RAW - Electri-THUD!!

I really didn't like Raw and thats not just because of the patriotic stuff (im from the UK and I really dont think stuff like that should be showed to a worldwide audience). The best part was probably Kharma but again why the hell would you stay in the ring? I didn't like that Kofi and Mysterio won...again, also why the hell did McIntyre and Swagger become a tag team over night, only to lose.
I didn't like the ending, it was like Rock appreciation night and although I like the Rock I want something better than that. The R truth thing was ok, the Cole thing was good but predictable and the thing with Cena and Rock facing of made me want to smash my TV. If Cena holds onto the title till Mania:
1. it will be boring
2. He doesn't need it.
3. So much for the youth movement, how are they going to survive exactly.

There's about a million more reason's but whatever, if they keep Cena with the title then fine, I won't be watching WWE.
I really didn't like Raw and thats not just because of the patriotic stuff (im from the UK and I really dont think stuff like that should be showed to a worldwide audience). The best part was probably Kharma but again why the hell would you stay in the ring? I didn't like that Kofi and Mysterio won...again, also why the hell did McIntyre and Swagger become a tag team over night, only to lose.
I didn't like the ending, it was like Rock appreciation night and although I like the Rock I want something better than that. The R truth thing was ok, the Cole thing was good but predictable and the thing with Cena and Rock facing of made me want to smash my TV. If Cena holds onto the title till Mania:
1. it will be boring
2. He doesn't need it.
3. So much for the youth movement, how are they going to survive exactly.

There's about a million more reason's but whatever, if they keep Cena with the title then fine, I won't be watching WWE.

Im sorry but for the people who are from the United States it is a big deal. I like the UK,been there twice btw. That being said its a big deal to us because you weren't attacked by the most evil man on the planet.
This thread is nonsensical and defies logic at times.
Those of you with complaints, were you aware it was The Rock's birthday?
You were? And The Rock is "boring" and you knew this all beforehand? You did?
Why did you tune in at all? I mean, you knew already that The Rock "sucks" and you knew he was going to be the feature player so why tune in? You like to punish yourselves, do you? That's nonsensical too.
You, perhaps, thought that WWE would play some sort of two hour wrestling match episode devoid of The Rock and somehow it is WWE's fault that they did not.
That was NOT advertised, at all. Not in the slightest.
Pay attention to the crowd at the live event itself. Pay attention to those people who paid to be there. Do they sound liked they're "bored"? They paid, and you tuned in. For free. Knowing what and who the episode was about.
Whose fault is it that you were "bored"? You watched the entire thing, from start to finish, and never deviated because you were "bored". Knowing what was coming and knowing it was going to "suck".
Yeah. Ok.
WOW, I am shocked that there is so much dissention on last night's Raw! I guess that's a good thing - about half the audience loved it, whereas I was not impressed. For the record, I am not your common IWC smark who thinks that things always have to be over the top to be good. I loved Cena's win on Sunday and generally really like The Rock's appearances.

But there are three main parts to a show: the opening, the closing, and the 10:00 pm transition. Rock dominated each of the bookends - and his opening went on for nearly a half hour, or one-quarter of the show. You mean to tell me that it was more valuable to have The Rock drone on for 30 minutes instead of giving him 15 minutes and then allowing 10 minutes for a match involving ANY of the guys who appeared in a backstage segment? Zack Ryder. Daniel Bryan. Santino. Kozlov.

I do think that several people are over valuing the Rock because he's the one guy who can get away with stretching the PG rating. It's fresh, it "feels" live and unscripted, and thus people eat it up. I agree with the poster that allowing a part-time talent who has not wrestled in more than half a decade to dominate nearly half of the live TV show the day after one of the best PPV's in recent memory is silly.

So I fell asleep by 9:50 pm, missed most of the rest of the show, seeing only that Mason Ryan is getting a legit push, Kharma is receiving a women's push only Chyna and Beth Phoenix have ever seen in WWE, and that the feuds between Cena and Miz and Morrison and Truth aren't over. The latter is just beginning.

