RAW LD 7/13/2015 - Brock Lesnar Birthday Celebration

I know he should have beaten down Brock Lesnar, Rollins, and the rest of Authority. And Cena for good measure.

Nope. Nobody said that. That fallacy won't work here. I was merely stating that returning to face Neville and winning by roll up isn't really the best way to bring him back.

He should have faced Cena.
Nope. Nobody said that. That fallacy won't work here. I was merely stating that returning to face Neville and winning by roll up isn't really the best way to bring him back.

He should have faced Cena.

He got a win didn't he? And over an established, recently strongly pushed Neville.
He got a win didn't he? And over an established, recently strongly pushed Neville.

Yes....instead of being given the opportunity to do what most people do when they lose a loved one and put on the performance of their life for them. A match with Cena would have given him that chance.
Hey guys, how was Raw last night-

*Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks debut*



*don't ruin this moment guys, I haven't started watching the episode just yet*
1. Sweet opening segment, got it all done nicely. I'm getting quite excited for this episode, three hours and all.
2. Sweet, the Big Guy! Ah, tag team match? And Miz on commentary? Big Show in the tag match? Fun times.
3. Ryback/Orton vs. Big Show/Sheamus is fine by me, even if Orton/Sheamus is far too overdone. All good performers, even if Show has declined quite a bit in recent years.
4. Not going to lie, I'd like to see Randy have a run with the Intercontinental title.
5. Ryback's nickname could also be the Sin City Savage. /IWC musings.
6. Sheamus's intro video is shite.
7. No Lilian, it's not "Shee-Mes!". Just... no.
8. Ryback just went airborne. The fuck. Is this going to be that kind of night?
9. Miz is killing it on commentary.
10. Good tag match so far. A bit rote, barring that insane Ryback dive, but still good.
11. Miz is the kind of person who if given a good heavy, could dominate the tag division while making forays into singles action as needed. It'd put over his "money-maker" gimmick if he was more successful and even a champion at times. Plus, they should make note of his all-WWE, all the time work ethic as to why he gets the opportunities he does.
12. Ryback's pads are distracting.
13. Dat Randy Orton mockery. And that Miz distraction. Gotta love it, Maggle!
14. JBL looks like a tomato.
15. Ugh, Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose. Every time I hear either of their names, I think how badly that feud went. And how badly they've done up Bray Wyatt since his debut.
16. I just look at him and feel sad. To borrow a phrase from Enzo, he used to be the realest guy in the room.
17. Ah, a Roman Reigns appearance. Cool. He's feuding with Wyatt over his daughter or something right? I'm sure this feud will be scintillating and elevate both men.
18. Has Wyatt been wearing the butcher's apron for long? First time I've noticed it.
19. Bellas are in the Teen Choice Award. Yay. Yay.
20. I like Alicia over the Bellas. Just going to go out and say it. At the same time, I have no idea why Alicia's backing them. What does she get out of it? At least Tamina is standing by family by marriage in Naomi.
21. Oh joy, a Bella promo.
22. Every single Diva? What? Just because you took the albino and the black girl, doesn't mean you've actually covered the spectrum.
23. The Total Diva is actually a good nickname for Nikki or Brie.
24. You have all the power? What? Am I the only one who's getting confused? What power are you getting?
25. You make the decisions in the division? What decisions? I thought Kane ran match-making. What are you talking about-
26. ... Stephanie. Joy. I'm not sure if I should be excited or disappointed that she's getting involved with the NXT debuts.
27. I'm guessing this is where Stephanie praises them then cuts them down completely as she usually does?
28. Nice references to women in sports. Gotta appreciate that at least.
29. You know, for all that I'm getting excited and all... I don't get what the aims of this "revolution" is. Is it better wrestling? More competitors. More wrestling time? Does anyone else remember GiveDivasAChance.
30. Nikki's voice is annoying as fuck. Good job, Nikki. I think.
31. And Stephanie cuts down the Bellas again. Joy.
32. "No one likes you Paige. Let me give you some friends." - Stephanie McMahon.
33. BECKY! BECKY! BECKY! ... *ahem*.
34. No Steampunk? ... *sigh* I'll take it anyway.
35. How is it a coup? She works for this company?
