Re-writing the PPV: WrestleMania 27


WWE Attitude Era Champion
Ok, so Wrestlemania 27 was billed as "The Biggest Wrestlemania Ever" but sadly, it was a very poor Wrestlemania. This Wrestlemania was hosted by none other than the returning, Great One, The Rock. Despite being a huge financial success, it has recieved very poor reviews. So my question is, if you were re-writing WrestleMania 27, how would you have booked it.

Here's how mine would have gone.

Opener: The Rock's opening segment was ok, but I just found it plain boring and generic. Plus, not to mention it took up a lot of time. I would have just cut it down to about 4 minutes, and made it more "Electrifying"

1. Singles
Cody Rhodes VS Rey Mysterio
This was probably the 3rd best match on the card. These two went out there with the intent of putting on a show and they did exactly that. I wouldn't have changed anything about this match. The ending was well played out.

2. 8 Man Tag
The Corre VS Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Kofi Kingston
Without a doubt. The WORST match on the card. Hell, I enjoyed Snookie's back hand-spring over this crap. This match lasted a whoping 1 minute and 35 seconds. SERIOUSLY??? They were building up the Corre for months, only to have them squashed at Mania in 1:35? Horrible. I would have played this match out, given it a good 10 mins, and in the end, I would have had The Corre steal a victory on the grandest stage of them all.

3. Michael Cole VS Jerry Lawler. w/ Special Guest Referee, Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Ok, I was fine with the idea of this match. Cole around this time, was probably one of the biggest heel's in WWE. Everyone was wanting him to finally get what he deserved. Plus, I liked the idea of Jerry Lawler having his first WrestleMania match. Stone Cold also made it bearable to watch, because...hey, it's Stone Cold. But when I watched this match. It only took 2 minutes until I was completley bored. It was way too long of a match. When The 8 Man Tag match only gets 1:35, theres NO reason why this match should have gotten 13:42. The ending was probably one of the worst Mania endings I have ever seen. Lawler should have won. And the feud should have been ended right then and there.

4. Randy Orton VS CM Punk
This match wasn't as big as what I thought it would be. I don't blame that on Orton or Punk, I just believe the Rock's return, and HHH VS Taker simply was much more anticipated than this match. It had a pretty good buildup, but for some reason, this match didn't quite pop. I probably would have thrown in a few more big moves, but In the end, I would have chosen Punk to win. The reason being because it would have fueled the fire for their next match at Extreme Rules.

5. World Heavyweight Championship
Edge(c) VS Alberto Del Rio
Who would have guessed that this would be the last match ever for the Rated-R Superstar? I don't know why, but I had a feeling when Edge came out that this might be his last Mania, but I had no idea it would be his last match. Looking back on it now, I believe Edge may have know it however. If you watch this match, we see Edge at a very emotional level. I just chalked it up to him being in the Main Event as champion and being able to celebrate alongside Christian, but maybe he knew that this was it? The match was very well played out, the only thing I would change would be Brodus Clay and Ricardo being at ringside. I think in this enviroment, it's not fair to the fans to have outside interference in a Main Event of WrestleMania. Other than that, the match was very good.

6. John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki VS Dolph Ziggler and Laycool
Ok, I wasn't too big on this match, I mean, I see why WWE uses these celebrities to bring more publicity, especially around WrestleMania, but I just don't see why they always have to win. I personally think it would be bigger to bring a celebrity in and have them get pinned. But anyways, it's no secret JoMo wasn't into this match because he felt that Trish was taking Melina's rightful spot. I for one, would much rather see Trish than Melina ANYDAY. Of course, Ziggler made this match pretty good, but if JoMo would have just put his ego aside, I'm sure him and Trish could have made a pretty good team. My ending for this match however, would have been Michelle pinning Snookie to win. It would have been much much much more interesting.

7. WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) VS John Cena
Ok, I will say first off that I was a HUGE fan of Miz's title reign. He went from being a cocky kid from the show Real World on MTV, to being the biggest heel in the WWE at that time. Vince was said to be very high on the Miz, because of how hard he was working and at how much he had matured. Though A LOT of peopl still say he did not deserve the title, you cannot deny he did a damn well job at making people hate him, which is what a heel is suppose to do. The opening video for his entrance was perfect. "Hate Me Now" playing fit him perfectly. I was looking forward to this match. I expected the Rock to get involved in some way, but the question was, when, where, and how? I was sure this was going to be a classic. But boy was I wrong..... Idk if it was just me, but I just felt like this match never really got going at all. The audience wasn't that into it, it just seemed bland. The countout finish just completley made me change my opinion about this match. When Rock came out and restarted the match, I just didn't care. Finally Rock comes in, Rock Bottom's Cena, and Miz wins. Just not that exciting of a finish. If you ask me, Rock should have been the guest enforcer for the match, and it also should have been No DQ or Countouts. That would have been a much better match, I would have also put in a spot where Cena "accidently" hits Rock. Then Rock and Cena have a staredown and eventually start exchanging blows. It could have been a lot more than what it was. But, Miz still wins.

