Randy Orton...


It's goin' down forreal!
Yup, you guessed it. With all the buzz surrounding Orton because of his recent suspension and hostile meeting with the board, how would you feel if Orton made his way to TNA?

Now I know it's a long shot, but hey, it's just a thread for discussion. So just imagine Orton being in TNA. I think that if it happened, TNA would surely improve because Orton is a pretty big star in the WWE. He could probably be the face of TNA. In the Book This! section, you should see how I have TNA be with Orton now on their roster. Orton's a pretty good wrestler so he can have some awesome matches with Styles, Joe, Aries, Roode, Angle, Hardy, etc.

So yeah, simple question guys. Discuss.
Well I personally wouldn't like to see him leave WWE, as he's one of the few faces that aren't a complete pussy. However if he does leave I'm not sure how I would feel about him going to TNA. I don't think he would but if he did, on one hand, it would be good for TNA's ratings and thats always good, but on the other hand I'm scared that TNA might overpush him over TNA originals and all the stick TNA get for using ex-WWE superstars would probably increase. It honestly depends on how they use him for me. That be said I absolutely agree with the possible great matches he good have, I think a Joe vs Orton feud would be awesome.
I could stand Orton in TNA but if he goes there and is the one to end Roodes title run instead of James Storm I would be absolutely pissed.

He could have good matches and good fueds but if he goes he shouldn't be in the title picture for a while. I would have him fued with Joe, Angle, Styles, Daniels, etc etc for a while keeping him out of the picture until the whole Roode and Storm thing resolved itself and Storm had a long respectable run at which point then and only then would I even think about putting Orton into the title picture.
To be honest I am more of a fan of his entrance music than him. Its an awsome song but I digress.

Orton's mic skills to be honest suck, monotone, boring and unintresting and so many here at WZ have said that as well over the years.

He is also an arrogant ass backstage if he goes to TNA say goodbye to Hardy and Anderson remember how he politiced to get rid of them in the E.

His in ring skills are mid card at best and with most of his moves he relies heavily on his opponent doing it right. I have seen some of his RKO's look pathetic cause this opponent sucked and it was miss timed more than a few times.

I have said before that I have felt he was Overrated and only his friendship with H and who his daddy is got him where he is.
wouldnt happen for 2 reasons ... 1 he would want ALOT of money and have alot of demands and would piss alot of people backstage with his ego of thinking he is above everyone else. 2 some of the ex wwe guys aka hardy and andersons he has already rummed the wrong way.
It might not be as far fetched as some might think. I read a report a few minutes ago alleging that Orton's future in WWE might actually be uncertain right now.

The report stated that there was a meeting last week between a lot of WWE officials, a meeting that was described as having a "hostile" atmosphere, that included Vince McMahon, Triple H & Kevin Dunn among others. Thee report alleges that several WWE officials are lobbying for Orton to be fired because of his latest suspension. Again allegedly, some want to do it as a cost cutting measure. Orton has a very lucrative deal with WWE and Orton being out means that they can't utilize his star power over the course of this summer. Some are said to just be really angry & disappointed over Orton's behavior, especially Vince as it's said that Vince thought Orton had really matured a lot over the past couple of years. Orton has a history of unprofessional and immature behavior backstage that was so bad at one point that he was suspended for it. Given the money he's getting, the attention WWE has lavished on him, the pushes he's gotten, etc. I can see where some people would be put off by this behavior.

If Orton came to TNA, he'd probably be running the place in a month. To get someone like Orton, someone that's extremely popular & relevant in the WWE, would have Dixie creaming herself in 30 seconds. Like Kurt Angle, I suspect that Dixie would bend over backwards for Orton. While he wouldn't be making nearly as much money in TNA as he would in WWE, I have a feeling that he'd make up for that in backstage power & influence. As she did with Kurt Angle, I think Dixie would let him get away with damn near anything.