It wasn't a waste of a show - it advanced some story lines - but it didn't do enough to keep me awake.
Bin Laden being dead helps everyone, not just the U.S., and those towers coming down were kind of a big deal, so you'll have to excuse we Americans if we're a little excited.

As for the show, I think people are being a little too tough on it. Several people have brought up a good point; everyone wanted the Rock back, and now that he is back, a lot of people are complaining. Yeah, a lot of what he said and what happened was kind of pointless, but like others have said, he's not building toward a match in the near future. How much can one man say about nothing? I think he did the best he could. now if you want to debate the wisdom of announcing Cena/Rock at WM a year ahead of time, thereby creating this situation, then that is valid I think. But Rock did a pretty good job with no storyline to really advance at this time.

The show wasn't the best overall, but the Cena/Miz match was awesome. I think this was a step in the direction of "Entertainment".
RAW last night wasn't exactly a wrestling show. It was Vince's way of thanking Rock for coming back, and all he's done for the business. RAW was plentiful in entertainment. I enjoyed it(Go Heat, bitch). Also, could you guys just be mad(the ones saying that this RAW sucked) that Cena is still champion? The match was good, but anticlimactic.
Last Night's Raw Was Dam Awesome. I Don't See the Hub-Bubb about the Rock hosting RAW and his birthday being celebrated. For once in Vince McMahon's life he has shown some on screen loyalty to one of his wrestlers that isn't Shawn Michaels. The best RAW i've seen in months. Kharma, Is my new favorite wrestler. Kelly Kelly looking like a punk ass bitch last night, She did bother to her Maryse, lol.
Nah, real talk I was more entertained by the Rock this week then RAW last few weeks. Rock did a great job entertaining me and others that was watching RAW with me, so job well done Rock...
It's official. The 'IWC' is not sure what they want. I hope to clarify for you now why Raw was like that last night.

1. The Rock was electrifying. The problem is that NOBODY in the locker room is on his caliber level, so it makes him come off as a bully. By nature, people don't like bullies. The Rock is very powerful...too powerful if you ask me, so another superstar like Austin or Foley needed to come to balance it all.

2. The Rock is also not gonna be here next week, and we just don't know when he will be here again. Resentment for leaving us with garbage is another reason why people mistakenly hate The Rock.

3. Most importantly, the WWE is just lackluster. Fans hated the fact that no new superstars were being created, but now that the youth movement is well underway, people hate it too.

Why? Because they were both being done wrong.

Pushing too much guys at the same time is the problem now. Remember, Angle was in his own spotlight when he was becoming a star. Lesnar was in his own spotlight. Cena was in his own spotlight as well on SD!, while Batista was being the focus of RAW.

Now? Miz, Del Rio, Morrison, R-Truth, Ziggler, heck, even Michael Cole, all seem to be being pushed for a WWE title run. This is because the WWE delayed pushing superstars far too long, now everything is a rush job.

In the end what we get is a bunch of mediocre superstars. We then direct all of our attention (and hopes for that matter) to The Rock.

Have you ever ate too much ice cream? You'll eventually get sick. Too much of a good thing is bad, and too much Rocky is bad as well, when that's all your eating...sorry, watching.

The WWE is in danger. They NEED to push Del Rio vs. Cena, have Miz face Morrison, and have R-Truth feuding with Big Show or some other establish veteran. Otherwise, we will have more Raw's like last night.
You know what they say. If you are going to talk the talk you better walk the walk. The problem with Rock since he returned is he has been all talk and no walk. Too much of a gap in between appearances. Too little in ring action. When Rock returned it was thunderous and people wanted the Peoples Champ to revive the WWE. But much like Jose Canseco with his book Juiced, Cena told the truth about Rock and he has been right. Rock is more Hollywood now than he is WWE. Appears when it's convenient. Promotes himself, not the business. RIght now, I just want see the Smack Layeth Down!! RIGHT ON THE ROCK!!!!
Well after spoon feeding the whole of the main event of WM to The Great One, I thought WWE had satiated him enough, but I guess there is always some room to kiss the behind of a successful crossover.