8. No Holds Barred
Triple H VS The Undertaker.

I believe that Undertaker has proven over the past few years that no matter how old he is, he will ALWAYS put on the best match at WrestleMania. WWE needs to realize that a majority of the audience are more excited about seeing Taker's matches than any other match. The Streak has become a big part of WrestleMania. This match had a HUGE buildup. The 2-21-11 promo had everyone talking. Who was it? Was it Sting? Could we finally see Taker VS Sting at Mania?? Then when 2-21-11 came around it was revealed to be Undertaker....and Triple H! No one saw that coming. They needed not to exchange words. Only stare at the WrestleMaina sign. Everyone knew what that meant. This was probably the most anticipated match of the night. It was amazing. Highly emotional, and dramatic, it was the match of the night, and it deserved to go on last. The ending was historic. It was the first time Undertaker had to be carted out of the arena. I wouldn't have changed anything about this match. That is how Mania should have ended, with everyone asking whether or not the Deadman was done or not.

So thats how I would have booked Wrestlemania 27. I know a lot of people won't agree and I welcome you to tell me what you would have done. The main reason I chose not to end the show with The Rock, is because with the HHH-Taker match, I felt it took so much away from the Rock's return. The WWE Universe was still in shock after witnessing Taker being carted away after the streak nearly died. That's why it should have gone on last. So now I will ask, How would you have re-wrote WrestleMania 27?
I didn't really care much about the order i was just so pissed about the actual card.

I mean seriously Commentator vs Commentator.
A celebrity & Vickie Guerrero in a match.
A match that lasted 2 minutes.
2 Guys who weren't over in title matches (Miz,ADR)
A very poor main event & very predictable.
The crowd was dead.

I just was so mad that we used to have tremendous main events that stole the show i.e Rock vs Austin
Lesnar vs Angle
HHH vs Cena
HBK vs Cena
Taker vs Edge
Andre vs Hogan
Fast forward to WM27 Miz vs Cena?
Jees worst WM ever. It didn't matter about the match order it just mattered who was participating.
Pre Show: 27-Man Battle Royal - Tyson Kidd won by last eliminating Mark Henry
1. Sheamus def. Daniel Bryan to win the United States Champion (16 minutes)
2. Cody Rhodes def. Rey Mysterio (15 minutes)
3. Kane, Big Show, Santino Marella & Kofi Kingston def. The Corre (10 minutes)
4. Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Michael Cole in a Anything Goes Match with Stone Cold as Special Guest Referee (8 minutes)
5. CM Punk def. Randy Orton (15 minutes)
6. World Heavyweight Champion Edge (with Christian) def. Alberto Del Rio (with Brodus Clay & Ricardo Rodriguez) (18 minutes)
7. John Morrison, Trish Stratus, Snooki & Melina def. Dolph Ziggler, Michelle McCool, Layla & Vickie Guerrero (8 minutes with actual wrestlers taking their time to wrestle against each other which means that Vickie Guerrero & Snooki would have been in the match for 1 minute maximum!)
8. WWE Champion The Miz def. John Cena with The Rock as the Special Guest Enforcer (18 minutes)
9. The Undertaker def. Triple H in a No Holds Barred Match (35 minutes)
The Undertaker - Triple H match was perfect.

Other than that it felt like a RAW, an average RAW at that, no world titles changed hands, if i remember right The Corre's match was done again on SmackDown the following week and was made no holds barred, went 20 minutes and was better than all but one match on the Mania 27 card:rolleyes:

Pushing Sheamus and Daniel Bryan to the dark match was an f'n disgrace

As much i love Edge, watching him and Christian destroy Del Rio's car while he cried halfway up the ramp was cringeworthy.

The Cole - Lawler ending was one of the finishes ever, not just at WrestleMania.

As for Cena and Miz, i felt sorry for them. The guys in the back need to realise that at WrestleMania The Undertaker should close the show, the fans were burnt out after his tremendous match with Triple H earlier on, they just sat on their hands waiting for The Rock. The ending however was too timid, The Rock should have just straight up screwed Cena if he was going to at all, Cena had already lost his chance with the double count out, but The Rock comes out, gives him another chance, just to screw him anyway :shrug:
This card had a ton of problems. WrestleMania is defined by its moments – the feel good moments of a star being born, a star being rewarded, a heel getting what he has coming to him and those of the “wow” variety. This card featured none of those, and that’s why, 16 months later, the only thing most remember of this card was The Rock’s promo to open the show.

