
Currently I am...

Reading: Batman comics
Playing: Metal Gear Solid 3
Watching: Macho Madness, the Randy Savage collection

Not at the same time obviously, but those are the things I'm working on in my limited spare time.

What are you reading? Playing? Watching?
Reading: A Lion's Tale: Around the World in Spandex
Playing: Zelda: Majora's Mask. God bless the Wii's virtual console...
Watching: Big Brother.
Reading: In Defense of Elitism
Playing: The PC
Watching: I'll be watching My Bloody Valentine later with the child. 3D or 2D, it's her choice....I lie. 2D, it's my choice.
Reading: Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver
Ubik by Phillip K. Dick
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

I've read all three of those before, Gatsby especially, but just fealt like reading them again. Gatsby is still one of the greatest works ever.

Playing: America's Army 3 (Beta), Halo (Online).

Watching: Right now? Spin City. Later on I'll be watching The Pope of Greenwich Village.
Reading: Let the Right One In again. It's that damn good.
I'm also with Xfear, The Great Gatsby is probably one of the best books from Fitzgerald's era. and that era was full of great books.

Playing: Sims 3, Fallout 3

Watching: The Dark Knight. Because I'm that much of a fan boy, I watch the movie like once a month. At least I don't randomly quote it.
Reading: nothing at the moment
Watching: Arrested Development
Playing: Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
Reading: Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver
Ubik by Phillip K. Dick
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

I've read all three of those before, Gatsby especially, but just fealt like reading them again. Gatsby is still one of the greatest works ever.

Playing: America's Army 3 (Beta), Halo (Online).

Watching: Right now? Spin City. Later on I'll be watching The Pope of Greenwich Village.

How's AA3, xfear?
Reading: No One Here Gets Out Alive, Biography of The Doors and Jim Morrison and the Left Behind Series (Left behind I have read once before).

Playing: Madden NFL 2009 (original Xbox version)

Watching: whatever, earlier this morning it was Superstars of The 90's DVD later it'll be some easter eggs I found online for The Twisted ,Disturbed Life Of Kane DVD. or TV.
I'm also with Xfear, The Great Gatsby is probably one of the best books from Fitzgerald's era. and that era was full of great books.

Yeah Gatsby gets a lot of backlash these days from so-called hipsters. It's one of those books that's become cool to hate, when in fact it truly is as good as it's billed. Everyone told me it was awful when I first read it when I was about 14, and they were all wrong.

The Lost Generation of the 20's is arguably the greatest period for American fiction ever, I'm a huge Fitzgerald and Hemingway fan. Ezra Pound is great as well. Aside from the beatnik literature movement of the late 50's early 60's, the Lost Generation is tops in my book.

How's AA3, xfear?

It's got a pretty substantial amount of bugs in it so far. Granted I've only played it for a total of maybe 3 or 4 hours so far. The designs are fantastic though. It does kind of suck that they replaced the old Russian weapons system with generic names now though.

Still, once they get some bugs worked out, it'll be great.
Reading: "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" by Tucker Max
Playing: Mario Kart DS
Watching: Season 4 of Scrubs on DVD
Yeah Gatsby gets a lot of backlash these days from so-called hipsters. It's one of those books that's become cool to hate, when in fact it truly is as good as it's billed. Everyone told me it was awful when I first read it when I was about 14, and they were all wrong.

The Lost Generation of the 20's is arguably the greatest period for American fiction ever, I'm a huge Fitzgerald and Hemingway fan. Ezra Pound is great as well. Aside from the beatnik literature movement of the late 50's early 60's, the Lost Generation is tops in my book.

Dude. I remember reading Great Gatsby in 11th grade, and everyone hating it. I still can't understand why. Then again, everyone hated Shakespeare also.

I'll never understand why people in my grade uniformly hated Gatsby, but had orgasms over The Scarlet Letter. Ugh. It was good, but not better than say Gatsby or Old Man and the Sea.
Reading: London Fields by Martin Amis; Libra by Don DeLillo.

Playing: Nothing at the moment, but probably with myself later on tonight if I can find my collection of Buttman DVDs.

Watching: About to finish some French movie called Wild Reeds.
Reading: The Time Traveller's Wife (need to pick it up again)

Playing: Star Wars: Empire at War/Rogue Squadron 2

Watching: Coupling. Absolutely epic sitcom, LOVE it.
Reading: Wicked: The Life And Times Of The Wicked Witch Of The West

Playing: MK: Armageddon

Watching: WWF PrimeTime from 11-2-90
Reading: Mao II by Don DeLillo; Outlines Of The History Of Ethics by Henry Sidgwick.

Playing: Still trying to find those Buttman DVDs.

Watching: About to go watch Bad Biology.
Reading: Edgar Allan Poe short stories

Playing: Nothing

Watching: ECW November to Remember 1999
Reading: Currently the bumper book of Oscar Wilde- very currently Lady Windemere's fan but I only have a play or two to go. Might go for Time Travellers wife as everyone loves it so :)

Playing: (I am going to switch this to listening as it is much more germaine) 30.55 by Olafur Arnalds- an amazing artist everyone should listen to- I even made a thread about him ;)

Watching: Soon to be Coraline which I just picked up tonight on rent.
Reading: Nothing, at the moment. I had been rereading the A series of Unfortunate Events series, by "Lemony Snicket", but I finished them yesterday.

Playing: MegaMan Legends 1 and 2, Smackdown vs. RAW 2010

Watching: Nothing

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