Randy Orton vs Triple H Again?


Pre-Show Stalwart
two questions:
1. Does anyone want to see another Randy Orton/Triple H feud/match?
2. Do you think there will ever be another Randy Orton/Triple H feud/match?

I for one would love to see it, I'm just not sure about how to make it work story-wise. Triple H's in ring career is slowly coming to an end and I don't know if he'd be down for doing a career ending match, but if he were to, I can't think of one person who'd be better suited to retire him over Randy. The match would be gold and if Randy is still face at the time they could work it like Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair and have their feud sort of get closure.

I would love to see another match between the two.

But Feud? noooooo....They have already had 2 major rivalries with each other since 2005, I'm not sure what they could do to make the feud feel fresh and not recycled.

If it's just a regular match though, I would have no problem with that. With the exception of the WM 25 match, they have always had good matches against each other.
I'd rather have irritable bowel syndrome than another HHH/Orton match... sorry their last couple of feuds have been boring.
I'd almost like to see The Game end Orton's Career. The only reason I say this is because Orton's character as this half ass face is painful to watch. He is a natural born heel and I think he is waisting his career trying to be something that he's not. I haven't enjoyed Orton's in ring work for a couple years now. He was never great in the ring, but he seems to be getting more lazy and boring as the time goes. Maybe he don't want to play a face because he knows it's not him. I would really enjoy the evil viper back with his head shaved. That character just seamed perfect for him. If he is the one to end the Games career, I hope he does it with the demented viper character and the Game is the face in the match.
Personally I think it has been done too much already so I think it would be cool if they made them allies brought together by a common enemy...
Undertaker :undertaker2:
And they could have Undertaker's Wrestlemania match be a handicapped match against them.
So I don't think they should do that again.
Probably won't happen anyway,

According to the latest WrestleZone report,Randy will be out for up to 6 months!!
Neck/back injury he sustained recently must've been worse than what was first thought to be.

Does he have a history of disc/spinal problems?
I have no interest in another Triple H vs. Randy Orton program. There's nothing new to be added to a feud between them, it'll eat up air time that could be devoted to fresher feuds and both are simply more interesting in what they're doing.

Since going to SD!, Orton has been rejuvenated. His matches & his feuds have been far more interesting than they've been in a long time and he's every bit as over now as he's ever been. Orton has helped get Sheamus back on track, he's elevated the stock of Christian, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes & Wade Barrett. He's helping to create new stars over on the blue brand right now and it's a perfect use for him. He's still a very young man, but he's also a young man that's done everything worth doing in WWE.

When it comes to Triple H, he's also someone that's done just about everything that's worth doing in WWE. Triple H is getting more into the business side of WWE and I'd say there's a good possibility of him taking over the company within the next couple of years, along with Stephanie. Trips is still in phenomenal shape but he's getting older and why rehash a feud that we've seen too many times already? Bring Trips out for an occassional pop in the ratings, have him work an occassional high profile program that doesn't eat up tons of air time with someone that he hasn't faced a thousand times and let that be the end of it.
I wouldnt mind them having another match, but i dont want another feud. I would love to see them just have a friendly one on one match on a special occasion like...the 1000th edisode of RAW or something.

They are going to celebrate the 1000th RAW like a huge PPV event so why not give us some great matches for it? Open up the show with Randy vs HHH. It could be great. Heck, make Ortons Return on the 1000th episode if they want. Thats 7 months months from now. Plenty of time. It would be huge!
I'd love to see another fued between the two, but only if they can come up with a creative story to tell because we've all seen it before. If nothing else we get a couple of great matches from them.
I have mixed feelings. The feuds between Orton and Trips over the years were done well and another would at the very least still get my attention. I can't think of how they could possibly top the Evolution storylines or their Wrestlemania 25 feud. They have done so much already in previous angles that another would be difficult to even come close to the others. Another feud is always possible as long as both guys are able to compete. The opening post provided an interesting idea of getting closure by having Orton retire Trips. That may not be a bad idea if they go that route because Orton could always remind people of how he was the Legend Killer and wants to end Trips' career, even though that line gets thrown around far too often. I'd certainly watch if it happend, just with lower expectations going in since they will have a hard time outdoing previous angles.
A year ago, I would have given an emphatic no to this one. Their matches were always boring as shit, they never seemed to develop any sort of chemistry with one another, and as a result, their matches left a sour taste in my mouth.

But over the past year or so, Randy Orton has pretty much turned into the fucking man in the ring and has put on clinics with everybody he's faced. He and Christian worked wonderfully together, He and Sheamus put on one of the best TV main events in a long time(despite having several shitty outings with him in the past,) he's had pretty damn good matches with Mark Henry, etc. He seemed to have figured it out in a hurry.

I don't care much about the feud, these 2 know how to tell a good story out of the ring so I don't think that would be an issue. But after witnessing Orton's transformation, I think he and Hunter could put on an awesome show now.
Well they have down Orton face vs heel HHH and heel Orton vs face HHH.

I guess a mini storyline about "who is the better man" in a face vs face would be fine. I think their styles mesh really well and they are good competitors in the ring. I would love to see them do a best of 3 series.
Feud? Probably not. But I would like to see Orton be the guy to officially retire Triple H. Storyline-wise it would make perfect sense, especially if Evolution is brought up. They could pull it off like Michaels/Flair.
I agree with most people who say that a feud between them would not be very interesting as they have feuded twice before. As for a match, a No-DQ match between them could be great. Both of these guys excel in such matches and could put on a great and physical match.

Randy retiring HHH would be a good touch considering their history.
Whilst I would love to see them have another fued, as I've quite enjoyed their fueds over the past 7 years... There simply is no need and no benefit to it.

For those who said there matches sucked, they have had some great matches.

If there was ever an altercation again, I'd have face Randy Orton turn heel by punting a retiring Triple H.

Then forever claim that he ended his mentor's career. Would be EPIC heat considering how over Triple H has become.

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