Rebooking the current wwe landscape

So what exactly? Cena has a ten year tenure in the top spot of course he's going to outsell the rest of the pack. Even when backlund was on top sammartino was top draw. Bryan outsells Reigns and Orton guys who are like cena. If cena were to fall to a mysterious illness tomorrow then bryan is de facto top guy. So if they set up bryan as champ with cena as veteran things would only be better than if the unproven reigns was in the spot.

Tenure doesn't equal sales. Cena sold because the casuals loved him not because he was there a long time. No different than Bruno. If tenure makes or breaks your sales than Pedro Morales would be king. Bottom line: Even when Punk held the strap for a year it was crystal clear that Cena was still the top dog with the casuals. Punk was never the #1 guy in company.

As for mystery illnesses, if your Aunt had balls she'd be your Uncle. Cena isn't going anywhere until a credible replacement is found and the best Bryan can hope for is a cup of coffee with the belt during any temporary Cena absence. And by credible I mean credible with the casuals and NOT credible with the IWC because the two are NOT on the same wavelength.
the whole USA is weak remark would have worked beautifully in a Daniel Bryan vs Rusev feud. Daniel Bryan was champion (USA) but then he lost it and became crippled and weak. Rusev would have had so much heat. Got damnit Vince!! This feud could have been awesome. Bryan chasing Rusev for a WM title rematch would have been better too, we would have had a sequel to hijacking RAW.

I can only figure that Ziggler isn't high profile enough for John Cena but it certainly would have helped Ziggler.
Tenure doesn't equal sales. Cena sold because the casuals loved him not because he was there a long time. No different than Bruno. If tenure makes or breaks your sales than Pedro Morales would be king. Bottom line: Even when Punk held the strap for a year it was crystal clear that Cena was still the top dog with the casuals. Punk was never the #1 guy in company.

As for mystery illnesses, if your Aunt had balls she'd be your Uncle. Cena isn't going anywhere until a credible replacement is found and the best Bryan can hope for is a cup of coffee with the belt during any temporary Cena absence. And by credible I mean credible with the casuals and NOT credible with the IWC because the two are NOT on the same wavelength.

Tenure As top guy and tenure are two different things. And Cena's matches always closed the show people knew he is/was top guy. Obviously it's speculative but we'll never really know how he would've done as "the" man.

You want a reason for cena to be gone? Cena has reviews very well in the new Judd apatow comedy "trainwreck", if he leaves for Hollywood who ever is #2 is by default #1. If that were tomorrow it's bryan. Since you're iwc and you don't like bryan would bryan get the spot since you're not on the same wave length?
the whole USA is weak remark would have worked beautifully in a Daniel Bryan vs Rusev feud. Daniel Bryan was champion (USA) but then he lost it and became crippled and weak. Rusev would have had so much heat. Got damnit Vince!! This feud could have been awesome. Bryan chasing Rusev for a WM title rematch would have been better too, we would have had a sequel to hijacking RAW.

I can only figure that Ziggler isn't high profile enough for John Cena but it certainly would have helped Ziggler.

I can agree with most of this.
Tenure As top guy and tenure are two different things. And Cena's matches always closed the show people knew he is/was top guy. Obviously it's speculative but we'll never really know how he would've done as "the" man.

You want a reason for cena to be gone? Cena has reviews very well in the new Judd apatow comedy "trainwreck", if he leaves for Hollywood who ever is #2 is by default #1. If that were tomorrow it's bryan. Since you're iwc and you don't like bryan would bryan get the spot since you're not on the same wave length?

More Aunt-With-Gonads scenarios. Try again.

PS. Stop playing dumb with the term IWC. You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about and you know damn well I'm the farthest thing from it. The biggest delusion in wrestling today is the IWC convincing itself that it doesn't actually exist.
More Aunt-With-Gonads scenarios. Try again.

PS. Stop playing dumb with the term IWC. You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about and you know damn well I'm the farthest thing from it. The biggest delusion in wrestling today is the IWC convincing itself that it doesn't actually exist.

So you came to a thread about fantasy booking and aren't allowing speculation. What if we were debating Bruno and chief jay strongbow never getting a run when he was incredibly over.
So you came to a thread about fantasy booking and aren't allowing speculation. What if we were debating Bruno and chief jay strongbow never getting a run when he was incredibly over.

As far as Strongbow goes: Too bad so sad. That's how the cookie crumbles. Kind of pointless whinging about it.

As for fantasy booking: Fantasy booking is one of the dumbest things that goes on on the internet.....a medium noted for some incredibly stupid activity.
As far as Strongbow goes: Too bad so sad. That's how the cookie crumbles. Kind of pointless whinging about it.

As for fantasy booking: Fantasy booking is one of the dumbest things that goes on on the internet.....a medium noted for some incredibly stupid activity.

