Raw LD for 8/03/09....with An Entourage

They've braved cage matches, TLC matches, and headlined on WWE's grandest stage....

And then there's Kelly Kelly.
They've braved cage matches, TLC matches, and headlined on WWE's grandest stage....

And then there's Kelly Kelly.

They'll sell more if they have a hot diva on one of them.

If you weren't a wrestling fan, would you give a fuck about some men on cups?

Now would you care if it was Kelly Kelly?
I cannot describe how lame it would be if they reform DX. Atleast as faces. If they reformed as heels, well than I'd mark the fuck out like a little girl. But that's just not going to happen.

Tell me I'm not the only one who'd be more excited for another Hornswoggle-Chavo match than a face DX reformation? Their last run was painful to watch.
[sarcasm] look he's getting his ass handed to him. Whatever will happen to the poor chap?[/sarcasm]
I think I'd have preferred it if Hardcore Holly was the breakout member of Rhodes and Holly. As it is, he's wrestling in Portsmouth, and Cody Rhodes is on my television.
I didn't say winning an Emmy was more important than what you do, I said it's much more impressive. Which it is. Winning an Emmy is one of the hardest things you could possibly attempt to do, about 1 in 10 million actors wins an Emmy. Whereas being in the military, while respectable, requires almost zero skill. The military takes in some of the most idiotic cretins on the face of the planet, all you need to have is a GED and be in decent shape. 99% of people on the street right now are eligible to join the military. It's not exactly an exclusive club.

I wish I could say you're full of shit, but you are right, there are some idiots who we let in. There are privates I've been around that I do not see how a recruiter could think they are Army material. I do not, however, come from a normal Army unit or a NG unit, so I have much more pride and am surrounded by highly qualified and skilled people.

Winning an Emmy is impressive, never said it wasn't, in my mind I don't think it's a huge deal, but those are the key words, in my mind. You think otherwise, super duper. Good for you, I'm not going to try to change your mind.

I will say that you saying being in the military requires almost no skill is ignorant, until you walk in a deployed soldier's boots for 10 minutes overseas, you have no clue. I see why people would think like you do, which is disappointing, but it's not based on facts.
I wish I could say you're full of shit, but you are right, there are some idiots who we let in. There are privates I've been around that I do not see how a recruiter could think they are Army material. I do not, however, come from a normal Army unit or a NG unit, so I have much more pride and am surrounded by highly qualified and skilled people.

Winning an Emmy is impressive, never said it wasn't, in my mind I don't think it's a huge deal, but those are the key words, in my mind. You think otherwise, super duper. Good for you, I'm not going to try to change your mind.

I will say that you saying being in the military requires almost no skill is ignorant, until you walk in a deployed soldier's boots for 10 minutes overseas, you have no clue. I see why people would think like you do, which is disappointing, but it's not based on facts.

Shut the fuck up. If your not talking about wrestling, get the fuck out of the live discussion. It's getting annoying.
Does Cody Rhodes' moonsault kind of remind anyone else of Kurt Angle's? Just not as good, but the height?
I cannot describe how lame it would be if they reform DX. Atleast as faces. If they reformed as heels, well than I'd mark the fuck out like a little girl. But that's just not going to happen.

Tell me I'm not the only one who'd be more excited for another Hornswoggle-Chavo match than a face DX reformation? Their last run was painful to watch.

I'd rather watch Santina and Awesome Kong have wet sex, than watch another Hornswoggle-Chavo match.
Shut the fuck up. If your not talking about wrestling, get the fuck out of the live discussion. It's getting annoying.

Then don't read it, pretty simple concept huh? Does your cursor get stuck on my posts everytime or something?

I'm also hoping not to see a face DX reformation, but a heel DX would be great considering what's going on right now in the company.
Damn, you sure are defensive of Piven now aren't you? My annoyance was with Ken Jeong (sp?).

I'm defensive when someone comes in and:

1) Attack a good poster for liking a promo that wasn't all that shit. Dr. Chan or whatever he was calling himself was annoying, but you didn't need to call Steve (I think that's who you quoted) what you did.

2) Attack a 3-time Emmy award winning actor for fucking up in front of thousands on a live tv show. Ever heard of nerves?

Also its called dry humor, if you didn't see that because it was on a forum, I understand that.

Right, it was dry humor when you said this:

You are the epitome of idiot that the WWE is trying to cater to right now.

Yea some no-name annoying ass prick who keeps on barking like a dog, running around like a 'tard, and yelling incoherently is what I hope for when I turn on a wrestling show.

Try again.

I never used my military experience as an excuse to hate.

Actually, when Xfear called you out on blindly hating a man for screwing up in front of thousands, you basically told him to shut up because you've been shot at. Not only that, but then you played the "every time you look at that flag and realize the freedoms you have" card.

Someone (I forget who and I don't care enough to look back) said that winning some emmys are more important than what I do, I simply disagreed and said why.

You didn't simply disagree. You played the "Don't disagree with me because I'm in the military and I fight for your country" card.

For some reason though, I am envisioning this being brought up again.....

Why? because you responded yourself?
God damn, Triple H lost?

Uh oh, he has the mic. For the love of Christ please don't bring Shawn out, PLEASE. Have some fucking creativity WWE.

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