Unfortunately, most saw this coming as the card started to be built. No match on the card stood out – and that includes the ‘Taker/Trips match since most felt it couldn’t live up to the Taker/HBK matches (it didn’t even come close, btw). Now I won’t re-book Sting’s participation in this event since he isn’t/wasn’t on the roster, but the fact that is that most wanted to see ‘Taker/Sting and were very let down when the Taker/Trips match was announced. That was just one of the many let downs for the fan base on a Road to WrestleMania that featured let down after let down.

The disappointments for the card started at the Royal Rumble when the WWE booked Miz/Orton for the WWE Title. As silly as this sounds today, Morrison was pretty hot at the end of 2010, and he had even been named the number 1 contender. Most thought he’d cash in his status for a title match at the Rumble, but instead, we got it on Raw. That match should’ve taken place at the Rumble.

That would’ve meant a lot of things for the ‘Mania card. First, it would’ve meant that the WWE Title match wouldn’t be overshadowed by the challenger’s growing feud with the show’s host. Secondly, it would’ve given us Cena/Punk at ‘Mania. Remember, Punk had been calling Cena a hypocrite for a while since joining the New Nexus, and a ‘Mania match seemed to be the route they were going with it. Instead, we got no payoff to that feud – since the summer feud was completely independent of the New Nexus, I don’t count that.

Had they allowed Cena/Punk to wrestle at ‘Mania, it would’ve thrown more fuel on Punk’s fire for his “game-changing” promo later that summer. Given that Cena/Rock’s war of words would’ve overshadowed Punk’s match, he could’ve talked that much more about how he was being overshadowed and overlooked.

If I was re-booking 'Mania, the first thing I'd do is have that Cena/Punk match on the card.

Going back to the Rumble again, Del Rio never should have won. He was clearly being pushed down our throats at the time despite the fact that he wasn’t generating legitimate heat and wasn’t ready for the push he got. Instead, I would used the Rumble to set up an interesting feud for The Miz. The guy was white-hot before the Cena/Rock feud overshadowed him. He could’ve used a meaty feud to really propel himself into ‘Mania, and that feud would’ve been with Daniel Bryan.

The two had a growing feud since their time together on NXT, and this could’ve been interesting. I’ll accept that Bryan might not have been ready for such a push at this time, but I do think it would’ve provided a solid match with a very interesting build. I'd also accept if you wanted to give the win to keep Orton/Miz on the Rumble card and give the Rumble win to Morrison. Doing so, would re-book D. Bryan/Shaemus on my card and would insert R-Truth into the mixed-tag match on the card.

Either way, I'd have given the Rumble win to a face to set up a match with the Miz. By doing so, it would’ve left Edge available to defend his title at ‘Mania. With Christian set to return in February from his torn pectoral muscle, he could’ve challenged Edge for the title. That would’ve provided the WWE with a feel-good moment, having Christian defeat Edge to win his first World Title in the WWE.

But enough with the Rumble decisions … back to the actual ‘Mania card. To add some “wow” moments for the fans, I would tweak the Morrizon/Ziggler mixed triple-threat match so that it was simply Morrison vs Ziggler in a singles match. Those two could've put on a show for the crowd with their athleticism. The way the match was booked instead, neither was able to really wow the crowd.

One last thing before I give an actual card. Cole/Lawler NEVER should've been given 15 minutes. I actually remember enjoying this feud. Cole was obnoxious and everyone wanted to see Lawler beat the crap out of him. But you can only watch a 65-year old man beat up a scrawny non-wrestler for so long before people lose their interest. This match should've gone 5 minutes or less.

Miz def. Bryan
Rhodes def. Mysterio
Orton def. Del Rio
Lawler def. Cole
Morrison def. Ziggler
Punk def. Cena with help from The Rock
Taker def Triple H
Kane/Show/Santino/Kofi def. The Corre
Christian def. Edge
First of all I can't see how's this thread in the "Old School" Section, because there is a difference between past and "Old School". The last Extreme Rules already happened so that makes it "Old School" now?

