Raw 1000 LD 23/7/12 - 1000 episodes have been met

That was awesome! Lesner/Taker, Punk/Austin, Jericho/DBD and Rock/Cena II for Wrestlemania? I can dig it.

I'd actually rather if they held off on Rock/Cena II until WM30. That show should be huge and waiting another year will really make it seem like "Once in a Lifetime" truly was...at least for a little longer. They should also do Taker/Cena at Mania at some point and idk how many more years that's really going to be an option.
Though Rock winning the title and Cena the Rumble would be a good way to make the match have to happen again.
I wouldn't mind Miz and Truth getting back together. They haven't been the same since they parted ways.
Wouldn't mind seeing a Christian v Miz feud. Heck knows Miz needs someone he can believably beat and Christian needs a feud over that title.
Wouldn't mind seeing a Christian v Miz feud. Heck knows Miz needs someone he can believably beat and Christian needs a feud over that title.

Id rather see Barrett\Christian for the belt.

Did anyone else just see the commercial for RAW in Dallas Aug 13th featuring Cena vs Show\Laurinaitis?

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