Randy Orton- General Thread

Orton is a great heel but he rarely turns face so he's limited in who he faces as in top talent. Kofi Kingston can't really be classed as an established main eventer yet so Orton is wasting his talent in his career as he can only stay on Raw. Who agrees?

I think Orton could pull off a tweener role quite well. He's somewhat of a loose cannon. You never know whats going through that mans head and he snaps and punts things on a wim. I don't look at it as Orton wasting his talent as much as I do Kofi deserving a push. Orton isn't wasting his talent he is broadening it. Although I'd mark out for a move to Smackdown.
i'd have to agree with the notion that orton is probably the best hell in the wwe right now. what puzzles me is why he is being put together with kofi?? Orton, going from wwe champ to mid card feud? Are they down playing orton or making a big push for kofi? If it's the ladder of the two i'm sitting asking myself why kofi? why not M.V.P.?? Just my thoughts.

It makes perfect sense. He can't go after the WWE Title again per the stipulations of his last title match, and Kofi is on the doorstep, waiting to be brought into the main event. Kofi will be a fresh feud for Orton, and Orton is an established main eventer that elevate Kofi. It should be a great feud.

As for MVP, there are a couple reasons why he isn't getting a main event push. First of all, he's old. MVP is 36 while Kofi is only 28, meaning that Kofi will be around longer than MVP. Second, Kofi is more over. The only pops MVP gets are his entrance, the Ballin', and if/when he wins. The fans really couldn't care less during most of his matches. Kofi is really over, and can be a main eventer for years to come.
randy is just a genious when it comes to being a heel. Himself, jericho, and cm punk all know how to make the crowd hate him. now all he needs is a new storyline. him and cena got old, too old.
I think Orton could pull off a tweener role quite well. He's somewhat of a loose cannon. You never know whats going through that mans head and he snaps and punts things on a wim. I don't look at it as Orton wasting his talent as much as I do Kofi deserving a push. Orton isn't wasting his talent he is broadening it. Although I'd mark out for a move to Smackdown.

I agree with you on this point. I would love to see him as a tweener. I think it would make him even more unpredictable, like he was earlier this year. Also think that he will raise Kofi up and make him a legit main eventer. Now with that said, I still believe that he's lacking in some areas...
i think orton will be a top heel for a long time from now .so the answer is no! but my thoughts on him he is not that much of a charachter because sooner or later we will all get tired of seeing that same act he does every week. he is going to be so tired of watching we would all love to see legacy kick his ass lol.
Randy Orton certainly is doing his job well and is by far the evilest heel in WWE at the moment. He cannot turn face yet as he has done some evil things that would need to be addressed first. the mcmahon family has been attacked and other superstars have also succome to the RKO will undoubtly want to get even first. Even triple H has been silenced by Orton's brilliant persona. keep him heel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Randy Orton is the best heel going in the company right now, which is saying something because anything Chris Jericho does is gold. But, Jericho has become less of a real heel than he is a caricature of himself.

Orton, though...he was pushed to the moon before Wrestlemania 25, and then the match ended with HHH getting the win...doing nothing for HHH and killing all of Orton's momentum. There was simply no need to have HHH win that match. But I digress...

Orton is the superheel that any face can go up against, and earn almost instant credibility. In my eyes, he is still a main-eventer despite being in a feud with a mid-carder like Kofi. This, of course makes Kofi look much stronger and capable of hanging with the big boys.

I think Orton has made a place for himself at the top of the company, despite people thinking he is relegated to the mid-card because of a feud with Kingston - a feud that is white-hot I might add. I think this rivalry is being used to bide time while the seeds for Orton - Dibiase are placed. Which of course will be awesome.
Hopefully a Kingston and Orton feud will be allowed to develop, because it looks very promising at the moment. Definitely has potential, I just hope it continues.
While I would love for Orton to go to Smackdown circumstances won't permit right now. Who would be the top heel on Raw ? Jack Swagger ?

This Orton Kingston feud looks really good so far, and flat out saved Raw last week. However people fail to realize that while Kofi is getting a deserved push he's not getting a WWE title shot. Cena isn't going anywhere and we all know title hog's (HHH's) deal.

Don't tell me the Miz got a rub from Cena, the Miz is making himself and it took months to recover from being buried. As for HHH, we all know his deal, I have a better chance of hooking up with Kelly Kelly, then he has of ever putting his ego aside, and getting a heel over.

Basically Orton is the glue that holds Raw dynamic together right now. He is more valuable than Cena because he is the only top level heel on the show.
I don't see how anybody can call Randy Boreton a good heel. He does nothing but make weird faces and he doesn't get very much heat or even a crowd reaction at that. If he's not holding a title nobody cares about him. He doesn't even have a moveset. He walks around slowly and occasionally stomps a hand. And his promos are awful. He sounds like a brain damaged Ben Stein.

It saddens me to see people put him in the same league with amazing heels like Jericho and Punk.
it's about time that we see a new face on raw. We only have cena, and DX... if u wanna count the big show, and jericho. but they r still not very face. If orton urned face, he can be the wwe champion.
I don't see how anybody can call Randy Boreton a good heel. He does nothing but make weird faces and he doesn't get very much heat or even a crowd reaction at that. If he's not holding a title nobody cares about him. He doesn't even have a moveset. He walks around slowly and occasionally stomps a hand. And his promos are awful. He sounds like a brain damaged Ben Stein.

It saddens me to see people put him in the same league with amazing heels like Jericho and Punk.

Man, I did not know people still used stuff like that. I can however, see your point. Randy Orton can be robotic on the mic, green in the ring and sometime boring as fuck. But everyone goes through a period when their shit. I am the biggest John Cena mark out there, but for me to sit here and say that I always find him entertaing would be lying because I don't. Randy is jsut going through a little dry patch and I guarantee you that in a couple of months we will see a completely new Randy Orton. Having the same feuds over and over again must have had some affect on him too. I am nearly one hundred percent certain that his feud with Kofi Kingston will put to rest people calling him boring. Have you not see any of his Legend Killer gimmick? He was literally the shit!

On to my opinion, as the poster above was saying, although he can be boring he is one of the best heel in the WWE today an I feel he is one of the superstars that in ten years time we will look back and look at him in the way that we look at Chris Jericho now, a great heel who, when he may be going through what I think is just a dry patch, while come out all guns blazing and put to rest all the boring speculation.
it's about time that we see a new face on raw. We only have cena, and DX... if u wanna count the big show, and jericho. but they r still not very face. If orton urned face, he can be the wwe champion.

It's highly unlikely Orton would be anything other than a heel for the time being because he was a horrible face. We have enough big faces as it is and we don't have enough main event heels. Orton fills that role and he does a decent job at it.
The fact that Orton is not likeable has got nothing to do with his heel persona. For example, JBL was so repugnant and abhorrent, that while you could appreciate how good of a heel he was, he was impossible to like. I don't like Orton because frankly, he sucks. Stomping is not a moveset. Send him back to the midcard, seeing him go back and forth for the title with Cena was terrible, although there was one positive. If you acknowledge that the title means nothing, Orton and Cena only take up one feud, and while it sucks, its only one match per RAW/PPV.
I don't know if Orton will be a face again in less than a year because that's really up to WWE and what their plans are for his future. Given the dastardly things he has done recently I think he will be a heel for a little while longer. I like Randy Orton and think he is one of the best wrestlers in the world. He has a unique set of moves in his arsenal and he is very cunning. One of the best heels in WWE in a long time.

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