Regarding the realism (or lack thereof) of Bryan vs Lesnar

I don't see why this would be such a big deal. Wrestling is all about suspense of belief. Combine that with the fact that Bryan is more or less a smaller Benoit/Angle and his potential matches with Lesnar should be fantastic.
The realism argument\excuse is fucking hilarious. Hulk Hogan made a legendary career out of a lazy boot\leg drop combo & we ate that shit up for decades. Seriously folks, people ran into the man's foot, fell down & then Hogan essentially sat down with his leg out. His athletic prowess & most dangerous move boiled down to taking a seat while wearing yellow spandex. Now is that realistic? Some of the people that lost to that finisher would have legit kicked the hell out of him in a real fight.

This is professional wrestling & not the UFC. Reality takes a back seat here & is replaced with larger than life fantasy. A place where dead men return from the grave after being buried alive, fat Samoans pretend to be Japanese sumo champions & 60 yr old men parade around in rhinestone\feather robes & beat people who are stronger, bigger & half their age.

Screw reality. Bryan going over Lesnar is perfectly logical here. Fuck, it sure the hell is more believable he has the arsenal to take Brock down over what Reigns has in his limited bag of tricks. Bryan has more experience & better training than Roman does, so for me that trumps using a spear & being the Rock's cousin.
But the grappling and the holds aren't what would make Bryan vs Lesnar work. It's the swift kicks and face paced moves that would tire Lesnar out that would be the key and that is pretty much what Rey Mysterio was all about. I would argue that Mysterio is a better in-ring worker than Bryan, but it's a shame most couldn't appreciate that when he was active.

Bryan's kicks aren't swift, my friend. He takes about 2-3 seconds between each kick (to a kneeling opponent) these days. And the only fast-paced moves Bryan does these days are the running/jumping clothesline, the suicide dive and the running knee. Nothing as fast as the Pele Kick, Code Red or Whisper in the wind (not saying "Do it", just pointing out). High-flying moves like the Missile Dropkick and the Flying Goat can also be ruled out of his moveset after that career-threatening injury. Also, Bryan isn't nearly as fast as Mysterio; he is more of a "submissions specialist." He cannot employ the same style of offense as Rey.
This is quoted from my Mania booking, and I have no doubts Bryan - Lesnar would work and be a legendary battle.

Give Bryan a mean streak and free him a little bit from the underdog role. Remember the Nexus invasion or his independent days? Right now he's playing a different, quite humble role, but he has it in him. Reactivate some of the more brutal moves, like the tree of woe dropkick, grabbing orifices for holds or the repeated elbow strikes he won the ROH Pure title with.
Lesnar and Heyman should belittle Bryan and laugh at him at the beginning of the feud, but take him more seriously with each passing week of Bryan busting out more and more aggression. "No, Brock, you should be the one to be afraid!" could be a great line near Mania, with Lesnar showing slight doubts.

Have Bryan show no fear and go all out with brutality. Begin the match with both guys staring each other down, Bryan spitting in Brock's face, followed by a big slap and a race around the ring to fire the crowd up. Brock should come close to catching Bryan, but never quite succeed, while repeated kicks and strikes slow him down blow by blow. Believability becomes a problem once Lesnar really gets a hold and dominates, so have a counter for almost every move. Bryan needs to get in a lot of weakening offense, while Lesnar should destroy with a few devastating maneuvers he gets through. As for the finish, I'm not quite sure, but a picture I love that flies through my head is a bloody Brock succumbing to the Yes Lock with a Kendo stick clamped between his teeth.
Bryan's kicks aren't swift, my friend. He takes about 2-3 seconds between each kick (to a kneeling opponent) these days. And the only fast-paced moves Bryan does these days are the running/jumping clothesline, the suicide dive and the running knee. Nothing as fast as the Pele Kick, Code Red or Whisper in the wind (not saying "Do it", just pointing out). High-flying moves like the Missile Dropkick and the Flying Goat can also be ruled out of his moveset after that career-threatening injury. Also, Bryan isn't nearly as fast as Mysterio; he is more of a "submissions specialist." He cannot employ the same style of offense as Rey.