And yes, I'm sure that Orton would be TNA WHC within a very brief span of time. I'd fully expect TNA to fall back on putting the title onto a former WWE guy, especially one that's as over, popular, and currently relevant as Randy Orton. He'd probably be the one to end Bobby Roode's run or would cut James Storm' second reign quite short if he gets one.
Personally I think as much as they would hate to keep him just because his contract is so large and he's going to get pushed back to the mid card as punishment for a 2nd offense third suspension, they don't want to give TNA any opportunity to gain any steam and as much as some of what Orton does lacks, and his attitude is known world wide for blow ups in ring and out of ring, he is a top 10 star and a top 5 babyface in WWE and if TNA claimed him it would be WCW like momentum for TNA sure with the dirt sheets and announcements of releases on WWE.com you can't do a Scott Hall and Kevin Nash TNA come in, but I could see Orton doing a run in out of no where maybe hooded or something and hitting an RKO on wrestlers for a few weeks, Tenay running his mouth I think I know who that is, but why is he here, and then boom one Impact hits the RKO on everyone but one guy will say AJ since he's the face of the company, he stares him down from his hood, grabs the mic looks at AJ removes the hood, crowd goes nuts, "My name is Randy Orton, and I'm here because I'm taking over." RKO Styles and bam there you go TNA just became more interesting.
I have never been an Orton fan.

I think his attitude sucks and obviously his lack of judgement is paramount. I've also never liked his character. It's dull, and anything he has ever done has never made me "mark out".

Good riddens. The "E" doesn't need him. You have too many guys that need a break and this could be their opportunity.

Addition by subtraction I always say.
Sweet Jesus NO! TNA/Impact Wrestling has a loaded wrestler as it is. I haven't checked their roster on their website in a long time, but it seems like they have more than enough talent that doesn't get used THAT often. (Plus with them bringing in guys like Zema Ion, all of these other X Division stars that came around when he did and the guys for Gut Check....yeah, I think they have enough people on the roster.) If Orton does get released from WWE, I hope he stays as far away from IW as possible.
On paper it looks like this would be huge for TNA, but it might not have as big an effect as one might think on TNA "getting over the hump". Five or so years ago they signed Kurt Angle who was an even bigger star and household name than Orton. All though Kurt's helped out for sure I don't think it had the MAJOR impact that they had hoped. They also brought it Hogan, flair, Hardy, RVD, and Mr. Anderson all around the same time a few years ago and instead of ratings growing they continue to teeter back and forth. If TNA really wants to grow they need to build a fan base over time pushing homegrown talent. It's a process that will take years but they need to stick too it. They already are loosing two great guys in Alex Shelley and Matt Morgan (grant it Morgan was in WWE first, but made his name in TNA). I'm not saying don't go after Orton if he's available, by all means he's a must sign talent, just don't expect him to send the companys rating through the roof. On the bright side we would see a great feud with real anamosity with Mr. Anderson, that alone would be great for the company and PPV buys. Plus a program with Angle and Samoa Joe would be great, in fact I think any one of those three guys would put on a better program with Orton than anyone in the WWE.

Oh and for those who think it would never happen because the guys in the back wouldn't want him, it doesn't matter what they think. Hogan would go ape shit at a chance to bring in Orton and thats all that matters. And as for not having the money to fork out, The only thing Orton's done in his life besides wrestle is get kicked out of the military, plus he has multiple public drug infractions with his current and possibly soon to be last company, he's got to make money some how. He'd take what they offer him, which would probably be the biggest contract in the locker room.
I'm on board. I've always liked Orton in the short time I've really watched him. Great size, great character and more than adequate in the ring. Combine that with the fact that (at least since the last I saw him) he's wildly popular, it makes all the sense in the world to bring him in.

This situation, in fact, reminds me so much of the Kurt Angle one that it isn't even funny. I get that Angle left on his own, but the drug use (whatever it is he's taking), and all the reports of backstage frustration over keeping the performer around, etc.

I'm all about this.
Orton has a history of unprofessional and immature behavior backstage that was so bad at one point that he was suspended for it. Given the money he's getting, the attention WWE has lavished on him, the pushes he's gotten, etc.

Logical, and if you want to talk about the effect TNA's existence has on WWE, it's in areas like this. We read tons of opinions on this forum, some stating that Vince McMahon doesn't spend a second worrying about TNA, while others believe he's monitoring them all the time, but if you want to know the true impact (pun intended) the smaller company has on the bigger one, this is exactly where it shows up.

Vince McMahon doesn't want Randy Orton going to TNA, a small company with oversized dreams. They've shown the willingness to bloat their payroll with people they can't afford in an effort to become a major force in pro wrestling. Yes, they've gotten more realistic the past few years, but the idea of grabbing a major star like Orton would be too much for them to resist.

Of course, we don't really know how much of a pain in the ass Randy is at WWE; although he's supposed to be beyond the days when he tore up hotel rooms, we've also heard he can be an arrogant bastard. Has he really been drug-free all this time.....or has the company been hiding the test results, strictly because he's Randy Orton? Maybe this time he really stretched the boundaries, forcing the company to suspend him. Who knows?