Now going to the subject I fucking hate how you guys like to point out the stupidest thins in a event to make yourselves look brilliant in your points. The best WrestleMania ever is probably the X7 and we had stupidest things too like the "Gimmick Battle Royal". WWE isn't NJPW, the entertainment value needs his share not just wrestling, wrestling and if possible more wrestling. People already know that wrestling is fake gentleman, so watching guys doing acrobatic moves is like watching gymnastics at the Olympics. So I will break it down WrestleMania 27 for you.

Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio was a match in the making since Alberto Del Rio actually debuted and beat cleanly by submission a former World Heavyweight Champion in Rey Mysterio, he had a lot of momentum and people bought into him at his first months. I know that people event wanted to see Christian screw Edge and having Del Rio take the title out of his waist. But if you remember, Edge already knew that this was going to be his last match and two weeks later he retired as a World Heavyweight Champion. The hsitpry of this match speaks for itself, if you watch the build-up it was pretty strong with the mexican aristocrat having a beef with both Christian and Edge.~

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio was THE match that made Cody Rhodes one of the best stars in the midcard scene. Before that, everybody hated Rhodes and his stupid ass "Dashing" gimmick. That match had a build with almost four months, before WrestleMania if you remember and it had a good showing from both. That was the match that defined Cody's career.

The 8 Man Tag Team Match meant one thing, and one thing only. Put the most possible stars in one match and get him on the card for WrestleMania exposure. It was a kind of a break for the four hour spectacle, that had already consumed a lot since Rock's promo to that funny segments in the back with Pee-Wee-Herman and Mae Young/Stone Cold. It wasn't a classic bout, it was a business move. They couldn't put Wade Barrett out of his first WrestleMania could they?

Now going for the feud with New Nexus vs. Randy Orton, please could you explain to me how's that bad? It had a build since Royal Rumble with Orton actually getting eliminated in the Chamber by CM Punk and getting beat down by the Nexus and finally having the opportunity to eliminate one at a time. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk after that was a good match, with Orton just teaching every wrestler in the back how to sell an injury and still getting a good dramatic showing and the crowd just went nuts for the pinfall after the RKO.

Now the Michael Cole v. Jerry Lawler crap was actually okay at WrestleMania, it had a good build-up. JBL actually appeared and got himself a Stunner. Jack Swagger was training Cole and getting precious TV Time and actually doing something relevant. Now while the match itself wasn't a classical bout it was a good solid entertaining and funny match, and the first one for Jerry Lawler in the Grandest Stage of them All and adding Stone Cold in the same event as The Rock, you can bet it's important.

I'm getting tired here, but The Undertaker vs. Triple H was a classic. It did gave a new meaning to a No Holds Barred Match. It was two bigger than life superstars, two from a different era actually locking up in a brutal brutal match. The Undertaker didn't even walk out from the match, for the first time ever in WrestleMania. He did get his ass kicked and while before the match you hadn't no doubt, when the match was actually going, I know you doubted and asked yourself "Could HHH do it?".

Now going for the main event, yep I just jumped the part for the celebrity shine. Even before The Miz entrance you had something very good, and I'm talking about his video package. It was awesome, a lot of emotions going for the "underdog". People just tend to underrate Miz's work with John cena and The Rock, when he was actually drawing a lot by the time. His segments never lost viewers when he was WWE Champion, NEVER! The storyline with John Cena had a good amount of build since he cashed in his MITB and Cena stated that it was unfair to Orton. We had Miz playing with the big guys and getting a good amount of reaction from the crowd, he was getting the best out of John Cena week in and week out and he managed to draw by himself against him, a thing that nobody did before. The Rock's involvement was a must, people wanted to see that also since Cena actually attacked Rock first but the match itself was good. It made Miz a star, well until management thought that he wasn't doing his best work and making him job to Brodus Clay.