So why are you commenting then?
Because the proliferation of threads fapping over the Garden Gnome are starting to get irritating.....especially when they're made by one note jokes like yourself.

So stop reading them then. Just because you grew up in a different era doesn't make it any better. Really you're an old man yelling at a bunch of people 20 years your junior so doesn't that make you kinda creepy?
So stop reading them then. Just because you grew up in a different era doesn't make it any better. Really you're an old man yelling at a bunch of people 20 years your junior so doesn't that make you kinda creepy?

I find the fact that most of you live in your Mommy's basements far creepier than telling a handful of 20 something idiots that they're acting stupid. But I guess IWC dorks have a different definition of creepy than the rest of the world.
I find the fact that most of you live in your Mommy's basements far creepier than telling a handful of 20 something idiots that they're acting stupid. But I guess IWC dorks have a different definition of creepy than the rest of the world.

What's weirder, a community of people with similar ideas or a person who joins that community just to tell people they're stupid? You can't be part of this forum and have 150+ posts and not be a member of the iwc. Not everyone who talks about wrestling on the Internet is iwc but if you're here you're iwc.
What's weirder, a community of people with similar ideas or a person who joins that community just to tell people they're stupid? You can't be part of this forum and have 150+ posts and not be a member of the iwc. Not everyone who talks about wrestling on the Internet is iwc but if you're here you're iwc.

I don't like having to issue reruns >>>>>
PS. Stop playing dumb with the term IWC. You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about and you know damn well I'm the farthest thing from it. The biggest delusion in wrestling today is the IWC convincing itself that it doesn't actually exist.
I don't like having to issue reruns >>>>>

Just because you like big muscly dudes doesn't make you not iwc. There's plenty of iwc guys who like cena, rusev ryback etc. if you don't like issuing reruns stop commenting. You're acting like this is a chore when this whole site exists for fun if you don't like it don't do it or stop coming here.
Just because you like big muscly dudes doesn't make you not iwc. There's plenty of iwc guys who like cena, rusev ryback etc.

Why do you assume I like "muscle guys"? Because I agree with the casuals that spot monkey's aren't credible? Point of fact: I like technical guys like Backlund and Bockwinkel, or Kurt Angle for a modern guy, NOT muscle guys like Hogan (who I happen to despise). But take note: I like REAL technical guys, no faux technical guys like Bryan.

if you don't like issuing reruns stop commenting. You're acting like this is a chore when this whole site exists for fun if you don't like it don't do it or stop coming here.

Well you sure sound like you're having fun since your entire shtick on this forum is bitching and moaning about how your favorite spot monkey isn't being pushed as the #1 guy.
Why do you assume I like "muscle guys"? Because I agree with the casuals that spot monkey's aren't credible? Point of fact: I like technical guys like Backlund and Bockwinkel, or Kurt Angle for a modern guy, NOT muscle guys like Hogan (who I happen to despise). But take note: I like REAL technical guys, no faux technical guys like Bryan.

Well you sure sound like you're having fun since your entire shtick on this forum is bitching and moaning about how your favorite spot monkey isn't being pushed as the #1 guy.
But hogan is the goat to most casuals so you must be iwc going against the grain like that. Bryan's match with triple h is a good example plus the fact he was voted best technical wrestler 9 years in a row that he is a real technician. Really though I'm not mad bryan isn't #1 just that he isn't #2 and is treated like crap.
But hogan is the goat to most casuals so you must be iwc going against the grain like that. Bryan's match with triple h is a good example plus the fact he was voted best technical wrestler 9 years in a row that he is a real technician. Really though I'm not mad bryan isn't #1 just that he isn't #2 and is treated like crap.

Not really. If I was IWC I'd be bitching about it non-stop and complaining that Jim Brunzell and Brian Pillman should have gotten the push.

And you're still playing dumb: You know EXACTLY what it meant by the IWC and you're just making yourself look like a fool by pretending otherwise.

Bryan was voted for by people who wouldn't know a technical move if Lou Thesz hooked them and dislocated their spines one vertebrae at a time. Go watch a Dean Malenko match and see the difference. I'm sure the same morons think Dolph Ziggler is a "technician".
Not really. If I was IWC I'd be bitching about it non-stop and complaining that Jim Brunzell and Brian Pillman should have gotten the push.

And you're still playing dumb: You know EXACTLY what it meant by the IWC and you're just making yourself look like a fool by pretending otherwise.

Bryan was voted for by people who wouldn't know a technical move if Lou Thesz hooked them and dislocated their spines one vertebrae at a time. Go watch a Dean Malenko match and see the difference. I'm sure the same morons think Dolph Ziggler is a "technician".