But as always, there's TNA. Vince never needed to worry about firing folks like Matt Morgan and Mickie James, knowing they would go to Dixieland. He figured they couldn't make enough difference to matter. But Randy Orton? That's another thing.

True, people like Kurt Angle, Christian and Rob Van Dam went to TNA and didn't have enough effect on the ratings to cause WWE any worry. But Randy Orton is something else entirely. This is a true worry for Vince McMahon.

Of course, it's not as if it's all sweetness and roses for Orton. He has a lot at stake, too. I doubt he wants to go to TNA and do what he's been doing all along.....but for a hell of a lot less money. Wouldn't it be more lucrative to clean up his act and stay where he is?

Forget storylines and in-ring activity; this is purely a business problem. But let's face it; if TNA didn't exist, WWE would be holding all the cards in their dealings with Randy Orton. That's the nature of having competition. But even as we read that TNA's existence is good because it keeps McMahon on his toes, this situation adds another dimension to his problems.
If Randy went to TNA, then good for him. That's his choice. I don't watch TNA, so I wouldn't really care. Besides, with Randy, it leaves a huge gap to fill and that can only mean that other people in the WWE will have some time.

But, I don't even think Orton will even consider the idea of TNA. The guy probably has enough money to live of off until his kid is his age.

Also, would TNA really want to hire someone who is notoriously known to have a piss poor attitude? I wouldn't but let's be perfectly honest. TNA is desperate for any WWE table scraps.

I imagine that if released, Orton would want to a lengthy vacation before even considering working for another promotion.

I think he should take WWE on their Wellness Program and go to rehab if he wants to remain in WWE. To show that he is willing to change and do what is needed to keep his spot.

All in all, how would I feel about Randy Orton going to TNA if released from the WWE?

Just kudos to him. Whatever makes the man happy.
Orton going to TNA would be HUGE for TNA.

1. He is one of the most over guys on the entire roster.
2. He is the most consistent performer for the past few years and has had a lot of great matches.
3. He is a very recognizable name.
4. At 32, he is in prime shape and has a many years of wrestling ahead of him.

That being said, I highly doubt that McMahon would let Orton go.
Wow that would be something alright. Haha I'm not really a fan of Orton, but that would make me mark out. He's one of the most over guys on the roster. And surely loads more people would tune in to see him on impact.

Although I say I was never really a fan of Randy, I did like his Evolution/Legend Killer character, hopefully he would drop the whole pretending to be a snake crap. I'd like him to come in as a heel, and maybe feud with a world champion Storm? Then eventually beat him.
I think it is in Orton's best interest if he wishes to continue being a part of wrestling. He is clearly not showing that he is going to change his habits of using steroids and smoking marijuana. I am not saying either of these habits are bad, they are personal choices, but he is working for a company that levies fines and suspensions based on these habits.

He should go to TNA where he can work with some VERY talented wrestlers and with a team of management that seems to have a more lax attitude towards his steroid and marijuana use. I personally wouls like to see what Orton could do in matches with the current champions of TNA. Bobby Roode vs. Orton, anyone? Austin Aries maybe? I'd like to see those matchups.
Does anyone else remember the bad blood between Orton and Angle, Orton and Anderson. He doesn't have any friends there that I know of. Do you think TNA would actually take him. Also instead of all this Orton right to TNA, how honestly would TNA benefit. The guy isn't know as putting on five star matches, his promos are medicore at best, and where would you put the guy. To me TNA doesn't need him, he wouldn't help them in my opinion, ratings wouldn't go up, and another guy in TNA would just lose his spot.
Orton's mic skills to be honest suck, monotone, boring and unintresting and so many here at WZ have said that as well over the years.

You need to watch his character from 2004, you know that character where he was cocky, arrogant and self-obsessed? Which is completely different to his character now where the idea is a callous, cold blooded, predator like creature? Him confidently speaking in an upbeat tone wouldn't fit his persona at all.

If you watched his DVD or listened to his out of character interview's, you'd know that, alas you probably haven't so you don't, so this has been a learning experience for you.

He is also an arrogant ass backstage if he goes to TNA say goodbye to Hardy and Anderson remember how he politiced to get rid of them in the E.