Overall WrestleMania 27 was perfect for their time, it had everything. Good wrestling, good fights and good segments. The value of entertainment delivered and you couldn't feel that what you watched was crap, because it wasn't.
Here's how I would have re-wrote it:
Pre-Show Battle Royal:Tyson Kidd
U.S Championship:Sheamus def. Daniel Bryan
I would have gave them about 16 minutes.
I.C Championship: Wade Barrett def. Kofi Kingston
I would have given them about 16 minutes as well.
Interpromotional Match: Randy Orton def. ADR
I would give this 14 minutes.
Interpromotional Match No.2: John Morrison def. Dolph Ziggler
I would have given this 15 minutes.
Streak Match: Undertaker def. Triple H
Would have given it same amount of time as on actual WM 27.
WWE Championship: The Miz def. John Cena and CM Punk(Cena and Punk were feuding around this time so it would make sense.) I would give this 25 minutes.
Main Event WH Championship: Christian def. Edge
I would give this 30 minutes.
So Wrestlemania 27 was one of the worse wrestlemania.Some could name it the worst in recent memory.But I think that the problem was not with the card but rather the booking sucked.Aside from Triple H and Undertaker,Everything else was boring.Some a little(like Rey & Cody)other a lot(like the main event).Now with good booking you can make this interesting without changing the card.I really thought about it at the time and sometimes watching the DVD.I came into this conclusion.
1-The Rock comes in the ring but instead of getting 10 precious minutes,He could come to the ring,say a few words,use a few catchphrases and that little could made a lot of impact.instead of talking about Cena or how good wrestlemania 27 will be,just go there and tell people what you should to interest them in minimum time.The Rock could do that.Though he didn't.
2-Sheamus Vs. Daniel Bryan:They really ruined it both this year and last year for these two.I would have them fight for 7-8 good minutes with Bryan dominating most of the match but Sheamus hits Brogue Kick Out of nowhere and winning.This match could really turn people in.A classic title match between two up and coming superstars.
3-Big Show,Kane,Santino Marella & Kofi Kingston Vs. The Core:Actually I was fine with this match ending fast cause you know that one of the matches on the card must end fast and this has been going on in each wrestlemania for the past 5-6 years.There is also another way for this to be longer and that is to put it as a dark match.I was OK with The Core losing.Didn't care much for how it went.It was just a filler.If you want to give time though it could be good matchup.We never Know.
4-Rey Mysterio Vs. Cody Rhodes:This was an awesome back and forth match between a veteran and a talented young man.First time I saw Cody with the mask I just loved it and I think it was the best gimmick Cody ever had and one of the most charismatics in recent years.It didn't need much work for it to be seen.The match was good overall.They gave the exact enough time to this match and I really can't find any problem with.The time it happened was not good as it could have been after either tag team matches which could bore you.Cody needed the win to take himself to the next level. Note:If Mysterio had won this match he would still be undefeated at wrestlemania.
5-Jerry "The King" Lawler Vs. Michael Cole:Why the hell this didn't work out right?There were two main problems:1-The time it got.2-Cole's ability to wrestle.Instead of having 25 minutes which half of it was a really boring wrestling match with a talentless guy like Michael Cole and the other half celebrating for a win Lawler didn't even get.Give the two 6-7 minutes with Lawler beating the hell out of Cole in the classic way.Ending it with Lawler doing his finisher and then maximum 3 minute celebration for Lawler and Austin.They booked the match bad from top to bottom.That is why I was bored with it.
6-John Morrison,Trish Stratus and Snooki Vs. Dolph Ziggler,Michelle McCool and Layla:A good match.Not long but still fast paced.I would like to see John and Dolph go at it at the beginning for four minutes then Michelle,Layla and Trish could go at it for 2-3 minutes and then Snooki comes for the pin.A filler for people who don't care.Not much to say here.They did this one better than the other tag team match.
7-The Rock returns to the ring asking people how is wrestlemania until then:The Rock is the host of Wrestlemania and the host should check on the guests.But there are other reasons for this which I'll mark three of them:1-This is the great way to separate the preliminary matches from main event matches.2-The Rock can both get the fans back into action after two rather mediocre matches.3-Promote the next two superstars about their future and their match
8-Edge Vs. Alberto Del Rio:Adam "Edge" Copeland's final match was a pretty good one.Quick,fast paced,great match.The main problem with it was that it was highlightless.The only thing people may remember is Edge destroying Del Rio's car with Christian.I would book it 15 minutes and make a few highlights such as Edge spearing Brodus Clay or/and Ricardo Rodriguez from top rope.Or Del Rio preforming an Enziguiri from top rope throwing Edge on to Christian.This was Edge's last match but even if it wasn't,Edge deserved a win here.Also they could make Del Rio win the Extreme Rules's Ladder match with Christian interfiering in that match for a summer rivalry.
9-Randy Orton Vs.CM Punk:The build up for the match was great.You get a forgotten angle from two and half years ago.You get yourself a match between as many believe two of the best performers in WWE.Their match at the following PPV was much better.They did a good job here with Punk focusing on Randy's injured knee.The time they gave to it was not enough as I think they didn't execute enough signature moves and it had the same problems of Edge's match. Without any highlights this wasn't a match many will remember but it was as The Sun said "a little gem".CM Punk was the better choice here.
10-The Undertaker Vs. Triple H:Talk about a match with so many highlights this match was exactly what the two previous matches weren't.It was slow but every strike was hit with the right timing and strengh.Some may complain about it being slow and that made the match so long.Yes it was slow but remember that both of these guys aren't used to be what they were.They gave it enough time and they gave it one of the best endings I have ever seen.I was shocked to see Taker being brought to its limits.WWE did the right thing with this one.
11-The Rock comes out again to commentary that he will be with the commentaitors to both speak and keep a close eye for the main event.
12-The Miz Vs. John Cena:What WWE did right for this one was the build-up for The Miz.He was the best heel at the time and he was against Cena who was never defeated in a one on one match at wrestlemania.He had all the odds against him.but he won and went on to lose The WWE title a month later!:wtf: So what was the reason he won this match in the first place?After that he was around till the end of the year and now he jobs to Brodus Clay.They showed a great video package.But the match itself lacked everything.It was boring to hell.Now in this version you can have Cena being thrown to The Rock by The Miz.instead of double count out The Miz Knoks the referee and disqualifies himself The Rock restarts the match and blah blah blah.You can do many things with this one.16 minutes is enough for the match.But I think Cena should have won this one since it didn't do anything good to The Miz.
First off while I agree this was a poor Mania on paper, I actually thought it was a pretty good show. The one thing I would automatically change is J.R. would call the WHOLE THING. Now for booking...

