record that should not be broken

Rabbid Wolverine

Pre-Show Stalwart
i hope that i never see ric flairs 16 (17?) title reigns be passed

ric flair deserves to hold this record and i see hhh is at about 10, if hhh passes him which i think will happen, i will say it is a SHAME, cuz hhh could never put on those 1hr matches like the nature boy, he could not sell an opponent like flair

do u guys think his record should/will be broken?
I don't think it will be passed by HHH, and if it is... I would like to see it as a tie break, between him and Flair. But I don't think they would take that away from Flair, much like I don't think they will take Undertakers undefeated streak at Wrestlemania.
somewhere down the line it will, and i think if a good enough guy comes by then sure

i think that Bruno Sammartino 8 year wwe title regin should never be broken. Just think how much the IWC would hate who ever held on to the title that long
I think that if HHH would not have injured his quads, then he would definitely be on track to have the record. With the year and a half roughly that HHH will miss due to these injuries, it is very possible he could have had 2-3 more runs in that time, which would put him at 12-13. But those injuries put that on hold, and there is now the probably that he may be unable to wrestle as long as he probably would have w/o the injuries, so I don't think he'll end up catch Flair, maybe 13 title runs, but thats all. While I do agree that no one should beat the record, not to mention it being tough for someone to(I think if I am not mistaken that among active wrestlers besides HHH the most is 5, correct me if im wrong but I think 5 is the number). The guy that could be most likely to break the record might be Cena, who I believe is in his 3rd title reign now. He is a young wrestler, with probably a long future ahead of him, though he does not come close to putting the matches on that Flair could. But if it were to be anyone at least on the roster today, it would be him.
The record won't be broken by Triple H. You can see that they've obviously slowed down his title reigns, and since the guy's 38 now, he's got 10 years max at his prime. I would say you can bet your ass he'll get two long title reigns at least, plus two short ones. That would count up to 14, say 15 at max.

Ric Flair actually has 20 world title reigns, but they keep the number 16 since it only involves real title reigns without any messups that had occured. I think they'll keep it at that, he'll probably get an honorary title though. Possibly the HOF 2008, maybe another Intercontinental Title reign, who knows.
I think Flair should hold on to the record but you have to admit his last couple of regisn were jokes i mean holding for just one day. I respect the hell outta flair so i say no one shoudl espcially Triple H i mean what you rather have more title regins than anyone or meaningful runs as champion that or 6 or more months
Ric Flair actually has 20 world title reigns, but they keep the number 16 since it only involves real title reigns without any messups that had occured. I think they'll keep it at that, he'll probably get an honorary title though. Possibly the HOF 2008, maybe another Intercontinental Title reign, who knows.

I heard it was 18. Either way it's more than they say. I see him being given a serious push next W.M. if they induct him into the HOF. But no way do I see another world title reign. Flair doesnt need it he get's some of the best pop's of the night despite being a jobber.
I can see the record being broken but no time soon, I think someone like CM Punk, who is already a huge fan favourite, might have a good shot at breaking the record but only time will tell.

And since JointDC brought it up I'm almost positive that Taker will keep his undefeted streak at Mania
HHH will beat Flair's record. I have no doubt in my mind. He's a huge Flair fan and an egotist. So it make's it almost inevitable that he will try to top him. He want's to be remembered as a great. And currently he's nowhere near as highly regarded as Flair is or once was.
I heard it was 18. Either way it's more than they say. I see him being given a serious push next W.M. if they induct him into the HOF. But no way do I see another world title reign. Flair doesnt need it he get's some of the best pop's of the night despite being a jobber.

HHH will beat Flair's record. I have no doubt in my mind. He's a huge Flair fan and an egotist. So it make's it almost inevitable that he will try to top him. He want's to be remembered as a great. And currently he's nowhere near as highly regarded as Flair is or once was.

you just completly controdicted yourself.

but anyway... as much as a HH fan that i am I don't think he'll beat flairs record unless he has alot of short reigns close together He's getting old and even tho flair is still in the ring it's not very likely that anyone else will be around at his age.
I heard it was 18. Either way it's more than they say. I see him being given a serious push next W.M. if they induct him into the HOF. But no way do I see another world title reign. Flair doesnt need it he get's some of the best pop's of the night despite being a jobber.

Nope. If you go look at wikipedia it has him as a 22 time world champion. WWE says he is 16 times, but they ignore some of his NWA title reigns.
I think that HHH respects Flair way too much to take that from him. Nobody would actually pass their ''child-hood hero'' If so, then they're not really your hero. Flair is a top guy and always was. Whether he's in the opening match, the main event, or wrestling for a title, he's always been a top guy. Ric Flair always looked like a champion even though he didn't have it. He carried himself like a champion and still does. No young guy deserves to break it, and if so, Flair should be alive to see it happen and then give him a handshake. However, I don't like how WWE ignores some of his title runs. Although he already is over enough, adding a few title reigns would get more cheers from the non-wrestling fans. But to answer, nobody should break the record. Will it be HHH? No. Could it happen? Yes.
If HHH's body holds out he will remember he is now part of the McMahon family and he will keep going and going. Personally, I don't think he could match since he is so hard on his body, which maybe the reason why he gets injured more serious then others.:cuss2:
I agree that HHH is too hard on his body and probly won't break Flairs record, I have a feeling that HHH will get about 14 or 15 runs just to get it to look like he's gonna break the record but it won't happen. I think the record will be broken but it'll take someone who's: a great in ring competeter, great on the mic and gets the fan's on there feet everytime he steps thro the curtains.
It might be broken by one of the younger guys they have now like Punk or Orton. but when that day comes it'll be a day that WWE fan's remember.
My choice for record which should never be broken is the Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemanias. Personally, I don't think they will allow this record to be broken. This year at WM, I don't expect Undertaker to win the belt (unfortunately), but I do expect him to win, possibly by DQ or something disappointing like this. I just don't see Batista dropping the title to the Undertaker at this time.