One of those moments when I feel, I hope The Rock takes some time off, and then comes and doesn't make the WWE regulars always look like chumps. Gets beaten up once in a while. I really did think Miz or Cena were gonna lay him out in the end (preferably Cena) and stoke some fire even though we have a whole solar cycle of build up.

Definitely boring, I hope The Rock gets whooped by Kharma in the future. Fingers crossed.
Storyline's that where advanced on Raw last night:

Rock/Cena - There little 20 second backstage segment was perfect, and advanced there feud, it also planted the possible seed of a championship match at Mania, while the IWC collectively shat themselves over the thought of Cena holding the title till Mania.

The Kharma storyline was advance, also adding a little intrigue as to why she didn't attack Kelly; perhaps Kharma only takes out heels.

Mason Ryan was given a massive push, Kane made him look like a beast, Big Show did the same, and it worked.

Miz was lamented as a main eventer by kicking out of the AA on free tv, plus the twist ending was brilliant imo, pulling at EVERYONE'S emotional strings.

Truth/Morrison was advanced, R-Truth looked like a man possessed, and Morrison always sells hard.

We where introduced to all the new draftees, who put on an entertaining enough match, which only took place to put over the new Raw talent to the crowd

That looks like a whole lot of storyline advancing to me, more so than on your average episode of Raw. So what is there to complain about? Rock got a lot of T.V time, and rightfully so, they've been advertising this RAW for a while now, as just this, a celebration of the Rock; and even with all the time they gave Rocky they still managed to progress more storylines than on pretty much any other episode of Raw.
This thread just proves it. The internet doesn't know what they want. I remember the exact same crap during the "godly" attitude era.

Rock has done the same talking style his whole "The Rock" character career, and people say he's boring now? HILARIOUS!

Kharma was built up fine, they actually put over Mason Ryan incredibly well, Cena's confrontation with Rock was great and his match with Miz that got the crowd going insane by the end.

The internet is hilarious :lmao:
well no disrespect to the ones that did enjoy it, but for me it was to drawn out, lame and a waste of time.... like i said in my earlier post everyone on the face of this earth celebrates a birthday rather it's a big affair or you celebrate with family, it's not a big deal other than it's a constant remider you're getting older, getting wrinkles and not being the same person you once were. however i do accept the fact that his birthday fail on a monday this year, and he made his return to wrestling AFTER 7 FUCKING YEARS!! due to fans wanting it and cena's comments about him abandoning wrestling for hollywood, and that why they (wwe) did it. but come on did he really deserved it? and mcjackass coming out and saying what he said about the rock coming back home? i mean why him, and why mcjackass never showed that type of appreciation to hogan when his birthday came around or for that matter the brett harts, or austins birthday when they came around? are you telling me that they're less special than the rock is?
Im sorry but for the people who are from the United States it is a big deal.

I know and im not surprised that it happened but you can understand from a non American's point of view that we aren't exactly going to feel the same thrill by singing along to the "USA" chant's. I like America and have been there before and I am going there this summer I just didn't like this segment.

Also you do realise that just because he is dead this is not going to be the end of it, his followers will want revenge and I won't be surprised if something such as the 9/11 attack or the London bus attack (yes we did have our experience of terrorism btw) happens again.
Storyline's that where advanced on Raw last night:

Rock/Cena - There little 20 second backstage segment was perfect, and advanced there feud, it also planted the possible seed of a championship match at Mania, while the IWC collectively shat themselves over the thought of Cena holding the title till Mania.

The Kharma storyline was advance, also adding a little intrigue as to why she didn't attack Kelly; perhaps Kharma only takes out heels.

Mason Ryan was given a massive push, Kane made him look like a beast, Big Show did the same, and it worked.

Miz was lamented as a main eventer by kicking out of the AA on free tv, plus the twist ending was brilliant imo, pulling at EVERYONE'S emotional strings.

Truth/Morrison was advanced, R-Truth looked like a man possessed, and Morrison always sells hard.