36. Saying Charlotte was bred for this business is kind of creepy.
37. The Ubermensch, Charlotte Flair?
38. WOO!
39. I still can't get over how quickly she became awesome in NXT. It was like she just decided to flip on the "Be awesome" switch in her head.
40. Fuck off Paige. Trying to look so excited and shit.
41. Sweet, Tamina and Naomi.
42. Yes, I do like them. They're decent, even if Tamina is clumsy as fuck.
43. If they should have been out there... why didn't you invite them?
45. I'm so happy right now.
46. They mentioned her championship, but didn't let her bring it out?
47. I guess Bayley, Emma, Dana, Alexa and Carmella will need to hold down the fort on NXT for the forseeable future?
49. Yes, this is awesome.
51. Yes. This is what I fucking want to see.
52. Just noticed Paige wasn't in the shot.
53. Very well done, especially how Sasha immediately stepped away from the other women considering she's the only heel out of the four.
55. Well done promo that.
56. PRIME TIME! PRIME TIME! (how weird is it to be cheering Prime Time?)
57. This is like what, the WWE's entire male, black contingent in the ring at the same time? I mean, David Otunga's pretty much not wrestling at the moment...
58. No wait, there's R-Truth. He must feel so left out.
59. I've decided that Kofi just looks ridiculous.
60. Million of Dollas!
61. Heh, those white kids.
62. Ugh, R-Truth vs. King Barrett.
63. Before Wyatt got completely wasted, there was Wade Barrett.
64. Lol, that Lana panty shot.
65. Rusev looks good in black.
66. Lana's ponytail doesn't look right.
68. I still don't get why Summer Rae joined him.
69. Epic burn on Lana.
70. Fuck you, and fuck your USA chants.
72. FRENCH AMERICAN. I'm dying right here.
73. Rusev is killing me right now. I fucking love Rusev.
75. Please tell me we're getting a triple threat or a fatal four way right now. Please.
77. Dat Cena face.
78. Cena putting over the Divas and the in-ring guys. Good Guy Cena.
79. Cena explains the continued need for secondary championships. Good Guy Cena.
80. Hope Summer Rae plays a role in this match where she just outright slaps Kevin Owens. And then Owens tries to feud with her.
81. This match is incredible. One of the best on Raw since last ... week. Heh. Cesaro is really an MVP right now, no?
82. Cesaro vs. Rusev would be a good feud for both men.
83. And Natalya/Tyson managing Cesaro vs. Summer Rae would be incredible.
84. Scratch that, set up Lana with Cesaro vs. Rusev and Summer Rae.
85. Yes, let's do that. Cesaro w/Lana vs. Rusev w/Summer Rae.
86. That needs to be in Cesaro's intro video. You know what I'm talking baout.
87. Rusev with boots is quite odd.
88. Alabama Slam from Bulgaria indeed, JBL.
89. Kevin Owens just walks away. Fucking brilliant.
90. I don't know who I want to win.
91. I wish I could see Cesaro & Rusev in NJPW in a tag match with Tomohiro Ishii and Katsuyori Shibata. The stiffness.
92. I wonder how cold Jon has to be, sitting there without a shirt on.
93. Sharpshooter from Cesaro!
95. I hate to say this... but imagine if this had been a no.1 contendership match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship?
96. Rusev's selling is top-notch. Top-Notch.
98. You give us Tough Enough after that? Seriously? These kids are going to eaten alive after this fucking display.
99. Lita was never a good promo person, was she?
100. Dat Lita chant, though.
101. Stardust turned blue.
102. Promo was fun.
103. That hype shot was legit. They need to do more of that.
104. Fun match.
106. Yay, contract signing. Yay.
107. Shut the fuck up about the eleventh commandment. I get it, he's a badass.
108. The E' can be quite heavy-handed sometimes.
109. Nice show of dominance from Brock, even as I get confused at the repeated use of axe handles. Are kendo sticks, lead pipes and bats not in vogue anymore?
110. Well, there's the brawl. Kane's got fucked.
111. Jesus, Rollins is just dumping it on Kane. Just dumping it.
112. Damn fine work from Rollins. Damn fine.

Final thoughts: Great Raw overall, with good breathing spots here and there. Typical E' stuff here and there to drag it down, but quite a few great moments to keep you hyped until the next one. B+/A-, depending on how annoyed I'd be by the typical WWE spots. Rollins closing out was quite well done.
Food for thought:

Lita, one of the biggest names in WWF's women's history, was at the show last night.

If someone was going to "kick off a revolution in the woman's division" why not the second-biggest woman in said division in history?

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