been for nothing.
An extremely close second choice is orton. He's not doing anything and can really make this feud interesting.
IF YA SMELLLLLLL...What the Rock is Cookin'!!! Perfect time for Rock to come back and tag with Reigns & Ambrose. It would be a bigtime seller for the SSeries PPV, too.
I can see it being either Big Show or Samoa Joe. Big Show looks like hes heading for a face turn; Samoa Joe is a good option as well since he is roughly the same size as the new Wyatt member. Also if they wanna get Reigns over with the smarks it could be a good option to pair him with both Joe and Ambrose, two IWC favorites.

wow how is joe the same size as the new wyatt member

Ring name(s)
King Joe[3]
Samoa Joe[2]

Billed height
6 ft 2 in (1.88 m)[4]

Billed weight
289 lb (131 kg)[4]


Ring name(s)
Braun Stowman[1]
Braun Strowman[2]

Billed height
6 ft 8 in (2.03 m)

Billed weight
400 lb (180 kg)

that like me saying am the same size as lesnar. I think you my friend should really get your eyes looked
Oh wow, his previous ring name actually was Braun Stowman, without the 'r'.

That would explain why the smarkiest of the fanbase have been calling him that, as though they think they're more 'in' on the wrestling business because they know and refer to his previous ring name.

Anyway, from my point of view Samoa Joe would be the option that I'd freak out over the most! Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but they established Braun as a sort of 'submission' guy, being able to choke out opponents in mere seconds - now who does that sound like? Maybe they'll get Joe in as a direct counter to this new huge guy.

And also, for what it's worth, the Samoan heritage is there as well, for those who thought that Jimmy Uso would be the third member.
Although I don't see the need for a third person to join Ambrose and Reigns, that's probably the route they'll end up taking. I'd rather Wyatt just stay out of the ring for a while and let Harper and Strowman do the dirty work, similar to Taker's Ministry run. Wyatt could remain the main antagonist while working through his two followers and still working the odd match on PPV's. Therefore, if I were booking the match at Survivor Series, it would be Harper/Strowman w/Bray at ringside vs Reigns/Ambrose.

Again though, like I said, we'll most likely get a third person to help out Reigns and Ambrose for a few weeks. I would prefer that person to be Samoa Joe. What better way to combat the new monster on the block than with a man who has built a career based on his viciousness? Strowman may be physically bigger than Joe, but his demeanor and wrestling style makes you believe he could make a good match for Braun. Also, if you're bringing in one new face, why not throw another one into the mix to give the feud some steam... it would make sense for WWE to use Joe while they can.
Again though, like I said, we'll most likely get a third person to help out Reigns and Ambrose for a few weeks.

A few weeks is probably all the third member would (and should) be used. If anything, the company's long-range goal is to have Roman Reigns attain the heights as a single; there's no way he's going to have Dean Ambrose at his side forever......much less be saddled with two partners for long.

Okay, so if they're going in triplicate for a short time......who's the third? Really, it could be a lot of people due to the brevity of the program, but I'd rather not see Jimmy Uso in the role. He doesn't have the 'it' factor necessary to make a splash (no pun intended).

But man, seeing Kane emerge as the third, in one of those "Wait till you see who Roman & Dean's partner is......." would be terrific. The half-baked face turn Kane was working on in his Authority days would finally come to pass.....and what a contrast he would provide to Ambrose & Reigns as far as what goes on in the ring.

Yes, a 'good guy' Big Show might have the same impact, but Kane moves better and would be a tighter fit.

But not Jimmy Uso. He was bred to work with his brother.
2 Points on my own topic

1. The error in the title no one has picked up on, I said opinion instead of option

2. If the Uso is chosen and Rowen and the other Uso get back quick enough they could do Wyatt Family (Wyatt, Harper, Strowman and Rowen) V Reigns, Ambrose and the Uso's at Survivor Series
Like other people mentioning I wouldnt mind seeing Samoa Joe teaming up as the 3rd.

I could see Neville teaming up with them and being good i could also see Finn Balor coming up to team with them for the exposure.
With names like Joe, Neville and Balor why would they help Reigns and Ambrose when they have no history with them or the Wyatt's and on the other side why would Reigns and Ambrose turn to them ahead of a guy who is related to Reigns in Jimmy Uso
Nobody fits that role, that's the problem. Ambrose and Reigns should do this on their own, but another problem with that is this Braun guy destroyed both Reigns and Ambrose by himself, you think they would need someone to make it even.

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