Redemption Discussion: Tag Team Title Match

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Action Saxton, one half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, retired at Kingdom Come V when he & Saboteur successfully defended the titles against Rush & Sam Smith. After the match, Saxton awarded Saboteur his title belt, leaving him to be the sole owner of the titles. Not on Vance Bateman's watch though: he has decreed that Saboteur cannot defend the titles by himself and must get his tag team partne to which Saboteur swears he has for his title match.

He's going to need his tag team partner too as the former World champion Steven Holmes has been irate ever since losing the title, making it his own personal business to take out the nonsense in WZCW such as Saboteur. He and his girlfriend Celeste Crimson have been a thorn in his side for the past few weeks and have demanded to be the team to take out Saboteur & restore the titles to their former glory.

Will Saboteur & his partner be able to defend the titles or will Steven Holmes & Celeste Crimson become the newest champions, effectively making Celeste Crimson the first ever female champion in WZCW history?
I'm terrible at guessing who mystery partners and/or opponents are going to be usually. I'll go with Alhazred as my pick though. It just seems right. Regardless of the partner this should be a really close match. Jglass and Echelon are both top notch and Funkay isn't too bad himself. This could most definitely go either way, although I kind of want to see Saboteur lose and go off on his own for a bit.
Saboteur has been pretty damn solid throughout this whole feud so putting money on Saboteur retaining with his new partner isn't a bad bet by any means. Unless of course he gets paired with Darren Bull or something.

I don't know how I feel about the mystery tag team partner to be honest. Namely because Mikey Stormrage had to forfeit the title when James Howard took time off. Whatever the case, the mystery superstar is what is making this match really interesting.
No idea who to predict will win cause of the mystery partner thing but this has my full attention. I imagine the winners of the other tag match may have a title match coming their way soon though.
Is it time for Redemption already? God, I'm out of the loop. But yeah, Funkay and I got this. We're like the Highlander except that there can be only us.
I want Saboteur to stop hiding in the tag-team division and go for singles glory. He'll probably still win this match, 'CAUSE THAT'S WHAT HE DO!
I want Holmes/Celeste to lose just so that Celeste still doesn't have a title. It's part of the character now and taking that away will just ruin everything.
I'd love to comment on this one but I know what's going down and it's hard to make an appropriate decision here but, from the facts that are known - JGlass rarely loses, especially in singles competition. He has beaten Steven Holmes & Celeste Crimson and I'm hard pressed to vote against him, especially since he has another person as well. As much as I want the team of Holmes & Celeste to win, I think Saboteur has this in the bag provided his partner creates a solid RP.

Prediction: Saboteur & ???
The mystery partner better live up to hype.

Whoever it is and Saboteur will probably win though, if the masked assassin as there number alone I'd imagine even the weakest of partners can only make it a bit easier.
Imagine the mystery partner no shows? Haha. I'm afraid everyone will mark out for the mystery partner, and I'll have no idea who he is. But J sure has been hyping it up, that's for sure. I honestly think Sabs walks out with the belts, regardless of who his partner is... simply because I'm trusting JGlass and assuming he's got an Ace up his sleeve.

I do, however, think it's a little iffy that Stormrage had to drop the titles but Sabs didn't. Creative Clout? You know I like you J, just had to say it.
Really depends on the mystery partner throwing out a good RP here. All of the other 3 are excellent RP'ers, and going with my 2 guesses on who the mystery partner is, I'll give the edge to Saboteur and Mystery Partner because both of my guesses are VERY good RP'ers.
My thoughts go back to that fact that the mystery partner is a former World Champion. Now with Kurtesy, Barbosa, Showtime, Titus, Drake all tied up, Holmes not a factor and Ty & Big Dave more than unlikely. The best of the bunch left is Vengeance which isnt going to happen so Everest or Ricky?

I dont see either of those two being able to support Sab so I fully expect to be surprised.
It's me. Think about it. Ty gets the tag titles with Sab (how's that for a strange paring?), only for El Califa and Amber Warren to challenge for the titles. I win either way.

I have a feeling it's going to be a former tag team champion rather than a World Heavyweight Champion. We've always called the tag titles the World Tag Team Championships, so that would give Saboteur quite a list of options. Going by him saying it's a former world champion that's how I'm taking it as.

I can't say for sure who wins, it really depends who Sab's partner is. Safe bet would be Holmes and Celeste.
Saboteur's tag partner is a former world champion as well as tag team champion.

Suck on that one for a while.

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