We where introduced to all the new draftees, who put on an entertaining enough match, which only took place to put over the new Raw talent to the crowd

That looks like a whole lot of storyline advancing to me, more so than on your average episode of Raw. So what is there to complain about? Rock got a lot of T.V time, and rightfully so, they've been advertising this RAW for a while now, as just this, a celebration of the Rock; and even with all the time they gave Rocky they still managed to progress more storylines than on pretty much any other episode of Raw.

I will have to agree and disagree with you on some points.

1. Rock / Cena. I fail to see how this advanced anything so far out. Cena, "I got the title, NA-Na-Na-Na". Rock dumb look stare. Now when Rock turned around to see Cena, an AA right in the middle of his party with a beat-down would have been perfect to advance this storyline. Of course, Rock won't get in the ring again and actually wrestle so that advancement would quickly be lost.

2. Kharma. Not a disagree but a difference in view. I don't view this as an advance since she has no rival yet. I think that will come in the next weeks. Maybe Beth Phoenix or Natalya. Another more imposing figure to combat with . But I do like how her intro has gone and how her character is being built. Definitely a good segment. Maybe a little future girl/girl beauty and the beast between Kharma and Kelly Kelly.

3. Mason Ryan, I agree a big push. Kane sold well but taking out the Big Show was a bit overboard for me. Show wasn't able to sell the spear well enough. I would have liked to see Ryan roll out of the ring after taking out Kane and stare down Big Show up the ramp.

4. Agree on Miz. The match was the highlight of the night outside of Kharma and made the show watchable after the embarrassing Rock moments.

5. Truth / Morrison, strongly agree. Truth got a nice push and their bitterness advanced. Now if Morrison can only have a storyline that lasts more than a couple of episodes.
well no disrespect to the ones that did enjoy it, but for me it was to drawn out, lame and a waste of time.... like i said in my earlier post everyone on the face of this earth celebrates a birthday rather it's a big affair or you celebrate with family, it's not a big deal other than it's a constant remider you're getting older, getting wrinkles and not being the same person you once were. however i do accept the fact that his birthday fail on a monday this year, and he made his return to wrestling AFTER 7 FUCKING YEARS!! due to fans wanting it and cena's comments about him abandoning wrestling for hollywood, and that why they (wwe) did it. but come on did he really deserved it? and mcjackass coming out and saying what he said about the rock coming back home? i mean why him, and why mcjackass never showed that type of appreciation to hogan when his birthday came around or for that matter the brett harts, or austins birthday when they came around? are you telling me that they're less special than the rock is?

for the dumbasses who think tht celebrating a birthday isnt a big deal im gonna say......

ur right... absolutely right

BUT !!!!!!

raw was coincidentally on the 2nd of may. the 2nd of may is the rocks birthday.



its a business strategy u stupid idiots. had the rocks birthday been on say may 5 and they celebrate it on the 2nd then i wudv understood where ur all coming frm

maybe austins or hogans or brets bdays werent on the date of raw or smackdown which is y they didnt celebrate or maybe they had to check availability.

and the same ppl bashing the rock right now are the same ppl who were bashing him for not making any sort of appearance. and now tht he has ur still not happy.

its not like he needs the money or the fame. he does it simply because he likes it and feels tht the wwe is where his roots lie. 3rd generation wrestler and all. im sure tht the wwe is the rocks home, as vince said earlier along with tears in his eyes, more than any member of the IWC.

try enjoying the rocks appearances. u never know how long theyl last. and then ul strt complaining again. i can see it now. the rock gets inducted into the hof. cena wins at wm. rock comes out the next night to say thnk u. and then leaves for abt a year or so during which everyone will once again strt bashing the rock and then hel come back in some form and they still bash the rock

tht being said. this nights raw was fun. it had some lame segments and some really good ones. stop going into the deeper meaning of the wwe and just enjoy what they put out for u cuz at the end of the day. thts wat it is .... entertainment.
For the record, I NEVER wanted the Rock to come back. I've hated him since he sold out and went Hollywood. Why people can't see that he turned his back on the fans is beyond me. Hell, he even went so far as to ask that he stop being billed as "Dwayne the Rock Johnson" because he didn't want his name to be associated with WWE or wrestling...

