Roman Reigns, You MORON!

To the "haters gonna hate"-crowd, I think Yahtzee makes a fair point regarding criticism in this video. The part I'm referring to is 0:22-0:36. Just watch it with a non-defensive and open mind, it's all I'm asking.

Yes but the problem with that Dirk is that some of the main criticism of Reigns arent right and the criticism of the product as a whole are often just "OMFG Y DUS DA WWE NOT BULD NU STURZ" *wwe tries to build new stars*"OMFG Y DUS DA WWE FORCE DIS GUI DORN MA FRUT!!! PUSH BRYAN"

The WWE built three stars in Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose through the Shield. Them and Bryan were the most over guys on the roster. Bryan got injured they turned Rollins heel in what was a brilliant swerve and that left Reigns & Ambrose as the most over superstars. Flashback to the Rumble and Batista & Reigns are the final two, the cvrowd made so much noise for Reigns (I dont give a fuck if you think it was 'anyone other than batista', they cheered reigns) that I cant help but feel that the WWE saw/heard the reaction and decided he was the most over of the three, on top of the fact that he has the best look and the best moveset for a powerhouse face. All this makes/made Reigns the choice for "Future face of the company".

And on top of all that some of the criticisms of Reigns aren't even factual. Which is probably why reigns has lashed out in an interview
Yes but the problem with that Dirk is that some of the main criticism of Reigns arent right and the criticism of the product as a whole are often just "OMFG Y DUS DA WWE NOT BULD NU STURZ" *wwe tries to build new stars*"OMFG Y DUS DA WWE FORCE DIS GUI DORN MA FRUT!!! PUSH BRYAN"

The WWE built three stars in Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose through the Shield. Them and Bryan were the most over guys on the roster. Bryan got injured they turned Rollins heel in what was a brilliant swerve and that left Reigns & Ambrose as the most over superstars. Flashback to the Rumble and Batista & Reigns are the final two, the cvrowd made so much noise for Reigns (I dont give a fuck if you think it was 'anyone other than batista', they cheered reigns) that I cant help but feel that the WWE saw/heard the reaction and decided he was the most over of the three, on top of the fact that he has the best look and the best moveset for a powerhouse face. All this makes/made Reigns the choice for "Future face of the company".

And on top of all that some of the criticisms of Reigns aren't even factual. Which is probably why reigns has lashed out in an interview

I'm not saying you're right about last year's Rumble reaction but regardless people can change their minds in a year. It happens. Currently, in America, changing ones mind about a person is the leading cause of divorce.
Roman Reigns has found a way to successfully make it to the main event of Wrestlemania while you're the one on a message board pissed at him and he's the idiot? oook

Was this bulletin board material for the fans in Philly or something? Daniel Bryan fans absolutely are booing him to be cool because when you drink the Daniel Bryan kool-aid you subscribe to the philosophy of Daniel Bryan or nothing else.

Reigns 1. IWC 0.
What does Daniel Bryan have to do in all this, you twit?
What does Daniel Bryan have to do in all this, you twit?

That's what bugs me a lot about the people defending Reigns. I'm not happy with Reigns having this spot because he's probably not ready and they did it in the shittiest way possible. Most of the people that are pro-Reigns don't realize that and think that we want Bryan or nothing, which isn't the case.
That's what bugs me a lot about the people defending Reigns. I'm not happy with Reigns having this spot because he's probably not ready and they did it in the shittiest way possible. Most of the people that are pro-Reigns don't realize that and think that we want Bryan or nothing, which isn't the case.

So true, the booking didn't do Reigns any favors and now people have deluded themselves into thinking its Bryan or bust. The crowd would have popped for either Ziggler, Ambrose, Wyatt hell they cheered Rusev. So many in the pro reigns crowd talk more about Bryan than his own fans do.
Yes but the problem with that Dirk is that some of the main criticism of Reigns arent right and the criticism of the product as a whole are often just "OMFG Y DUS DA WWE NOT BULD NU STURZ" *wwe tries to build new stars*"OMFG Y DUS DA WWE FORCE DIS GUI DORN MA FRUT!!! PUSH BRYAN"

Ha! That's not a bad impression.

I get what you're saying, there's a difference between fair critique and just blindly hating somebody or something.

What I'm saying is that not all criticism is people "hating" on you. Saying that Reigns is limited in the ring isn't unfair in my opinion - if he mixed it up a little, he could be more enjoyable.

I do agree with you about last year's Rumble, nothing about Reigns has changed since then, so why shit on him now? I suppose it's because people love the idea of an upset at the Rumble, but I don't think it's far fetched to speculate that him winning last year would be the tipping point and he'd be in a similar position he is now.

Still going on speculations, one rumour that appears to have meat to it (whether this is true or not, I don't know) is that Reigns is going to be the next face of the company. It may be harsh to the man himself, but still I wouldn't think it unreasonable to say that Reigns isn't as talented as the average WWE-wrestler in terms of ring ability or mic work, so envisioning a ten year period of dominance for somebody you don't like isn't something most fans would enjoy.

