Regarding the realism (or lack thereof) of Bryan vs Lesnar

I guess we're all going to forget how a match determined whether or not someone got their job back. Like that didn't happen a few weeks ago or anything. But Bryan beating Lesnar is sooo unrealistic. We're going to draw the line there.
It's fuckin' wrestling isn't that why we watch so unrealistic shit can actually happen?.

To an extent I would agree but I don't know if I would use the term "unrealistic" when the term "suspension of disbelief" is more accurate in my eyes. It's kind of like a magic show, you know what you are seeing is an act, you know you aren't seeing actual magic but when the performance is good enough you forget that in a sense. When the show ends you might analyze and try to figure out how the magic was done but while the show's going on the performance is all that matters.

In my eyes Daniel Bryan beating Lesnar is most certainly a sense of disbelief but in no way is it unrealistic within the confines of the wrestling universe. There are plenty of realistic ways within the world of wrestling that Bryan can conquer Lesnar.

In many ways the IWC over analyzes and over think things. When the match or performance isn't good it's very easy for the IWC to do this, and for good reason if the WWE isn't up to par in their programming but even today WWE has their moments where they knock it out of the park. When the performance is truly good then it shouldn't be hard to get lost in the world of wrestling and buy into what's going on and that includes Lesnar vs. Bryan.

If what you're seeing is good then why bitch about it and nitpick every little thing? Complaining about Bryan beating Lesnar is like complaining that Rocky beat Drago in Rocky IV.
so instead of a badass stepping up and going toe to toe in a slugfest with lesnar, you pricks want a match where one guy is basically running away/ avoiding everything and hoping he gets a lucky strikes? Lesnar is not slow bitch like kane, big show or henry. i dont see how after so much dominance a little guy is gonna avoid 80% of offence by brock and pull a win out of nowhere.

byran had his moment. fuck the bullshit reigns > anyone except big show apparently
Bryan can make it look totally believable. Imagine Lesnar getting all these running knees from Bryan. A normal human being could die from those knees. Add the submission specialist in there, and this match could look 150% legit.
I like how people say that Bryan & his bag of tricks are unrealistic in beating Lesnar, but want us to think Reigns & his Spear\Superman Punch are soooo much more dangerous & capable.

Either way, thanks to the triple threat, whoever beats Lesnar is gonna have to damn near kill the man if 3 AA's & a Curb Stomp could not get it done. Technically that would be like Superman taking a Kryptonite ***** & still being able to stop a semi truck without collapsing in a heap of sweat and shame.

Whoever his opponent, this match may need to be No-DQ if they are going to properly slay the beast.
Honestly though, Chris Benoit made Lesnar tap out to the crossface. I don't remember any such stupid questions about it being believable or not being raised then.

Now suddenly, a guy with a similar build doing the same is becoming an issue?
Honestly though, Chris Benoit made Lesnar tap out to the crossface. I don't remember any such stupid questions about it being believable or not being raised then.

Now suddenly, a guy with a similar build doing the same is becoming an issue?

I'm totally on your side, but with regards to the bolded part:


so instead of a badass stepping up and going toe to toe in a slugfest with lesnar, you pricks want a match where one guy is basically running away/ avoiding everything and hoping he gets a lucky strikes? Lesnar is not slow bitch like kane, big show or henry. i dont see how after so much dominance a little guy is gonna avoid 80% of offence by brock and pull a win out of nowhere.

byran had his moment. fuck the bullshit reigns > anyone except big show apparently

I'm totally on your side, but with regards to the bolded part:



WWE: We condemn the use of steroids but we won't push you either till you look like a 'roid freak who may kill his wife and son in the near future.

As a sidenote, I think Bryan should wear trunks. His legs are too flabby.
I’m sick and tired of this “unrealistic” talk because:
A) Lesnar lost the belt before he left the first time to a guy SMALLER than DB… Eddie Guerrero!
B) Everyone said CM Punk vs. Lesnar was an unrealistic match and it ended up being a GREAT match.
C) Last year at WM30, DB beat THREE guys in one night, Triple H, Randy Orton, and Batista with an “injured” wrapped up shoulder. How is this any less realistic than that??
Now, does DB deserve it? He’s clearly not the “face” or gonna be the “face” of the company. Why give him such a showcasing spot two years in a row?? Well… he’s the most over guy right now, based on work-rate he deserves it , and there’s no choice to give it to him unless you want your show to be lackluster and mediocre. A Reigns push feels too rushed and artificial at this particular point in time. And the fans are TELLING you what they want. In my opinion, Daniel Bryan is the Bret Hart of this generation; a smaller technician whom you can’t deny and can’t help but respect. Also, like Hart in 1994 pre-Diesel, he could be your fall-back guy, your Plan B, until you find your face of the company. And all I’m saying, personally as a fan of Daniel Bryan, is give him the run he deserves just this once, the reign that was taken away from him by injury last year. Just the one reign. I’d be fine with him dropping the belt at Summerslam even, if Reigns is ready by then. A Rollins/Reigns/Bryan feud over the belt for the better part of 2015 (with a hint of Ziggler and Orton there too), could be gold!!! (pun intended)
How about we just agree to disagree? This thread is like hay-fever - sometimes it's in the ayes and sometimes in the no's.
WWE: We condemn the use of steroids but we won't push you either till you look like a 'roid freak who may kill his wife and son in the near future.

As a sidenote, I think Bryan should wear trunks. His legs are too flabby.

I know. I bet Bryan would be 5 time world champ by now if he spent more time in the gym. Bryan truly is the common man, I look at him and think maybe there's hope for everyone!
I'm totally on your side, but with regards to the bolded part:



Two things. Firstly, do you want Bryan emulating the guy at the bottom? And if he did, I wonder what defense the DB fanboys would make for it (for example "Brie had it coming").

Secondly, did you see the size of Benoit's arms in that match. He is built like a house, so he can match it with HBK and Triple H. DB doesn't have the arm and body size of Benoit (and there is a very good reason for that),

Maybe if Bryan followed the "Benoit diet" he might look like a guy who can match it with Brock. But the WWE doesn't turn a blind eye to those things anymore.
Two things. Firstly, do you want Bryan emulating the guy at the bottom?

Erm, no.

And if he did, I wonder what defense the DB fanboys would make for it (for example "Brie had it coming").


Secondly, did you see the size of Benoit's arms in that match. He is built like a house, so he can match it with HBK and Triple H. DB doesn't have the arm and body size of Benoit (and there is a very good reason for that),

Yeah, I agree.

Maybe if Bryan followed the "Benoit diet" he might look like a guy who can match it with Brock. But the WWE doesn't turn a blind eye to those things anymore.


I think you walked into an argument where there wasn't one.

Dude was saying Daniel Bryan has a similar frame to Benoit, and I was just saying not really.

Try reading thoroughly next time if you insist on commenting.
Good thing he didn't convincingly wrestle the Big Show twice last night or anything.

Not a fucking WORD was said, here, or in the LD
Good thing he didn't convincingly wrestle the Big Show twice last night or anything.

Not a fucking WORD was said, here, or in the LD

I think we just wanna forget the fact that Big Show and Kane exist. Of course that also brings up how Bryan has pretty much used Kane as a punching bag since the spring of 2012.
I want this match to happen. I'm a Bryan fan, but would lmao if They book it like Sumerslam.

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