1.) Pre-Show: Kane, Show, Kofi, Santino vs. The Corre - I would have given this match alot more time and had the Corre look dominate, instead of falling off of the map. But delegate it to the dark match. WINNERS: The Corre

2.) United States Championship(Lumberjack Match): Daniel Bryan(c) vs. Sheamus - I would given this match approx. 15 min. but still added 1st Teddy Long announcement & lumberjack match. WINNER: And STILL US Champion: Daniel Bryan

3.) Booker T vs. Alberto Del Rio w/Ricardo: Special Referee Stone Cold Steve Austin - SCSA was a great addition to Mania but no one wanted to see Lawler and Cole. With a lack of faces, one last solid match from Booker would have been ALOT better. WINNER: ADR

4.) Grudge Match: Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio - This is one of the only two matches I wouldn't change a thing about, besides putting it later on the card. WINNER: Cody Rhodes

5.) Falls Count Anywhere: John Cena vs. The Miz - Given this less time but more impact. I wouldn't have made this the main event or title match. Have Rocky still cost Cena and set up rivalry. WINNER: The Miz

6.) Divas Title: Trish Stratus(c) vs. Beth Phoenix - Trish deserves to hold the new womens title and Beth deserved to be on the card over Snooki. WINNER: And NEW Divas Champion: Beth Phoenix

7.) World Heavyweight Championship: Edge(c) vs. Christian - Given this atleast 20 min. There is SO much history here. WINNER: And STILL WHC: Edge

8.) Ladder Match: Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler(c) vs. John Morrison - I would have gotten the title to Ziggler before EC. Built up a feud and have them take the place of the MitB ladder match. Also give this atleast 20 min. WINNER: And New IC Champion: John Morrison

9.) WWE Championship: Randy Orton(c) vs. CM Punk - This match was easily 2nd best of Mania. GREAT MATCH! But this feud could have been EPIC IMO. The match needed more time first off! Emphasize the history and add more than Orton knocking off New Nexus members. Add the WWE title and this could have even beaten the Undertaker match. WINNER: And NEW WWE Chmapion: CM Punk

10.) The Streak: No DQ/Street Fight: The Undertaker vs. Triple H - This is the only other match I would not change except for moving it up on the card. This is my personal 3rd favorite match in history and I thought it DEFINATLEY DESERVED TO END THE SHOW. ESPECIALLY since HHH/Taker III didn't close Mania either. WINNER: The Undertaker
Ok after reading all these responses here are my responses to your responses:

When The Rock comes back, he is the main event. Period. You can make your case for Taker but no way Rock comes back to NOT be the main attraction.

I know you all love Punk but thats the 3rd draw on this card, at best, so keep that in mind. For whoever said Punk should have gone over- I'm interested to what you had in mind for their match at Extreme Rules? (Or did you just fanboy it b/c you wanted to see Punk win)

I like the idea of putting the 8-man tag on the preshow, especially if its only getting 1-2 minutes. They all get exposed to the live crowd, the bookers can accomplish everything else storyline-wise just the same- redoing the match on SD and so forth, and we all move on.

