Randy Orton's Return


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey everyone, so we have been hearing different things about Randy Orton's return. From things like, returning at Survivor series to screw over seth rollins and returning at TLC to screw over seth rollins. Both times seth rollins was "screwed over" but by different guys, Sting and Reigns. So the question is, WHEN IS randy orton returning?

I'm going to Raw this coming week, the final raw of 2014 and here is a link to the advertisement from the Verizon Center in DC


Here is what is says:

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Event starts at 7:30 p.m.
John Cena and Randy Orton vs. Money in the Bank Contract Winner Seth Rollins and Big Show
WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar, Edge, Christian and more

So could he be finally returning this coming week? Or maybe a dark match?
I don't know when Randy Orton is returning, but what I do know is that WE the WWE Universe want him back!!! The Authority held him back and made him soft, but now they are no longer here. When a viper is let loose, NO ONE IS SAFE!!! 2015 looks to be a comeback year for Orton and us Orton fans are excited!
I highly doubt they would put Cena, Orton, Rollins and Big Show in a dark match on the last RAW of the year. The WWE has been known to put out announcements about who's going to be there, and then change the card at the last minute. There is usually a stipulation on there that says, card is subject to change or something to that effect.

Twice this year I've been to events and the main attraction didn't show up. The first was when Daniel Bryan's father died and he was taken off for a couple of weeks, and the second was Roman Reigns. He had his surgery a week before our show. Instead of Bryan we got Cena and Orton, and Ambrose took the place of Roman Reigns, so we lucked out on both of them. Card ended up being better than the original.

I wish Orton would hurry up and get back, he should have finished filming the movie by now. I heard he was hurt, but don't know if that was just a rumour or not.
I still want to know why orton is "angry" at Rollins in the first place... I don't get it orton is jealous of Rollins so he wants to hurt him... I mean to me doesn't it seem like orton is the heel in the situation... Promises HHH that if he gets his hands on Rollins he would leave the situation a lone but lied. I mean can someone please explain to me why orton is angry at Rollins.
I still want to know why orton is "angry" at Rollins in the first place... I don't get it orton is jealous of Rollins so he wants to hurt him... I mean to me doesn't it seem like orton is the heel in the situation... Promises HHH that if he gets his hands on Rollins he would leave the situation a lone but lied. I mean can someone please explain to me why orton is angry at Rollins.

If I remember correctly it's because of the fact that Rollins kept shooting his mouth off, and Orton and Kane had to keep putting out the fires he started. He didn't think that Rollins should have been put in the position he is now, and it's due to Orton and Kane's hard work he's still in one piece.

I'm assuming that once Orton comes back, we'll see a hell of a feud between him and Rollins.
They have been advertising him for a number of house shows the last week of the year here so one would think his return is imminent.
I know for a fact he'll be back by the end of February. I have tickets for the house show here in Toronto and he's one of the featured stars along side Ambrose and Rollins.
I still want to know why orton is "angry" at Rollins in the first place... I don't get it orton is jealous of Rollins so he wants to hurt him... I mean to me doesn't it seem like orton is the heel in the situation... Promises HHH that if he gets his hands on Rollins he would leave the situation a lone but lied. I mean can someone please explain to me why orton is angry at Rollins.

At first it was classic huge egos. Rollins has a huge ego, Orton has a huge ego, stick them in the same group and naturally they're going to butt heads. Doesn't help that Rollins has a really big mouth which has to be extremely annoying, and then Orton had to be one of the guys that has to try to save Rollins from the various ppl he POed like Ambrose and Cena. Perfectly fine for a lap dog like Corporate Kane but not so much for a Alpha like Orton.

And of course there was that Raw before HIAC where Rollins cumb stomped him after Orton won them the match, which didn't make that much sense for Rollins other than the whole ego thing. That's bound to tick anyone off.

I will say though that last Raw where they wrote him off didn't work all that well for me. Orton wanted a match with Rollins, HHH gave it to him if he promised to let things go, which Orton agreed to. So he gets what he wanted, yet still went nuts on HHH and the Authority. It would've been one thing if Rollins cheated ftw but Rollins actually won clean. So what is Orton POed about again? Not giving Rollins the beating that he deserved despite having the opportunity to do so? And why knockout HHH who was only trying to play peacekeeper? I know it's not a good idea to overthink these things and I usually don't, but this one seemed like it could've been pulled off a lot better and without making Orton look like a little kid throwing a fit for not getting exactly what he wanted. /end rant
I still want to know why orton is "angry" at Rollins in the first place... I don't get it orton is jealous of Rollins so he wants to hurt him... I mean to me doesn't it seem like orton is the heel in the situation... Promises HHH that if he gets his hands on Rollins he would leave the situation a lone but lied. I mean can someone please explain to me why orton is angry at Rollins.

Well, within the storyline, weeks went by where Rollins would anger one or several people and then Orton and Kane would be put into a match against them so the angle was becoming Orton cleaning up Seth's mess.

Also, people have forgotten that HHH promised Orton a rematch for the title after he lost it to Daniel Bryan and he never got it. Then Seth wins MITB and is the new Authority poster boy. All factors that come into play in his turn against Rollins and the Authority.

Plus, it makes for a fun/good angle. While Orton is great as a heel, he's also fun to cheer for in a face or "middling" role.
Hey everyone, so we have been hearing different things about Randy Orton's return. From things like, returning at Survivor series to screw over seth rollins and returning at TLC to screw over seth rollins. Both times seth rollins was "screwed over" but by different guys, Sting and Reigns. So the question is, WHEN IS randy orton returning?

I'm going to Raw this coming week, the final raw of 2014 and here is a link to the advertisement from the Verizon Center in DC


Here is what is says:

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Event starts at 7:30 p.m.
John Cena and Randy Orton vs. Money in the Bank Contract Winner Seth Rollins and Big Show
WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar, Edge, Christian and more

So could he be finally returning this coming week? Or maybe a dark match?

I think he'll return on the January 5th edition of RAW. Brock is scheduled to be on this Monday's RAW but won't be on the January 5th edition. I figured with the big gap WWE has to fill with programming from post-RAW TLC to Royal Rumble, they have give viewers a reason to tune in every week and not just go all out on one RAW.
I like Orton better as a tweener. Most guys can't pull this off, but I believe Orton can. I'd be interested to see Orton work with Lesnar. I'm not sure how it would pan out, but an extreme rules match where Orton could kayfabe compensate for Brock's ring prowess would be nice.
Randy is suppose to return on Monday night Raw 12/29. He is coming back as a face and will start a feud with Kane I believe.
Randy is suppose to return on Monday night Raw 12/29. He is coming back as a face and will start a feud with Kane I believe.


Why can't they just keep Kane off TV?

Why isn't he going right after Rollins, who actually has no one-on-one heat at the moment because WWE was so quick to force Ambrose and Wyatt on us.
According to the Main site, Randy Orton was pulled from a Live Event due to an injury. Take that for what its worth, tho.

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