Regal and Layla?

layla's not english is she?

Katie Lea is
layla's not english is she?

Katie Lea is

She is, has a much more mild accent though.

Just cause they're english, doesn't mean they should automatically be..

Well, yeah, its WWE. It does mean they should automatically be paired. I'm interested to see where that goes. Its not like he had Layla's consent.
someone please tell me who the FUCK willam regal is with layla? i mean honostly how did a flabby ugly guy who wears a vest to wrestle in get LAYLA who is imo one of the hottest divas. im interested to see where the hell this goes and what vince really wants out of this storyline
Its just the same old shitty storyline. Poor Noble...he just got out of the same angle and he has to do it again? Anybody remember Palumbo/Michelle/Noble a few months ago?

I hate it when they just repeat the same angle...especially when its such a stale angle in the first place. Layla watches Jamie get a fluke win, suddenly she likes him. Then, Regal wins, so she starts liking him? By that rationale, Layla gets turned on so much (and immediately) by wrestlers that win, and she should be following around the main event people. But of course, this is wrestling...where stories don't have to make sense. I'm a writer, though, so naturally, I'm a harsh critic of such amateur crap haha.

But really...its nothing new...its nothing exciting...its just boring. I'd much rather see Noble and Regal in a feud that has to deal with the two trying to out-wrestle each other out of pride, not out of the love of some hot chick.
I really don't think it has anything to do with "love" on Regal's or Layla's part. Regal has been fueding with Noble, who has been trying to win Layla's affections. Obviously Regal is trying to steal Layla in order to further humiliate his rival. Layla also didn't appear too ecstatic to go with Regal, she was probably just too intimidated to not go.

Although, knowing WWE, she'll end up helping Regal and "falling" for him.

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