RAW Live Discussion 1/22/06

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just watch the show quit complainin about every second of the show...i culd care less if it sucks im jus watchin it cuz there is nothin better to watch so if u dnt like it jus change the damn channel instead of sittin here like ME watchin the show and on the forum at the same time lol
this segment is going to be part of the donald vs vince representing there wrestlers at wrestlemania so jus go with it
John Cena can sell Merchandize Jeff Hardy can sell no move in wrestling.
Jeff Hardy is the worst Wrestler of all time and his mic works sucks boring in the ring same old low spot monkeys.

Very predictable and the Senton Bomb is a boring move, i can do 630 splash

John Cena can sell Merchandize Jeff Hardy can sell no move in wrestling.

You think Jeff Hardy is a bad wrestler and predictable? What about Cena. He is the most predictable wrestler around. And the SWANTON Bomb is actually somewhat athletic unlike the FU which is one of the worst finishers of all time.
that is true...swanton bomb is an awesome move to c that move i never get tired of seeing..but the FU its just so plain...
Swanton Bomb is a lame finisher at least John Cena can FU large opponents like Big Show, Viscera, Lesnar and even Umaga to demonstrate his pure strength.

I rather take the Kenton Bomb and the Greenbay Plunge of Ken Kennedy.
well ehhhh its not really somthin speciall..wen u got submissions like the cripple crossface it jus makes the stfu look like shit...not very original but cena is cena i guess...
and how original is the STFU

Most of you Internet Nerds thing that your favorite wrestler Jeff Hardy would be a great WWE Champion and became the first WWE six pack champion winning all the title in the old WWF.

Hell No, He is just a mere Transitional Champion and i bet i can wrestle all of your nerds and produce a High Quality match.

I am 6 ft 3 and 190 lbs. by the way and my finishing move is the Flipping Pile Driver.
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