Randy Orton's Salute

Teddy Irving

Pre-Show Stalwart
So last night on raw in the main event Randy finally showed his true colours turning on Rollins and delivering a beat down in which he finally cracks the announce table with an RKO first time. I really enjoyed this part of the show, but I was wondering did anybody else notice that as Rollins went to tag and Orton backed off that he threw up the old Stone Cold 2 finger salute?

The camera quickly cut down to show just his face and left his hands above the camera view, but even still it was seen by those in the arena anyway. It's been a hell of a long time since something like that was seen on a live WWE show and if memory serves correct even Austin didn't throw up the birds his last few appearances. Will there be repercussions for Randy? What about the camera man? How pissed was Vince when he seen this?

It's unlikely and I don't think so myself but this gives thought to is the WWE moving to a higher age demographic soon?
It's WrestleMania season. They're just upping the intensity of a more personal feud.

And I doubt there's any repercussions for anyone. If so, it'll be just a very manageable fine for Orton.
I figure the camera crew was alerted to the planned spot because we didn't see Randy's middle fingers at all.....it's not as if the camera showed the "indecent" gesture and had to pan quickly away from it. The sequence was scripted, imo.

I thought this Raw was one of Orton's best nights ever. His "I was just kidding" speech was flawless and he seemed to be having fun with it......and his turn on Seth Rollins was done as well as I've seen it done by anyone.

That RKO on the announcer's table was perfect.
I can clearly say it was scripted. There wasn't even a glimpse of his middle finger could be seen through TV. Mind you all, this isn't a PG era anymore it's Reality era. Its slowly started to take pace. I would like to see more of it!!

Orton was on form last night, and by the time he gave Rollins the two middle fingers it was well past time that little ones should have been in bed.

They didn't cut out his swearing at the beginning but yea I can see why they didn't show his hands. All in all though it was perfect and the announcers comment "Randy is being Randy again." had me in stitches.

Although you could see it coming a mile away, after Stephanie spanked Show and Kane and sent them packing. Then J & J Security getting the boot, you just knew Rollins was in for a world of hurt. It was the best part of the whole night in my opinion, I've been waiting for Orton to snap since he came back. His promo at the beginning was the best mic work he's done to date.
Also, Orton kept his hands up high the whole time making it easy for the camera to get him and leave his hands out. Definitely seemed planned/scripted.
Orton has always been my favourite and on Monday, I believe we all saw a side to Randy most of us believed he would never embrace. Ever since his return on Raw I questioned the way the feud between him and Rollins was booked. Although last night wrote off all those wrongs this feud may have had as Randy was just on fire. His delivery on the mic was sensational and a pleasure to watch. The jokes he cracked were actually hilarious, my favourite been him not having to say anything about Joey Mercury. It was just golden. The classic tag team betrayal and the flip off was nuts and reminded me of good ol' Stone Cold. I loved how time was dedicated to allow Orton to fully dissect Rollins, just like the authority dissected him. Picture perfect RKO on the announce table put the cherry on top.

Glad to have Orton back.
I figure the camera crew was alerted to the planned spot because we didn't see Randy's middle fingers at all.....it's not as if the camera showed the "indecent" gesture and had to pan quickly away from it. The sequence was scripted, imo.

I thought this Raw was one of Orton's best nights ever. His "I was just kidding" speech was flawless and he seemed to be having fun with it......and his turn on Seth Rollins was done as well as I've seen it done by anyone.

That RKO on the announcer's table was perfect.


If that isn't seeing him show the double finger on live tv I don't know what is? It was showed on TV and then the camera crew pan down lower to stop showing it

If that isn't seeing him show the double finger on live tv I don't know what is? It was showed on TV and then the camera crew pan down lower to stop showing it

Sure enough! I flat-out missed it on my TV screen.

In another topic, I just posted about Sting and Bruno Sammartino agreeing to WWE contracts only because this type of stuff was no longer going on. Wonder what they think of Randy's Raunchy Revue.
Sure enough! I flat-out missed it on my TV screen.

In another topic, I just posted about Sting and Bruno Sammartino agreeing to WWE contracts only because this type of stuff was no longer going on. Wonder what they think of Randy's Raunchy Revue.

Just thinking maybe it was done to draw some controversy to the show and hopefully get some away from this whole Hugh Morris situation? It probably isn't but always the off chance
Oh yeah I noticed that...that mixed with a few "BAD words" which have been evident on TV as of late, especially by the top stars and of course that Niagara commercial didn't seem to PG either..

I do not at all thing that this will lead to a higher TV rating like PG 13 or something, its just purely the fact that Wrestlemania season is here and that is usually a time when we get some not so PG or G things on TV.
I definitely saw the fingers and there was a quick pan down to cut them out of shot. So absolutely planned including the camera shot. Randy played it great but I kept wondering why in the long beatdown that J&J or Kane/Show didn't come down to rescue Rollins.

