Randy Orton. The future of the WWE?

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Dark Match Jobber
Theres been a lot of talk on web sites about Orton, his attitude, his temper etc. But putting all this aside, is this the man to lead the company on a day by day basis for the rest of and the next decade?
Most agree that Randell has the pure wrestling in ring skills and that his mic skills are as good as the Rock, Macho man, triple h, Flair or any of the great promo guys over the years. But with all his injuries over the years, concussions and most recently his shoulder injury in the middle of the ECW tag match, will he just continue to get injured and drift into the past as a distant memory?
Will he settle down? it looks like it, with him doing an interview on Englands BBc Radio 1 show with his financee Samantha. Will she be the one to calm him down?
And the big question.
Can he RKO the Hulkster on August 20th at the 19th Summerslam and cement his future. If he can it could help him become a household name like the Rock, if he looses he starts all over again.
you really put Orton up there with Rock, HHH, and Flair on the mic? Orton is good but those guys are some of the best ever on the mic. I personally don't think he's quite on that level yet-but he's definately got the tools to build a career.
I don't think he's going become the next Steve Austin and set the WWE for their next era...and I know for sure Hogan won't let Orton pin him at SummerSlam because he wants to stay over no matter what.
orton is diffently the future. but i think after this thing with hogan he should have a face turn and hopefully do a thing with edge for the title.
Randy Orton is NOT the future of the WWE, Ken Kennedy is, that's why they are facing him against batista to probably win or be in contention and he'll be the youngest champ, how old is he anyways?... The WWE are using him as their spokesman for the new station, the CW haha, he is the future.
i think orton is the future of the business, idk y but for awhile i thougth he was gonna be really big in this company
i wish he would get some good stories instead of boring us by doing squash matches
Orton can put up a good match and has good mic skills so yeah if he keeps his backstage heat behind him and keep up his good bahavior he can be one of the future hall of famers and future of WWE.I really like his gimmick of the legend killer.Hogan should put him over.But who knows.
Myko said:
Randy Orton is NOT the future of the WWE, Ken Kennedy is, that's why they are facing him against batista to probably win or be in contention and he'll be the youngest champ, how old is he anyways?... The WWE are using him as their spokesman for the new station, the CW haha, he is the future.
ur an idiot dude, randy orton is the future of the business that's why he was in evolution(the purpose being to have the best wrestlers of the past, present, and future) don't get me wrong i like kennedy too, and i do think he has potential, but let's face it batista is gonna squash him at the GAB, they just ran out of superstars and kennedy was the only heel not on the card, he's gonna be a mark henry substitute and lose
You're a noob, Randy has no talent, he can get in a drop kick and a good back breaker and a diamond cutter (RKO) and a few submissions, but face it, Cena can to and he sucks. Orton was not in evolution to be the leader of the WWE, he was in evolution because of his character and family history in the WWE, that doesn't mean he's the future. He might lose seeing as all the matches and even the main event of SNME where squashes, why not havve a main event squash at the PPV GAB. I think he'll win, Vince has learned that squashes do not draw crowds, shockingly long matches with twisted endings do, like Kennedy putting on a good show and winning.
Myko said:
Randy Orton is NOT the future of the WWE, Ken Kennedy is, that's why they are facing him against batista to probably win or be in contention and he'll be the youngest champ, how old is he anyways?... The WWE are using him as their spokesman for the new station, the CW haha, he is the future.

Get of Kennedy high all ready, He is only facing Bastia because Henry got injured. And Their were no plans for Kenndey to ever face Bastia any time soon.

And on to Randy Orton he in no where near all the people you named on the mic. Randy is quite dull and boring on the mic. He has alot to do to be in the same league as Triple H and Ric Flair on the mic.
I have to agree with Ringer,I also find Orton dull on the mic and please don't compare him to some of the best over to lace the boots or hold a mic,he puts on a decent match I just wish he would shut up.Personally I don't think he will ever be in the same league as HHH or Flair.
kaneshoe said:
I have to agree with Ringer,I also find Orton dull on the mic and please don't compare him to some of the best over to lace the boots or hold a mic,he puts on a decent match I just wish he would shut up.Personally I don't think he will ever be in the same league as HHH or Flair.
i wouldn't go that far...
RKO #1 said:
i wouldn't go that far...

I don't mean it to sound bad,I like Orton's matches I just can't stand to sit through his promo's or interviews his mic work bores me,and lets face it HHH and Flair are by far 2 of the best ever, its hard for me to imagine Orton ever reaching that level in the business.
Myko said:
You're a noob, Randy has no talent, he can get in a drop kick and a good back breaker and a diamond cutter (RKO) and a few submissions, but face it, Cena can to and he sucks. Orton was not in evolution to be the leader of the WWE, he was in evolution because of his character and family history in the WWE, that doesn't mean he's the future. He might lose seeing as all the matches and even the main event of SNME where squashes, why not havve a main event squash at the PPV GAB. I think he'll win, Vince has learned that squashes do not draw crowds, shockingly long matches with twisted endings do, like Kennedy putting on a good show and winning.
wow, how in the hell can u say that randy has no talent, clearly wwe sees something in him for them to make him the youngest world champion ever. actually he was in evolution b/c he was the future, i read it online, vince himself has said on numerous occasions that cena, orton, and batista were going to lead the company in the coming years, and hey i want kennedy to win as much as you, but everyone knows itz not going to happen, batista isn't going to lose his first notable match back, itz already planned for him to win and face booker for the title at summerslam
Orton is the future, if they can give a chump who can't wrestle like cena a basically year long title reign then imagine what theyl do for Orton.
robwylde90 said:
Orton is the future, if they can give a chump who can't wrestle like cena a basically year long title reign then imagine what theyl do for Orton.

Cena got the title and such a long run as championbecause he is very popular. Randy is not as popular as Cena so he may never get as good title regins as Cena does.
Cena got a year long title reign like would it not have helped his character slightly if he had actually been fighting 2 gain the title for once? anyway orton is way more talented and will be the companys number 1 heel soon, hes the new HHH.
robwylde90 said:
Cena got a year long title reign like would it not have helped his character slightly if he had actually been fighting 2 gain the title for once? anyway orton is way more talented and will be the companys number 1 heel soon, hes the new HHH.

Can't belive your comparing Randy Orton to Triple H the only good move that Orton can do is a good dropkick. Orton is not in the same league and Triple H.
I think a move to Raw was good for Orton, as it wil lkeep his Ego in check. Raw is HHH's show, and he has to share time with Cena, Edge, Michaels, Flair and Carlito, where as on Smackdown, with Angle gone, Benoit out, Orton thought he was the shit on Smackdown. The match with the Hulkster could help him become a bigger name. But i can't see him in a title run on Raw, to many other stars there.
Randy Orton is ok. He is no Rock. He is no Christian. He is no Edge. He is no Masters. He is no Jamie Noble. He is no Kenny. He is no Antonio of the Heartthrobs. In fact, he is no Mark Henry.

Capn_Charisma2006 said:
Randy Orton is ok. He is no Rock. He is no Christian. He is no Edge. He is no Masters. He is no Jamie Noble. He is no Kenny. He is no Antonio of the Heartthrobs. In fact, he is no Mark Henry.

umm what the hell is this guy talking about, he's a better wrestler than everybody u just named, say either say sumthing that makes sense or get the hell off the forums
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