Wasn't really trying to argue the difference in their move-sets, although a 2-3 second gap b/w kicks is kind of reaching. I was trying to point out that Bryan would have to use fast-pace moves in order to make his match with Lesnar work. Hell, he can still use the Yes Lock since it made Batista tap out last year.

I just see the match happening a lot like this one, albeit a different outcome:


Just ignore the first and last 15 seconds of the video though
So let me get this straight- You think Daniel Bryan can beat Brock Lesnar in any universe?

Brock is the WWE Champion. He was the guy who ended the 30-year WM streak. He destroyed Cena, the most dominant guy in the company for the last decade, at Summerslam.

You have someone who has dominated guys his size and bigger, and yet, you want a skinny guy with no muscles to beat the one in 21-1?

Fanboyism has finally exceeded itself.

If Daniel Bryan beats Brock Lesnar at WMXXI, it will be the biggest joke in WWE history.

Why not suggest Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara or even Hornswoggle beating Brock while you are at it.

I wish Bryan had been injured for another six months, so that this wouldn't have been an issue this year.
Bryan could beat Brock in a realistic way it will just take some creativity to do it. Like I said before if Punk can make it believable in his Lesnar match then so can Bryan, the right story just needs to be told to make it happen.

I don't even want Bryan in the main event at this point but they can make it work if that's what ends up being booked for Wrestlemania
Gotta love people saying Bryan beating Lesnar is unrealistic.

This is the same company where:

Hornswoggle was the last Cruiserweight Champion.
Mae Young gave birth to a hand.
It has been over 10 years since Cena tapped out to a submission.
Kevin Nash texted himself.
Vince McMahon was WWE Champion.
Paul Bearer was buried in cement.
Undertaker was buried alive.
Shane McMahon fell from the near the top of the titantron while fighting Steve Blackman.

But Bryan beating Lesnar is just so crazy and unrealistic. I think I've made my point. I hope it happens so I can read the Bryan haters whine, bitch and complain about it.
and i hope bryan loses so his terrible, annoying fanbase can whine, bitch, complain and threaten to cancel their network subscription.
So let me get this straight- You think Daniel Bryan can beat Brock Lesnar in any universe?

Hell yep!

Brock is the WWE Champion.

As was Bryan, a title he never lost.

He was the guy who ended the 30-year WM streak.

Last year, Daniel Bryan beat HHH and then later in the same night won a glorified Handicap match to win the WWE title. That's not necessarily more impressive, but the other most impressive thing on the WM card last year from a booking stand point.

He destroyed Cena, the most dominant guy in the company for the last decade, at Summerslam.

And almost lost to him at their rematch until Rollins interfered.

Besides which, Bryan beat Cena clean also in their only apt full length confrontation.

You have someone who has dominated guys his size and bigger, and yet, you want a skinny guy with no muscles to beat the one in 21-1?

If you haven't picked up the idea that size is a factor which can be written around yet, then... Moreover, it's all the more reason why Bryan and Lesnar are made to face each other.

If you have a candle and you set it alight, it'll eventually burn out. But if you take a candle which is alight, use it to burn another candle then you have twice the warmth and light. Such was the case last year throughout where WWE were using Taker, Cena etc... to set a fire in Lesnar, a fire that everyone wanted to see.

Similarly, by using this now bright flame in Lesnar and the alright bright flame of Bryan who's stock remains high after a near year absence, and you use Lesnar to light Bryan further, you have a really bright fucking candle which burns hot, and everybody is going to want to watch and it'll be an attraction you can't turn your eyes from, nor will the moths be able to resist the flame.

It's all about momentum and the transference of momentum without losing too much in the external systems by not using it when you had it. Newton's third law bitch.

Fanboyism has finally exceeded itself.

Maybe it's not for you but Bryan's story worked to a tee last year, people still want to see more of it, and it's really not very different in principle.

If Daniel Bryan beats Brock Lesnar at WMXXI, it will be the biggest joke in WWE history.

Something something, exaggerating something something...

Why not suggest Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara or even Hornswoggle beating Brock while you are at it.

Because the majority of people aren;t too stupid to realise that those scenarios are not comparable.

I wish Bryan had been injured for another six months, so that this wouldn't have been an issue this year.

