Rather boring.


Getting Noticed By Management
Look, I like Morrison, but his feud with Shelton is just flat out boring. Shelton is fine in the ring, but he isn't where he needs to be character wise just yet. Shelton's mic skills are still mediocre at best. This feud says nothing at all, and seems to lack direction. It would have made more sense to feud Ziggler with Morrison, and have Shelton re-unite with Haas for a tag team run once again.

Ziggler was on a small streak, and making somewhat of a name for himself. Morrison was coming off of a face turn with nothing fresh. It would have made more sense for these two men to feud. What would be the motivating factor for a feud you say? Simple, Morrison could start making fun of Ziggler every time he gets a chance to say something. Morrison even though "face" has the ability to antagonize the "heel", as Morrison is somewhat funny.

Shelton in my opinion should have never left ECW. For whatever reason I enjoyed his feud with Kofi, as he was actually getting over very well in that feud. Then, the WWE decided to scrap that idea all together. It was a direction that I thought would lead to great things for Shelton's career. Finally, his first real story to tell, and honestly he was telling it well. I haven't seen that type of aggression from Shelton ever.

Since he is on Smackdown with Haas, perhaps a reunion of sorts just to bring back some credibility and a feud. Haas, and Benjamin never really had a great breakup feud. I think thats what both of these men were missing when they went on their own ways. Haas could have been Shelton's "Kofi". I still think there is time to start a feud with Haas and Shelton.
There's a reason why their feud is boring. They both blow. Morrison is somewhat funny on the mic, but his ring work is atrocious. Overselling and telegraphing your moves 5 minutes ahead of time does not a good wrestler make. Benjamin's? What does he even do? Everyone promises that he is such a great athlete, but he does 2 or 3 big bumps a year and just jumps really high the rest of the time.

But, to go along with the thread, it's true the feud has no direction. Neither are champion, either IC or US. They're simply former champions fighting each other. Which can be said of the Cena/Big Show feud. The only difference is that Cena and Big Show know what the fuck they're doing when it comes to an entertaining feud.

Morrison could get a feud off with Ziggler, though I don't if it'd be any better than the feud he has with Benjamin at the moment. Morrison was at home in ECW, we could all see that. I think he should go back as another possible face for Swagger to feud with. But, meh. Morrison trying to be a face version of The Miz could succeed. The Miz is somehow pulling it off marginally on Raw at the moment, I guess Morrison could do the same on Smackdown.

As far as Benjamin? He was at home as a tag team wrestler, and I think he should have stayed that way. Keep him with Haas. But if he must be a singles competitor, he shouldn't be matched up with a newly face Morrison to feud. The crowd is just now getting used to Morrison as a face..part of the problem may be that they don't know who to cheer for. That is assuming they can actually get the crowd into their matches. Benjamin's feud with Kofi was ok. But Kofi is on Raw right now, and Benjamin doesn't need to be anywhere near there. Have Benjamin feud with another mid-carder on Smackdown who isn't Morrison. Anyone, really. Just has to be a face, and marginally good. Good enough to show Benjamin that jumping really high doesn't constitute a good match.
The reason why this feud seems boring is because it's one sided. I think both of them would be better off if Shelton went over a couple of times.

I think Shelton would have been good on ECW especially going after the ECW title. But there's a lot better competiton on Smackdown. He needs to be going against guys like Taker, Mysterio, Punk, and Morrison. He needs to be going after the Intercontinental Title.

If he was on ECW, who would he be fighting? Tommy Dreamer? Finlay? I can see how putting him in matches with Bourne and Christian would be good, though.

It's obvious the WWE is using this feud to put Morrison over. Every match he's in, they emphasize how pretty Starship Pain is. Every match he's pulling that move off.

I think these guys are really talented. I thought their match at Judgement Day was really good. I've heard some people say it was the match of the night. I wouldn't go that far, though. It was still one hell of a match. Just the fact that people were saying that proves that this rivalry is on people's minds.
Morrison does telegraph alot. He seems to be nervous in the ring when he wrestles. When he works with guys who are great wrestlers he's usually pretty decent though. Shelton seems to be the exception to that rule. Morrison had some fairy great matches with Punk and also did pretty well with Jericho. However I much prefer Morrison telegraphing his moves than watching Cena's ape like mannerisms in the ring.

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