Wrestling observer newsletter voted him not the fans. Explain what you mean by iwc then? You are a part of a community talking about wrestling on the internet. Just because you think you're cool going against the grain doesn't mean you're different or better. Hogan has 96% awareness as far as people in america go. 96% of people could tell you who he is which is just short of michael jordan. That alone is more than any other wrestler is even close to. So the casuals' casual knows who he is. That alone should make him the G.O.A.T. but you don't like him, clearly you're a hardcore fanatic.
Wrestling observer newsletter voted him not the fans. Explain what you mean by iwc then? You are a part of a community talking about wrestling on the internet. Just because you think you're cool going against the grain doesn't mean you're different or better. Hogan has 96% awareness as far as people in america go. 96% of people could tell you who he is which is just short of michael jordan. That alone is more than any other wrestler is even close to. So the casuals' casual knows who he is. That alone should make him the G.O.A.T. but you don't like him, clearly you're a hardcore fanatic.

You're using Meltzer's rag as a standard? BWAHAHAHAHA. Epic credibility fail.

The IWC: People who fulfill their wrestling fantasies on-line; characterized by a bizarre obsession with workrate, spot monkeys, and indy feds, coupled with an unreasoning hatred of power guys and anybody who actually LOOKS like they could win a fight. Generally think John Cena is Satan, and think cheering heels and booing faces make them "edgy". A distinct minority in the wrestling world yet utterly oblivious to just how much of a minority they really are. Everyone who likes wrestling and uses a computer is NOT a member.

Going against the grain? Hardly. I've been watching since 1978 and was very much WITH the grain at least until the NWA finally collapsed. Now I'm not going to criticize Junior for pushing Hogan (regardless of whether I dislike him or not) since Hogan WAS over and had credibility with the casuals. Just like John Cena. I'm no Cena fan either but you aren't going to see me rip Vince for pushing him since Cena has the most credibility with the casuals. I can find plenty of things to criticize Vince for but keeping the casuals happy isn't going to be one of them: The casuals are where the WWE's bread is buttered.

And btw, I you even remotely capable of making a post that reflects a coherent thought? Most of your posts don't make any logical sense and have to be sifted to get anything out of it to respond to.
On the subject of making a coherent argument

My inclination is typically to support anyone affording Brockwinkle the respect he deserves, but this is pathetic.

Let's get one thing out of the way immediately:

You see this...?

So basically this is one big ********** over the Garden Gnome and turning him into Cena 2.0?

Just because the IWC gets massive woodies over the Gnome doesn't count for squat.

Indy fab spot-monkeys don't have the long-term credibility with the casuals and they never will.

Hart has more in common with Lou Thesz than he does with the Garden Gnome - Interjection: Hart has absolutely nothing in common with Lou Thesz

Bryan is a spot monkey who happens to have a submission finisher.

Because the proliferation of threads fapping over the Garden Gnome are starting to get irritating.....especially when they're made by one note jokes (irony) like yourself.

That right there is not even an argument. It's a subjective statement repeated over and over again in a passive aggressive manner in lieu of actually making a point. As a rhetorical device, it displays intellectual parity with those who complain about Super Cena only knowing five moves.

Next; you are every bit as IWC as everyone else in this thread. You stumbled ammusingly close to the truth when you remarked about the IWC's desperation to pretend it doesn't exist - but then proceeded to do exactly the same thing yourself. The whole "everyone else is a typical IWC smark but I'm a unique and special snowflake" routine ran out of gas here about four years ago. You're acting snotty and superior, arguing about why a wrestler is good/bad on the internet; you are the prototypical IWC member. Being able to remember a non-dementia ridden Verne Gagne does not change that.

Thirdly, you repeatedly tie yourself in knots when trying to define what factors matter when defining the overness of a wrestler. You dismiss the reactions of the live crowd off hand since it is disproportionately pro Bryan (although you make no effort to explain how you arrived at this conclusion) but fail to take into account that live gates account for nearly a quarter of the WWE's total revenue; and massively outperform merchandise sales (which you apparently do value - probably because you don't know what you're talking about) as a source of profit for the company. It's also the revenue stream that the WWE has had the hardest time maintaining post Monday Night Wars - so yeah, there's probably quite a lot of value in promoting a talent who resonates with the demographic most likely to hand over money for a live event.

Now leaving aside your tautological "he's shit because he's shit" rambling, what is there to have against DB? I don't watch the product, so I have no opinion on him one way or another, except to say that the hipster beard isn't cool or interesting.

However; He's unambiguously and indisputably the most over talent on the roster with the live audience. He's generation Y's clear favourite; Generation Y being estimated by WWE cooperate to constitute 20% of the product's total audience, as well as being one of the demographics most attractive to advertisers. His domestic and international success and popularity, both with and prior to the WWE, strongly suggests that he's at least a proficient worker, and need I remind you that he recently had the arguably the most successful PPV in professional wrestling history built around him?

When your entire counter to this is that he's shitty because he's an Garden Gnome Spot Monkey or whatever, it becomes pretty hard to take you seriously.

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