RAW vs. iMPACT! ratings - 4/26/10


The earliest numbers have come out for last night's episodes of WWE Raw and TNA iMPACT!.

Early numbers for Raw are showing that it pulled a 3.3 Nielsen Rating, which is higher than what the last two episodes of Raw have pulled. It's unknown if going on at 8 pm brought down the overall rating, though that would be consistent with past 3 hour episodes of Raw.

The early numbers for TNA iMPACT! aren't looking good at all. Reports are coming out that iMPACT! only drew a 0.5 Nielsen Rating last night. A drop in ratings was expected given that Raw was three hours last night, but I didn't expect the ratings to tank so dramatically.
A 0.5 for TNA is shocking. Yes it was a taped show (I believe) against a live, 3 hour draft edition of Raw but Damn that's quite a drop. I was expecting for TNA to get around a 0.7 or so (much like it normally gets when taped) but that's a big drop. It wont be sustained, and it'll be at least 3 points higher next week (owing to it being live again) but that's gotta be intimidating to TNA. THe loss of an hours lead in probably screwed them over in this regard, and I strongly suspect that whenever Raw's three hours, there'll be a similar drop in the ratings.
Still dont get why people think these low ratings are like knock out blows for TNA?! I dont recall anyone involved with TNA saying they expected to surpass RAW's audience within a matter of months.

Besides; Is it not like 50 million people watch pop idol or whatever they call that shit?

pfft nuff said
Still dont get why people think these low ratings are like knock out blows for TNA?! I dont recall anyone involved with TNA saying they expected to surpass RAW's audience within a matter of months.

Besides; Is it not like 50 million people watch pop idol or whatever they call that shit?

pfft nuff said

Nobody said that it was a knockout blow. However, the fact that TNA declared a ratings war on WWE Raw and has been pulling the worst numbers it's pulled in years is even more of an indication just how far TNA has to go. When you go from drawing an all time high of 1.5 to drawing a third of that in less than 5 months, it has to be a little disheartening.
Right now, it's looking as if Raw pulled a 3.1 for the overall show last night and the 3.3 is what they pulled in their traditional 2 hour timeslot. Thus far, there's no change in the numbers for iMPACT!.
Why does it seem like everyone knocks TNA for low ratings, but nobody seems to notice that the ratings for WWE Raw are dropping every week. In addition to the drop, this was a 3 hour special for WWE with the draft. TNA got their highest ratings with a 3 hour show, and RAW is slowly heading for the 2s.

Last week the excuse was that the low rating was because the Raw stars were not there, and even though the SmackDown! people were there again tonight, the Raw stars were back this week, so what's the excuse now.

TNA's ratings dropped most likely due to the fact that they were not live going against a live WWE draft. Fans already knew what was going to happen on TNA, so that makes the choice to watch WWE easier. However, it does not seem like the fans who have been tuning out of WWE have been tuning into TNA, so where are they?
The overall numbers are coming in and WWE Raw pulled an overall 3.1 rating for last night with an overall audience of 4.63 million. As expected, the first hour did pull down the overall number of the show as the show drew a 2.6 in the 8-9 pm slot. In Raw's traditional 2 hour timeslot, it pulled a 3.3 with the show drawing a 3.27 from 9-10 and a 3.34 from 10-11. The audience for Raw's traditional timeslot was roughly 5 million.

TNA iMPACT! ultimately scored a 0.5 Nielsen Rating for last night and an audience of 739,000. Last night's episode of iMPACT! was taped rather than live and a drop was expected due to last night's WWE Draft. I was expecting something more along the lines of a 0.7 or 0.8, which is what iMPACT! has been drawing on average since moving to Monday nights and I'd expect the numbers to be back in that .7-.8 area next week.
The earliest numbers have come out for last night's episodes of WWE Raw and TNA iMPACT!.

Early numbers for Raw are showing that it pulled a 3.3 Nielsen Rating, which is higher than what the last two episodes of Raw have pulled. It's unknown if going on at 8 pm brought down the overall rating, though that would be consistent with past 3 hour episodes of Raw.