I also wonder about the pacing of the WWE some times, Cena gets told he has to get Rusev to agree to a match, next week he gets his match. Orton welcomed back to the Authority, immediately strikes back at Rollins cashing in on the most transparent storyline in the last couple of years. We weren't even given a chance to doubt Orton would ever turn, but I guess they need the promo time for WM now that Orton v Rollins is almost carved in stone.

I don't think creative is the problem as a lot of us think, I think whoever runs planning and promotions needs a kick up the ass. It feels like Russo's hot potato WCW days.
When the WWE was at it's apex, they were selling foam "Austin 3:16" middle fingers.

Now someone giving the middle finger (when its not even actually SEEN on television) is "controversial".

Time to loosen up.
When the WWE was at it's apex, they were selling foam "Austin 3:16" middle fingers.

Now someone giving the middle finger (when its not even actually SEEN on television) is "controversial".

Time to loosen up.

1. It was seen on TV please see the image I included in an earlier post.

2. I didn't say there was a problem with it being done, so I have no need to loosen up. I pointed out that it happened and unlike in Austins days it is not commonplace anymore.

3. If you haven't noticed Austins last few appearances he has been closed fists in the air rather than middle fingers raised, so clearly this isn't something that is done regularly by WWE anymore
So last night on raw in the main event Randy finally showed his true colours turning on Rollins and delivering a beat down in which he finally cracks the announce table with an RKO first time. I really enjoyed this part of the show, but I was wondering did anybody else notice that as Rollins went to tag and Orton backed off that he threw up the old Stone Cold 2 finger salute?

The camera quickly cut down to show just his face and left his hands above the camera view, but even still it was seen by those in the arena anyway. It's been a hell of a long time since something like that was seen on a live WWE show and if memory serves correct even Austin didn't throw up the birds his last few appearances. Will there be repercussions for Randy? What about the camera man? How pissed was Vince when he seen this?

It's unlikely and I don't think so myself but this gives thought to is the WWE moving to a higher age demographic soon?

I doubt it. If anything it will be praise for Orton because he helped make this main event caliber match more important without it getting much attention like Reigns/Brock, Cena/Rusev, Taker/Bray. I'm definitely interested to see what they do next week.
I'm definitely interested to see what they do next week.

Me too, and as far as I'm concerned, that's real progress. Before his time off, we kept reading posts on this forum talking about how disinterested a lot of people were in him; that he hadn't done anything worthy of note in a long time.....and many seemed to suggest his best days were behind him.

Hey, a guy who has paid his dues as has Randy Orton....even with several missteps along the way....deserves to have good stuff written for him by Creative. In my opinion, they had him hanging around the periphery of the Authority for too long....and even though one could argue that he's still there, he's now fooling them & fighting them instead of playing second fiddle to Seth Rollins & Triple H......which is more along the lines of what we want and expect from the Viper.

He's handling it all in terrific fashion and it's great to be anxious to see what he'll do next.......middle fingers extended, no doubt.
Me too, and as far as I'm concerned, that's real progress. Before his time off, we kept reading posts on this forum talking about how disinterested a lot of people were in him; that he hadn't done anything worthy of note in a long time.....and many seemed to suggest his best days were behind him.

Hey, a guy who has paid his dues as has Randy Orton....even with several missteps along the way....deserves to have good stuff written for him by Creative. In my opinion, they had him hanging around the periphery of the Authority for too long....and even though one could argue that he's still there, he's now fooling them & fighting them instead of playing second fiddle to Seth Rollins & Triple H......which is more along the lines of what we want and expect from the Viper.

He's handling it all in terrific fashion and it's great to be anxious to see what he'll do next.......middle fingers extended, no doubt.

Whilst I doubt it, I do hope that come the end of WrestleMania 31, the Authority stuff is done and overwith.

I also hope that Rollins goes over Orton at Mania, and then completes a cash-in either at Mania itself(which makes more and more sense as time goes on) or on the post-Mania RAW... whilst Orton after losing, can be confronted by Bray Wyatt who btw, would be out to truly begin a recruitment drive in order to "change the world" to his liking over the next year and bring chaos into the WWE... who better to start a recruitment drive with than the Viper himself, Randy Orton? ;)
This was cool, I really enjoyed that. And it was such a simple little thing that really got the crowd into the match and the following events. The sheer pop that Randy got just for sticking up the fingers to Seth Rollins was awesome. I'm not sure whether it was more down to the fact that Randy was finally showing his true colours against Seth Rollins and the shit that he put Orton through, or because it gives them a memory of the way Stone Cold used throw those fingers up against an Authority figure... The similarities are actually striking.

Still I don't think this is something that's going to be ongoing, or something that marks the start of a new Era in the WWE. If anything this is a one off that suggests that Randy is going to go flat out to get his own back against Rollins and perhaps The Authority.

The only other thing that I'll say about this, is that it is a pretty sad day when we're discussing a wrestler giving someone the finger. How the mighty has fallen.

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