In hindsight, I like the idea they opened with Edge winning. It gave us a feel good moment to start WM with, esp knowing now that it was Edge's last match. I know people want to make the argument about title prestige, etc., but its the 4th draw on the card AT BEST, the crowd is hot chomping at the bit for WM to start - i think its a great position for Edge to be in and go out a winner there

Complain all you want about the Snooki match, but we have been getting that stuff forever - Maria Menonous, Snooki, Floyd Mayweather, Akebono, and so on - some of them hit, some of them miss, grin and bear it folks

The only beef I had was the Cole/Lawler match. I disagree with the entire premise of it: having the feud in the first place, then having it on WM card, AND THEN giving it over 13 minutes.

And easy with the stipulations guys, this isn't your WWE '12 video game.
Wrestlemania 27 was such a terrible show by Wrestlemania standards. The first thing I would change is for the US Championship match to go on first on the actual show rather than get bumped off the show for The Rock's opening promo that took forever. The Rock still gets to do an opening promo but he cannot take up too much time. Next would be Rhodes VS Rey, which remains the same. The Corre would face the members of The New Nexus, with Barrett's guys getting the victory. Santino is involved in a dark match battle royal instead of having his APPLE team face The Corre.

Cole VS Lawler is next, in a quick squash match that Lawler wins within seconds. Stone Cold celebrates with him afterwards and Cole is frustrated, getting replaced with JR as an announcer for the rest of the show. Then we have Orton VS Punk, which stays the same. Edge VS Del Rio follows, Edge still gets to retire as the World Heavyweight Champion. Undertaker still defeats Triple H in the next match, I change absolutely nothing about it. The Snooki match follows, although it is just her and Michelle McCool, Snooki wins. Morrison and Ziggler deserved their own match, so they get one afterwards and Morrison wins. Then finally Miz retains against Cena in the main event.

This would have been a much better version of Wrestlemania 27 than the one we got stuck with because in my version we are not deprived of the US Championship match, there is no pointless Corre VS APPLE match, the real version of Lawler VS Cole does not take place, and the Royal Rumble winner does not open the show. As much as I hate to admit it, the main event did not need changing and looking back on it, it was fine. I really wish WWE had changed up a few things with this show, it sucked but had the potential to at least be tolerable.
Edge vs. Del Rio should have been the main event. With certain VERY rare exceptions like HBK's retirement at WM26, the main event of WrestleMania should ALWAYS be the Royal Rumble winner's match.
One thing that stood out to me was how great the crowd was at the arena. They were on fire until Undertaker's 30 minute injury. That killed some of the experience.

Obviously Lawler vs Cole should never have happened, Rock's promo was way too long, I would've replaced the 8-man tag match with a Nexus vs Corre brawl, Snooki & Morrison was perfect for what it was.

Maybe I'm the only one who thought Miz - Cena was great. When Miz took that one bump my jaw dropped. Again I think the crowd reaction would've made it that much more special, had we not been bored to tears by Undertakers little act.

Though A LOT of peopl still say he did not deserve the title, you cannot deny he did a damn well job at making people hate him, which is what a heel is suppose to do. The opening video for his entrance was perfect. "Hate Me Now" playing fit him perfectly.

Definitely, I agree. + Don't forget that Miz did a much talked about great appearance on Conan O'Brian the week before Wrestlemania.
I definitely hated Wrestlemania 27, especially because The Rock just had to be the last guy standing at the end. We saw no Money in the Bank, Snooki in the ring and not getting donkey-punched, a waste of a returning Trish Stratus, and a lack of title matches. Here's my booking, sticking with as much of the original as I can:

Pre-show Dark Match
WWE Tag Team Title Match
(c)Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel def. Kane and The Big Show via DQ

Defend the damn belts at WRESTLEMANIA!!! You'll see in my card every belt gets defended plus Money in the Bank is back. I'd have the Tag Team Champions (who were in the Corre) get the hell kicked out of them, only to see the ref DQ Kane and Show for excessive punishment. A dusty finish to start a PPV? I know...but it's a pre-show match.

Opening Match
1. U.S. Title Match
Sheamus def. (c) Daniel Bryan

Should have happened. Flat out. Why it didn't is beyond me.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
2. John Morrison def. Tyson Kidd, Zack Ryder, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and R-Truth.

I don't care if there's a PPV for it. The Wrestlemania Money in the Bank match should be for ANY title, and the PPV ones should be for their separate brand. Morrison got a title opportunity at the next PPV, so it would still coordinate with their plans. Plus R-Truth could still turn heel after Morrison wins and shows his jealousy.

3. Intercontinental Title Match
Kofi Kingston def. Wade Barrett (c) w\Ezekial Jackson

I'm a huge fan of Kofi and Wade beat him for the belt earlier in the month. I'd simply move the rematch to the big stage and have Kofi win it back with help from Santino Murella. Plus, neither man has EVER had a singles match at Wrestlemania.