The early numbers for TNA iMPACT! aren't looking good at all. Reports are coming out that iMPACT! only drew a 0.5 Nielsen Rating last night. A drop in ratings was expected given that Raw was three hours last night, but I didn't expect the ratings to tank so dramatically.

The drop in ratings doesn't surprise me that much. They got a .6 a few weeks back. Believe it or not, people would rather watch the Draft and the main event of Batista vs. Orton vs. Sheamus for the number one contender spot instead of Hogan rambling on, RVD promoting his drug abuse, and Ric Flair vs. Abyss for the possession of their Cap'n Crunch Decoder rings...I'm so shocked about that one, I think I just shit my pants.
man damn damn damn!!!!!!! every since tna DECIDED to go to WAR with wwe, all ive been hearing (mainly from tna marks and let me add i am not a wwe mark) is excuses. one week the excuse is its the road to wrestlemania, then shawn micheals retiring, then NCAA, its taped, russo sucks, its a draft 3 hours show and so on and so on. NO excuses. They are going aganist the big dogs. they already put their show back an hour then they got TNA REACTION before that....... what happen this week (even after the best impact ever....in tna marks eyes) is what happens EVERY DAMN WEEK. WWE beats IMPACT...end of fucking story.
I'm really tired of all the constant excuses for TNA's ratings. I don't care what excuse you want to use, a 0.5 is an absolutely horrible number. It doesn't come down to it being a taped show and people being able to read the spoilers and not watching because of that reason because other shows, like Smackdown are taped shows and they still keep their consistent ratings every week. The reason for the ratings drop is because people weren't interested in watching the show, simple as that. Regardless of spoilers, if the fan base is interested in the product and want to see the show they're going to watch.. but TNA is clearly putting out a product that people aren't interested in and don't care about. That's the truth, no excuses necessary.

When the ratings plummet further TNA fans will continue to make excuses, no doubt, but a 0.5 should be a very big warning sign to TNA right now.
I am shocked with the intial TNA ratings. They had a good show last week, and it should have drawn in the same viewers in my eyes. Raw is getting what they usually get. Their numbers usually dip around this time, but they are still a top ten cable show. I think TNA marks forget that part even when Raw ratings dip. Hell, they were still in the top ten during college football season and MNF. Wrestling as a whole is not as popular as 10 years ago. The ratings are about right for Raw. As for TNA, I agree there should not be excuses. They should have focused more on RVD on their show, but they instead focused on Hogan vs Flair. TNA will be fine in the long run, but TNA marks need to be realistic and not act like little teenagers. TNA has their viewers, and until they really dip like .3 or .2 do not worry. However, recognize they are getting beat up and Raw is still a top ten cable show.
Hahahaaha. You dumb tna dorks guess y'alls show didnt do so well. The "big PG era, stale main event having, hornswoggle wrestling, lame guest host having," WWE whipped your shows ass. I guess six times as many people would rather watch that than flair and dumbass abyss fight over a ring, a WWE ring might i add. Really a WWE HOF ring has more importance in Tna than their own belts? hahahaha!! i guess u need to tell tna to cross the line back to thursday. haha jackasses.
I think you are reading too much into it.

iMPACT's rating was bad, pretty bad. But it doesn't mean a thing right now. WWE had the draft, they did pretty well in the second two hours, if you think about it, they did bad on the first hour, I'm not sure but I think it was around 2.7.

And also TNA in terms of ratio, I think they have more die hard fans than WWE. And if they did change the channel to RAW, the casual fans don't mean a thing in terms of ratings and I think that explained the rating this week.

But let's wait for tomorrow night's rating for the replay to judge, I guess they will get between 0.8 and 1.0, but let's see.
I think you are reading too much into it.

iMPACT's rating was bad, pretty bad. But it doesn't mean a thing right now. WWE had the draft, they did pretty well in the second two hours, if you think about it, they did bad on the first hour, I'm not sure but I think it was around 2.7.