Anyways, I get that Raw last night was basically supposed to revolve itself around the Rock, but a 30 minute opening segment? Seriously? Aside from spouting out about 100,000 catchphrases, he didn't really say or do anything that was relevant. Yeah, he Rock Bottomed Michael Cole... that 30 second spot was the only cool thing he did in that 30 minutes. (NOTE: I found a lot of what Rock said to Cole to be non-sensical to the point I can't even recall what he actually said.)

As for the Rock having the crowd in the palm of his hand, remember where Raw took place. Rock's hometown of Miami. Of course he had the crowd in the palm of his hand! It's very clear that the WWE was more concerned with catering to the live Miami crowd than to the viewers at home.

In my opinion, the Rock should have stayed in Hollywood and only come back to WWE for rare special appearances (like hosting Raw once in a while). The lot of you will be very disappointed after WrestleMania 28 when he lays down for Cena and then disappears. You may praise him now, but you'll all shit on him when he inevitably leaves WWE and never looks back... again.
This thread just proves it. The internet doesn't know what they want. I remember the exact same crap during the "godly" attitude era.

Rock has done the same talking style his whole "The Rock" character career, and people say he's boring now? HILARIOUS!

Kharma was built up fine, they actually put over Mason Ryan incredibly well, Cena's confrontation with Rock was great and his match with Miz that got the crowd going insane by the end.

The internet is hilarious :lmao:

I don't think you understand everybody's complaint. And for me, I cannot even call it a complaint. I wasn't angry with the show. It just didn't hold me. I didn't change the channel - I fell asleep. Ratings wise, I still counted.

Dude, when The Rock was speaking back then the way he is now, he was building towards something either that night, that week, or that month. Now, he's building towards something 11 months away. And how much time did he spend actually building towards that specifically? 20 seconds.

At the show's outset, I was psyched. Morrison vs Truth AND Cena vs Miz!?

Of course, Morrison vs Truth ended the same way Seamus vs Kofi did a week ago on SD - with a sneak attack and a match never getting started. Had the two wrestled for 5-10 mins and then Truth flipped and gotten DQ'ed, I'd have liked it. I felt cheated out of a match I genuinely wanted to see.

I think my criticisms are warranted and legitimate.
I don't think you understand everybody's complaint. And for me, I cannot even call it a complaint. I wasn't angry with the show. It just didn't hold me. I didn't change the channel - I fell asleep. Ratings wise, I still counted.

Dude, when The Rock was speaking back then the way he is now, he was building towards something either that night, that week, or that month. Now, he's building towards something 11 months away. And how much time did he spend actually building towards that specifically? 20 seconds.

At the show's outset, I was psyched. Morrison vs Truth AND Cena vs Miz!?

Of course, Morrison vs Truth ended the same way Seamus vs Kofi did a week ago on SD - with a sneak attack and a match never getting started. Had the two wrestled for 5-10 mins and then Truth flipped and gotten DQ'ed, I'd have liked it. I felt cheated out of a match I genuinely wanted to see.

I think my criticisms are warranted and legitimate.

Why would they hype the match an incredible amount when it is 11 months away? Still have plenty of time to do it. An obviously Rock won't be there every single week to build it up.

Kofi/Sheamus last week set up for their match on PPV, which was pretty good.

And why would they give away the R-Truth/Morrison match already? They are building it up. If they did wrestle it wouldn't end in a clean finish, so if it ended in a DQ, people here would complain. You might have not cared, but this has happened so many times before.

It's classic wrestling build up. Plus with a PPV only 3 weeks away, they'll have the match there. Why give it away for free? But knowing WWE they will probably have some sort of match before the PPV.

Raw has never been about wrestling, and I knew coming in since it's Rock's birth day it would be segment heavy.

So I don't see a real issue.

For the record, I NEVER wanted the Rock to come back. I've hated him since he sold out and went Hollywood. Why people can't see that he turned his back on the fans is beyond me.