He was an arrogant ass backstage, congratulations on your precise understanding of time. Anderson has admitted in interviews Orton had something to do with his release but it was Triple H that held him back the most. Don't believe me? You should pay more attention to Impact then:


As for Hardy, I don't know where you heard that from. Jeff Hardy left WWE because he had several niggling injuries and the only way for them to subside was resting. He took nine months off before joining TNA and when he did, guess what? They weren't even healed yet. The fact that you omitted the one person Orton truly has heat with being Kurt Angle, shows your focus is astray.

His in ring skills are mid card at best and with most of his moves he relies heavily on his opponent doing it right. I have seen some of his RKO's look pathetic cause this opponent sucked and it was miss timed more than a few times.

So the guy that Ric Flair, Bret Hart and Steve Austin have commented on as being one of the best today, who is renowned for being a crisp, fluid performer is "mid-card" at best, huh? Did you start watching pro-wrestling last Sunday cause there was nothing to do? Or do you actually realize that Randy Orton is both a money skunk and he receives the loudests pop's going today in wrestling?

I have said before that I have felt he was Overrated and only his friendship with H and who his daddy is got him where he is.

It is a very good thing that nobody will pay attention to you! The fact that I noticed the word "sucks" and felt like correcting your insinuations before some idiotic kid who just joined the forum read them, under the belief it was the "cool" way to perceive Orton is sheer luck on my part. Orton isn't "Overrated"; don't know why you capitalized the "O". His friendship with Triple H? It took him three years to win the World Heavyweight title and when he did he was very over, that isn't friendship. Plus he was over when he was IC Champion too. Try again my boy, you seem slightly mislead.
I offer my sincere Apologies to you The Dragon Saga I did not realize there were such Super Orton Marks left in the world.

You diatribe is super defensive as if he was your best friend and I just picked on him.

See I gave my opinion of him and that is all you on the other hand seem to hae anger management issues in such extent that you cant spell nagging correctly.

As for when I started watching it was back around 1981 or so.

I am sorry if me not being a Orton fan and not thinking he is all that hurts your feelings but oh well life goes on.

I wish you well
I highly doubt that either Orton or WWE are willing to part ways. It's sad that Orton is acting like this given how much Vince likes him and the attention and pushes he has gotten. Also I think that if Orton goes to TNA that would be the worst mistake of his life. I like TNA but I don't like the story lines and alot of times the direction of the product is backwards. Also the under utilize their own talent so I am pretty sure they would under utilize him.
I have to wonder if the WWE would actually pull the trigger on an Orton release. What a gift that would be to TNA/IW.

I won't go into what Randy Orton could do for TNA/IW, or if he'd even be interested. It's certain that he's made quite a bit of money while in the WWE; if he's held onto it, there's no reason for him to continue performing besides personal enjoyment.

What I do wonder is if the WWE would release him from his contract. They certainly wouldn't want to pay him out; is their a clause in his contract which allows the WWE to maintain his rights while not paying his full deal? (Professional sports often accomplishes this through the use of incentive clauses. No one here is familiar enough with the WWE contract process to say yay or nay to this.) Does a third WP violation equal an immediate release? We don't know- no one's been released for a third WP violation yet.

I wouldn't get your panties all moist just yet, though. Randy Orton's going to spend some significant time on the shelf, and he'll be given some time to think about whether or not he still has the dedication required to be a WWE performer- which involves far more than hitting the gym every morning and being willing to injure yourself casually on a nightly basis. (That's just the base level of dedication required to get into a wrestling school.) If he comes back- and I fully expect him to, in time- he'll fly on the clean and level if he values his career.

Let's be honest if you're Randy Orton- going to TNA/IW would be slumming. The money for being a #1 star in TNA/IW isn't equal to the money for being a #1 star in TNA/IW; especially if the WWE is no longer an option for you. (Hi, Mr. Anderson!) He could do a lot for TNA/IW, that goes without saying, but does he really need to go there?
Here's what I think: if Orton is released he should go 2 TNA. For all those 2 closed minded to see he would instantly become the biggest name 2 ever come 2 the company. Don't get me wrong im not a huge Orton mark but when u factor in his age, current popularity, and overall legacy he is hands down the biggest fish ever caught for TNA. I also don't think he comes to TNA just to wrestle mid card guys like Aj or Joe becuz while they both are great guys who deserve more being in TNAs mid card in all honesty is almost like being on Superstars or NXT, he has to be a main event player from day 2 maybe not a title contender but a main event player for sure.
Just a quick though, if Orton is fired and ends up in TNA I think its only for a year or 2 as I believe WWE would be more than happy to let him establish himself and grow a larger fan base in TNA the bring him back like they did with Christian, The Hardys, R Truth, and others. Orton hasn't been a big star in a while so why not let him go 2 TNA to boost his character and then return stronger than ever. Unless he gets to TNA and falls in love there he should be waiting to make a WWE return whenever they call him
I offer my sincere Apologies to you The Dragon Saga I did not realize there were such Super Orton Marks left in the world.