Well, traditionally speaking, the first hour of a three hour Raw has always been significantly lower than the second and third hours and brings the overall rating for the show down. The last few times Raw has been 3 hours, the 8-9 pm hour has drawn in the 2.6 area. And as for the rating not meaning anything, that's not exactly true. If TNA were pulling record numbers on Monday night, I'm quite sure that many TNA fans would be singing different tunes instead of trying to play the "ratings don't matter" card. When TNA pulled a 1.5 back on January 4th, TNA fans on this forum were practically screaming that it was time for TNA to move to Monday nights and take on the WWE head to head. They were practically salivating over what they believe was TNA about to assert its dominance over the WWE. TNA "declared war" on the WWE and engaged the WWE in a ratings war. The result is TNA pulling some of the worst numbers in its history. I'm not saying that this is some sort of knockout blow for TNA. I'm not saying that at all. However, the numbers do matter in a "ratings war". They don't just matter when WWE or TNA marks want them to.

And also TNA in terms of ratio, I think they have more die hard fans than WWE. And if they did change the channel to RAW, the casual fans don't mean a thing in terms of ratings and I think that explained the rating this week.

Even up against Monday Night Football in the fall, WWE Raw still draws in the low 3s. I definitely don't see how TNA has more diehard fans as a significant portion of TNA's audience has disappeared over the course of this year so far. Average for TNA iMPACT! used to be 1.2 and their average has dropped to 0.8 since moving to Monday nights. That means a third of TNA's audience no longer regularly watches iMPACT!, not even on the Thursday night replays. TNA hasn't drawn a 1.2 since the middle of February and that was when it was still airing on Thursday nights.

But let's wait for tomorrow night's rating for the replay to judge, I guess they will get between 0.8 and 1.0, but let's see.

As I said, a 0.8 is what's average for TNA right now. It's no big thing for the replay to pull better numbers because it's got no competition from the WWE on Thursday nights. Maybe it just means that iMPACT! should just move back to Thursday nights on a permanent basis.
Ok I think the reason for the TNA drop goes beyond the taping issue, and the draft issue. I think it goes to the fact that they put it all on the line last week with the WHC title match between RVD and AJ. I mean yes I thought it was a great move, at the time, for the match, but what can you follow up with a week later. They hit a peak with that and then a valley with this past Monday. I mean the only way TNA coulda had a shot (this is hindsight coming in) is if they let Jeff Hardy vs RVD stand on its own last week, cause it was actually a damn impressive match. Then even if it was taped you coulda done AJ/RVD this week.

As for the WWE, I'm actually surprised that they didn't flirt with a 4.0 this week with the draft. The triple threat to go along with it woulda been a great 11 pm bridge rating idea but for some reason it didn't bite.
Can't say I'm too shocked, with the draft and all I expected a bit of a drop from TNA, but this drop is pretty significant. It just goes to show you (like every other week before) that TNA were fools for thinking they could go against WWE and not take a hit in the ratings.

The worst part about their ratings is there is no consistency (1.0 one week, then a 0.7, then a 0.9, then a 0.5) and that is the worst part of their ratings, its almost like their ratings depends on what WWE (or every other Monday night show/special) is doing on that particular day, if RAW looks like its going to be a bore, the ratings climb, if RAW looks interesting the ratings are in the toilet. Most of all it shows you where the majority of the wrestling audience lies, since TNA's ratings depend on what their competition is doing, it shows that the wrestling audience cares about what the WWE is doing and only bother watching TNA if there's nothing good on RAW. This is very important because it shows that people only watch TNA when there is nothing better to do.

Although ratings don't measure quality, they do show that most people don't think of TNA as quality programming because they would rather watch RAW, if people thought TNA was quality programming, then they would at least have a consistent fanbase. Their ratings a year ago show that TNA was better off because it always at least pulled in a 1.0, these days a 1.0 is considered a great week when a year ago it was an average week. If TNA really had a show people wanted to watch then their ratings wouldn't be cut in half because of a draft special and they wouldn't be on a constant flux like they are now, they would stay steady and maybe even gradually climb.