4. Celebrity Match
Trish Stratus and Snooki def. LayCool w\ Vickie Guerrero

If we MUST use her, screw it. Put her in there for a quick one with three excellent workers.

5. Cody Rhodes def. Rey Mysterio

I would have a rematch at Extreme Rules for Mask vs. Mask.

6. Randy Orton def. C.M. Punk

Stipulation: The Nexus breaks up if Punk loses. They flat out disappeared after this match anyway.

7. World Heavyweight Title match
Edge (c) w\Christian def. Alberto Del Rio w\Ricardo Rodriguez

I don't agree with Del Rio winning the Rumble but if I stick to my guns I'd move this match much later in the card.

8. Grudge Match (Stone Cold Steve Austin: Special Guest Referee)
Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Michael Cole w\ Jack Swagger

I'd have this match here for one reason: take out Cole completely so that Jim Ross could commentate the final three matches.

9. Revenge Match
The Undertaker def. HHH

This match was INTENSE. I felt the pain in there, and it definitely deserves to be near the end.

10. Diva's Title Match
Melina def. Beth Phoenix (c)

Who was champion around this time? I'll assume it was Beth but I'd have Melina as a face win it back.

- I'd throw in a promo with The Rock to warm up the crowd. I'd have him Rock-Bottom Alex Riley to make sure he doesn't interfere.

11. The Miz (c) def. John Cena

It'd be closely similar to their Wrestlemania match, minus the very real concussion. I'd have The Rock interfere more on accident than on purpose, leading to The Miz getting the pin and rubbing it in The Rock's face, leading to a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow...

12. John Morrison def. The Miz (c)

...which leads to a hurt but determined John Morrison cashing in Money in the Bank that very night having a quick match that resulted in Morrison hitting Starship Pain (or even a new finisher) and pinning the downed Miz to become WWE Champion. The Rock holds up John Morrison's hand and celebrates with the new champ to end Wrestlemania 27. This would lead to the triple threat match at Extreme Rules and the friction between The Rock and John Cena for Wrestlemania 28.

Morrison and Melina as the power couple in the WWE? Eh...I'd still like it better than how Wrestlemania 27 ended originally...
1) Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan - US Championship
This definitely should've went on the main card, they both had earned a spot on WM not on it's dark card and if this went on the main card that year, it probably would've saved us from having the travesty that opened this year's show.

2) Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio
Like everyone said, this was a great match, this should not be changed.

3) Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel vs. John Morrison & R-Truth - Tag Team Championship
I reckon this would've been a good match what with Gabriel, Morrison & Truth in it, they would make the match while Slater would just be a filler.

4) Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston - IC Championship
Del Rio had just debuted in October, was it? I don't think he should've been pushed to the main event so fast. A good push is one where you go for mid-card titles first then the World Title later and like the IC Title has done for so many stars in the past, the IC Title would elevated Del Rio into a main eventer everybody likes.

5) Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
See Cody vs. Rey.

6) Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler w/ Austin as Special Referee
It was a bad match sure but Cole was hot at the time and everybody wanted to see him get his, so I would've still booked this.

7) Wade Barrett & Ezekial Jackson vs. Big Show & Kane
Couldn't think of anything else for these 4 but a battle of the big boys would be fun to watch anyway.

8) Undertaker vs. Triple H
As good a match this was, I wouldn't have had it on last because the outcome was predictable and Miz needed the main event more than these two as he was the new star on the block and the win over Cena put him over massively like it did Triple H back in 2000. The only reason why it didn't work out for Miz was because the WWE didn't capitalize on Miz and sent him back to being a mid-carder/jobber.

9) Edge vs. Christian - World Heavyweight Championship
If Edge were gonna go out, it should've been to Christian. Would've had Christian win the RR and turn heel. And unlike most people I don't really care where the RR winner's World Title match was placed on but going on 9th is better than being on 1st at least, so.

10) Drew McIntyre & Kelly Kelly vs. Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guererro
They had the Drew-Kelly storyline at the time and I believe Kelly was also feuding with Vickie at the time, so even though I think this would've been a bad match, I would've booked it anyway because it was logical and gives Ziggler a new feud. Placed this inbetween the two World Title matches to give everyone a break from all the excitement.

11) The Miz vs. John Cena w/ Rock as Special Enforcer - WWE Championship
Don't care what anyone thinks but Miz should've been on last to boost him, he needed it more than anyone as I mentioned before and it was The Rock's show, he brought in the dollars, the biggest draw of the show shouldn't be anywhere on the card but last. I just would've given him the Enforcer role and done the ending better than the way it turned out.

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