With regards to HHH beating Flair's record of #titles, I definitely believe this will happen. I believe that HBK is going to take the belt from Cena at WM, and then upon returning from injury, I expect a HHH/HBK feud (again), ending DX's current run and putting the belt back on HHH yet again.

Irrelevant anyway as Flair's record is virtually meaningless, as most of his wins weren't even with the WWE and so have little or no significance. If #titles alone meant anything, I think Jeff Jarrett will put the belt on himself often enough to exceed this record. I think the relevant record would be #titles affiliated with WWE, and I think because of HHH's age and #titles already, he will definitely break this record at some point in the future.
I don't think Undertaker's streak should be broken. He's THE legend in WWE. He's never had a respectful title reign so let him at least have something.

As far as Triple H goes. Like people says he's getting older so I don't see 7 more titles in the cards unless he jacks them up.
I don't think HHH will get past 16 world titles but if he does, I will be happy. I am not a fan of Flair, but I am of HHH. HHH is the wrestler too and I think he can carry anyone into a match and can carry a 60 minute match.
I'm pretty sure Triple H won't break the record, and I certainly don't want him to. If he did, that would mean Raw, or whatever show he's on would have to be the Triple H show again for a long time like it was before. But I just don't see him winning the title that many more times.

As for Flair's record, I don't think it matters if it's broken. My feeling is that most people don't view it as a record anyway, just more of a big accomplishment. But most of those title reigns were in WCW, if I remember correctly. I know he was champion in WWE before he left for WCW, but he hasn't even been world champion in WWE since he returned over 5 years ago.

And as for Taker's streak, why am I the only one who sees Taker winning the title at Wrestlemania? Is it really that farfetched of an idea?
Unfortunately, Unrated Superstar, I think it is a farfetched idea to see the Undertaker win the title at WM23. I would love to see it personally, and I do believe he will win the match to preserve his unbeaten streak at Wrestlemanias, but in such a way that he doesn't win the belt (ie, DQ).

How long has it been since the Undertaker appeared regularly on TV? He by no means appears on a weekly basis on SD! and I don't think he does house shows very often either, and as champion, he would be expected to do so. You could not have the WHC show up on SD! once a month leading up to a PPV. If by some chance he did win the belt, it would be a very short reign for this reason, and I would rather he not win the belt at all, rather than win it and lose it again in a month or so.

I totally agree with you about Flair's "record" as I said in an earlier post.

With regards to HHH, I think we could see him challenge Flair's "record" without a return to the Triple H show like it was before. We now have a face HHH, unlike the heel HHH of before, thanks to DX. Remember the pop he received when he returned from his last quad injury? Expect to see an even bigger one when he returns from this injury. By then the fans would not be opposed to HHH being champion again, but a face champion this time. I predict a subtle heel turn by HBK to defeat Cena at WM, with an ongoing feud between the two between then and Summerslam, and by then, we'll see a full heel turn by HBK, with a feud developing between HBK and HHH (thus ending DX again). Unlike before it will be a face HHH vvs heel HBK, with face HHH winning the title at Survivor Series. Wouldn't it be great to see a heel HBK lose, ironically, at Survivor Series? Then I expect an extended hiatus from HBK, and a title run for a while by HHH.
I disagree. I think all records are meant to be broken at one point or another. And I don't think someone would be given 17 chances at a world championship reign unless he truly deserved it in this day and age. I don't think anyone will break it anytime soon, unless Triple H stays healthy for the rest of his career, but I believe it should be broken at one point or another.

Take for example Wayne Gretzky's records in the NHL (sorry... Prax = hockey fan). No one thinks they'll be broken ever, but there's a guy who's 15-16 years old in the junior leagues who's already starting to break some of his records at that level. It's bound to happen, that's the nature of sports (and sports-entertainment, in this case).

I think it should be broken down the line somewhere, and like I said, i don't think it'll be broken by just anyone. It will be broken by someone truly special, someone we probably haven't seen yet.
My choice for record which should never be broken is the Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemanias. Personally, I don't think they will allow this record to be broken. This year at WM, I don't expect Undertaker to win the belt (unfortunately), but I do expect him to win, possibly by DQ or something disappointing like this. I just don't see Batista dropping the title to the Undertaker at this time.

With regards to HHH beating Flair's record of #titles, I definitely believe this will happen. I believe that HBK is going to take the belt from Cena at WM, and then upon returning from injury, I expect a HHH/HBK feud (again), ending DX's current run and putting the belt back on HHH yet again.

Irrelevant anyway as Flair's record is virtually meaningless, as most of his wins weren't even with the WWE and so have little or no significance. If #titles alone meant anything, I think Jeff Jarrett will put the belt on himself often enough to exceed this record. I think the relevant record would be #titles affiliated with WWE, and I think because of HHH's age and #titles already, he will definitely break this record at some point in the future.

I don't agree with you about the Taker/Batista match. WWE and Vince might piss us off at times, but they know not to mess with how the wrestlemania main events go down.

That match WILL NOT end in a DQ, there's no way.
I think some things will never be surpassed. Vince McMahon owes a lot to guys like Undertaker and Ric Flair, that still put their ass on the line every night around the world to entertain the fans and make him money. He will not disrespect them... Remember Undertaker is the most respected guy by all the wrestlers, and Ric Flair is simply a legend. Taking away their respective records will also cause havoc within the locker room in my opinion.

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