TNA gets alot of crap from the IWC, but it gets crap because they made some pretty big predictions and said some pretty strong words, unfortunately they didn't come through with any of it, they said they could compete with Vince and they can't even though they still take jabs at the WWE any time they get (just listen to the announcers on an average episode of iMPACT). TNA works their ass off to sell people that they have the greatest wrestling company in the world, but they have never done anything to prove it.
I feel that the ratings are a good idea of how the show is doing. However, in TNA's case, its a matter of not being the "top dog" on Monday nights. I am a huge fan of wrestling in general, but the real issue is the move to Monday nights. I would have like to see TNA milk Thursday nights and pull in at least a 2.0 or higher before this move. Also, there are a lot of WWE kiss asses that only watch that programing. I feel like this when it comes the those fans: Get VINCES DICK OUT OF YOUR MOUTH AND STOP SUCKING HIM OFF!!!!!!!!! Support both!
Also, there are a lot of WWE kiss asses that only watch that programing. I feel like this when it comes the those fans: Get VINCES DICK OUT OF YOUR MOUTH AND STOP SUCKING HIM OFF!!!!!!!!! Support both!

You mean as opposed to only those fans that watch TNA programming and consistently dog the WWE? If you want to be a representative of wrestling in general, then you might gain more credibility by talking about both sides of the coin rather than leaving out the faults of the TNA marks while insulting the WWE marks.
I feel offended by that comment the VC. I was critical of TNA this week, but it was warranted. Their program last week was excellent, and deserved to be recognized. I try to stay balance and on both sides. I am a fan of both, but I have stated TNA should have not moved. I like some of their programming, and I am critical of both shows. I was critical of Wrestlemania 26. I think you taking jabs at WWE marks but not TNA marks is immature. There are many fans that are just TNA fans and dog WWE programs. I think you need to read through the treads to see that is how it is. Jack Hammer made basically the same point. You need to be critical of both fan bases. This week the ratings were horrible, and that is not a good thing. WWE ratings have been in the low 3s, but they have been consistent since the end of Wrestlemania 26.
The replay for TNA iMPACT! last night drew 894,000 viewers, which is up from the 739,000 the original airing drew on Monday night. As far as the Nielsen Rating goes, that hasn't been listed anywhere as yet. At almost 900,000 viewers, I'd say the final Nielsen rating will be about a 0.62 or 0.63.
The replay for TNA iMPACT! last night drew 894,000 viewers, which is up from the 739,000 the original airing drew on Monday night. As far as the Nielsen Rating goes, that hasn't been listed anywhere as yet. At almost 900,000 viewers, I'd say the final Nielsen rating will be about a 0.62 or 0.63.

Actually it was a 0.69. If you count the overall viewership, TNA may have gotten 1.6 million people to watch their show for the week which isn't too much behind Smackdown. But for you Jack-Hammer, what is your gig? Really, is all you do is sit on this site and try to hate on TNA as politely as possible. Your whole stance towards TNA is negative. Really, what is the point of this thread. You're like a WWE mark in the grass. The only difference is I can see your head. The only time TNA does bad in the ratings is when their show is taped and when RAW is doing something major. The show was a 3hr draft show. Even TNA was aware the day before that they'd take a hit in the ratings. It's no big deal. I respect the fight in TNA! Keep on hating subliminally. It's your job and you're good at it.:)
Actually it was a 0.69. If you count the overall viewership, TNA may have gotten 1.6 million people to watch their show for the week which isn't too much behind Smackdown.

You're assuming that all those viewers are viewers that didn't watch TNA iMPACT! last Monday. It's more likely that most of those viewers watched the original airing on Monday and watch the replay as well. And, actually, yes it is still quite a bit behind Smackdown as Smackdown generally does between 3.2 and 3.5 million viewers per week with only a single showing.