Poor you eh? "But, but... HE'S SMALL!". I don't know how you'll cope. Hey, get HHH to lend you his new fitness DVD.
So if Brock Lesnar channels the spirit of Scott Steiner, does that make Scott Steiner a great in-ring talent as well?
Why not suggest Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara or even Hornswoggle beating Brock while you are at it.

One of those guys has a history of beating people much larger & more dangerous than he is. The other two are thrown in to exaggerate the ridiculous point that you are trying to make.

Its a classic underdog story, told not only in wrestling but countless other sports as well. The smaller or weaker guy\team who should not win, overcomes the odds and takes the victory. That is waaaay different than proposing Honswoggle face Lesnar & suggesting so just clarifies how stupid people are being about the 'unrealistic' comments. That is unrealistic. Bryan taking out Brock is completely plausible.
So let me get this straight: You guys acctually think about realism in scripted show? Whats even worst where there is no weight categories and they all can beat the crap out of eachother if someone writes that it should be like that? Hillarious. :p
Eddie Guerrrrrro beat Brock Lesnar - c'mon now!

Edit: And that's when Brock use to think trees were Brocclli
For years, folks from all athletic backgrounds came and competed in wrestling. Just because Lesnar's bigger and is a former UFC Heavyweight Champion doesn't mean he's unbeatable in pro wrestling. No one is.

If that were the case, Kurt Angle, Ken Shamrock, and Dan Severn should have never lost a match because one has a gold medal in wrestling in the Olympics, the others are former Ultimate Fighting Champions that - in their prime - could do damage to Lesnar, yet they were beaten quite often.

Who's to say Lesnar couldn't lose to Daniel Bryan? Bryan trained under Gene Lebell and has a martial arts background. It's not like we're putting some skinny putz in there with Lesnar.

So this bullshit about how it's 'unrealistic' needs to stop. It's wrestling. Wrestling sets out to help its fans suspend disbelief. Why draw the line on Brock Lesnar?
Meh. I wonder what people would have said had this match happened at SummerSlam 2014, which was the plan had Bryan not gotten injured.
and i hope bryan loses so his terrible, annoying fanbase can whine, bitch, complain and threaten to cancel their network subscription.

They won't cancel though. They will still come here and whinge and never go away, because they have nothing else to do in their life. How else will they stay relevant?

They are like drug addicts who need their next fix.

I bet a lot of you who cancel the Network only do it to then re-sign when they give a free month to new subscribers.
Meh. I wonder what people would have said had this match happened at SummerSlam 2014, which was the plan had Bryan not gotten injured.

I would have liked to seen that. Imagine Brock beating Bryan to a pulp, like he did Cena, and giving him 17 back-to-back suplexes.

But if Brock beat down and destroyed Bryan, you fans would be angry, saying that Bryan was buried. Yet it was okay when Brock beat up Cena the same way.

People proposing Bryan beating Brock at WMXXXI = idiots!
The following things are far more realistic than DB beating Brock at WMXXX1.

1) Hell freezing over
2) Pigs fly
3) Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy or any girlfriend of a DB supporter.
4) Eddie Guerrero coming back from the dead.
5) Vickie Guerrero winning hottest Diva of the Decade.
6) The Goblygooker headlining Wrestlemania.
7) The fans all loving John Cena.
8) Triple H not making it about him.
9) Hulk Hogan not making it about him.
10) Kevin Nash not making it about him.
11) Goldberg saying "I'll do it for free".
12) Brock appearing on every Raw, SD, Main Event, house show and even jobbing to people on NXT.
13) C.M. Punk being happy about something.
14) The Big Show not turning in a calendar year.
15) "Stone Cold" not walking out
16) TNA winning the "Monday Night War" against WWE.
17) DB fans not whinging at "Royal Rumble".
18) DB fans actually finding a job, a hobby, or any relevance or reason to exist on this earth.
19) Anything else that has ever happened,real or imagined, in the past, present or in the future.
Bret Hart came back to the WWE & The Undertaker lost at WM.

Anything can happen in wrestling.

As far as your lovely examples go... You are just being silly holding on to this "It's unrealistic" standpoint & your list proves nothing but how many ways you can over-exaggerate a point.

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