Why is mark capitalized? And by this being your first paragraph of a rebuttle, attempting to portray me as a "mark", shows you don't have a clue. I like Randy Orton, he is a good wrestler, if I disliked him I'd list a few good reasons, alas I do like him so those reasons won't needed.

You diatribe is super defensive as if he was your best friend and I just picked on him.

No, it is correction. See this? This is an internet forum. When people post stupid things, those of us with a few brain cells correct so as not to further detiorate the minds of those who become easily mislead.

See I gave my opinion of him and that is all you on the other hand seem to hae anger management issues in such extent that you cant spell nagging correctly.

I wasn't trying to spell nagging, I mean't and correctly spelt niggling.

niggling present participle of nig·gle (Verb)
1. Cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety: "a nasty leg wound which still niggled at him".
2. Find fault with (someone) in a petty way: "he loved to niggle and criticize people".

And your sordid attempt to niggle(see what I've done here? No, wouldn't surprise me) my grammar when you yourself couldn't even properly spell "can't", is rather amusing. Nice try though.

As for when I started watching it was back around 1981 or so.

Congrats, my posing of the question was rhetorical.

I am sorry if me not being a Orton fan and not thinking he is all that hurts your feelings but oh well life goes on.

I wish you well

You don't have to be a fan of his, that isn't the reason for my response to your hideous opinion. There are some other in the thread who've stated they don't like Orton and have posted decent reasons for their reasoning, yours was shit, hence my reply.
I wouldn't mind seeing Orton in TNA. He's become a better performer and into his own since his Evolution days. Hell, if it were to happen, I see an instant feud with him and Anderson, picking up from when Anderson was released by WWE. Now based on the development between Orton and the heads of WWE, it is likely that he could be released or he wants out of his contract. But I think eventually they might come to an understanding. Orton is probably WWE's third or fourth biggest draw, definitely the main guy on Smackdown. They don't want to lose a big name, so I think this might get solved before long. But I'm all for Orton coming to TNA.
I struggle to picture Orton in TNA - there's some sort of mental block in the way. Randy Orton in TNA is locked in the same part of my mind where I keep nude pictures of my parents and my homosexual tendencies. It's not because I consider Orton going to TNA unlikely. I do, but not "never in a millions years" unlikely. He's up to two strikes on the Wellness Policy, WWE's faith in him will inevitably be eroded, and the number two company in the United States would be foolish not to want to snap him up if he were ever let go. It just doesn't fit for some reason. He's too high up the card and he doesn't exactly have a style which screams TNA - maybe that's it.

Randy Orton, for my money, is one of the best wrestlers in the world currently, and he comes in for a lot of undue criticism. His body of work over the last eighteen months has been nothing short of excellent. He's struggled to get out of the blocks a bit in 2012 after an incredibly strong 2011, but he's always pulled out a good quality match when he's asked - even when there's not a particularly strong rhyme or reason.

People say Orton doesn't have a personality - he does. His personality isn't to put on face paint or do flips or make jokes, and so that means he doesn't have a personality to some people. No, his personality is to be a pure badass. John Cena isn't a pure badass - he talks and makes cheesy jokes for a minimum of fifteen minutes every week. Jeff Hardy isn't a pure badass - he paints his face and dances to the ring every week. Randy Orton is a pure badass - he only ever picks up a microphone to say who's pissed him off that week and ask them to come out so he punch them in the face, otherwise he just punches people in the face. He's a bloke that wears wrestling gear about and is only ever happy when he's beating the shit out of someone. There's more than enough room for that person in wrestling. He's not there to make puns or oh so clever putdowns - though he can handle himself on the microphone when necessary - he's there to fight. It's not complicated, no, but it works and I and millions of others are more than happy with it. You want to see Randy Orton show 'personality', rewind a few years to when he was doing an admirable job as Cocky Heel #2,345,678 and slobber over that.

TNA - or any promotion - would be fortunate to have him. Alright, he's been known to throw a wobbly when things don't go his way and, allegedly, he's a bit too keen on the ol' needles and pills, but get him between the ropes and there's nobody smoother. I might not know exactly where he'd fit in but if there's one thing that Dixie and Co. are it's imaginative.

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