But for you Jack-Hammer, what is your gig? Really, is all you do is sit on this site and try to hate on TNA as politely as possible. Your whole stance towards TNA is negative. Really, what is the point of this thread. You're like a WWE mark in the grass. The only difference is I can see your head. The only time TNA does bad in the ratings is when their show is taped and when RAW is doing something major. The show was a 3hr draft show. Even TNA was aware the day before that they'd take a hit in the ratings. It's no big deal. I respect the fight in TNA! Keep on hating subliminally. It's your job and you're good at it.:)

I don't hate on TNA. I'd love to see TNA grow and do well, but I'm not going to pretend that I think that they currently have a better product. I'm also not going to hype the TNA product to the moon by trying to convince others that's it's much better than it actually is. There are far too many on the internet that do that already, including you. I don't hype the TNA product, I call it the way that I see it. If TNA does something that I personally enjoy, I've never had any problems giving them their props. For instance, I'm glad that RVD is having a run with the title and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship scene in general is something I've enjoyed for quite a while. However, a couple of dream matches here and there and a title win by someone that's both reknown by both internet and average fans isn't enough to make me drop my pants, bend over, grab my ankles and take it up the tailpipe like a mark from the TNA machine.

As for the point of this thread, it's perfectly obvious, people pay attention to the numbers that each show brings in. TNA declared a ratings war on the WWE didn't they? And to say that the only time that TNA does bad ratings is when its taped or Raw does something major is exactly what I mean. You're simply a TNA mark that does whatever you possibly can to build TNA up by trying to downplay the fact that it's been bringing in overall terrible numbers for quite a while. As I said in an earlier post, the TNA marks wouldn't be trying to downplay the importance ratings play in a "ratings war" if iMPACT! was bringing in great numbers. When TNA iMPACT! scored a 1.5 on January 4th, I'm sure that you were among those TNA marks that were absolutely thrilled and wanted TNA to move to Monday nights and go head to head with Raw. TNA used to average around a 1.2 and they haven't drawn that since mid-February and that was when they were still on Thursday nights. Ever since, their numbers have been going downhill. Since moving to Monday nights, iMPACT! has scored a 1.0 twice and then only barely.

If TNA were scoring 1.5s and 2s in the ratings, you wouldn't have so many TNA marks trying to play the "ratings don't matter at all" card or attempting to downplay bad numbers. There'd merely be talking more crap than they do right now, but at least they'd have some legitimate reasons for doing so.
Jack-Hammer said:
You're assuming that all those viewers are viewers that didn't watch TNA iMPACT! last Monday. It's more likely that most of those viewers watched the original airing on Monday and watch the replay as well. And, actually, yes it is still quite a bit behind Smackdown as Smackdown generally does between 3.2 and 3.5 million viewers per week with only a single showing.

More like 2 million and some change.

Jack-Hammer said:
I don't hate on TNA. I'd love to see TNA grow and do well, but I'm not going to pretend that I think that they currently have a better product. I'm also not going to hype the TNA product to the moon by trying to convince others that's it's much better than it actually is. There are far too many on the internet that do that already, including you. I don't hype the TNA product, I call it the way that I see it. If TNA does something that I personally enjoy, I've never had any problems giving them their props.

Oh please, I've never once seen you give TNA full props. If something is good, you always add a but to the situation. And you talk about TNA fans giving their promotion hype. You dam right about that. We're rooting for our promotion to grow and give the business and us fans a real solid alternative with a strong foundation. Maybe you enjoy the monopoly Vince McMahon has on wrestling but I don't. It's killing the industry. And fanboys like you that seem hellbent to bring down TNA and their fans and talking up WWE are also destroying the business.

Jack-Hammer said:
As for the point of this thread, it's perfectly obvious, people pay attention to the numbers that each show brings in. TNA declared a ratings war on the WWE didn't they? And to say that the only time that TNA does bad ratings is when its taped or Raw does something major is exactly what I mean. You're simply a TNA mark that does whatever you possibly can to build TNA up by trying to downplay the fact that it's been bringing in overall terrible numbers for quite a while.