How DARE The Rock do what he want's to do with his life! How dare he not want to be on the road 280 days a year taking beatings in the ring! How dare he find something he likes doing! How dare he even come back all those times during those first few years at hollywood! How dare he realize he has done everything in WWE!
Finally, The Rock has come back...and the IWC has already grown tired of him. From begging and pleading to get him back on TV, to this? Wow, how fickle can a group of people be.


hahah true these IWC are a bunch of LOSERS, i hardy come on here that much i dont wanna be associated with these internet wrestling LOSERS!!!!! Noone cares what you say,half you losers on here actually like the wrestling part and want to see brian daniel win the world title cause he can wrestler go watch the olympics!!!! the rock is the biggest thing to happen to wrestling and those wrestlemania numbers speak for it, you think vince would do this for anyone else NOPE... i cant wait for the rock to leave and go on with his movie career so you fans can watch john cena say HOT MUSTARD SANDWICH!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Honestly more proof that people don't know what they want, its a classic case of The Rock being unable to win no matter what he does.

A few months ago people were asking for just one appearance at Wrestlemania or even an occasional appearance on Raw and saying that would be enough now that the Rock has done that hes an arrogant showboat who isnt commited coz hes not on the show every week.

Rock served WWE full time for a sizeable and sensible period leaving when he was still fully fit and healthy and put more people over than i can count and on top of that his mic skills are still awesome. Yes the whole show was about The Rock but the only real part where he spent a great amount of time on the mic was at the opening and he electrified the crowd.

The criticism of The Rock is well over the top and should be put in context he has delivered some of the best segments of the past few years since his return and probably hasnt wrestled a match because that would detract from a big element of the Wrestlemania main event as The Rock returning for one last match. If he was on Raw wrestling regularly or even intermittently then his in ring return at Wrestlemania wouldn't be as hyped
I know and im not surprised that it happened but you can understand from a non American's point of view that we aren't exactly going to feel the same thrill by singing along to the "USA" chant's. I like America and have been there before and I am going there this summer I just didn't like this segment.

Also you do realise that just because he is dead this is not going to be the end of it, his followers will want revenge and I won't be surprised if something such as the 9/11 attack or the London bus attack (yes we did have our experience of terrorism btw) happens again.

Even though the show is broadcast internationally, it has always been, and still is an American product. Run by Americans, staffed mostly by Americans and supported by Americans, while performing in an American venue. America just scored a win against Bin Laden, and we have every right to celebrate it. The WWE has always gone above and beyond in supporting American troops, so it makes sense to me that they'd spend 5 minutes or so, singing their praises on their biggest show. If you don't like the segment, that's fine, you're entitled. But it's your opinion, we have a different opinion that's just as valid. Let it go. You don't like, we do like. Eeeeesh.
I can't really blame Rock for how crappy RAW was, the matches sucked. Kane vs Mason Ryan was the last match? Why not put the WWE title match for the main event or even that tag match. The title match was pretty good but the other two just sucked. My favorite parts involved the Rock and when Kharma came to the ring.

The matches ruined RAW, not the Rock and it also includes crappy writing since they have no feuds or fallouts from Extreme Rules.
pessimism 101 i don't think that will never get thru their brains, to them his excuse for leaving was he didn't wanna end up like hogan or flair wrestling in their 60's and that he wanted to make a life for himself in a another field to which yeah i don't have a problem with someone who accomplish everything in one area and then decided to move on and accomplish more in other, however in the back of your mind you have to think what if hoywood hadn't thrown him a bone, and he wasn't talented enough for hollywood what would you think would have happen, his ass would be right in that ring falling and stumbling around like john cena is right now, that's why it pisses me off when ignorant trolls like to say that we shouldn't hate him because he wanted to better himself and his family and establish himself to be a better actor in hollywood instead of being another flair or hogan still wrestling.... do any of you ever stop to think that those two mainly hogan is responsible for people like himself the cenas and austins to do the things they do now and be sucessful at it, do any of you all stop to think that hogan nor flair thought that they would end up in the sitution that their in now? probably not i'm sure if it was up to them they wouldn't be wrestling at all rather they'll be retired and living on some island over-looking the ocean. but it didn't end up that way did it!!! so before you all go and criticise them for hanging around wrestling too long and hogging the spotlight just remember the rock could have been in their position too.

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