Most of the people that are pro-Reigns don't realize that and think that we want Bryan or nothing, which isn't the case.

While I do think that there are indeed some people who feel that Bryan is their be-all and end-all, I'm with you in that not liking Reigns doesn't automatically means somebody is a mark for Bryan. Personally, I'm not as big on Bryan as I was when he was still tagging with Kane.

I'm not saying you're right about last year's Rumble reaction but regardless people can change their minds in a year. It happens.

This is another factor altogether. While Reigns looks cool and is big, there is a lot not to like about him as well and you can add this latest apparent inability to deal with critique to that list.

It's not a crime to dislike any wrestler, since personal preference always comes into play when you have variety.

I wrote this earlier at work but didn't post it, though it seems a waste of two minutes not to:

Saying that all fans wanted something, or changed their minds, or are hypocrites, is the ultimate strawman argument. Fans aren't a homogenous blob - they're thousands upon thousands of people with distinct tastes and opinions. The hypothetical quote with caps and comical misspellings is the cherry on top.

What's more, wanting the WWE to build new stars and then not liking said new stars doesn't make you a hypocrite - e.g. I would like new stars, but I would also like new stars to be good, hence why I'd like Dolph Ziggler to head to the back of the queue.
I wrote this earlier at work but didn't post it, though it seems a waste of two minutes not to:

Saying that all fans wanted something, or changed their minds, or are hypocrites, is the ultimate strawman argument. Fans aren't a homogenous blob - they're thousands upon thousands of people with distinct tastes and opinions. The hypothetical quote with caps and comical misspellings is the cherry on top.

What's more, wanting the WWE to build new stars and then not liking said new stars doesn't make you a hypocrite - e.g. I would like new stars, but I would also like new stars to be good, hence why I'd like Dolph Ziggler to head to the back of the queue.

I'm not into fawning, but you do this being right thing a lot...
What does Daniel Bryan have to do in all this, you twit?

I guess I'm going to get banned for calling you a name back but whatever, hey twat, Daniel Bryan fans are the only ones booing Reigns. Daniel Bryan had everything to do with the reaction in Philly. If you don't want to "beeelieve, that" then you're being delusional.

You're being delusional.
I guess I'm going to get banned for calling you a name back but whatever, hey twat, Daniel Bryan fans are the only ones booing Reigns. Daniel Bryan had everything to do with the reaction in Philly. If you don't want to "beeelieve, that" then you're being delusional.

You're being delusional.

What does that even mean? What is a Daniel Bryan fan to you? Is it possible to be a Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns fan in your eyes? Did all Daniel Bryan fans boo Reigns or just some? Is it possible the people who booed could have also been fans of Ziggler, Orton, Ambrose, Mizdow, Ryback, Sting, Wyatt, Rusev, Vern Gagne, entertaining Rumble matches, or lack of predictabilty?
I guess I'm going to get banned for calling you a name back but whatever, hey twat, Daniel Bryan fans are the only ones booing Reigns. Daniel Bryan had everything to do with the reaction in Philly. If you don't want to "beeelieve, that" then you're being delusional.

You're being delusional.

Daniel Bryan had as much to do with the reaction to Reigns as Reigns did to the reaction to Batista at last year's Rumble
So on the flipside, does this mean when a fan walks up to him and says: "Hey Roman Reigns, I think you're the greatest and your matches are awesome!" does he also go: "Whatever. Have you ever even been inside a ring? You don't know what you're talking about." ?
I guess I'm going to get banned for calling you a name back but whatever, hey twat, Daniel Bryan fans are the only ones booing Reigns. Daniel Bryan had everything to do with the reaction in Philly. If you don't want to "beeelieve, that" then you're being delusional.

You're being delusional.
I'm being delusional? You're the moron putting words in my mouth despite 4 or 5 people telling you you're wrong. But I'm the delusional one here. Dumbass.

They also cheered Mizdow, Ziggler, Ambrose and Wyatt. But you know, it's all that Daniel Bryan's fault for being popular. What a fucking terrible thing to do.
I wrote this earlier at work but didn't post it, though it seems a waste of two minutes not to:

Saying that all fans wanted something, or changed their minds, or are hypocrites, is the ultimate strawman argument. Fans aren't a homogenous blob - they're thousands upon thousands of people with distinct tastes and opinions. The hypothetical quote with caps and comical misspellings is the cherry on top.

What's more, wanting the WWE to build new stars and then not liking said new stars doesn't make you a hypocrite - e.g. I would like new stars, but I would also like new stars to be good, hence why I'd like Dolph Ziggler to head to the back of the queue.

I was trying to call anyone a hypocrite or say that all fans are like "OMG WAT DA HELL DUBBA U DUBBA U E" but that some of them are and will never be satisfied if their guy isnt pushed and even then they'll still find something to complain about.

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