TNA never declared any "ratings war". They simply said Monday Night wars where the fans would have to choose over which show they'd want to watch. They simply wanted to give fans a choice and wanted the fans to relieve the glory days of the first Monday Night wars where fans had the options to switch back and forth. Your occupation on this forum is nothing more then to bring TNA down as much as possible and to give WWE the shadow of a doubt as much. I see all your games. You're a WWE mark in disguise. You root for TNA to fail because you have a problem with the fanfare and the loyal fans the promotion has. Just admit it!

Jack-Hammer said:
As I said in an earlier post, the TNA marks wouldn't be trying to downplay the importance ratings play in a "ratings war" if iMPACT! was bringing in great numbers. If TNA were scoring 1.5s and 2s in the ratings, you wouldn't have so many TNA marks trying to play the "ratings don't matter at all" card or attempting to downplay bad numbers. There'd merely be talking more crap than they do right now, but at least they'd have some legitimate reasons for doing so.

Wow I didn't know you could foretell. For how long have you had psychic ability?
More like 2 million and some change.

No, actually Smackdown typicially does over 3 million. You really should do your research a little before you decide to engage someone in a debate regarding facts. Let's see, http://www.wrestleview.com/viewnews.php?id=1270059911, I happened to run across this link displaying the Smackdown rating for March 19th. It's a little out of date, but it's what I found on short notice. Now, if you go to this link, http://www.gerweck.net/ratings.htm, you'll see what Smackdown has been drawing thus far this year. Mostly, they draw anywhere between 1.8 and 2.1.

And you talk about TNA fans giving their promotion hype. You dam right about that. We're rooting for our promotion to grow and give the business and us fans a real solid alternative with a strong foundation.

I know I'm right about that, that's why I said it. I'm glad you agree that you and the other hopeless TNA marks try to hype the TNA product out to be much better than it actually is. See, listen to yourself. You're calling it "our promotion", that's further proof how much of a hopeless mark you are. I'd love to see TNA give fans a legitimate alternative to watch. At one time, they used to do that, but they don't anymore. I do want TNA to succeed, but I'm not going to pretend that I think TNA has a better product or even has an overall good product right now.

TNA never declared any "ratings war". They simply said Monday Night wars where the fans would have to choose over which show they'd want to watch. They simply wanted to give fans a choice and wanted the fans to relieve the glory days of the first Monday Night wars where fans had the options to switch back and forth. Your occupation on this forum is nothing more then to bring TNA down as much as possible and to give WWE the shadow of a doubt as much. I see all your games. You're a WWE mark in disguise. You root for TNA to fail because you have a problem with the fanfare and the loyal fans the promotion has. Just admit it!

Wow, you really are hopeless. You say in one sentence that TNA never delcared any ratings war and, in the very next sentens, you say that TNA meant the Monday Night Wars as a means of giving fans something to choose. Well, let's put it this way, the fans did choose and they chose WWE Raw. Why do you think TNA iMPACT! is moving back to Thursday nights? Because they're getting killed in the ratings. I have no "games" as you put it nor do I have any sort of "occupation". Your problem is that you're simply not mature enough to understand and accept that there are fans that simply do not agree with your assessment of the TNA product. If you wish to debate me on my stance on the TNA product, actually bring some facts, some legitimate reasons to back up your position instead of relying on lame, tired rhetoric. Otherwise, there's not really any reason for me to waste my time responding.
Well, apparently, the fans have spoken, quite loudly. (Or, in TNA's case, by simply not watching).

If it was TNA's intent to give the fans a choice, they succeeded. They chose overwhelmingly not to watch TNA.

TNA's fanfare and "loyal fans" got them exactly what? A four month beatdown, and then a retreat back to Thursdays to lick their wounds. Congrats TNA on the EPIC FAIL.

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