Randy Orton, is he really the bad guy in all of this?

It's really hard to see Randy Orton as the bad guy. Orton is doing anything possible to take down the McMahon family. In the storyline they are supposed to be faces, yet in real life they are viewed as the evil McMahon family that holds down younger talent and only pushes people that they view as worthy, regardless of what the fans actually think. Backstage, there is a power struggle going on between HHH and Orton, so the storyline can also reflect reality.

So even though storyline and reality are slightly different, it's really hard to not look at this and see that Randy Orton is just doing whatever he can possibly do to stop WWE from becoming another WCW. Unfortunately, Vince just wants to make the storyline of the "evil heel" Orton against the boring face HHH. If Vince just went with reality then things would be a lot better

What the fuck are you on about? You're taking some kind of odd backstage rumors you have heard about Orton and Triple H fighting for power and tried to link it to a storyline which it doesn't belong in.

Orton is punting people because he wants to keep his title. Not because he's worried for the well-being of the company. He, as a heel, could care less about who is running the company, the fans, or his fellow wrestlers. He just wants that title.

So no, it's really easy to look at this and see it as everything BUT Orton punting McMahon to save the WWE from becoming WCW. Really now. And you're talking about how things would be better if Vince "just went with reality."
:schild13:Obviously you didn't pay attention to my post..read it again. The IWC boos HHH and cheers for Orton because they are sick of the way the McMahon family and HHH run things. Orton is clearly the better talent and is deserving of his position, so he get cheered by the smart fans.

Like I said in my post, it would be BETTER if they ran with a storyline that mirrored their backstage issues but of course it won't actually happen.
:schild13:Obviously you didn't pay attention to my post..read it again.

Oh, i did read your post. That's the problem.

Really now. Before you start using "You are stupid" banners, make sure your posts make any kind of half sense. If I misread it, it's because you can't connect words into a coherent thought. Or your entire thought was nonsense.

The IWC boos HHH and cheers for Orton because they are sick of the way the McMahon family and HHH run things.

The average crowd member isn't as hateful as the IWC. You seem to think that the IWC makes up the entire crowd or some shit. Your entire post made it seem like the entire crowd knew the inner workings of the WWE. And it made bullsht assumptions. Don't let me forget that.

Orton is clearly the better talent and is deserving of his position, so he get cheered by the smart fans.

The better talent? I could argue Triple H is the better talent. Something about actually being able to carry ratings. Orton is a great heel, but he's not on Triple H's level. No where near close.

Smart fans? Oh, you mean the people ruining the spot where he wants to be booed.

No, they aren't cheering because of that. They're cheering because they like Orton, and wanna cheer him. Flawed logic, really. If you like Orton you should boo him. It's what he wants. There's a difference between popping for the RKO during a match and marking out when he punts McMahon in the head.

Like I said in my post, it would be BETTER if they ran with a storyline that mirrored their backstage issues but of course it won't actually happen.

..Not really. No one gives a shit about backstage issues. Tis why the Edge/Hardy feud didn't really lend Edge any longterm heat. If it did, Edge would have been a hated heel after that. He wasn't solidly heel until after he fucked with Cena for months.
No way is Orton the victim. As a character, he is basically HHH circa-1999 onwards. Obssessed with proving that he is the best talent in sports entertainment today, and the only way he can prove that, is by beating everyone else, or crippling them, just like HHH always did.

HHH beat Rock, Show, Foley, Kane, Taker etc etc, but he rarely beat Austin when he first became a main eventer so he smashed his legs in, and when that didn't work he had Rikishi plow Austin down in a car, and then the next time around they were a tag team.

Orton has beaten everyone with the only exception being Cena (yeah he pinned him at WM24, but i don't consider breaking up a pin and landing on someone to be a legitimate victory over someone. He won the match, but he didn't beat Cena) but the guys that give him the most grief are HHH and Batista, both of which he's taken out in the last 3 months.

And finally, when you're the champ, the bullseye is on you and you only. If Orton really thought that Evo were going to help him keep it, he must be one total moron. HHH seems to be the only guy who can get talent to help him keep a title without needing a McMahon leading the group in order to do it. He must have a hypno-toad or some shit.
well think about this vince mcmahon came out as a heel then torture randy orton meaning if vince is heel full time then randy is and always face

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